• Member Since 28th Jun, 2020
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


When in doubt, use artillery.


The day in the life of a farm pony is always difficult, be it pulling a plow or dealing with irate mothers. Misty Meadow is unfortunate that he has not only those two issues, but also a seeder to plant. But no matter what difficulties a pony faces, the fields must be tended.

This is a submission for the Slice of Life category of the Thousand Words Writing Contest III!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 5 )

Very sweet. I love the little hints of a larger world going on. n_n

Good luck in the contest!

Well thank you! I do plan on building more little stories and one shots in the same setting, so stay tuned.

The average farm boy experience.

Very nice and self contained story.

Thank you, kind sir. Is there any immediate feedback/critics you have?

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