• Member Since 28th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen April 20th


I'm a musician, songwriter, and erstwhile actor and improviser, with a BA in theatre and a minor in Latin. That's the short version.


  • EA Nice Cup of Tea
    Derpy has to make a special delivery to Princess Celestia. Little does she know that before it's over with, she'll run afoul of pirates, question her own conscience, and even sit down to a nice cup of tea.
    Mannulus · 10k words  ·  42  1 · 801 views

Derpy arrives to work late, as usual, and finds herself tasked with the delivery of a package to a recipient whom her boss describes as "a crotchety old unicorn," who lives in the Everfree Forest. With her job on the line, Derpy ends up going above and beyond the call of duty, outflying and outrunning dragons, parasprites, river monsters, and an empty stomach, all in the name of making what would seem to be a simple delivery.
Unfortunately for Derpy, this delivery is anything but what it seems.

Cover Art by Tarantad0 of deviantART

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 39 )

"a crotchety old unicorn,"


Is that supposed to be 'grouchy?'

DERPY!!!!!!!!!! You have my complete and undived attettion....and I spelled that wrong, I will be watching the story of my favorite pony in the entire series.....and give you my honest reviews my friend.


No, "crotchety" is a word. Here's the definition from the American College Dictionary.

Crotchety: capriciously stubborn or eccentric; perverse.

I uh... I was going with the "capriciously stubborn or eccentric" definition, here. Though how Boxxy would even know he was crotchety is anyone's guess. Maybe he used some kind of telepathy to ask him why his package was late, or maybe there are just stories about him, or something. I dunno. Gonna leave that question in the fridge, where it belongs.

Also, thanks for reading and commenting, everyone!

This is great. I've only just finished chapter 2 and I am thoroughly enjoying myself.


Forgive what? Nothing to worry about.

Very nice treatment of Ditsy/Dinky, and much better than mine. (I made a mess out of mine) Have a happy thumb-up.

Okay, I mark that as a manoeuvre kill against the dragon and an 'assist' on the parasprites. I'll put that on Derpy's air combat record. :derpytongue2:

I'm just wondering how much of Derpy's troubles are self-induced. I mean, what's the chance that this Withers Deathray actually lives up to his name? Well, knowing Derpy's luck, it's probably 1:1. Okay, logic says that he's probably just an antisocial pony who lives with his twenty or so cats well away from the society and ponies that he despises with a passion. However there is also the small chance that he's a mad scientist. Once again, remember Derpy's luck.

"Do you think I'm mad!?”

Um... Yes? :derpytongue2:

Here's hoping that dragon is still alive; Derpy has a treat for him.

Yes, Ponyville is in danger and Derpy is the only person to stand in the way!

Be afraid. :rainbowlaugh:

Just a little reminder that, sometimes, it falls to the simplest and humblest of beings to save the day. We can all be a hero, if we dare to try and if we remember that it is up to us, not some one (or somepony) else.

This was a lovely story and deserves recognition. You manage to dignify the character of Derpy without losing her characteristic goofiness, eccentricity and clumsy nature. That is an achievement in its own right! Overall this is a great bit of work and I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for sharing!

Wow.....talk about talent, you have got lots and lots of it but remember to only add five lines to a paragraph then seprate it for another, and poor Derpy she can never get a break, this is going to be a very long jourany.

Holy buck a new villian....very amuseing.....this stallion is crazy and you got a few spelling errors....holy crap she jacked the diamond, run Derpy, RUN!!!!!

YOU CAN DO IT DERPY, JOIN THE DARK SIDE! WE HAVE MUFFINS!!!!! Also, she's smart but this is going to get crazy!!!

You have done more for Derpy then anyone I know, you keep who she is intacted and made her a hero of her own right...she survived, I was honestly not expecting that but I'm very glad that she did, this has got to be my most favorite Derpy story ever you did very, very well...your going to be famous one day and when you are, remember Derpy Hooves:rainbowlaugh:

this is one of the best portrayals of the everfree forest that i've ever seen. and i'm going to have to agree with 1433107. constant action.
I hope this gets featured. We need more good stories like this to get featured.

Dude, this is a masterpiece. I haven't had so much fun reading a fiction in ages. You sir, have crafted a magnificent short story that creates an extraordinary hero out of someone who is supposed to be the laughing stock of the fandom. Thank you for sharing this story with us. It was a pleasure to read.

Have a mustache.:moustache:

Derpy seems remarkably intelligent, or have I just been judging her too harshly in the past? :derpytongue2: Anyway, good story, and Derpy's love for DInky made me d'aww. I'm not sure if the "grabbing the metal statue" would have worked, though; I think it would have just fried her.

I really liked this story! Kept me hooked right until the end :twilightsmile: Great job!

