• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Lives for platonic Pinkie/Fluttershy fluff. Proud Odd Squad connoisseur for over 9 years running. Master of playing Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon.


On the way home from school, a young filly uses magic to change her surroundings.

Up until she gets home, where the magic unfortunately runs out.

An entry into the third Thousand Words Contest, in the Horror category.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

This is weird... Nothing horrible seems to happen.

Then the mare clacked at her, and the story ended.

Joking: Blud cannot see the build up to the end nor the implications of what happens afterwards :laughing_emoji:

Serious: so, basically, the filly is being abused and it is hinted that she's dissociating by imagining that she has the power to make things stop existing, up until the power is actually needed, that is, when her parent comes to beat her

I still say this is weird, because the horror isn't felt, as nothing horrible seems to happen. The power of the click sets up the atmosphere, but what you say happens afterwards isn't told, it isn't even shown. For all we know your guess is as good, as mine.


For all we know your guess is as good, as mine.

half-joking: blud's ability to form a prediction based on given information got fanum-taxed a long time ago 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

serious: There are many references to the filly disliking arguing adults and children disliking arguing adults is usually because of a bad home life, which makes it pretty clear to the reader that something's wrong. The last few lines make it clear that the filly is scared of what we can assume to be her mother, and that her trying to click her out of existence gets her in a lot of trouble, like a beating.

However, since we aren't explicitly told what exactly happens, we are left to wonder and that's where the horror comes from — knowing something bad happens but not knowing how bad exactly, which makes your mind think about what might happen.


Sometimes, the best horror is the one that isn't obvious. Different strokes for different folks, but for me, the more subtle the horror is, the better. Bonus if you drop lil' clues in the story!

I see... In that case there is such a thing, as "overdone subtlety". I should suggest re-affirming the readers, if they guess correctly, because the readers are an insecure bunch. I should know: I am a reader myself, after all.


...children disliking arguing adults is usually because of a bad home life...

Whence is such a conclusion :rainbowhuh:? I thought no one disliked over-the-top arguing, no matter their home life :rainbowhuh:.

The last few lines make it clear that the filly is scared of what we can assume to be her mother...

Why would a filly be scared of her own mother :rainbowhuh:? One's mother is the nearest and dearest thing! So "mother" is not the first thing to assume.

...and that her trying to click her out of existence gets her in a lot of trouble, like a beating.

But no trouble happened, it ended before anything happened, and there was nothing to anticipate. Someone entered, and she seemed a regular pony. If it had been some abomination living in the house, we'd have something to anticipate, but it seemed pretty regular, promising more later and never delivering.

I wonder, why you'd assume beating, because that's not the first thing people assume :applejackconfused:...

However, since we aren't explicitly told what exactly happens, we are left to wonder and that's where the horror comes from — knowing something bad happens but not knowing how bad exactly, which makes your mind think about what might happen.

That is the thing: I wasn't sure something bad was happening, because there was no reason to assume that. I was expecting wrong things, but they were not revealed, leaving me stranded. I felt the story would reveal more later -- but it ended! Hence my confusion.

bkc56 #10 · 1 week ago · · ·

Pretty similar to The Twilight Zone episode "It's a Good Life" where Anthony (Bill Mumy) banishes people he doesn't like to "the cornfield".


Why would a filly be scared of her own mother :rainbowhuh:?

It's called 'child abuse'. Look it up.

That's a horrible thing to assume :pinkiegasp:!.. When we look at what we have, we see a picture that is far more promising, than yours! There is no need to assume unpleasantry.

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