• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 15,404 Views, 366 Comments

Helios - Mandroid

  • ...

Expert Advice.

The spittoon rings out through the town as your Taffy Tobaccy lands in it. You sit with your feet propped up on the railing outside The Applebarrel. They didn't really have a sheriff's office here, and you did most of your thinking at the bar anyway.

It was the day after your meeting with Cadence.

You had spent the entire night thinking about what she said afterwards...

"Perhaps I don't need to?" and all said with that smile of hers. She had been talking about you and Celestia, if there was any mutual love between the two of you.

You admit, you cared about Celestia, and you were worried about her not using a bodyguard. But still... Your SOULS were linked, that was weird even by your standards and you slept with a horse who raised the sun. You had spent the entire evening just sitting on your bed, trying to figure out what your tipping point was.

Would you go back if you realized you were wrong? What if the griffins attacked again? Or Blueblood got out? Would you need to save face?

Would Celestia even take you back?

You lean back in your chair and blow a raspberry. This was harder than it was last night... The rapid sound of someone galloping down the street caught your eye, it was Saloon Scalper.

He looked nervous...

"Changelings! Out back by tha' General Store!"

Oh hell!


You dash down the main road to the general store. Peeking through the window you see Mayor Buckington and Tornado Dancer staring down a trio of Changelings. They couldn't take them on their own, you were the only one who knew how to fight in this town.

Not to mention it was your job.

You hop up on the railing outside the store and pull yourself onto the roof.

They were talking.

"Where is it!? Where do you keep it!?" they ask with their flanged voices.

"What in tarnation are you talkin' 'r you talkin' about!?" Tornado shout.

You hear what you assume was a grunt from another Changeling. "They don't know! I say we turn this town upside down to find that reservoir!"

Not on your bloody watch.

"Here's your reservoir!" you shout.

You leap off the roof of the store, hoping that the sun behind you will give you an advantage. Fist meats exoskeleton as you land in front of the first Changeling, the other two looking on in surprise.

You turn back to Buckington and Tornado. "Go! Get out of here!"

The two stallions ran off as the other changelings lunged at you. You sidestep and grab it by its horn.

The Changeling spins around and around as you pivot on your foot, eventually flying through the air and hitting the side of the general store with a loud "WHAP!" when you let go. The third Changeling jumped onto your back as the first one recovered and latched on to your leg. You lifted and stomped your foot rhythmically, hoping to catch the first Changeling under your boot. At the same time, you yanked and pulled the Changeling on your back off, it's hooves wrapped around your neck tight. The Changeling was finally caught underneath your stomping boot, sending teeth and spittle onto the ground.

At the same time, you reversed the headlock the last conscious Changeling had, putting him in a sleeper hold so he could join his fellows. His limp body hits the ground and you look around.

"Huh. Not too bad for being out of practice."

Two of the Changelings are over your shoulders as you drag the other one along the ground. You had started to book it once you heard them waking up, you were gonna make it to the edge of town just in time.

They flop over the ground near the hills as they regain consciousness.


The lead Changeling is the first to his feet, instantly taking in his surroundings before glaring at you.

"Why were ya'll in my town?"


You spit. "Whatever. Show up again and I won't be bringing you back here, least not alive."

The other two Changelings get to their feet and begin sniffing at the air. "This guy is the reservoir! We can take him here!" one says.

"Be my guest. I don't want to get stomped again!" says the other.



The Changelings stop their bickering and glare up at you, their anger barely contained.

That was creepy...how they did that in unison... These Changelings were pretty creepy in general. They seem to always move in unison and they were constantly drooling some translucent liquid.

The lead one steps forward, only coming up to your calf. "We Changelings feed on love, as you are no doubt aware."

You nod.

"The three of us abandoned our hive after Queen Chrysalis' failed attempt at the Equestrian throne. We came to this place on the scent of a mass of love the likes of which none of us had ever seen...and it seems that you are the source of that love, biped." he says.

You...? A love repository...?

"Uh...love for who?"

The three of them close their eyes for a moment. "We...cannot tell. All we see when we look into your heart is a rather blinding light."

That...didn't make your day any easier.

The sun is high in the sky as you sat back out front of The Applebarrel. You have your feet planted on the ground and your chin in your hand, lost in thought.

So...apparently you loved Celestia...The mare who linked her mind with you and let all of her overwhelming affection in...


The bar doors open up and a familiar stallion trots out. "Hey Anonymous,...Y'all okay?" Braeburn asks.

You keep your gaze affixed straight ahead. "Hey Brae. Just thinking."

"What about?"

"...Remember the reason I told you I came here?"

Braeburn's face falls a bit. "About that wizard? And your soul?"


Braeburn knew that someone who loved you bound your souls and scared you off. What he didn't know was that it was Celestia.

"Well what's up?"

"I...think I love her."

Braeburn's smile explodes. "Well shoot Anon! That's great news!

