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Sonic the Hedgehog has spent years fighting off his archenemy Dr. Eggman. Time and again Eggman attacks, Sonic strikes back then relaxes until Eggman returns.

In their latest addition of their feud, Eggman launched a full scale war on Mobius and Equestria, but once again with the help of Princess Twilight they save both their worlds but with Eggman vanishing, his robotic army are still attacking villages.

"Yikes! That doesn't look good," Sonic exclaimed as he and Rainbow Dash were heading to a small villa that under attack.
"Sounds like the locals are putting up a fight. They don't mind if we lend them a hand or hoof?"

"Last one there is a rotten egg!" Rainbow shouted as they boosted over there.

In the villa, some Egg Pawns entered forcing people heading to the bunkers.

"Run! Get to the bunker!" A villager armed with a Cube Wispon told the others.

The resident nervously tries to take a stand against the invading Egg Pawns but is easily knocked down. Before the Egg Pawns swarm him, Sonic and Rainbow shows up and destroy them with ease.

"Hey pal, you okay?" Rainbow asked.

"Not really. You're the Sonic and Rainbow Dash!

"In the flesh," Sonic replied as gave him his wispon."Here. Try swinging at the bots next time. Get to bunker, Dash and I got this."

Both them bash through Badniks and Egg Pawns with ease until them across an Egg Hammer.

"Oh great another hammer guy," Sonic groaned then both of them avoided it's hammer swing. "C'mon big guy! Swing Batta Batta- Swing?"

Not a minute to soon they were surrounded by Four Egg Hammers.

"Do you always have to riled a couple of tin cans?" Rainbow glared.

"Okay, this one's on me."

Then suddenly all four of them blasted by surge of purple magic as Twilight Sparkle and Tails flew down to them.

"Would kill you guys, to not risk your lives for five minutes?" Twilight asked.

"But where's the fun in that?" Sonic smirks.

"But in all seriousness thanks for saving our skins."

"Our pleasure!" Tails thanks them. "What's the status of the town?"

"A bunch of small-fry badniks. I took care of most of them, and the town's millta are handing the rest. But the super badniks are different monster."

"Those are better left to the professionals."

"We got the ones on the right, you two got the left side."

Sonic and Tails did their Rolling Combo and smashed through two Egg Hammers as Twilight magic blasted one and Rainbow did her Rainbow Streak Strike and smashed the other one.

"You know this would be a lot easier if we had Knuckles or Applejack," Twilight said.

"We're doing pretty fine," Sonic said as he spin dash another Egg Hammer.

"Uh, guys we bots bailing!" Rainbow sees a group of Badniks heading to the exit.

"We can't risk them attacking another town. Twilight, cut them off!"

"On it!"

Twilight flies to the drawbridge as the rest tries to keep the badnik horde at bay.

"Twilight, hurry it up!" Rainbow yelled as she bucks a Motobug.

"Oh, ye of little faith," Twilight said as she uses her magic to drop the gate which made the bots crashed into the gate.

"Well?" Twilight asked.

"Nicely done. Points for dramatic timing."

"Thank you, thank you."

"Another day saved thanks to us. But I have to honest these guys were more like pests than anything."

"I would agree with you, Rainbow. But this was a much more coordinated attack. At least compared to anything we've seen lately," Tails said.

"Really? We hadn't noticed." Both said.

Then both Tails and Twilight glared at them.

"Okay, the Egg Hammers were new."

"Not what I meant. After we defeated Eggman and his forces, we broke the Eggman Empire’s control over our world. The Badnik army remained but not as a unified threat, an attack seemed more like an accident than aggression."

"But something is making them cohesive? Unified Trop Movements? Super Badnik being deploy? Setting up ambushes?"

"You make good points, Twi, think Egghead back at it."

"Without making an some worldwide announcement, it's not like him to take the subtle approach."

"What about the Legion of Doom? Inferno? Mystic Knight?"

"Those three are still stoned in the garden at Canterlot while everyone other villain is in Taturaus or hiding."

