• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 4,481 Views, 53 Comments

Movie night - jacob.galvin

Rainbow Dash tricks Fluttershy into watching a scary movie.

  • ...

A Nightmare On Elm Street

Rainbow knocked on the door of Fluttershy's cottage, struggling to hide her excitement. She had been invited over for a movie night, just the two of them, and Rainbow had worked out a plan. She had always been too nervous to admit her feelings to Fluttershy, so why not have Fluttershy come to her instead. Rainbow had chosen the scariest movie in her collection, and after a just a little while of it, Fluttershy would be afraid to sleep alone. Of course being the good friend that she was, Rainbow would stay and keep her company.

The door opened, “Oh hello Rainbow,” Fluttershy greeted in that sweet voice of hers.

“Hey Fluttershy,” Rainbow replied casually, “you psyched to watch a great movie?”

“Yes” she answered softly.

Rainbow followed her into the living room, where a projector had already been set up, As well as a large red couch.

“So what movie did you bring?” Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow tried not to grin, “Oh just a nice family sorta one, its got a lot of romance and junk like that.” She took off her saddlebag and pulled out the roll of film.

Fluttershy looked slightly worried as she read the label “A... Nightmare On Elm Street, are you sure this is a family movie?”

“That's what the stallion at the store said, its about some mares that go out at night and become good friends.” Rainbow had made that up on the spot, she knew exactly what happened to the ponies in the movie.

“Fluttershy looked relieved, “Oh that sounds nice, though going out at night can be dangerous.”

“Uh, he also said the movie is better if you watch it in the dark, maybe we should blow out these candles.”

“I..in the dark? Fluttershy asked nervously. “Are you sure?”

“Well we can keep a few candles on if you want,” Rainbow offered.

Fluttershy looked relieved, “Well I suppose that would be alright, I'll get some snacks while you put the movie in, okay?”

Oh Rainbow Dash you are a smooth one, she though to herself. “Sounds good, you got any lemon soda?”

“Yep, I've got two bottles left,” she called from the kitchen.

Rainbow wondered if it was possible for this night to get any better, Her favorite mare and her favorite soda in one place. She turned on the projector, fitted in the reel of film, the proceeded to blow out all the candles. She left the one next to the couch, it gave of the perfect amount of light for the two of them to sit together.

Fluttershy returned, carrying a tray with two bottles of soda and a bowl of popcorn. She gave a soda to Rainbow, who was already relaxing on the couch. She then placed the bowl of popcorn on the couch, the tray on the floor, and sat down. “So have you heard good things about this movie?” She asked.

“Yeah, Twilight was telling me all about it, she said it's the best thing she's seen this year.” That was a lie of course, Twilight's actual opinion of the movie was slightly less positive, sickening was the word she had used.

The film opened with a pony walking through a dirty industrial building, his face off camera. He was breathing heavily, yet sounded excited. He then proceeded to combine a set of metal razors with a dirty glove.

Fluttershy looked worried, “is he alright?” she whispered, “he sounds sick.”

“He'll be fine,” Rainbow assured her.

“W...what are those knives for?”

Rainbow almost burst out laughing, “his special talent is metal work.”

“Oh, that makes sense I...” She screamed as metal knives pierced through a sheet of fabric.

Rainbow put a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder, “Don't be scared, see he needed the knives to cut fabric.”

“So he's a d...dress maker,” Fluttershy asked shaking.

“Yeah, you could say that.”

She calmed, Well I suppose that's alright then, it was wrong of me to judge that pony just because he seemed different.”

The next scene showed a mare in a white dress, making her way through a maze of corridors and pipes. A voice off screen was whispering her name, laughter could also be heard. Suddenly a stallion sliced through a cloth sheet and began to chase the poor mare.

Fluttershy closed her eyes “Turn it off Rainbow,”she pleaded. “You must have put in the wrong movie.”

