• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 3,200 Views, 87 Comments

Metal Ringing - 1000Fights

An intense story that tells of two military brother who find themselves in Equestria.

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I'll See You In Court

"I swear, I'm going to fucking kill you!" Ignatius' temper had flared again when the cackling of the black haired man resumed. It was about time to go to court and Ignatius was already agitated, on top of that, he was now dealing with an insane convict and his incessant laughter. It wasn't long before the cackling subsided and the sound of heavy footsteps and scrapping metal sounded in the corridor beyond. With torches in hand, Aquinas and the same two armed guards from yesterday came to collect the Marine. Ignatius blew a sigh of relief when his cell was open and he wasn't met with a spear tip and handcuffs. He made his way past the party and kicked the heavy door. Though a heavy pain shot through his leg, he still found enough satisfaction to smile. "Hear that, shit bag?" he howled. "I'm getting out of here!"

Aquinas came up to his brother and put a hand on his shoulder. "Ignatius?" he asked with more than a weight of worry in his voice. "Who are you talking to?"

"I'm talking to the asshole in that cell." Ignatius pointed to the cell door. "Because of his fucking laughter, I wasn't able to get any sleep last night." he examined his brother in the light of the torches. "It seems you haven't gotten any either. It shows you did a lot of work."

Aquinas nodded and yawned. "Don't worry about me, or the case. I got you covered."

Ignatius looked back to the cell. "See you later, fuck-wad!" He threw up his middle finger.

"Matt." Aquinas said. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"Yah." Ignatius read his brother's face well enough. "Why? Is there something that you're not telling me?"

"Well," Aquinas said nervously. "It's just that you . . . well, you're . . . "

"Spit it out." Ignatius pressed.

"You're yelling at an empty cell." Aquinas' face put an even more worried look.

Ignatius' face screwed up. "Are you fucking with me? You're fucking with me , right?"

One of the guards took the initiative and opened the cell. It was revealed to be empty. Ignatius went inside and looked at the walls and floor. Not a spot was cleaned of dust and there were no signs of anyone living in here for at least a decade. He looked to the guards who gave him a nod in affirmation that it was as he sees. Ignatius stepped out of the cell with a pale face and weak legs.

"Let's get the fuck out of here." he said as he rubbed his arms simultaneously while traveling out of the dungeon. As the party closed the door to the dungeons to leave the vile place behind, Ignatius heard once last group of soft cackling as the portal closed shut.

The armed escort traveled down the hallways of the castle at a steady pace. Ignatius took to a marching pace with his brother following suite. Aquinas stayed perfectly a breast to his brother as they marched to their destination.

"So." Ignatius said to break the silence. "What's the plan?"

"Show up, shut up, and shine." Aquinas stated dryly. "I have the whole situation under control. Just don't talk."

"So just let you do all the talking." Ignatius stated. "Just like back in Delaware."

"Except I hope it doesn't end with you knocking out a streaking man after we exit the court room." Aquinas stated with a chuckle.

"I think that was the best part." Ignatius said with an equal chuckle. "I do so enjoy helping the community by putting a stop to those who would discredit it."

"By dropping your pants and 'tea bagging' them after you stopped them?" Aquinas said with a growing laugh.

"I think he would be better off knowing that because of his actions he was met with consequences that better suit his crime than just receiving community service." Ignatius threw up a wicked smile.

"You're so fucked up in the head."

"Kill the liar that said I wasn't."

The simple farmer bowed low to the princess and walked off with his returned pigs. The animals snorted and oinked as they followed their master out the door and passed up the two men flanked by armed guards. Ordinarily, this would give the farmer pause for thought, but at this point, all he cared for was getting his pigs home to the farm.

As he passed away from the court room, he noticed another guard that escorted a woman to the large doors. She looked to be very frightened and she visibly shook. This actually surprised him more than the two men under armed guard. His mind tried to make a connection, but he dismissed it. It wasn't because he thought it to be unreasonable, but he never wanted to believe something he really knew nothing about. So instead of sitting there and contemplating, he just made his way down the hall with his pigs and went on his way home.

