• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 8 minutes ago


Struggling to edit and write, and starting to read.


This story is a sequel to We Don't Go Past The Garden Wall

Years pass by too fast. Applejack grows older, but does as she always has: she stays strong for her family. But the heart yet hungers. How long can she keep going alone? How long until her veins run dry? And if she stops, what was all of it for?

Written as part of the Expanding Universes 4 contest, an event in the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting server. The intention of this event was to submit a story that someone else would then have to write a story in the same universe, like a sequel or prequel.

My prompt was Caligari87's We Don't Go Past the Garden Wall, an absolutely fantastic short story that I needed to make a sequel to. I would recommend reading that first for context.

The fantastic cover art was made by Silent Whisper.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Such an amazing and meaningful expansion to Caligari's original concept; thank you for posting this on Fimfiction for everyone to enjoy ^v^

Seer #2 · 1 week ago · · ·

Brilliant stuff mate, my favourite from that contest. The emotion and themes in this are expertly imparted and realised. You really exemplified what this contest is about, expanding the world in such a deeply haunting way, absolutely sensational piece

This was truly an incredible fic! It had me at the edge of my seat, wondering what would happen next. The real horror of the fic creeps up on you, watching Applejack’s slow descent out of desperation, and that ending! Didn't see it coming, but it made so much sense in the universe! As Seer said, it's truly haunting. Thanks for publishing it here!

So, by destroying the tree, many others sprouted up, correct?
They were not always there.

This is a sequel to that one-shot story where Applejack and her family (and a random cow) turn into vampires, right?

Nope! Not at all! I recommend checking out the linked fic that it's the sequel of, as that's also very good!

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