• Member Since 29th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


Just a fan of MLP: FiM and many of the works of the creative community. My favorite setting is Skies of Arcadia with Chrono Trigger second, though I enjoy the MLP universe, more so in adventure fics.


This story is a sequel to A Day of Rest

Includes: Velvet, Stronghoof, Arizona, Paprika, and others.

Not a crossover.

In continuity with A Day of Rest and Book of Lore - Shanty's Chapter.

Reine City lies at the center of the known world of Foenum and the quest for the Prophet's Key.

Velvet's confidence was shaken by her defeat, but with Arizona and Paprika arriving with a vital clue she has a new chance to grow and prove herself.

As shadows loom beyond its walls, the lessons learned and comradery forged in Reine will be vital to the future.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 2 )

Are there going to be Them's Fightin' Herds OCs in this story series?


Maybe, but only if they elevate the main characters somehow.

My focus is on the playable characters, and if an OC can show an interesting side of them, then I can use an OC.

I won't include an OC just for its own sake, and I wouldn't want them to hog the spotlight.

Though Dasher and Dancer are almost OCs here with how little Canon information there is on them.

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