• Published 27th Jun 2024
  • 187 Views, 4 Comments

Reconnecting in the City of Dreams - BadassWaffle

Star Flight, finally putting her past behind her, is faced with it once again. She finally let it all go, but now she has to gab a hold of all of it again. Is it even possible to do this maturely?

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Just Stay Out Of My Life

Author's Note:

Hello all! I am finally back with a new OC only story. This story has been done for a hot minute, but I was waiting on the cover art to be done, as well as wanted to proofread and make sure there was good detail within the story.

As for when I will publish the next story, I am not sure. My shelf of 'completed' fics is starting to run out, and I'll be honest I am running out of ideas. The type of stories that I am good at writing, I don't want to just repeat with different characters, and I think that clopfics aren't really my thing. The one clopfic I have is enough for me.

But without further delays, please enjoy my newest story!

Be your best you!

Ahh, Manehattan, a busy, morern city at the heart of Equestria, the city that never slept. The skyscrapers pierced the sky, their glass and steel reflecting the ever-changing hues of the sun. The city skyline was a true testament to the ingenuity and determination of ponykind and the desire for progress.

The rhythmic clatter of hooves against pavement constantly echoed through the avenues and courts. Ponies of all shapes, sizes, and colors hurried about their daily routines, each one playing a unique role in the grand city of Manehattan. Unicorns with briefcases glowed with magical auras to manage their belongings, while earth ponies hauled goods with strong, purposeful strides, and pegasi gracefully soared through the skies above.

Manehattan's neighborhoods, much like any city with this much diversity, varied in character, from the high-end boutiques of the Upper East Side to the cute and cozy markets of the Lower End. The aroma of street food wafted from food stalls, as sizzle and hiss of grilled hayburgers and vegetables added even more sound to the already noise pollutive city, tempting any passersby or tourist with the promise of a satisfied appetite. Street performers, magicians, and artists added that extra layer of charm to the city's atmosphere, entertaining those who paused to watch.

In the heart of the city lay Central Park, known as the untouched ‘natural’ land of the city, where nopony can build. The park provided an escape for weary residents and visitors alike, where they could bask in the more calm setting of nature while staying closely surrounded by the relentless energy of the city.

The city's subway system somehow worked perfectly, with its intricate network of tunnels connecting every corner of the city and keeping the flow of Manehattan's speed uninterrupted. Ponies of all backgrounds shared their stories and dreams during these commutes, creating an unspoken bond among strangers.

Manehattan was indeed a city that you either loved or hated, where the dreams of countless ponies could either be crushed or made.

For Star Flight, it was home, it was a place that defined her. In fact, Manehattan was more than just a place to reside; no, it was a living, breathing extension of herself. Every moment her hooves touched the streets after a flight,, she felt an indescribable connection, as if the city's energy was infused with her
soul. It was here that her dreams took flight (pun intended), and her ambitions soared higher than the skyscrapers that surrounded her.

Manehattan held the key to Star Flight's heart. Its buildings and infrastructure were not just meaningless but towering symbols of pony achievement, and its sidewalks were the pathways to her own personal narrative. She knew the city's rhythm, the flow of its daily life synchronized with her own.

Central Park was her sanctuary, her happy place where she found peace amidst the towering buildings. The park's winding paths and natural ponds were her refuge, a reminder that even when in the urban chaos, there was always a place to find peace and reconnect with nature.

The subway system was her lifeline when flying wasn’t involved. It could bring you anywhere at any moment in time.

For Star Flight, Manehattan was more than bricks and concrete; it was a vision of experiences, dreams, and aspirations. It was her home, her inspiration, and her canvas, where she painted the vivid portrait of her life.

You can’t put a price on that.

Well, that was what it felt like. More recently, she had a more negative look towards the city. Nothing bad about the actual city itself, but more because of her, has given her a saddened feel every time she came back from school.

A few years ago, when in highschool, she had been in a relationship with another pony: Bell Drums, a bat pony of whom was a perfect fit for her. She had gotten Star Flight to become a much better pony, and gave her so much more than she deserved. The laughter and shared dreams echoed faintly in her memories, a distant melody of a time that once was. But a bitter ending soon came when Star Flight was leaving for college, and Bell Drums stayed in highschool for her final year, as they were one year apart from each other.