Princess Celestia signed the last of the floating papers from the case that had just left when she turned her head back to the center of the throne room and spotted the newest case that served as the last for the day. She took a breath and let it out. She had been waiting this whole day for the chance to hear this case and finally be rid of Ignatius. She didn't really expect Aquinas to win, but it would be nice to hear what the man had to say after just a day on a case.

The party stopped just shy of twenty feet of the throne when the guards that flanked the brothers gave the equal distance between them and the case group.

Alvi was present and was the first to speak her well practiced lines. "Court will now come to order with her majesty, Princess Celestia, presiding over this case. The defendant is charged with the murder of Equestrian royal guards. The defendant will now be allowed to exchanged words with the princess." Alvi backed away a few steps.

Aquinas gave one last look to Ignatius, who gave nod, and approached the princess a few steps. The Ensign cleared his throat and began. "Princess Celestia, you have charged my client with the crime of murder. This however, is what can be stated as, by Equestrian Law; Book Nine; Page 1123; Section 4; as false accusation."

"Oh, then what do you call a man covered in blood, holding a dagger, and standing over a pile of dead bodies then?" Princess Celestia shot.

"His job, my lady." Aquinas' words earned him a couple stares. "Unbeknownst to by brother, you have placed both him and I under your employment as members of your personal guard. Upon further study of Equestrian Law, I had found that the Uniformed Code of Military Justice extends further than our realm. It has presence in this one as well. Under such a code, Ignatius is bound by honor and oath to support and defend the crown of Equestria against all enemies both foreign and domestic. As the laws state."

"I would like to know more about the incident." the princess said. "Do you have a credible witness that could shed some light on this whole incident?"

"I do, my lady." Aquinas said. "I would like to call forth, Private Bright Flower."

On cue, one of the doors to the throne room swung open and a petit woman dressed in formal military attire took dignified, but also cautious steps toward the throne. The female guard's legs were shaking and her breathe was rather labored. She had only seen the princess from a distance, but seeing her up close, and under the circumstances, she was truly frightened. She tried to fall back on her basic training to steady herself as she approached. It only helped slightly.

When the Private had made it to Aquinas' side, she issued a salute to the monarch. Princess Celestia issued a knowing smile to the obviously terrified girl and said, "There is no need for such formalities, Private. You are here to give testimony, not give a report. You can stand at as much ease at you pleasure."

The young girl took a deep breath and steadied herself. A little flash of excitement went through her as she was addressed by the princess. "Thank you, Your Majesty." she said as she folded her hands behind her back and spread her feat slightly to be at the position of ease.

Aquinas stepped in between the two women and turned toward the guard. "Private Bright Flower, will you, in your own words, describe for the court the events that had transpired just a night ago?"

Bright cleared her throat and answered. "Yes. Yes, I can." she cleared her throat again and began. "I was on my usual guard route when the next corner I rounded was filled with guards. I noticed that they were loitering on duty, and still in uniform, so I was going to ask why they were there. I was met with hungry stares, and that was when one of them grabbed me. He and his 'friends' were cracking jokes and making plans of how they would defile me." the Private's speech became cracked, and her eyes started to well.

"Take all the time you need to recover, and then answer." Aquinas said sympathetically.

Bright Flower took a couple breathes and continued. "When they handled me, I could only find enough courage to take breath. I felt a sense of helplessness at that moment. Then, a man in leather armor showed up. He tried to reason with the first of the guards, but he attacked him, and after the man dispatched him, the others rushed in. Only to be cut down. The last guard that held me met his end when the leather armored man threw his knife into the face of the last traitor. I say with shame that I passed out from fear."

"Could you identify the man in leather armor that saved you?" Aquinas said with a winning smile.

"Yes." Bright Flower said, her own smile growing. She turned and pointed to Ignatius and said, "He is the one that saved me. That man right there." The Marine Sergeant gave a nod to her in silent thanks.

"Ignatius." the Ensign lawyer called. "Do you affirm that the story that Private Flower has given is accurate."

"I would say so." Ignatius said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Though it's missing the impressive movements I made, it still sends a clear message."