"In that case, I'll keep doing what I do best. Those badniks are a threat. Organized or not."

"Yeah, but if they getting orders from someone..."

"Then that makes it more fun!"

"You guys want in?"

"As we like relish like the old days, we have the villagers rebuild their towns."

"So some time."

Then both Rainbow and Sonic left the town as unknow to both of them, an Egg Flapper had watch them.

At unknown location...

So they survived the first trial, no surprise. Deploy a battalion to the next nearest town. Both of them we'll be drawn to moths to a flame. Make sure word of their recent success reaches the resistance. I want to crush both hedgehogs and both ponies with one strike.

After much running and flying both Rainbow and Sonic were chasing a Death Crab.

"Not a bad race, big guy, but's no chance in hell, we're letting you trample that town. Ready, Dash?"

"You know it!"

Both of them got a on top of the Death Crab and smashed through it to make collapsed to the ground.

"Well that was easy than I though," Rainbow said then suddenly the Death Crab started to get back up. "Never mind."

"Back for round 2, huh?"

Then out nowhere, Amy Rose and Pinkie Pie finish off the Death Crab with their repective weapons.

"You're getting sloppy Sonic," Amy told him.

"Ames. Pinks. Nice meeting you two here."

"I heard about you Rainbow, Tails, and Twilight did in the neighboring town and hurried over! I just knew you'd stop by here!"

"Word travels fast, huh?"

"What a complete conwinky dink!"

"Any good reason, why you decided to track us all the way over here," Sonic asked.

"Well, how can I put this... I need you guys come back to resistance."

"Come back? I thought you were doing clean-up that the war is over?" Rainbow asked.

"That was the plan, but we completely did not expect the fact the Eggman Empire was massive," Pinkie explained.

"In short, The Resistance is working to finish the fight by working from a centralized organized position, we can be more effective.

"Nope. Pass!"

"For chao's sake, why!?"

"Both Tails and Twilight pointed out that been bugging me. The last group we faced was more organized. But Eggman has yet to show up to take responsibility. And subtly is not his cake," Sonic explained.

"And now both just happen to know where we are, where more likely another super badnik will likely show."

"Yikes, I never thought of it like that."

"No, it's more reason, that me and Dash to hit the road and find out what's going on!"

"Then it's all more the reason for you to come back. You can spend weeks, months looking for clues."

"Saving more folks from Badnik attacks. Win-Win for everyone," Sonic said just as a villager came to them.

"Excuse me, we've have an problem, we're under attack."

"Uh, ma'am we took care the crabhead," Rainbow told her.

"No! I mean an army! Invading from the west!"

"Buck! The Crab-bot was a decoy..."

"We've got to stop the invasion before the city is overrun."

"Dash and I will thin them out!" Both took off.

"Do you have any defenses?"

"We turned town hall into a bunker during the war..."

"Take us there now!"

As Sonic and Rainbow Dash tried to thin the approaching Badniks. Amy and Pinkie made it to town hall.

"Listen up. Get to upper floors! Don't fire until the Badniks have entered the square!" Amy told the Resistance members.

"You heard the lady, move it!" Pinkie exclaimed as armed her party canon.

"Not everyone is accouted for!"

"Pair up! Go Door-to-door and bring back 10 at a time! Keep low and check your corners!"

"Uh, Amy, we've robots dead ahead!" Pinkie warned her.

"Hold, everyone," As everyone armed their wispons. "Fire!"

Everyone fired and quickly made the robots.

"Nice! The first wave is down!" Amy exclaimed.

"I thought Knuckles was the commander."

"Oh, he was. Who do you think kept in control?"

"Nice. So, what's the plan?"

"This is a good position, and the militia is placed well, but...

"Too many badniks."

"Too many badniks, we'll be overrun, we need to find where there coming from and thin their advance, so they stand a chance."

"Dash, you and Pinks, find out where they are coming from. Let Amy and I handle them these chumps."

"You got it."

