• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 2,401 Views, 55 Comments

My Little Paintball - SweeneyXoz

Ponyville's first annual paintball game goes from a simple contest to an all-out battle royale

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Chapter 1: On Your Markers, Get Set...

My Little Paintball
Chapter 1: On Your Markers, Get Set...

"Bon Bon!" Lyra called out. "Bon Bon, speak to me!" Streaks of red stained the once-beautiful coat of the unicorn’s lover. She throttled her limp form back and forth to no avail. "Bon Bon, please. I can’t go on without you." A few sparkling tear drops fell from her eyes, leaving little dark marks on the other pony’s coat. She stirred.

"Ly— Lyra?" Bon Bon inquired, finally seeming to come around. She looked around to see they were in an abandoned shack. Light broke in through a partially boarded window. Aside from a few shelves and bits of wood, there was nothing of note. "Did—" A cough cut off her words. "Did I get her?"

The unicorn couldn’t help but smile sadly. "Yeah. You got her good."

"That’s good. I’m glad I was able to—" Another cough. "—to take one down with me."

"Me too, baby. You just rest for now. I’ll getcha some place safe."

The earth pony held up a hoof weakly and brushed aside the suggestion. "Don’t you worry any more about me. You need to take care of yourself. You need to keep fighting." Her hoof fell to her side. Her breathing was becoming more labored.

"I can't fight without you."

"You have to. For both our sakes."

"Oh, Bon Bon," Lyra cried. "I love you."

"And I lo—" The coughing was becoming uncontrollable. Soon, her words would be silenced. "I lo—" She fell silent and went limp again.

"Bon Bon!" No response from her love. "No! You can’t leave me!" Still, her desperate pleas received no reply. Bon Bon was gone. She was still alive of course, but as far as the rules went, Bon Bon was gone. So, Lyra kissed her on the forehead and picked up the gun at her side. She checked her ammunition; only a dozen rounds left. "I promise. I’ll win this for you." She turned around and faced the door leading outside. This was it. Her last stand. With one deep breath she kicked the door open and let the light envelop her. She took in the scene in front of her the way she’d practiced over the past several days.

In sight: eight buildings, each two stories. Some clouds. Cover? Overturned table on the right, three barrels on the left. Make it in time? Not likely. Hostiles: Twilight’s team, all behind cover and numbers unknown. Odds of survival? Low as they can get. Plan: Stream of fire to cover escape behind the shed. Regroup back at the bar with Berry Punch. Details, targets, plan, all checked. Okay. Here we go.

She decided to give one last shout before opening fire. "Alright, bitches, let’s see what you’ve got!" The only answer that came was a wave of paintball fire that seemed to come from everywhere. There was no time to check directions. There was only time to run.


Rainbow Dash did her job as well as could be expected. What few clouds there were floated lazily through the sky like puffy, white ships on a calm sea. The sun was shining brightly and all-in-all, it was a perfect day to be outside. At least for most ponies. For others…

"Ugh! Where is everyone!?" Twilight yelled to no one in particular. She was pacing back in forth in an empty library. Ever-faithful Spike waited patiently with her.

"Uh, maybe they just forgot?" He weakly suggested.

"Forgot? How could they forget something as important as this!?"

"Come on, Twilight. Stop worrying so much." Spike had seen this behavior before in Twilight. The last time she stressed out this much, Ponyville nearly ripped itself apart over a doll. "Maybe they’re just running a little late. You know how Rarity likes to take her time grooming."

"But on today of all days?"

"Okay. I’ll admit it’s kinda rude of them to take this long, but they’re probably busy with something else. I mean maybe something more important came up."

"More important than an audience with the princess? The carriage is arriving in fifteen minutes and the so-called 'Wielders of the Elements of Harmony' are nowhere to be found! Ugh!" The way she flipped onto her back and groaned in irritation would have made even Rarity shudder. "You know what? I’m not waiting one minute longer!" She jumped up and stomped to the door. "I’m bringing them here whether they like it or not!"