Star Flight wished she had known sooner as to why this happened. The break up that is. At first when it all happened, she broke up with Bell Drums because Star Flight had the impression that she had changed, and had some sort of jealousy towards her, often trying to seem better than her around their friend group. Bell had often been very distant towards Star Flight when with others around, making it seem like they weren’t in a relationship, avoiding goodbye kisses on the cheek, or even a simple nuzzle. It started to eat away at Star Flight, thinning out her love for the bat pony.

Because of this, they were often more cold towards each other when with company, with Star Flight often going too far and putting Bell into a funk, making her avoid the pegasus for the rest of the time that they were together for that day or night.

When they were alone, it was actually nice for them. They would be intimate, they would get along fine. But with others around? No. It just didn’t seem like that was possible.

Star Flight even told Bell that they needed to take a break at one point, saying that their relationship was getting too toxic, and she didn’t want that to happen. Bell just stared at anywhere but Star Flight, as if she wasn’t there, barely saying anything to her lover.

But that didn’t work, which led to Star Flight giving up, and ending their relationship, rather wanting to stay friends.

But for Bell, she didn’t seem to reciprocate that feeling. Instead she would often intentionally avoid Star Flight, virtually ignoring her when all of their friends were together. It made Star Flight feel a newfound rage, a hatred for the bat pony that she never thought that she had.

And on the day she was about to leave for college, their last text link sealed their fate…

‘You know, I don’t appreciate you coming onto my friends like that.’

The text made Star Flight’s stomach drop, as she felt that she had been caught in a criminal act. But Star Flight being honest, and confident, took this way too seriously, and decided to come back at Bell with a cold remark.

‘We aren’t together anymore. Am I not allowed to find other ponies attractive?’

This was a stupid move, as Bell took the bait and reeled back at the pegasus.

‘No. But you have my permission to hit up with my friends since that’s what you want. Aradia included. ;)’

The winky face brought Star Flight to a boiling point, her ego getting the best of her.

‘Excuse me?’

What came next was not expected. ‘Word spreads quickly. Also I can read you like a book.’

The bat pony was getting the upper hand, and Star Flight couldn’t let that happen. ‘Doesn’t mean I will Bell Drums. I have integrity.’

This couldn’t be happening.

‘Still said it. I gave you permission, have at it! ;)’

This was insane, even for Bell Drums. ‘No… I thought you wanted to end on a good note, Bell. I wouldn’t dare do that. But if I knew I didn't have free speech, I wouldn’t’ve said it.’

What came next broke Star Flight’s heart.

‘That’s fucked up Star Flight.’

All that now came from her was rage. ‘What a great way to set off to college. We aren’t together, Bell. I don’t give a damn if you dated any of my friends. I don’t care who you choose next. Why should you care about who I choose? Because it’s different on your end?’

No response came, so she continued. ‘Like I said, I wanted to stay friends and stay in touch, but it seems like everything I do upsets you. I can’t seem to live my life without you getting all bent out of shape from it.’

After about an hour from that last text, the bat pony mare responded. ‘We can be friends. I’ll stop being so sensitive and get over myself.’

There she goes again, inadvertently manipulating her. Trying to guilt trip. It’s what she always did to get her way, to win a conversation or a fight.

The ominous silence that followed their text exchange hinted at the storm brewing on the horizon. Little did Star Flight know, those weeks would pave the way for the complete disintegration of their relationship.

And after two long years, they still have not spoken.

After all of it, throughout those years, Star Flight had started to feel the effects of the breakup long after Bell Drums did, and resulted in her falling out of control. The weight of the breakup was like nothing else experienced, as it bore down on Star Flight's shoulders like an unrelenting burden. Each passing day seemed to deepen the chasm in her heart, leaving her adrift in a sea of unresolved emotions, and into a drunken, fogged out state of depression.

The bat pony was always on her mind, resulting in Star Flight forgetting everything she’d learned throughout college, making her straight A grades feel useless.

