• Member Since 19th May, 2012
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Backflipping through reality at ludicrous speeds. What does RB stand for, anyway? | Ko-Fi


It's been a thousand years since Twilight Sparkle left Ponyville to rule over Equestria. A thousand years of progress, guided by determination and her gentle hoof.

It's as good a time as any to disappear for a while.

Written for the A Thousand Words Contest III, in the Slice of Life category. Read the other entries here!

Inspired by the Mountain Goats song Andrew Eldritch Is Moving Back to Leeds.

G5 is not canon to this story. Please do not ask me to add the Alternate Universe tag; I refuse.

Preread by the incredible tag-team of Arkadios and alafoel!

Scouted by Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 42 )
Hillbe #2 · Saturday · · 6 ·

:facehoof: Dragons with fabulous manes?

:flutterrage: Annarchy Shy of Chaos! Just wait till your father gets home!

:duck: Precious Scales and I had something to do with that...

:moustache: Being friends with discord has its up side


:twilightsmile: It sure did with those ponies and dragon

Tiglish #3 · Saturday · · 15 ·

"Please do not ask me to add the Alternate Universe tag; I refuse."?

I not sure how that is work as all Fanfic is Alternate Universe as none are canon unless if Hasbro said so but anyway

This is so beautiful and bittersweet in a so many small ways. I hope she enjoys the rest. n_n

Good luck in your many contest entries!

dart157 #5 · Sunday · · ·

Glad I could help with the cover art. Nice job on the fic as well!

Tiglish #6 · Sunday · · ·

Also she now retiring?
Good for her as she has been through a lot like a thousand years since G4

That was touching, and left me with a hopeful smile. A much better fate than G5's ruinous future, I'd say.

Good story, I'd lie If I said I didn't want to see more.

Odd_Sarge #9 · Sunday · · ·

This one’s my favorite.

This would be really cool if it did actually happen in canon! I like the idea of the princesses just going on with their lives when they were done with their duties.

Boolah #11 · Sunday · · ·

This is very nice. thank you for writing this :D

Forcalor #12 · Sunday · · ·

That's why people write fanfiction

Soaring #13 · Sunday · · ·

Inspirational, RB. Very well done.

Bittersweet; nicely done :)

Arby's with the sleeper hit (he didn't see this coming cuz he was asleep)

gloamish #16 · Sunday · · ·

i love the melancholy you captured here - the mountain goats influence definitely shows! (i need to relisten to goths, i just keep replaying rain in soho) the mix of weariness and hope, still getting those old feelings on entering ponyville, it's wonderful

i also noticed you're going for a thousand words sweep with all five categories, and it looks like you've got some great entries! i'm attempting the same, best of luck to the both of us!

oh damn... Yeah nah this is great Arby's. You really feel the weight of progress on Twilight's shoulders with every word.

There is a sadness in seeing the town you grew up in change around you. I remember when I was a kid and seeing the fences along the roads, the empty fields full of overgrowth and lakes. They're all gone now, you have to go pretty far to see greenery like that again.

I I guess it's a bit about nostalgia, a bit about an aversion to change. It's bittersweet. I see the world change for the better and yet I can't help but want to go back.

You captured that feeling well Arby's. Thank u Mr meats man.

Hyper Star #18 · Sunday · · ·

Ah, you see, this is what I like.

I’m getting so tired of the "immortal Twi cries about her dead friends", here it’s a much happier variant.

It’s making me nostalgic about things not even MLP too.

I too prefer having G5 not being canon, I can only read so much of depressed friendless Twilight raging at Sunny for bringing back magic.

Caladis #19 · Sunday · · ·

There is something beautiful in the idea of Twilight returning to Ponyville to run the library after a thousand years of ruling Equestia. As upbeat as the story is with her simply wanting to take a well earn rest, I find it hard to believe that she would be able to function with all the haunting memories of happier, simpler times.

Everything would remind her of her friends.

This reminds me of an older story, in which a changeling runs into Twilight a couple of hundred years after the show. In that one Twilight is a middle manager, because successfully created a world that didn't need princesses.