Both Sonic and Amy faced the Badnik Army and took care with ease. Amy did her Hammer Spin that took down two Egg Pawns while Sonic spindash three Motobugs as Amy used her hammer and smashed the remaining ones then they caught up with Rainbow and Pinkie.

"Hey guys, guess what we found the enemy drop ship," Pinkie said seeing A Badnik Drop Ship.

"And it looks there still dropping baddies," Rainbow seeing more of them.

"There's no way we can get through that crowd," Amy realized.

"Coventionally? No. I think it's time for a croquette bomber," Sonic grinned.

"From this distance. You are the daredevil," Amy smiled.

Amy knocks a Spin Dashing Sonic into the Blowfish Transporter with her hammer. Taking the Blowfish Transporter out in one shot.

"Good aim," Rainbow Dash prasie her as they went over to see Sonic being somewhat dazed.

"Are you okay?" Amy asked the blue hedgehog.

"Woo! You knocked me straight into the power cell! What a shot!"

"That's it for the invasion. I guess. you and Rainbow will be going then."

"Yep! It's what I do. Just keep moving. Doing good. Saving folks, and living as free as the wind."

"Sonic, you're right."

"I am?"

"It's just who are you... and it's all the reasons I love you. I can't change you. I don't want to change you."

"If want you guys came come along," Rainbow offered.

"Love too, but I just remember, I have victory party to organize," Pinkie said before leaving.

"Can't, I need to ensure The Resistance is in order, and I've been away too long. But if you two don't mind some direction. Both Knuckles and Applejack went to investigate a town to the south. I haven't heard from either of them. So, they might their help."

"We'll check it out. Catch you later."

As Sonic and Rainbow left Amy and Pinkie, still clueless that the Flapper from before had continue to tail them.

Back at the unknown location, it was shown was an Eggman Base as Orbot and Cubot were talking to someone as the figure look at both of them.

Another Failure. I did not account that Amy Rose has grown or how Miss Pie continues to be unpredictable as they come. And now both of them are veering off from the path... How disappointing.

On the bright side boss, here's what they're charging into. Orbot told him as her shows the figure two skunk brothers.

Perhaps those two came finish them off.

Back to Sonic and Rainbow...

"Hey Applejack," Sonic and Rainbow greeted Applejack, who was on a hill.

"Where's the Knucklehead?" Rainbow asked her.

"Down there," Applejack gestures as the three see Knuckles destoying a Death-Egg Sentry. "For once, you two missed out on the action."

"Hey, Knux, save any for us!" Sonic said as they came down to greet them.

"Sonic! Rainbow! Long time no see! What bring you two here?"

"We ran into Amy in the next town. She said you two were looking into trouble here. We thought we'd lend a hand and a hoof," Sonic explained. "Y'know you're awfully far away from the HQ, Commander Knuckles."

"Don't remind me," Knuckles groaned.

"It was way more interesting when we were fighting to save the world. Now that focus on rebuilding. It's scheudles and inventory.... peh! I got no time for it. I'm ready to get back to Angel Island and go on old-fashion treasure hunt."

"I hear ya, I want to back to buck apple trees," Applejack agreed with him.

"So, what’s the story here?" Rainbow asked.

"This town is a hub for Wispon Disturbing. The Shipments suddenly dried up, so we came to see why," Knuckles told her.

"Hey! I'm the Commander of the Resistance! I took out all of Eggman's robots! Let me in!"

"Sorry, sir. But I'm under orders not to open the gates to anyone!" The gatekeeper.

"Says who?!"

"I can't say!"

All four of them look at each other, then climb over the gate, much to the gatekeeper's shock. On the other side of the walls however, the townspeople get spooked upon seeing them.

"The Badnik attacks have getting more agreessive lately. Maybe that's what got them spooked?" Knuckles wondered.

"I don't know, something really funky is going on.." Sonic said then the gatekeeper came down.

"You shouldn't have done that! You shouldn't be here!"

"Why? Whatever's wrong, we can fix it," Rainbow told him.