"By receiving testimony from both individuals that still live from the incident, it has been made clear that the deceased had, by word of the same individuals, premeditated their actions and were about to act upon them when Ignatius had stopped them from committing the crime of rape. When Ignatius had confronted the guards he was met with open, physical hostility, he retaliated in the only way that ensured his safety, by defending himself from the blades of your guards, Your Majesty."

"Though the victim's story is less detailed, it still has the same foundational principals that Ignatius had told me back in his cell during my examination process. Therefore, I can state that, even though there was no formal pact, Ignatius' action were in direct line with Equestrian Law and the Uniformed Code of Military Justice in the same nation, and therefore innocent of the charge of murder. The defense rests." Aquinas took his place by his brother.

Princess Celestia's smile nearly took her ears. "Well," she said. "I am impressed. You have truly delivered today, Aquinas. I am making the decision to let Ignatius free on the grounds that he was doing the duty he was appointed." The princess folded her hands. "Court dismissed."

The two brothers clapped wrists together in victory. "Well, that was easier than the Maryland case."

Aquinas gave his brother a queer look. "But we never had a court case in Maryland."

"Um . . . " Ignatius said as his eyes trailed away.


"I'm pleading the fifth!" Ignatius shot his hands up defensively.

Aquinas rubbed the bridge of his nose and issued a heavy sigh. As the naval officer internally scorned his brother, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked over to see a woman with a content smile on her face.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," she said in a melodic tone. "but I think that a proper thank you is in order." She moved passed the lawyer and stepped up to Ignatius. Her face was that of a rosy color and her eyes sparkled like fire rubies with their red tone having a slight glistening with the sunlight coming in through the window and striking them perfectly. "Though your brother has probably already told you, I am very grateful that you have saved me from those brutes in guard's costumes. I thank you." She wrapped her arms around the Marine in a tight hug and buried her head in his leather chest.

Ignatius returned the hug with a gentle smile and said, "I was just doing my duty." a slight blush came to his face.

Bright Flower back off from the extended hug and said. "I am in your debt. If ever you need my assistance, do not hesitate to call upon me."

"I will keep you in mind, Private Bright Flower." Ignatius said.

"I await your command, Sir Ignatius." the young woman saluted the young man and walked off.

Aquinas came up to his brother and gave a slight punch to his shoulder. "You saw the way she looked at you?"

"Yah. It's the same way you look at bar men." Ignatius stabbed.

Aquinas did his best to imitate the troll face. Both brothers let out a jovial laugh. The mirth however, was stolen by a loud clearing of the throat. The pair turned their attention to the throne and saw that the monarch sitting there was not too pleased. Aquinas shrunk slightly at the sight of the displeased princess. Ignatius just deadpanned as usual.

Celestia got up from her chair and stalked over to the duo and stared into Ignatius. She was expecting to see nothing for this so that she was not disappointed. Her lips were still pursed and her eyes shot daggers after dagger into the Marine. True to form, Ignatius stared back even more intensely. He had no love for the ruler, and he would have no problem killing her where she stood.

It was a good five minutes of still silence until the princess spoke. "Just because your brother saved you this time, does not mean he will be able to save you again in the future. Even though you are innocent of the crime of murder, you are still held in contempt and will be punished for making me angry and uncomfortable in my own home. So, now I will have to find a suitable punishment for you."

Aquinas' brain was working quick and he was able to interject. "Your Majesty." he said in a respectful tone. As if it was a master calling his faithful dog, Celestia shot her head directly in the Ensign's direction. "If I may interject. I know that my brother isn't the easiest to deal with, however, instead of punishing the man for his deeds of the couple of days, maybe he can redeem himself."

"Oh?" the princess said with a bit of curiosity. "How?"

"If I am not mistaken, you had sent my brother to see a blacksmith to be fitted for the armor that he now wears, and to receive a weapon from the same. Well, it just so happens that my brother is an aspiring forge worker and would be an excellent student for the one behind the anvil that graces your castle."

"So what you are saying is, that instead of keeping your brother in a cell, or worse, I should give him a duty?" the princess was openly skeptical.

