• Member Since 14th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen 19 minutes ago


Hi. *tips fedora* love to make stories on the spot which is unprofessional and reckless but oh well. #YNWA.


Rarity is picky, judgemental and quite frankly, annoyed about some of the relationships and shippings going around in Equestria. She has taken it upon herself to save relationships or break them up!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

Rarity taking Flash's dinner is just the cherry on top!

Haha, good chapter!

Comment posted by ChaseArni deleted June 25th

Fun idea and of course starting with one of the most, let's call it controversial relationships of the franchise. I'm looking forward to see what others Rarity will decide to tackle next.
Though if you need suggestions I'd love to see what her judgment, whether good or bad, would be on a certain apple farmer and a well-known prismatic Wonderbolt.

Pretty fun stuff. Can already see future stories will be a bit controversial, but surely will be a fun ride lol

Do NOT break up lyrabon

Rarity blew her whistle again, cutting Flash Sentry off. “Why, I’m glad you asked, Twilight. You see, I’m here to break this relationship up, darling.”

Cheering commences

“Flash… You… WITH MY MOTHER!”

U– uh... as much as I hate FlashLight... wow.

I don’t know why the author was banned, but I wanted to see more of this story honestly. That is if they weren’t banned for pedophilia or anything...

Reasoning for ban was using AI to help me in my work, not my proudest moment. Sorry.
Didn't steal anyone’s work. GTA and A Relationship Referee are mine.

So for those who have done wrong in a relationship, look over your shoulder and pray to Celestia’s cake-filled belly that she doesn't find you.

Celestia: HEY!

Rarity blew her whistle again, cutting Flash Sentry off. “Why, I’m glad you asked, Twilight. You see, I’m here to break this relationship up, darling.”

Rarity is the embodiment of the fandom. Yes, I know there are people that actually ship Flashlight, but I don't know how many of them there are.

“Princess Cadence!?”

“That’s right! The Princess of Love has given me the authority to judge and decide on each and every relationship in Equestria!” Rarity declared, her confident grin turning into a devious smirk.

So Cadence gave up her Princess of Shipping title?

Twilight unfolded the paper and stared. It was a picture of Flash, but Flash wasn’t alone. He was with another mare, a mare she knew. Twilight Velvet, and for PG reasons, I cannot describe what they were doing in bed.


Cadance is still Princess of Shipping, Rarity is now just her enforcer!

Oh, okay. So the story is continuing?

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