"No- you can't! They took all the wips and wispons! Without them, or way to power them, we don't stand a chance! They're unstoppable now!"

"They who?" Knuckles asked.

"Sugarcube, you just witness my friend here solo a Super Badnik. We can handle ourselves. Take a deep breath and start from the top."

"Okay... just before the war ended. A couple of merceniars show. They were fercocius. They drove back Eggman's forces and saved the town. They said they were going to improve our denfeses, but what they really did was take our arsnel and made us prisoner in our own town. Now we have to do everything they say. We have no way to fight back. And we can't escpae with all the robots stalking outside the wall."

"Well then, I think we need to take out complaints straight to management, eh Knux?"


"Where can we find these clowns."

"They turned the supple depot into a fortress. Just down the road. You can't miss it."

"Cool. Sit tight we've got this."

Arriving in the depot, Sonic, Rainbow, Applejack, Knuckles locate the Wisps, who have been stacked in their Deployment Pods.

"We found them," Rainbow said seeing the Wips.

"Just before he... went solo... Tails gave up the cipher for the wips' language. We asked for their help in fighting Eggman. They voulteerd happily, even chossing to wait in deployment pods like these for when our troops could enter the area. But these guys are hoarded. This is inexcusable," Knuckles said.

"Hang tight a little longer, we'll free all of you," Sonic reassured then all of them hears laugter.

"You heard that."

Behind the crates, the heroes see two anthropomorphic skunks who has the villagers serve as their slaves for their entertainment and pleasure.

"Nice one, douchebag!"

"Yeah, get us some more shakes before we knock some sense into you!"

"Wow, these guys make like Snips and Snails look normal," Rainbow glared.

"I'm going to break them half!" Knuckles shouted quietly.

"Easy there, partner. Let's take it slow. Give the folk a chance to get out," Applejack consoles him.

"Right. Then I'll break'em!"

"Hey! Dumbasses!" The two skunks looked to see Rainbow, Sonic, Knuckles, and Applejack.

"I'm Sonic the Hedgehog, maybe you've heard of me? And these are my friends, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Knuckles the Echidna, who is also commander of the resistance. You dorks are guilty of theft, extortion, kidnapping, and being massive assholes. So, you either come along quietly or we get insane in this bitch," he told them.

"Who said you could into our town, huh?! Who said you could ruin our fun?!"

"Yeah, we've heard of you and your pals but clearly ain't heard of us!"

"You lookin' scarp?"

"Then get ready to crumble!"

"Brace yourselves for Rough & Tumble!"

"Oh, no. I was not prepared for this," Sonic did his best not to laugh.

"Careful, they're highly coordinated," Knuckles warned.

"Knux, you're the salt of the earth," Sonic told him.

"Whatever- Let's get'em!"

The two duos proceed to fight. While Rough and Tumble put up a decent fight with Tumble using Sonic as a basketball and Rough unleashing his Stink Bomber on Knuckles, they are ultimately outclassed by Sonic and Knuckles. Sonic is able to bounce back at Tumble, and Knuckles, enraged by Rough's use of the Stink Bomber, punches him through the floor as Applejack and Rainbow Dash help the villagers get out then they return to help Sonic and Knuckles.

"You guys okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine."

"No more messing around!" Rough shouted

"Say your prayers chumps!" Both of them grabbed a Wispon.

"Okay, that's a problem," Sonic exclaimed.

"Me and AJ will distract them. You and Dash can get a Wipson of your own, to even the odds."

"No... I can do one better..." Sonic said. "Wips! It's me! Your old buddy Sonic! I saved your planet from Dr. Eggman, remember? A bunch of you chose to stick around on this world! You even help me on the Lost Hex and the help the ponies in Canterlot. You helped the resistance fight the Eggman Empire! I know fighting not your thing, but you've proven you're all powerful and brave! Don't let these jerks boss you around! They need you to bully everyone, but you don't need them!"

Seeing the truth in Sonic's words, the Wisps in Rough and Tumble's Wispons leave them, rendering their weapons inert.

