• Member Since 6th Nov, 2022
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

The Local Rat Queen

The internet's least favorite transgirl


Pumpkin Cake gets an invite to a sleep over from her circle of friend's, problem being it's a girls night. While under any other circumstances that would be normal and fine. Her brother Pound Cake seems very upset by his lack of invitation.

Welcome to the first story of my AU called C Squad. My writing about a group of childhood friends and their misadventures. The first story in the installment is about the Cake Twins. I hope you enjoy!

Edit - Reformatted chapter 1 to be actually readable.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 5 )

This is adorable!!!!! Can't wait to

Pumpkin Cake gets an invite to a sleep over from her circle of friend's, problem being it's a girls night. While under any other circumstances that would be normal and fine. Her brother Pound Cake seems very upset by his lack of invitation.

This makes me think of this

I planned on going into it in the final Author's note but that was my inspiration for this story.

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