Rainbow felt strange, her plan was working perfectly, but she wasn't enjoying it. She had wanted to scare Fluttershy, but now that it was working... “How about we just watch a little more, she suggested, “the scary part's mostly over anyway.”

“Are you sure?”

“Sure I'm sure,” Rainbow replied kindly. “These eighties effects are lousy anyway, you'll probably end up laughing.”

The next few scenes were of some young mares and stallion playing around at their friends house,This seemed to calm Fluttershy down. “They seem like good friends,” she commented.

“Told ya it wasn't so bad, Rainbow reminded her. “Just friends hanging out and having fun.” She almost felt bad about what was coming next.

The movie entered another dream sequence. The same mare from the opening was now being chased down a dark street. A stallion was chasing her, laughing manically.

Fluttershy looked terrified,“what does he want?” she whispered.

“Maybe he just wants to talk,” Rainbow suggested.

The mare was tackled to the ground, with the stallion on top of her. This is it Rainbow thought to herself, as soon as Fluttershy gets a look at his face, she'll freak out. It was only for a brief second, but he was finally visible to the camera.

Fluttershy began crying softly, “it's just horrible, how could something like that happen?”

Rainbow moved over to give her a comforting hug, “don't worry about if Fluttershy, it's just a movie.”

“I know , it's just that...”

“Yes,” Rainbow inquired.

“That poor stallion,” she sobbed, “it must be awful for him, being judged day after day, just because he looks different.”

Rainbow was stunned, “wait a minute, you mean you're not scared?”

She stopped crying, “well I was to begin with, but now I understand how hard it must be for a stallion with his injuries. I hope everything works out for him in the end.”

“B..but he's the bad guy, Rainbow stammered, you're not supposed to want him to win.”

Fluttershy looked shocked, “that's very insensitive of you Rainbow, just because somepony is different, doesn't make him bad.” If you ask me, it's those other ponies who are the villains, he just wants to be accepted, but they keep running from him.”

Rainbow took a sip of her drink, “ Well in that case, you'll probably enjoy what's coming next.”

The next scene showed the mare being violently slashed, her body sliding up the wall and across the ceiling. Fluttershy didn't seem affected by it in the slightest.

As the movie went on, Rainbow became more and more bored, she'd seen it multiple times before, the scares no longer worked. Fluttershy on the other hand, only became more excited. She was leaning forward, watching intently, and shouted words of encouragement every time the killer was on screen. Rainbow lazily sipped her drink, maybe I should have chosen a scarier movie, she though to herself.

Fluttershy burst out laughing as another character was brutally murdered. He was sucked into his bed, only to be sprayed out as a torrent of blood. “Did you see that one Rainbow?” She asked, laughing hysterically.

“Yeah I saw it,” Rainbow answered glumly. So this night was a total bust, maybe she should have brought Insidious over, that was pretty scary.

The movie ended with the characters getting into a carriage, which was revealed to be the same color as the murderer's sweater, they shrieked in terror as it drove away.

Rainbow cracked her neck, “So what'd you think?”

“I loved it,” Fluttershy said excitedly, “seeing all those mean ponies get what the deserved was so much fun, don't you agree?”

“Uh yeah, sure it was. So you're not scared?”

“No of course not,” Fluttershy said with a smile.

Rainbow felt frustrated, it wasn't supposed to go like this. Why in the world had she chosen that movie? But it wouldn't have made a difference what movie she chose, there was no character that Fluttershy couldn't feel sympathy for.

“Well I guess I'll go then,” she said disappointed.

“Don't you want your movie back?”

“No, you can keep it, it'll be like the first horror move in your collection.”

“But I don't have a horror movie collection,” she answered confused.

“Then consider A Nightmare On Elm street your first." She was almost out the door, when Fluttershy called to her.

“Um Rainbow, I really enjoyed tonight, could we maybe watch another movie tomorrow? That is, If you're not busy.”