"Hey!" Both of them gasped.

"How like them apples," Applejack smiled.

"One of you get in this thing right now!" Rough exclaimed as Tumble tried to make his work.

"Ladies, you want to take the lead?" Sonic asked.

"You know it! Ready, AJ?"

"Sure am!"

"The tables have turned."

"They've certainly bumbled."

"It's butt kick time for Rough and Tumble!" Both mocked their motto.

"That's our thing! You can't do our thing!" Rough complained as Rainbow and Applejack buck both of them.

Much later, as Rough and Tumble being sent to jail, The same Egg Flapper is watching them from afar, with an unseen figure in an Eggman-themed base watching its video feedback.

So Knuckles is still playing hero on the surface. That means Angel Island is unguarded. The Master Emerald is prone. That will accelerate my plans considerably...

After helping Knuckles and Applejack, both Sonic and Rainbow headed to the next town that was already under attack.

"Whoever is running the Eggman attacks have step up their game," Rainbow Dash seeing a much larger Dropship.

"Agree, hope we're not to late!" Both headed into town to fight off the Badniks.

"It's going to be tough fighting this army if me and Dash, maybe Amy was right, I could use the Resistance's Help on this one, then again, if I did stick with them, I would never know about this attack. No time for second thoughts. Bash Bots. Save the town. Keep it plain and simple." Sonic thought as kick some Egg Pawns with Rainbow bucking two Egg Maulers then both of them saw some more robots get destroyed.

"Was that you, Sonic?" Rainbow asked him.

"Nope. I have feeling someone else is here," Sonic told as they looked on to see a young female lemur is fighting a squad of Egg Pawns using her long prehensile tail. She entwines several in its grasp then tugs it to smash the Badniks together causing them to explode.

"Woo! And ow. Woo and Ow!" The young lemur said as her tail was singed without realzing a smashed but functional Egg Pawn aimed its blaster at her.

"Watch your back!" Soinc quickly smashed it.

"Whoops! Thanks! Weclome to my hometown! Sorry for the mess. We've got a robot problem."

"Problem? What problem?" Sonic slyly replied.

"You're sweet not to notice."

Then Sonic smashed two Egg Pawns with ease.

"Nice one! You're a natural. Do this a lot?" She asks both of them.

"You could say that. Sonic The Hedgehog."

"Rainbow Dash."

"I've always wanted to meet both of you. Tangle the Lemur," She introduced her self.


"Likewise," Tangle said as she wrap a couple of Badniks in her tail. "I've been fending off the odd raids for a while now, but this is nuts. Pull!"

She hurls them in the air like clay pigeons for Sonic to smash.

"Yeah the random gangs are starting to orangize. Don't know why, but we're looking into that."

The three pair stop in their tracks as they spot a new wave of Badniks approaches, including a huge, heavily armed Motobug.

An Egg Pawn atop the tank opens fire with a turret mowing down several of its allies in attempts to fell the heroes who manage to safely vault out of the line of fire. A second giant Motobug busts in through a wall behind them, as Badniks surround them on all sides.

"I don't suppose you two are the advanve guard for Resistance?" Tangle asked.

"Pretty sure, they're all busy with simalr attacks elsewhere," Rainbow told her.

"Lovely. So... Split them 50/50?"

"If you can keep up sure," Sonic smiled as he was going enjoy this.

Suddenly, a cyclone of fire erupts, incinerating several Egg Pawns. As it dissipates, the form of Blaze the Cat is revealed as she turns to face Sonic, Rainbow and Tangle.


"That's what I call coming in hot!"

"Hey, Blaze!"

"Sonic! Rainbow! You two are here. I assume these are Dr. Eggman's robots?" She asked them.

"You know it. The village needs our help. So if you don't mind..."

"It would be mine pleasure," Blaze agreed with Sonic gives an approving thumbs up as Tangle continues to look on in confusion.