"But what about..." you point to your head. "That?"

Braeburn scrunches his face. "...Does that matter?"



"Well...Yeah. It's pretty obvious you care, and that she cares, and if you both care and both feel it then it's just a big ball of care aint it?"

That was...certainly a unique way of looking at it.

"But...am I still me? If the link is going and stuff?"

Braeburn shifts on his hooves. "I didn't know ya before ya came here Anon. Do YOU think you're the same guy?"

You felt like you sat there for an eternity.

"I...don't know."

"Well...I think you should go to her Anon..." Braeburn turns and trots away. "Y'all won't feel any better till ya do."

You were on the train.

The scenery outside was speeding by too fast to see. On the horizon the sun was beginning to inch its way down.

Your mind wanders back, way back. About how melancholy you had been these last few weeks. You thought it was just because of how mad the situation was when you left, not because of heartache.

Uhg. You had uprooted your life over this mindlink... Life in Canterlot was one of chaotic routine, one with friends and warmth and direction. Even when you were new to the guard, your day was always comfortably scheduled to the second.

But all that had changed with Celestia...

Suddenly your days could be spent either walking around the city or on diplomatic missions to Zevera and suddenly your training got put more to use. The Princess had many enemies.

You sigh and lean back.

It was hard for you to imagine your Equestrian life without Celestia. She had been a constant. From when you first appeared here and she deemed you safe to when you had left for Appleoosa.

Even in the guard there wasn't a day you didn't see her around the castle or performing her sun spell.

You cherished those memories.


Was that simply devotion talking? Or was it affection?

You sigh against your seat. You don't know anymore... What did Celestia say she was doing? "Going with what felt right?"

Can't hurt...

You stood just inside the castle gates. It was past dark now. You had...no idea what you were doing...


You slide your hands in your pockets and start walking. You walk and walk until you find yourself in the castle gardens. Up above you on the side of the castle hung Celestia's balcony. The place where she rose and lowered the sun every day. You knew that balcony well, you saw it almost as much as she did.

Any plans you had to make this right didn't seem to amount to much...

You sit down on a nearby bench and tried something... Reaching out with your link to see what you could feel.

There was... Sadness...the crushing sadness that came with loss. Following that came the inky blackness of depression brought on by helplessness. You felt terrible for causing that feeling.

Dammit, all of this was your fault.

The blackness gave way to the cool blue of...intrigue?




You opened your eyes just in time to see Celestia jump off her balcony and land some feet away from you in the garden.

"W-what are you doing here?" she asks wide eyed.

You scramble to your feet. "I...decided to come back."

Celestia cants her head to the side as a smile tugs at her mouth. "Why? I-I thought you had made your choice..."

"I thought about it...our "situation" that is."

Felt a bit awkward, either from the link or just yourself. You didn't really care...not after all the crap recently.

Celestia trots over to you, talking the entire way. "Anonymous I understand why you left an-"

Your words come pouring out as well "I shouldn't have left like I did, it was stupid an-"

"Telling you how I felt right after the other news-"

"Stupid and immature of me."

The both of you snap your mouths shut.

Celestia clears her throat. "We seem to be..."

"Tripping over each other."

The silence stretches from here to Appleoosa.

You flex your fingers at your side.

Celestia shuffles on her hooves a bit.



"Fuck it."

You gently place your hands on Celestia's face and pull her close, satiating the hunger for her velvety lips you had felt since you saw her.

The two of you stand unmoving save for your mouths for a while. When it's finally decided that you want to breathe more than kiss, you break away from each other.


That felt...Good.

And not just because of the link, even if that was nice too.

"I enjoyed that..."

Celestia's cheeks take on a rose hue. "Likewise Anon..." she says with a smile.


"...Now what?"

You admit you were at a loss here.

Celestia continues to stare at you with eyes unblinking. "I...don't know Anon..."

"I guess...we could do what you want?"

Celestia almost barrels over your words, leaning her head forward. "Anon, I have everything I've wanted for a while now." she says faster than you have ever heard.

Heh...that was pretty cute.

You look around the garden as the moon moves across the sky.

"We should probably avoid being seen. Is your room-"

A bright white light took your vision from you, returning it to show Celestia's room greeting you. The Sun Princess hadn't moved an inch, her face still almost brushing up against yours.

"-an option?"

You meet Celestia's eyes again...And the two of you stand there together.

You felt...apprehensive, the both of you. You may have to wing this again. Your hand on Celestia's chin, you guide your mouths together once more.

The kiss before had been one of hunger, the result of not seeing each other for so long. This kiss was far more tender. Celestia and your lips in constant motion as you both tried to take as much of the other in as you could.

You break again in the harsh shadows of the fireplace. "Shall I stay with you tonight your majesty?"

Celestia flicks her wing and sends a rush of air to the fireplace, extinguishing it.


"As you wish."