Bell on the other hand had graduated highschool, gotten a new marefriend, and moved on with her life, keeping in touch with their friend group, as they had decided to stay local, while Star Flight was the only one that had moved away, losing touch with every single one of them, proving the old stereotype that you really find out who your real friends are when you move to college.

The only saving grace for the pegasus were her two very close friends, both stallions, Shamrock Clover, and Night Sky. The three of them were very close, going to Hookah bars, downtown, or even just hanging around one of their apartments. They were inseparable, truly. They were perhaps the reason Star Flight hadn’t given up.

But now we are at present day, back in Manehattan, sitting in a small sitting area outside a local coffee shop.

Star Flight and Shamrock were sitting at a table, enjoying their cooled beverages, talking about their next year of college ahead of them. “You know Shamrock, I did not think you were actually going to come visit me in Manehattan… like at all.”

The green kirin smirked after putting his macchiato down. “Honestly, I have to agree with you on that. But as you know, we have that ‘fuck it’ mentality you and I. And after our sudden trip to Las Pegasus, I didn’t think that this was too extreme considering there aren’t any exams coming up this time.”

“Yeah, totally. But I do wish Sky was with us, even if he brings out the ‘silly foal-like’ behavior out in all of us. That pegasus is what brought us all together after all!”

A chuckle came from the kirin. “I hear ya Star. But Enough about that. Now that I am here, what should we really do?”

This brought a dull expression to the mare, to which he noticed. “I mean, I know you aren’t really friends with anypony here anymore…”

She nodded.

“You still haven’t tried reaching out to Bell?”

A look of surprise came to Star Flight’s face. “No, why would I do that!”

The kirin put his hooves up in defense. “Listen Star, you think about her all the time. I see it in you, and it’s been two years since you spoke with her. You can’t tell me that trying to reach out hasn’t crossed your mind.” The lack of response caused Shamrock to raise an eyebrow at the mare. With this, he decided to take the opportunity to try to fix this once and for all for her. “How about we think of a way for you to reach out to her, hmm?”

Eventually Star Flight nodded, agreeing with Shamrock.

“Wow, that was a lot easier than I thought it was gonna be!”

The glare she gave him shut him up quickly, regaining control of the conversation.

“Okay, well, why don’t you text her and say that you were packing up the majority of your things for the summer, thought about her, and wanted to see how you were doing? Explain that you felt bad for the way things ended, and just want her to know that you let it all go?”

“*Sigh*, no…”

Shamrock looked around, “wh-what do you mean no? That is a perfect thing to say to her.”

“No Shamrock, it’s not that. That actually is probably a great thing to say. But I feel that it’s useless to do so. I mean, I’ve actually let it go, but has she?”

Shamrock gave Star Flight a look of ‘really?’, “Star Flight, that’s not what matters here.” She cocked her head to one side, “What matters is that you reached out to her, and let her know that you don’t care anymore. That you’ve let it all go. The point of this isn’t to get her to feel the same, but to get her to see what you see, which will make her feel like she has to as well.”

She gave a look of trepidation. “Isn’t that a form of manipulation?”

“Ye-I… well, yes? Maybe? I mean, who cares Star Flight, it’s nothing we haven’t done before, you and I, trying to get into a club or somepony’s rear.” The knowing smile he gave her transferred to her, causing a laugh to escape her lips. It was true, they had turned into liars, but harmless ones at that, for their benefit, and nopony’s loss.

But as their laughter died down, a glimpse of color passed by Shamrock’s eye, catching his attention. When it did, his face contorted into shock, causing Star Flight to follow, resulting in her following suit.

There she was… Bell Drums, walking right by them, just a meter or so away, not even noticing them. What are the odds of this?

“Is that?-”

“Yup… Holy shit Shamrock that… that’s Bell…”

"Sheesh... you weren't kidding, she really is a sight..."



The silence of the two eventually got Shamrock out of his stupor, as he flinched when he saw Star looking at him with a bored look. The kirin quickly decided to take action grabbing Star Flight’s free hoof. “Star Flight, this is your chance!”