"Wait, Twilight! Don’t do anything hasty! Hey! Twilight!" The irritated unicorn ignored his attempts to reason with her and stormed for the door. All he could do was follow her and hope she wouldn’t do anything they’d regret later. The moment they walked out the door, they knew something was wrong.

"Where is everypony?" Twilight wondered out loud. This was just too strange. On a day as perfect as this was, nearly every pony should have been outside playing and picnicking. "Hello!?" Twilight called out. A tumbleweed rolling past was the only answer she received. "That’s odd. I didn’t know Ponyville had tumbleweeds."

"I think they blow in from Appleloosa from time to time," Spike offered as an explanation.

"Let’s head to the town square. Maybe someone there can fill us in."

The two companions made the short trip down a few streets to the town square. As they became closer to their destination, they heard the characteristic murmurs of a large crowd. They were just past the fan shop when they heard them.

"Spike, do you hear that?"

"Yeah. What do you think it is? Some kind of ceremony?"

"I don’t know. Let’s get a closer look."

So they did. One more turn around the corner and they were there… along with practically the entire population of Ponyville's ponies gathered in front of the podium. Twilight couldn’t see her friends among the crowd, but she did manage to find Big Macintosh standing at its edge.

"Hey, Big Mac," she said to him from behind. His normally stoic face brightened when he saw her.

"Afternoon, Twilight."

"What’s everypony doing here? And where are Applejack and the others?"

"The mayor called a town meetin’ a few hours ago. As for the others, I can’t quite say for sure. They got here not too long ago, so you’ll most likely find them near the edge o’ the crowd."

"Thank you. I appreciate the help. Tell Granny Smith I said ‘hi’ when you get home."

Big Macintosh smiled at her kind words. "I’ll be sure to. Best of luck findin’ ‘em"

Twilight smiled back and started to wander along the edge of the crowd. Her friends were still nowhere in sight until she heard one in particular.

"What in the hay is takin’ so long!?" Applejack called out to the empty podium. "Some of us have been waitin’ for over an hour! What’s the hold-up!?"

"Puh-lease, Applejack," Rarity said next to her. "Must you be so loud?"

"Well, I don’t blame her," said Rainbow Dash hovering a few meters in the air. "I mean what could possibly be so important the whole town needs to stand around waiting while nothing goes on!"

"Come on, you guys!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "It’s obviously a surprise! And if you keep asking what it is, the surprise’ll be spoiled and that’d be no fun for anypony!"

"Um, girls?" Fluttershy whispered. "I think Twilight’s coming over here."

"Well, where in tarnation ya been?" Applejack asked.

"Waiting for you guys! Don’t you know the carriage taking us to see Princess Celestia is on its way?" Twilight answered.

"Aw, shucks, I nearly forgot. I’m sorry, Twi," Applejack apologised. "When’s the carriage getting here?"

A quick look at the clock tower caused the worried unicorn to jump. "Eight minutes! If we meet it even a second late, we’ll be behind schedule and this is Princess Celestia we’re talking about!"

"Alright, I understand you’re worried. If it doesn’t start in the next—"

An exaggerated hush from Pinkie Pie put their conversation to an end. "The mayor just came out," she pointed out. Rainbow Dash chuckled at the comment, but a stern look from Applejack hushed her quickly. The mayor and the town council had indeed stepped onto the stage, but another figure was among them: Diamond Tiara's father, Filthy Rich.

"Citizens of Ponyville!" she, her voice booming through the microphone. "We are gathered here for an event never before held in the history of our beloved town. Over a thousand years ago, our beautiful land of Equestria was plagued by terrible, terrible conflict. Although we’ve not had to live through something as terrible as war, the town council, myself, and Mr. Filthy—"

"Rich," he angrily corrected.

"Of course," the mayor said almost under her breath. "Mr. Rich —have devised a unique competition.”