Have a like

Do you remember the name of it? I'd like to read it.

8_Bit #23 · Sunday · · ·

I enjoyed this take! There's a pleasant circularity to it.

very sweet

B_Munro #25 · Sunday · · ·

Spike's probably still around, but there may not be enough magic to shrink him enough to fit inside the new tree.

(Discord might be able to, but this all looks too harmonious for his tastes. He's probably taken a page from Rick Sanchez and moved to a wackier timeline. The Pony Life universe perhaps)

Cool read, gives a hopeful perspective of life for twilight after her friends pass.

I cannot find it. Given my record of finding things on shelves, it may still be there.
I know that it was soon after the first introduction of changelings, but before much had been done with them. I don't remember if it was after she became a princess. I don't think that it was.

Synopsis: Decades into the future of Equestria, a changeling in disguise goes into a business meeting, and finds somepony else there who a) speaks changeling and b) looks like Twilight Sparkle. The changeling assumes that this "Twilight Sparkle" is another changeling with really poor disguise-choosing skills, and pulls her aside to give "Twilight" a piece of the changeling's mind.
It turns out that it really is Twilight Sparkle, who learned the secret language of the changelings in her spare time, because Twilight Sparkle. When queried as to what Twilight Sparkle is doing as corporate middle management, Twilight explains that with all the electronic and systemic improvements to Equestria (my phrasing), she's no longer needed. And that's the way she likes it.

GaPJaxie #28 · Sunday · · ·

Lovely -- a good message, and good slice of life.

This would make for a very interesting start for a multi-chapter fic, with Twilight playing the mysterious and all-knowing librarian and mentor for a new group of heroes. It would be interesting to see such a story told from the POV of a retired hero that's pretending to be a civilian.

After all, conflict and disharmony won't just disappear just because we're in an era of peace and inter-species cooperation...

This is nice, I like this story. This is way better than the absolute train wreck that is called generation five. Hope there’s a sequel to this coming up. But if not, that is fine.

That was absolutely wonderful. :yay:

It feels like the first chapter of a very nice slice-of-life story. It's fine as a one-shot, but if you choose to continue, I'll be tracking this.

Congrats on the Feature! :moustache:

This was a delight. Absolutely love when future Twilight is written in a positive light. It’s beautiful seeing her gush over the world she helped build and can now take that well-earned break.

Same. Twilight loves spreading friendship and knowledge, so I can't imagine she'd be upset at being able to do that on a global scale for entire centuries. Always sucks when people make her a mopey recluse after her friends pass away. The entire point of the show is that she learns to not shut herself away anymore and to actually socialize and deal with her problems normally. She'd probably have all her baggage involving outliving her friends packed away before any of them even pass on. I wish I saw more fics of Twilight in an advanced utopia future she helped make, far more interesting than her being a failure sitting in a shack in the edge of a wasteland.

I like it; definitely a step in the right direction when it comes to stories about future Twilicorn.

I never understood the 'she's going to outlive her friends, oh noes' problem anyway.
It's not as if, as an immortal, you'd make a couple friends when you're young, then never get close to anyone outside of that group and never make more friends for the rest of your existence.

What I don't love about this story is that apparently Twi's idea of a perfect 'retirement' from princessing is another gig as Ponyville's librarian.
It's not like that has ever been her dream job; she liked books because they contained the knowledge she was after. Golden Oaks was convenient.
Well, this new one would be as well; not like she's in a hurry. So, minor gripe I guess.

Makes you wonder ... what would Twily do with herself in a modern Equestria? A Princess in a world that doesn't need the guidance of a princess anymore, a former worrior and celebrated hero in a peaceful world, the world's most powerful mage in a society that relies more and more on technology ...

If I had my say, it would be the prologue to an anthology.

You know that ten minutes after she moves in, she will hear there voices in the descendants they left behind. Harmony has fun like that and Chaos loves a good laugh.

Spike should still be around, right?

great story

Good one, time never really stops. It's just flow.

This is a breath of fresh air!

A delightful 1K. :3

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