Blaze takes off smashing and burning numerous Egg Pawns. Sonic runs off in the opposite direction to handle the other Motobug, while Tangle remains frozen in shock. However, seeing Blaze's actions, she shakes it off and takes the Egg Pawn manning the tank turret out. She then redirects the turret to shoot the Motobug in its own head, disabling it. She then uses her tail to snap off one of its claws and fling it into the other, destroying it. Rainbow ducks away, managing to avoid the Motobug's final attack, as the four coordinate to wipe out the remaining Egg Pawns.

"I'm afraid the four of us are not," Blaze said.

"The town militia's out there too."

"Regardless. They're refilling their ranks faster than we can dispoe of them."

"They're all coming from that battleship, not long ago, it flew in and has been dropping robots, since," Tangle said as she pointed to a Blowfish Transporter.

"Look a beefier that me and Amy took out. Dash can you fly up?"

"Love too, but I can't something tells the moment I get up there, I going to be met with laser fire. Blaze?"

"It's too high, It's out of range for me."

"Ahem," Tangle grabs the other attention. "I know we all just met... but hop on?" She bashfully offers to use her tail to fling them up to it.

"Well, I'm game," Sonic smiled. 'Ready?"

"Ready," Blaze nodded.

"Bon Voyage!" Tangle said as she and Rainbow used Tangle's tail like a giant sling shot and launches Sonic and Blaze high into the air. Sonic spins and Blaze throws him with fiery force into the open launch bay of the ship. Sonic lands within the ship with a mischievous grin and commences to wreck it. As the giant Buzz Bomber falls in direction of the town, Blaze blasts the ship with a powerful fire attack, finishing it off. Then Blaze hovered safely back to the ground.

"Boom! Dropship down!" Rainbow said.

"That was amazing... but is Sonic going to be alright?" Tangle asked.

"He will be," Blaze assured her.

"Yeah, he used to getting hurled at high speed," Rainbow said.

Then Sonic lands hard, then bounces a few times, before landing, dizzy and stunned.

"That was so much fun you guys..."

"Is your life always this exciting?"

"If I can help it? Yeah!" Sonic shrugged. "Right, so intros! Blaze, Tangle. Tangle, Blaze. She's a princess from another dimension and guardian of the Sol Emeralds. They're like Chaos Emeralds but firey."

"Okay... thanks for saving my home your highness."

"You are welcome. And please call me Blaze."

"I'm always happy to see you, but what the occasion?"

"I felt the will of the Sol Emeralds. I've come to prevent a terrible event on your world."

"Uh yeah about that, it kinda already happened, like seven months ago."


"Yeah, long story short Eggman took over but we ended kicking his ass."

"Hold on... you said the left over Badniks are getting organized right?"

"Yeah, but Eggman is not the usually ringleader..."

"Doesn't matter. The point is they're getting more dangerous. What if the war was just the start beginning? What if something even worse is on the way?"

"I never though it like that... Blaze is it possible that the Sol Emeralds could've warn that something really bad is going to happened?"

"The Sol Emeralds aren't chatty. If they directed me to both you and Sonic here. It was for a purpose. And I will remain here until that is made clear."

"I know I can count on you."

"But first... many parts of your village are burning. I will do what I can to calm the flames. Show me where you need."

"You. Are. Amazing. Follow Me!"

"I'll leave the hunt for the ringleader to both of you!"

"Bye, Sonic! Bye, Rainbow! Thanks for everything!"

"Well Dash, up for more action?"

"Love to, Sonic, but I think ask the girls for finding Egg for brains! Besides you stick to what you do best. Once this is over, we are so doing a race," Rainbow said then flew in the other direction as Sonic took off.

Elsewhere a mother is shown in the streets telling her young son that it is getting late and that it is time to come inside. Crying, the boy protests that his wagon is broken and that he cannot carry it inside.

"Don't worry little one. I'll fix your little red wagon. Soon, I'll be fixing everything!" Dr. Eggman said as he looked from inside his house.

Author's Note:

Next time... The Doctor is in! Find out in Chapter 2-The Fate of Dr. Eggman Part 1!

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