• Member Since 2nd May, 2024
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Set in the era we know from Friendship is Magic, the reunification of a fractured Equestria begins. This will be a story with plot points similar to the show we know, but will divulge greatly. Saw the ish at the end of Humanized in the short description? That's because characters who were originally Pegasi still have wings, and the hands of unicorns now have stone like swirls in them as a replacement for horns, and are called magi. Alicorns are archmagi.
Main character overview:
Twilight Sparkle: Still Celestia's student. Doubles as a general for the magi forces. Wields a rapier, though prefers to use her magic in combat.
Rarity: Leads the archers and musketmen. When not in battle, doubles as an armorer and clothing designer. Wields a longbow.
Rainbow Dash: Leads a large team of Cloudsdale Pegasi. The Wonderbolts are the generals. Wields a spear.
Fluttershy: Lead surgeon(Medieval term for doctor) in the field. Doesn't usually fight, has a wooden quarterstaff for self defense.
Applejack: Leads the Ponyville Militia. Wields a warhammer only she can lift, somehow.
Pinkie Pie: Never where you expect her. Assigned to the militia. Proficient at any weapon put in her hands.
Sunset Shimmer: Revolutionary, and a major thorn in Celestia's side. Leads a considerable force of Thestrals uncontent under her rule. Wields a sword and shield.
Princess Celestia: Ruler of Equestria. Wields a halberd, but rarely fights.
Equestrian possessions at the beginning of the war are Ponyville, Canterlot, and Cloudsdale.
Have fun reading, there will be blood.

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