“What? You said text her, not see her!” Panic started to eep its way into her demeanor, ears flat.

“Listen, forget that. If you don’t do this after seeing her literally walk right by us, it won’t be the same as texting her.”

Star Flight looked around nervously.

“You have to trust me Star, this is that chance you wanted. Take it!”

After a few short calming breaths that did not seem to help. She got up, quietly uttering ‘fuck it’, causing Shamrock to lightly cheer from their trademark saying, and pursued the mare, trotting to close the far distance.

Following her felt wrong, so wrong that Star Flight suddenly realized that she had traveled nearly two blocks before getting remotely close.

Shaking her head, she knew it was now or never.

“B… Bell? Bell Drums?”

The bat pony stopped, turning around in curiosity to see who was calling out her name. It seemed as if she didn’t recognize Star’s voice, forgetting her completely. But when she saw who was saying her name, her ears flattened, her fangs slightly now visible, irritation all over her face.

Star Flight trotted up to her, speaking before the bat pony could say a word. “Hey… it’s been so long.”

The slightly smaller mare looked up to her, giving a look of disgust. “Not long enough it seems. What do you want, Star Flight?

The emphasis on her name caught her off guard until the mare raised an eyebrow out of impatience, causing her to regain focus.

“I… was with my friend from college when I noticed you walk by and wanted to talk to you.”

A jeering snicker came from Bell. “You, friends? I’m surprised, although your usual manipulation of reassurance has probably kept them attached to you. It makes me glad that none of my friends are yours anymore. I hope she isn’t too far gone.”

Star Flight’s ears flattened, and her face was nothing but a sad, grayed out expression, though Bell probably thought it was another ‘manipulation’ attempt. “Actually she is a he. His name is Shamrock.”

Bell Drums eyes widened, ‘Oh, so you’re bi now?”

The sad expression that once was held on Star Flight, was replaced with shock. “What- no! He’s just a friend. Not that there’s anything wrong with liking mares and stallions. I haven’t dated anypony since… well, you know.”

A smirk crossed Bell’s face. “Huh… odd.”

Silence was brought between them until a jab was received by Bell. “But I’m sure that is a lie anyways.”


“Oh come on Star Flight, you mean to tell me that you haven’t slept with any pony at all?”

A silent shake of her head no, eyes slightly widened for emphasis, was all that the pegasus could give. But Bell wasn’t believing her.

“You know I almost feel bad, but why should I?”

“What do-”

“You and all of your manipulation tactics won’t work.”

“That’s not-”

“I mean if you wanted to try and get me back then you have to be a lot better at it.”

“N-no that’s not-”

“This really is a sorry excuse for you Star Flight.”

“Would you please just call me Sta-”

“But then again, who would date you? I mean you really are just a trap after all, trying to be the better one, and just-”

“Will you just fucking listen to me Bell Drums for fucking two minutes!”

The sheer volume of Star Flight’s voice echoed through the city. Shamrock definitely heard that one, and probably half of the district.

Bell Drums was shocked by this, her jaw slacked at the sudden burst of energy from what she thought was a defeated mare.

A sigh escaped her lips, her head hung low now, her voice filled with sorrow. “Listen Bell… I feel awful for what I did. I… was going through all of my things and I saw a photo of us and… I just, well, then saw you walk by and I wanted to tell you that I know we ended horribly, and it’s all my fault. I’ve felt so bad since those years ago, and I just don’t want you to think that I don’t like you.

Bell raised her eyebrow once again. “Wait. You mean that this isn’t manipulation to try and win me back?”

A frustrated sigh escaped Star’s lips, but she nodded nonetheless.

Bell rolled her eyes, but not in a rude way. “Well, Star I mean, it wasn’t all your fault. You know that right?-”

“No, it was. I have carried this for over two years, and I felt bad ever since and just never had the courage to reach out and tell you how bad I feel for treating you that way. I just had a lot of self doubt and unchecked aggression. I started thinking back on all of our useless arguments, and seeing what a fool I was for defending my side, when I should have just let it go. I was a major jerk, and… I know it’s gonna be weird, me saying this but, I obviously missed you. I still do to this day but I just thought that when I saw you, I had to tell you and at least say that I’m so sorry Bell Drums, I really am. I just don’t want you to remember me as I was when I left, but when I first met you.”