This is completely epic. Excellent writing, only the very rare error in grammar, nothing serious enough for me to remember its location or its nature. Combine that with the fact that the story centers around my favorite background pony, and you have one hell of a fanfic.:derpytongue2:

Also, I feel the need to share Derpy-related heart explosions.


I just want to say thanks to everyone who has read this and commented.

Now for a shameless plug.

I have another story up, currently, called "The Sun Eater." If you have "mature" filtered out, you won't be able to see it, but it's NOT a clopfic. The reason it's rated mature is mostly for violence, language, and substance abuse. If that's not your thing, then by no means should you read it, but if you don't mind a darker take on MLP:FiM, you might like it. It's essentially an experiment that I did to see what would happen if I wrote a fairly long piece of MLP:FiM fanfiction while reading the complete works of H.P. Lovecraft. Since that necessitated some headier, more adult-oriented concepts, I sort of created an alternate Equestria that's much grittier and more real. Since I had already done that, I decided to go ahead and deal with some pretty brutal issues. It took me about nine months to write and edit, and in my opinion is one of the best pieces of writing I've ever done, fanfic or otherwise.

I'm actually glad that I decided to post this older story so that people can see that I'm not just about the darker side of things. Truth be told, I'd much rather live in the canonical version of Equestria than the one I depict in "The Sun Eater." If you do like my style, though, give it a look. Just keep in mind that it's NOT this story, and therefore has a somewhat different narrative style, even from within my own voice.

Once again, thanks for reading this piece, and stay on the lookout. I might be compelled to continue with "The Misadventures of Derpy Hooves," given the reception this particular story has experienced. Of course, if I write any more stories in this series, they will all be in the same G-rated and/or Everyone-rated format, so that no one should find anything about them offensive.

Just don't expect them too often. I keep myself busy with a lot of real-world, non-pony projects, and just do this when my mind needs a break from those.

I always liked Derpy, but now I declare Derpy is Second Best Pony. :yay:

This story was wonderful. Derpy as hero isn't something I thought I'd ever see, but she earned it. And you kept it within the spirit of the show as well!

Definately a favorite! Well done! Very, very well done!


Well, there's "A Nice Cup of Tea," which I wrote a few days ago. It's basically Derpy meets pirates. Going to write another one soon, where Derpy runs into... someone... from the series. Should be fun, but I'm keeping who it is and what happens kind of hush.

Thanks for reading my stuff. Glad you enjoyed it.

The rest of Derpy's flight was largely uneventful, though she had developed a healthy case of paranoia and a more-than-passing tendency to check behind herself with a rather excessive frequency. Soon, a lone mountain loomed into view, its peak half again higher than Derpy's own altitude. It was a strange sight, standing by itself in the middle of the forest. Just above its treeline, it flattened out at its peak.

Deathray cackled at his own joke, then spat the words “Now, come out!” as he augured his machine’s bird foot once again into the hillside. This time, the kick was especially hard, and Derpy was coated mane to tail in a layer of dry, sandy dirt. She screamed, more in anger than fear, this time, and Deathray laughed maniacally.

Dang, this story is old. I wish I'd have found it years ago.

Maybe it's a little late for editing, but I prefer an extra line between each paragraph. It's easier on the eyes, and space on the internet is free!

That said, I'm reeeeeeeealy enjoying the ride so far.

“Yes sir!” Derpy's wings were beating before she even reached the exit. She took the knob in her teeth, flung open the door, and dove through.

CRASH! Broom closet.

Stuff like this is pure gold.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :derpytongue2:

This is seriously fun. Go Derpy!

This was, without a doubt, the second or third worst day Derpy had ever had.

I laughed way too hard at this!

Loved it. All the right notes in all the right places. This story is like a warm hug.

Thanks for writing!

6671622 Thanks for the kind words.

You came in at a bit of an odd time. There are several other stories in this series, some (really most) of which are darker and more serious than this one (no gore or anything like that, but still, more serious.) I'm actually writing what will be the final entry in this series, and probably my final piece of Pony fic of any substantial length, ever. I don't know when it will post, and to be honest, I'm having trouble making myself finish it -- which is part of the reason it's time for me to stop writing ponies. The other part is that I have, over the years, become a much better writer, and have begun to write professionally. Such being the case, any amount of creative effort that I put into fanfic now costs me time, energy, and most importantly ideas that I would otherwise use in writing my original fiction.

That said, I'm glad you liked this story, and I'd be glad for you to read the rest of the stories in the series, including the last one, once it posts.

And yes, it's kind of late for editing on these. I was going to go back through and try to bring them up to my current standard, but I can barely make myself write the one I'm working on to the standards I now hold for myself as a writer. As such, I imagine these stories will get very little revision from their current forms.

I'm still glad I wrote these, though. This interpretation of Derpy Hooves is the first time I ever really took a character through a full, lengthy arc.

Thanks for reading, and if you read the others, let me know what you think. It might be what I need to encourage me to finish the last one.

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