No force in Equestria can stop Rarity's creative process when the inspiration strikes her.

Fluttershy recognizes the futility of her effort, but somepony has to do it. Maybe this time, it'll work!

Or not.

Thank you very much to Atom Smash, Sonicsuns, Syke Jr, Draconequues, and n3k1dsk1llz for prereading! I appreciate your comments and support!

This fic was written during the Creative Word Quiz panic for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group ! If you need a burst of maddening creative inspiration that will surely not result in disaster of your very own, you can join us on Discord here!

This fic was written for Bicyclette's A Thousand Words Contest III, under the Comedy category!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

There was the bug-shaped pocket lint yelp, usually punctuated by the quiet thump of a dead faint; the classic Sweetie Belle Did Something scream that made the locals run for cover in case the resulting mess would catch on fire, explode, or come to life and help fund the local therapists’ businesses; and the I just had the best inspiration EVER and simply MUST create this, DARLING shriek.

I do love this. It makes complete sense that the other would have learned to interpret it.

This was a thing of beauty xD

Of course, Rarity may be the only Pony in Ponyville which uses pockets often enough to have a pocket lint issue...

Ha! You make a great point!

Thank you very much!

I like to imagine that they hand out little pamphlets to new residents to help them identify which Rarity screams mean actual danger vs just dramatic punctuation.

:pinkiehappy: Rarity, You do know what end of Tom you're crawling into?
:raritystarry: Oh dearest me!
:moustache: I'll go start the bath
:flutterrage: Discord stop laughing mister!
:twilightsmile: he he he he he

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