A small smile reached the bat pony’s lips. That had to be a good sign, right?

“Star, we were young. We didn’t plan any of it.”

“No no, I know that but I just can’t let this continue to haunt me every day. Those two years in college sucked because I was constantly thinking about you, and how it really was all my fault. I was causing it. I was the one, not you. You didn’t deserve it, not one bit…”

A silent tear rolled down the pegasus’ cheek. What Star Flight did not expect was for Bell to walk up closer and wipe away the tear.

“Listen, it really wasn’t all your fault. And I know that none of this is you trying to pull a fast one. I can see that you’ve changed, and for the better. A lot about you has. And in my opinion, it wouldn’t have if I was still in the picture from what it seems like.”

Bell’s muzzle inched closer to Star’s, causing tension.

“You were a great friend, Star Flight, and are a great lover. Maybe not for me, but for somepony you are.”

“You mean that?”

A smirk came from the bat pony. “Yes, I do.” And she inched closer again, giving Star Flight a quick peck on her nose, shocking the pegasus, which caused Bell to chuckle.

When she stepped away, she looked at her phone to see the time. “Oh shoot, I’m going to be late for my class.”

Star Flight finally snapped out of her daze, wiping the rest of the tear away, sniffling a little bit, now confused. “Wait, you have class?”

“Yeah, I still have tomorrow, and then I’m done…” She turned away, and then back to Star Flight. “I’m glad you bumped into me, Star… We... we should see each other again, really.”

Star Flight shook her head. “I… I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

This response caused Bell to turn around again and walk back up to her. “What do you mean?”

Even if this interaction had turned into a somewhat good one, Star Flight still had a pained look on her face, and for good reason. Bell wanted to see her again. But she couldn’t let that happen. Star Flight wouldn’t let her fall into that trap. It would only make it worse if they started talking again… “*Sigh*... Bell, let’s face it. We’re finished. I didn’t flag you down to try and get you back. I just wanted you to know the truth. I… I think it’d be better for us to just go our separate ways again, but finally contempt with the decision this time.”

Other than the ambient sounds from the city, silence was in play between the mares. However, this gave Star Flight the perfect chance to add one more thing for Bell to hear. “A thing isn’t beautiful because it lasts…” The smile Star Flight tried to show was of reassurance, trying to tell Bell Drums that it’s okay, that even if their story was over, that it doesn’t mean they should stop writing.

After a few moments of Bell looking into Star’s eyes, she conceded, “I suppose… maybe you’re right. Maybe it’s better this way.”

The fake smile from Star continued, “Trust me, it is. I just needed you to know so I could get that weight off of my wings.”

“I understand, the same for me. I’m glad that’s the case too…”

Bell then leaned up once again to Star’s height, now actually kissing her on the lips. But for Star, she didn’t reciprocate, as the shock was once again surged into her.

When Bell pulled away, she gave the most sincere look possible.

“Goodbye Star Flight.”

Bell didn’t let Star Flight respond. Instead, she turned around, took flight into the skies of the city, and disappeared once and for all. The unsaid goodbye lingered in the air, a poignant, yet, in a way, good ending to a chapter that had finally found its closure.

But, it’s better that way.

Comments ( 4 )

Hey, BadassWaffle, did you use AI for the opening of this fic? It reads so differently after "Nothing bad about the actual city itself..."

Hey there. No, I did not use AI for the opening of this fic. The difference in tone is simply due to the writing style of the story being done at different times. It’s one of my older stories that had been collecting dust for some time, so my writing style was different back then compared to some other stories I have written more recently like my mature fic, We Can’t be Something More?

Расставаться с любимым человеком бывает очень больно... Так, что кажется, как будто отрывают часть души. Но обычно это бывает необходимо, когда отношения изживают себя.
Но в любом случае груз и раны на душе останутся.
Время лечит, но шрамы остаются....

Хорошая история, трогательная)

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