• Member Since 20th Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Kor Dust


A Hearthswarming like any other as anypony can recall, as it has happened every year ever since the first tribes first dethawed and celebrated the magic of it. However, this year shall be different, as while the events and festivities and celebrations and tributes are never cancelled and postponed due to pony mistakes, it all starts with a shiver and a cold. Perhaps a growl and an angered shout, a group raising their hackles, an argument spreading where it shouldn't. And soon, a whole town is in uproar over something which brings a chill nopony has felt in decades. A chill which brings something even the wendigos did not account for as soon all those shouts of anger and malice soon turn to screams of fear as the town becomes blanketed in a blizzard that will soon spread its freezing bony fingers across the kingdom with its very inhabitants carrying that deadly cold as the temperature plumets and the frozen begin to whisper....

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 10 )

Thanks. I wanted to try going for a bit of an into to the story in this prologue, something like a premonition to come from the princesses before moving on to show a new strain of something similar to the cold but one that aggravates folks the sicker and colder (temperature-wise) they become. I've got Chapter One in the works with a new character focusing on building up their leadership role for future chapters (not the self-insert character, a pony that's already had leader moments in the show). Hopefully I'm thinking of bringing in the wendigos in one of the next two or three chapters once a bit more worldbuilding and lore is established. I'm thinking each chapter will focus on a different character (possibly not one for the self-insert, mostly going to be a background character in the chapters that helps out with stuff mostly cause I'm not sure how folks will react with her and nervous about bringing her in full-time). Each chapter will show a different viewpoint from a different character switching between the Main Six and the Royal Sisters with Sunset, Spike, Starlight, maaaaaaybe Trixie as exceptions with perhaps a few more like maybe the CMC at some point. The first two chapters (after Chapter Zero) will mostly be about setting the stage in Ponyville with the Heartswarming Week festival going on with a certain unicorn at the helm for leading this year's entertainment and historical shows for the town. Once I'm confident that I've got a good baseline with her getting a reasonable presence established I might sneak an infected pony into town to stir up a few things. Mind you, this one isn't going to be contagious, that only happens when the storms roll in. He'll have a bit of a cough, like a normal cold, he'll just be as contagious as the average pony with a minor flu. Yeah, this is a bit of a long reply, but its mostly to help get a few more creative ideas on the spot and to help others get more curious about the story

OK I thought about this and I say, infect Celestia, add the tragedy and comedy tags, make them find the cure fast and start cure the infected and make Celestia get infected and restart the nightmare all over again, multiple times until they crack and decide to make her be in solitary, just so she won't get infected again, but make it that the sickness have a unnatural element, other than what you already gave it, that makes it reappear when the affected is in huge distress, thus making everything they do to contain Celestia, pointless and forces them to either infect everyone on the planet or destroy the planet, and make them choose the later on being the best option because after the distress reemergence the affected to be desperate to want to become infected no matter what, like an addict. Also make Celestia a little clueless or incapable to not try and comfort the infected so that she becomes one verry fast even after being cured.