"It would be an outlet for his aggression and anger. All while providing a service to you. All that I ask is that you will provide clothing, food and bed. Other than that, I don't think that he will need any money. I actually think that Ignatius would agree to serving you to the fullest extent while behind the forge." Aquinas gave his brother an eye, and the latter gave a nod.

"So he kills my guards and he gets a job." the princess said dryly. "That is, I must say, the most unorthodox thing I have heard this year."

"Give it a couple weeks." Ignatius issued. "My brother and I will come up with something else that tops the crazy list."

"And what makes you think that this is a good idea, Aquinas?" Celestia's tone gave the impression that this idea was not readily welcome.

"Because it does more good to Equestria than it does to your hatred of the man." Aquinas said dryly.

The princess issued a sharp snort and turned back to Ignatius. "You are to assist Twisted Horns with his work at the forge. You are at his command. If you are told to roll over and play dead, you are to do so until it is no longer required of you. You are also at MY beckoning call. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yeah." Ignatius said sharply. "Just one question, though. Do I get my knife back?"

Princess Celestia's flashed an are-you-kidding-me look. "What makes you think that I would allow you to carry a weapon?"

Aquinas stepped over to the princess and ushered her over to her throne said "Guards. Attack Ignatius, but do not kill him." Aquinas looked to his brother and shook his head as a silent order to adhere to the same restrictions.

On cue the guard closest to the Marine pointed his spear at him. He was mere inches away. A mistake the guard wished that he had not made. Ignatius exploded into motion and grabbed the spear shaft and pulled himself and the vanguard in close to issue an uppercut and kick the guard in the groin as he tore the spear form the pegasi's hands and wiped it around and met the spear that the other guard presented. As the tip swung wide, the leather armored warrior reversed his grip on the weapon so the back of the spear was the attacking end and he came down on the guardsman's head will a force great enough to put a small dent in the helmet of the heavily armored unicorn. Ignatius turned his attention toward the recovering guard and offered the side of his foot into the helmet of the guard, which made the guard daze a little bit more. This gave Ignatius a little more time to deal with the rushing guard with the dented helm. Ignatius stepped out and gave a swift palm to the side of the helm and pushed the guard into his brother in arms. Both tumbled to the ground with one laying on top of each other. The Marine flipped a spear from the ground with his foot and caught it in mid air. As the guards came to their feet, the swift fighter swung the pole arm and caught one of the guards upside the head. The force form the impact sent the other, who was still trying to recover balance, back down to the ground. Before the bottom guard could get his now unconscious comrade off of him, Ignatius sunk the spear tip in the ground by the man's head. Needless to say, the guard just laid there in defeat. Ignatius turned back to the white dressed monarch and dusted off his hands.

When he returned, the princess expected to see at least some sign of heavy breathing, but found not one bead of sweat on his brow. Princess Celestia had just witnessed Ignatius' fighting prowess and she couldn't have been more embarrassed. Her best guards, literally, those guards were her finest warriors, and there they were, on the ground defeated, by a commoner. The smug smile on his face didn't help at all to deal with this defeat.

As Ignatius approached the throne, Alvi's instincts for survival kicked in and she positioned her feet to move into an opening stance to defend herself if need be. She didn't think that she would survive one minute against the man. Given the display, she doubted she would last thirty seconds, but she only had to survive as long as it took for the princess to use her magic to stop the man. She didn't like relying on anyone else to help her, but then again, this was no ordinary situation with an ordinary man. If there was any instance that she could remember when she had felt this kind of fear, it would have been when she was but six years old and dealing with her abusive mother. Other than that, she never felt to helpless against anyone. Even Celestia.

Ignatius did well to hide his breath. His heart rate had gone up slightly, but he was able to control it enough to where it was not too obvious that he was bothered by his actions. His brother gave him a slight nod. He hadn't killed the guards, and he had only knocked out one. The other just found more sense in accepting that he was outmatched.

The princess turned towards Aquinas and asked "What was that display supposed to prove?" Her tone rather sharp.