A grin appeared on Rainbow's face, “Yeah, sure we can watch another movie tomorrow.” This was perfect, she would get another chance with Fluttershy, and this time she wouldn't bring something wimpy like A Nightmare On Elm Street. But what movie did she have that was scarier?

Comments ( 50 )


I mean that in the best way I can think of.

Rainbow Dash, you villainous BASTARD! :raritydespair:


Fluttershy, you psychotic--!



Ha, make them watch Doctor Who's "Blink". Only people who watch it would get it.

A grin appeared on Rainbows face, “Yeah, sure we can watch another movie tomorrow.” This was perfect, she would get another chance with Fluttershy, and this time she wouldn't bring something wimpy like A Nightmare On Elm Street. But what movie did she have that was scarier?

Silent Hill :D

i.imgur.com/j4Nnv.png ~Wolf
diu vivere in lupus imperium!

Wow that is just funny. *sees it's incomplete* :pinkiegasp: MOAR

This is some good work! :yay: :rainbowlaugh:

Great story, but multiple errors. Are you a new writer?:derpytongue2:

personally, i'd say...'the cabin in the woods'.

"BORING!! What you need is 'Friday the 13th'! Or maybe 'Child's Play'!"

...whatever, vi. oh, and nice story, man. :twilightsmile:

Troll 2.:trollestia:


Either... Friday the 13th... unless Jason's disfigurement is symphasized, Halloween, which I'm not sure will work badly or not, or Child's Play. ...Why am I suggesting these things? I might hurt Fluttershy.:fluttershbad:

One Rainbow hasn't watched. That'll make me feel better.

Applooza Chainsaw Massacre! :derpytongue2:

Hmmm... this is interesting. A rather immagintive diffrent take on Flutterdash here. Admittedly a little bit of a dark take but as long as they wind up together hey, I can live with it.

Next up I'm hoping for Fluttershy to not get scared once more, and surprise Dash with popping a question that Rainbow was wanting to ask. :pinkiehappy:

Keep going. :rainbowwild::heart::yay: please

you want Fluttershy to feel sympathy for the bad guy then have them watch Scream (the first one)

Good horror movie, legitimately scary, and the mother of all twists at the end.

Have her play a scary video game nest.Either Amnesia:The Dark Descent,Eerie,or one of the Slender games :yay:

XD This is funny! :rainbowlaugh: I love little stories where Rainbow is trying to win over Fluttershy somehow. And I see where Fluttershy is coming from! Not only in the way that we often do end up rooting for the killers in movies like these (mostly because the main cast of horror movies are often douchebags or just plain stupid), but boy Fluttershy is just missing the point. XD Oh well, it's still funny. I'll track this. :pinkiehappy:

Well, bravo good sir/madam. You have accomplished what very few have. You have made me drop and laugh out loud, rolling on the floor as it were.

Sorry for shouting. This story is to good for me to resist though.

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Watership Down.

1447239 totally agree Hitler Was brave and that little moustache was soooo hot

Not bad, but would recommend reading it again and pay attention to where your quotation marks are because a few are out of place or missing.

Wait... That was really well written but... What?

While I do like it, there are issues throughout the story like when you forget to capitalize properly.

Also, things like this: "The mare was tackled to the ground, with the stallion on top of her. This is it Rainbow thought to herself, as soon as Fluttershy gets a look at his face, she'll freak out. It was only for a brief second, but he was finally visible to the camera. " Where you put in thoughts with nothing to separate them from narration.

I suggest italicizing thoughts so it would be less awkward to read. Like this: "The mare was tackled to the ground, with the stallion on top of her. This is it Rainbow thought to herself, As soon as Fluttershy gets a look at his face, she'll freak out. It was only for a brief second, but he was finally visible to the camera."

Alternatively, instead of quotations marks, you could just put a apostrophe around them, like this: "The mare was tackled to the ground, with the stallion on top of her. 'This is it' Rainbow thought to herself, 'As soon as Fluttershy gets a look at his face, she'll freak out.' It was only for a brief second, but he was finally visible to the camera."