While that would be interesting, this isn't like a normal virus or infection from the other infection AUs (although at some stage bites will become infectious (the ones that break the skin) and scratches will cause frostbite within the area, meaning scratches will need immediate treatment or be lost permanently). This is moreso transferable via the environment, aka the cold weather, so at first ponies are infected based on how cold it is and for how long they are outside for in the deep cold (so not Ponyville for now because of the warm weather around it but eventually the "cold front" will eventually move down there), the infection progressing and infecting faster if its very cold and the pony is out for hours. If Celestia were to become infected repeatedly, she would need a reason to be out for so long repeatedly. However, if I can make the excuse for her to be traveling a lot that week, that would cause her to be exposed plenty of times and thus make her more and more viable to the infection once it progresses to atleast Canterlot. Now, as for the "cure", a temporary solution is to treat the infection like a normal cold: bedrest, plenty of being cared for and being isolated from others. That will cause the infection to "regress" however will not completely remove it. It will always stay within the body, mostly around the infection site and any wounds on the body, until the pony is injected with the cure/exposed to the cure in a localized airborne cure agent or until they reach a certain stage of the infection, causing the cure to be halfway effective, meaning if a pony reaches that stage and is injected/exposed to the cure they won't progress but they will not revert either to their original looks. And the stage after that the cure will not be effective at all, the infection progressing as normal the more the pony is cold and outside for long periods of time. Plus, once pure frostbite sets in (as in the pony no longer feeling cold and think they are getting "warmer" and thus start shedding protective clothing), that is the pure point of no return. This is also when the infection starts "resurrecting" the corpse, using the icy damaged corpse as a host to move about and infect others either as a sort of "drone" or purely as a zombie. During this whole process, the infection will never kill off its original host, forcing it to become weaker and weaker until it can successfully control the brain and drive back the original host to the point where they are forced to watch and remember what its body is doing, thus leading to the infected at this stage still being somewhat conscious and thus still being to think and dream, albeit weakly, thus if say a large group is in one place, a certain someone might be useful but only if she concentrates

OK interesting concept but you kinda missed the point, the fact is that, regardless of how it infects Celestia should be repeatedly infected, not until the severe stage, heck with the scenario where it makes the one in distress to look upon being infected you can make that being the point of no return.
Also for why she might get infected, what if she's both pacient zero already and the one that created the curse, after she realized that in order to have true harmony and be able to care for her subjects, regardless if pony or other things like changelings or windigoes?
Thus giving her a separate motive for her to be infected, and the rest just make it harder to manage that.
Also what if, when they eventually realize that the true way of stopping it is either to allow it to infect every creature or destroy the life on the planet, Celestia rigs their device that would do the latter in order to accelerate the infection and ultimately do the former

Hi broth!!

I have a challenge, motivation type of challenge.

Challenge is, let's see who can get more views and words in under 4 months.

My doom fanfic vs yours

Challenge starts now and ends in October 20!

{Loser has to put link of the winner's story on their story description :3}

screenshot zis

A real man accepts this challenge

Gentleman kor dust, a person never thrives without a challenge.

Ooooooooo, that actually does sound interesting. It would act a bit like a test for everypony, including those in other kingdoms. While it might be difficult for the others at first, some might be willing to cooperate while others (cough cough griffins cough cough) might have to be pushed through their stubbornness before they willingly admit to needing help. As for Tia being the actual creator, that would actually make sense somewhat AND would explain why she can hear the voices of the frozen from time to time. With Luna its quite obvious, she can hear the voices because they are still quite conscious and thus can dream so they can connect to the dream realm (would also kinda darken Chapter Zero because it wouldn't just be a premonition but the voices of the TEST SUBJECTS her sister experimented on for some time before unleashing the final product). With Celestia, it would only make sense if they had some form of connection with her in order to haunt her through it

This and she could be the consciousness that takes over the body of the affected.
Also she might not do it out of malice, but out of desperation and fear she won't be able to protect everyone, especially since you made it clear it is after starlight and flurry were introduced, and definitely after starlight vs chrisalis episode with the acnolwedgement of sunset by starlight, I don't know if you plan it to be after the movie and one of these events being what prompted her to activate the infection, bonus points if Luna, Discord and Sombra are aware of the plan but realised what it was way to late to be able to stop it, and this might be a secondary reason for the wars with Discord and Sombra before Nigmare moon and also Nightmare moon

I've been mulling over it a bit and I think I've come up with a way for not only an early sign that Celestia might know what's going on behind the scenes but also introduce Flurry Heart into all of this. Celestia would send Shining and Cadence a letter warning them of a nasty storm coming that might rush in fast into the kingdom and put extra cold measures in place and have emergency services prepare for very grumpy ponies in the coming days. Cadence would be reading the letter next to her husband with Flurry heart nearby, Cadence and Flurry showing no symptoms but Shining already infected a little bit due to working outside and the infection already worming its way through the cold kingdom of the north

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