"To show you that my brother doesn't need a weapon to kill someone. He is a weapon in himself. It's just that with weapon in his hands, it makes it easier for him to better dispatch enemies. Enemies that might be better suited to fighting than your guards." Aquinas' point was sharper than Celestia's wit. Then again, her mind was clouded by the image that stood before her. "There is also the simple fact of his loyalty. Even though you two do not see eye to eye, he is still loyal to whatever side I am on. Which, because I am, includes your side."

She grit her teeth and snorted. "Fine!" she shot. "You may receive your dagger." a burst of sun yellow energy flashed before Ignatius, and his belted weapon appeared. He took the piece and strapped it on his waist.

"Thank you, Princess." he said sincerely. "I feel much better now that I have a blade back on my hip."

"So glad I can help." the sourness of her tone was enough to make a lime tell her to sweeten up. "Just collect whatever you need and go back to Metal Ringing."

Ignatius needed no other words. He simply turned around and left the throne room, but not without throwing his brother a smile and nod in thanks for pulling him out of another legal matter. He walked out the doors and beckoned for a guard to return him to the guest rooms, and lead him towards the forge.

As soon as the doors closed, Princess Celestia let out a deafening roar and threw out a great light from her hands. The hot glow grew intensely and covered her as her rage and frustration came boiling over into a magical outburst. Aquinas took cover behind his arms, and Alvi hid behind the throne. The two defeated guards reacted with the man on top shielding his comrade from the blinding orb of energy as he ducked his head down under him as he closed his eyes tight to keep the light out.

The rage subsided as quickly as it came. The glowing orbs left nothing touched, but Celestia herself was covered in sweat. Her hair was a mangle mess and her white gown stuck to her like a second skin. To be truthful, it left only a small portion to the imagination. Her breath was labored and her legs shook violently. The monarch collapsed on her throne in a heap and shut her eyes. The land of sleep and rest welcomed her with opened arms, and a comforting smile. Alvi called for the royal carriers to come and retrieve the princess off of her throne. Aquinas picked up the sleeping politician's soaking wet body with ease and placed her on the silken sheets of the heavily adorned, and comfortable looking, stretcher. He made sure to be as ginger as possible as not to harm the delicate female. She looked so peaceful, even after that display of, what looked like, unlimited power. The female unicorns that served as the royal carriers hurried off to the princess' room.

The Naval Officer stood silently. Aquinas was anxious. With a show like that, he thought that even Ignatius would be on his guard so much that not even the wind could shift without him overreacting and attacking the general direction. Alvi stepped out from behind the throne and took one steady breath. She stood so comfortably, one would think that nothing major had happened. Aquinas internally inquired if this whole incident was in fact something that happened on a regular basis. Then he figured he might need an answer to his suspicions.

"Alvi?" the blue coated man asked. "What was that?"

Alvi threw him a smirk. "Oh, that?" she said coolly. "It was just Celestia throwing a hissy fit. There are a lot of things that she is dealing with right now, and the mound that it was is now turning into a second mountain. Your brother surely isn't helping with that. Our dear princess is trying to cope with the stress, and sometimes she has to let it out. What you saw was just a small measure of her power." Alvi motioned for the window. "Take a look outside." Aquinas looked behind him and saw that the sun had set and the moon had risen. "She did all that all while relieving her stress by making that white hot glow."

Aquinas was trying to let it all sink in. He had just witnessed something that only a god, or goddess , should be able to do. He didn't know whether to admire the princess for her ability, or to fear her greatly. He turned back to Alvi with an expression that said it all.

Alvi just chuckled slightly. She had the same expression when Celestia started having these episodes, but with this all happening on a regular basis, she had grown used to it. These days however, she had become increasingly more agitated. Perhaps, Aquinas could relieve some of that pressure. A naughty thought flashed through the steward's head and she kind of liked what she saw. Her lips gave a tug in a smile that Aquinas couldn't rightly read, but then again, his mind was elsewhere. If Celestia wanted to, she could have incinerated him with just a wave of her hand, and yet she gave him a chance to live, and, with no small amount of his help, got a job at the forge.

Aquinas said a faint good bye to Alvi and left for his room. He needed a good night's rest.

Author's Note:

After this chpater, or the next, there will be some time skips. It will state how many days/weeks/months past in the chapter.