• Member Since 8th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago



Princess Ember and Gilda meet at Twilight's castle to discuss diplomacy. Unfortunately, negotiaions go south when the two become locked into a heated debate over a very serious question.

Submitted for A Thousand Words Contest III under the Comedy category.

Special shout out to Love and What Came After for proofreading and offering suggestions.

Art by Nobody

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

LOL that payoff at the end with Spike/Ember/Gilda was golden, thanks for sharing! :rainbowlaugh:

JWR #2 · Last Tuesday · · ·


I'll be honest because of the cover image and the character tags I thought this was gonna be a fic about Gilda and Ember arguing about whether or not Spike is a nerd (With Gilda saying he is and Ember saying he isn't)

But this was still a lovely fic with a great pay-off!

(although if I'm being honest I want someone to write this fic now, also I'm high rn and the more I write this comment the weirder it seems to me)

JWR #4 · Last Tuesday · · ·


I'm glad you liked it.

I'd say Cave but that's just my opinion...

JWR #6 · Last Tuesday · · ·

And so the debate continues.

Neither--the Spanish Inquisition would come and wipe them both out when they aren't expecting it--they're good at that. :trollestia:

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