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Willow NightSong24

"I might seem a little quiet, but my strength is very real! When my cutie mark comes to life, my heart helps me feel!" -Misty Brightdawn


This story is a sequel to Royalty Before Family

Pipp is captured. Magic is gone. Misty has only said three sentences in six months. And Zipp is barely talking to Sunny and Hitch.

When things seem most hopeless, the five friends embark on a journey to save Pipp from a mysterious changeling kingdom they know nothing about. Will they be successful? Or will everything backfire like Zipp feared when she had Misty destroy the Unity Crystals?

Wanna know how it all started? The link for the first story is below ⬇


Chapters (3)
Comments ( 6 )

Zipp quería que la entendieran pero ella no quiere entender a nadie, irónico

Not that I’m complaining, but is there a reason why each story has been darker than the last?

I know these chapters are going to seem a little dark at first, but trust me, it'll all make sense in the end.

Think of this story almost like Season 1 Ep 2 of FIM. That's the only hint I'm giving you.

I will ask again if since changelings have appeared, will any other characters from G4 appear? (e.g. Flurry Heart)

...you'll just have to wait until the next chapter. You'll never know what dangers you'll find outside of Equestria.

I know, criptic answers. I just don't want to spoil it for you. Don't worry tho, you won't have to wait long. I'm writing the next chapter as we speak so it'll be out in the next day or two.

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