"Awww, yeah," Rainbow Dash cheered, pumping her foreleg. "Competition!" A chorus of hushes from the ponies around her kept her quiet.

The mayor resumed her speech. "Thanks to the sponsorship of Mr. Fil—, er, Rich, in celebration of such a long period of peace and to raise money for hoof-and-mouth disease research, let today mark the first annual—" She reached under the podium, donned a mask, and picked up a strange-looking gun. "Ponyville Paintball Competition!" The crowd’s sudden silence was dotted with "whats" and "huhs". After an awkward pause, it became clear the citizens were unsure of the idea. She pulled the mask off and continued. "Just hear me out, fillies and gentlecolts. I know not many of you are into this new paintball craze, but this is an opportunity for us to both vent our frustrations and enjoy some friendly competition." She waved a hoof at two assistants behind her, who raised the curtain at the back of the stage. The ponies’ confusion was replaced with admiration at the sight of dozens of masks and paintball guns neatly lined up on racks. "Each participant, at the cost of thirty bits, will be supplied with one gun and one-hundred paintballs. Many extra containers have been scattered about, so feel free to use them."

"Is there some kind of prize?" a curious pegasus called out.

The mayor gestured for Filthy Rich to come to the podium and speak to the crowd. "I’m glad you asked," he said. "Because there is indeed a prize. Would the Cakes be so kind as to announce it for us?”

The confectioning couple stepped onto the stage from the sides and stood next to the mayor and Filthy Rich. The stage seemed to be getting more crowded every moment. "Of course, dearie," said Mrs. Cake. She tapped the microphone a bit before raising her voice. "The prize is this: a year's supply of free cupcakes from Sugarcube Corner." No pony had anticipated how much that would excite the crowd. Mrs. Cake’s next words were drowned out by the almost riotous attendees. They scrambled to form a line, enticed by the mouth-watering prize. Twilight and her companions at the edge of the crowd simply stood there nervously.

"I’m sorry, guys," Twilight said tenderly. "But it’s a request from the princess herself. I know you probably want to—”

"Not another word needed, darling," Rarity assured her. "She is the princess after all and one doesn’t keep a lady waiting."

The others agreed an audience with Celestia was the most important issue so they waited for the chariot. They joked and rested on the grass for a bit before the clock finally struck three. They waited patiently… for a few seconds… then a few minutes… until twenty minutes later when Rainbow Dash was fed up with waiting. Rolling around on the ground, she cried out, "What in the hay is taking so long!?"

"I don’t know," said Twilight. "It’s always so punctual."

"What happened to not keeping a lady waiting?" Rarity said in an offended tone.

"Hey! I have an idea!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. She flew above the heads of her friends and hovered there. "Why don’t we play some paintball to pass the time? The competition’s just going to be here in Ponyville. When the chariot comes, we’ll see it and just drop out of the game."

"How long do these games usually last?" asked Twilight.

"FOREEVVEE—" Pinkie Pie started before Applejack quickly shoved a hoof over her mouth.

"Can’t be more than an hour at the most," said Rainbow Dash. "I’ve played a few times on the weekends. They end pretty quickly when I jump in."

"I suppose we could," Twilight thought. "But only for a few minutes. Can everypony pay the fee?"

Every pony but Applejack nodded. "Believe me, I’d love to and all," she said. "But I just don’t have the money."

"Upupupupup," Rarity said with a hoof raised. "I’d be more than happy to cover the cost. From one friend to another."

Applejack smiled at the generous offer. "I suppose I can’t say no, can I? Alright, then. Let’s sign up!"

Most of the town had already checked out the best paintball guns by the time the six friends arrived at the sign-out stand.

"So, how many signed up?" Twilight asked the mayor.

"It’s astounding! Hundreds have signed on for the contest!"

"Oh. So not much of a chance of it ending early?"

"Oh, it shouldn’t be too long. It’ll most likely be done within the next hour."

"Alright. Thank you, Ms. Mayor." Twilight looked at her friends, each of them gearing up and preparing for battle. "Okay, girls. Who’s ready for some paintball?" They all cheered… except for Fluttershy of course. She wasn’t particularly cut out for battle.

"Ooh, looks like ponies are taking cover inside," Pinkie said to the others as they walked back onto the street. "Hey, we could hole up in Sugarcube Corner!"

Twilight sighed. "Pinkie, as great as that sounds, I really don't think—"

"It'd be perfect! All of us, stranded together for who-knows-how-long with nothing to do but party 'til the cows come home! Or until the Cakes come home..."

"Pinkie! The match will be over in less than in hour and we'll probably have to leave long before then..."

"Oh. Well, in that case..." She slapped a hopper onto her gun, pulled on her mask, and hopped into her back legs in a battle pose. "It's time to get serious!" There was a short, awkward pause. "Right?" And some awkward shifting of hooves and side glances. "Oh, well. Serious isn't really my thing."

"Pinkie's right, though," said Applejack as she inspected her gun. "If we get caught in the open when the game starts, we'll be picked off faster than you can say 'Applejack Robinson'."

"Your last name's Robinson?" asked Rarity.

"Figure o' speech, darlin'" Applejack replied. "But back to the point, the game starts in one minute. We'd best hoof it if we wanna be in cover when the paint starts flyin'."

"Alright! Let's go, girls!" Twilight shouted as she pulled on her own mask and swung her front hooves in the air. Her friends followed suit and prepared to run... except, once again, for Fluttershy. As the group galloped off for Sugarcube Corner, she was left in the middle of a suddenly-empty street. When she heard the Mayor's "Fillies and gentlecolts!" over the town's loudspeakers, however, she bolted after them. As she stumbled inside the door, the group was already positioning themselves by the windows, anticipating the match's beginning.

The mayor continued. "Let's not delay a moment longer! Let the first annual Ponyville Paintball Match..." A few beats for dramatic effect. "Begin!"

At first, there was nothing but silence, as though the match's participants were confused about when to shoot. But once the fighting started, the shouting and shooting could be clearly heard from inside the Corner. There didn't seem to be any action in the street in front of the six friends and they almost became worried they wouldn't see any action.

After around twenty seconds, Rainbow Dash, floating in the center of the room, was the first to voice her concern. "So, uh, are we gonna to get to do any shooting? You know, today? This match could take all day if we just sit here doing nothing!"

Twilight, positioned by the left storefront window, turned back to the irritated pegasus. "Come on, Rainbow, it's just a little paintball match. How long could it possibly take?"


She had no idea how she’d managed it, but Lyra was still alive. After making it behind the shed, she took a quick glance over her coat again to make sure she wasn’t hit. “I’m still in. I’m still in,” she assured herself. She took a deep breath and charged away from the shed. She heard the popping of a few more shots behind her, but she was well out of range. Those high-and-mighty ponies wouldn't be taking her out. She popped off a few more shots in their direction before ducking around a building. She listened for any signs of movement, but she seemed to be safe for the moment. She set the gun to her side and took a peek into a nearby garbage can. As luck would have it, a half-eaten apple lay just inside. Her lips smacking at the thought of genuine food, Lyra lifted the apple with her magic and prepared to savor its taste. The delicious-looking, red orb was almost in her mouth when she heard the gun click behind her. Without turning around, she knew immediately who it was.

"So this is what it's come to, Twilight," Lyra said. "Shooting a mare in the back." She shook her head. "I guess even you don't have a shred of honour left"

"What honour I had," Twilight said back. "Disappeared when this game began. With another pony out of the way, we'll be one step closer to that prize"

Lyra finally turned to stare down her captor. "But at what cost? How far are you willing to go for the prize?"

"As far as it takes. You don't know what's at stake here, Lyra."

"I know very well what's at stake, Twilight. But in the end, this is all just a game."

“I'm sorry," Twilight said with grim determination. "But this isn’t just a game. This… is paintball." Then she pulled the trigger.