Both are commonly used to separate thoughts from the narrative. And if you're wondering why I recommend you do this, just think about why you have to but quotation marks around dialog. Its the same thing. The only difference is that its internal.


Well, that would certainly freak Fluttershy into outer space, but what about "Time of the Angels", "Flesh and Stone", and "The Angels Take Manhattan"?

I think it would be interesting to see fluttershy get a view of other horror movies. That would be funny.

Please note that I made this comment to improve your story so that it can reach it's maximum ability. I did not make it to diminish you self esteem.
I am a a brony trying to help a brony. Not a know-it-all trying to hurt a brony's fleelings

I'll get some snacks while you put the move in, okay?”
I'll get some snacks while you put the movie in, okay?”

she said it's the best thing she's seen this year.”That was a lie of course,
It needs a space between the " and the 'That'
she said it's the best thing she's seen this year.” That was a lie of course,

“is he alright?” she whispered, “he sounds sick.”
Is he alright?” she whispered, “He sounds sick.”

“his special talent is metal work.”
His special talent is metal work.”

“Turn it off Rainbow,”she pleaded.
Needs a space.
“Turn it off Rainbow,” she pleaded.

“How about we just watch a little more, she suggested, “the scary part's mostly over anyway.”
Quotes and capitalize.
“How about we just watch a little more," she suggested, “The scary part's mostly over anyway.”

The next few scenes were of some young mares and stallion playing around at their friends house
It ether needs to be a stallion or stallions also a young mare is a filly and a young stallion is a colt.

“what does he want?”
“What does he want?”

“it's just horrible,
“It's just horrible,

“don't worry about if Fluttershy, it's just a movie.”
“Don't worry about if Fluttershy, it's just a movie.”

“it must be awful for him,
“It must be awful for him,

I'm going to skip the remaining caps issues. Just give it a run through to find the rest.

doesn't make him bad. If you ask me,
Inappropriate quotation marks
doesn't make him bad. If you ask me,

but the keep running from him.”
but they keep running from him.”

the though to herself.
Wrong words.
she thought to herself.

“ But I don't have a horror movie collection,”
Unnecessary space between the " and the But
“But I don't have a horror movie collection,”

A grin appeared on Rainbows face,
Needs a '.
A grin appeared on Rainbow's face,

1447772 The 'Time of the Angles' and 'Flesh and stone' were what I like to call "OK". 'The Angles take Manhattan' was very emotional and wasn't much of a jump scare episode as blink.

But now I will attempt to have you all killed by posting an image of an angle that will materialize into all of your rooms. Don't blink or it takes you! :pinkiecrazy:

1448020 This will be interesting...

1446690 Or the one with the library and the carnivorous shadows.

1448194 Oh god, no! Silence in the library!

I got a couple of suggestions for horror movies. That is if you continue to write this story. John Carpenter's The Thing, or Ridley Scott's Alien.

Why The Thing? Because the first thing to die is the dog, not counting the two Norwegians, which might make Fluttershy sympathetic towards the characters as they have no idea about the alien. The thought of everyone being paranoid of each other giving the added mystery of who's the infected (this is NOT a zombie movie). Not to mention this movie scared the living crap out of me since my childhood until I played Dead Space which the game was based off of.

Ridley Scott's Alien? Honestly because its a classic horror movie that isn't some cheesy slasher flick. Again, Dead Space was based off of this movie too.

I would say Steven Spielberg's Jaws, but Fluttershy being an animal pony would be more sympathetic towards the shark or questioning the logic of shark behavior.

1448225 Who turned out the lights?

lol, i now have a new way of going through all my horror movies again. you get 2 thumbs up sir!

Poltergeist. See if she still wants to be a tree.

Make it a double feature with Plague Dogs.

1447772 Pah! Child's play. What she needs to watch is The Waters Of Mars... that'll get her... :pinkiecrazy:


To be serious though, this is excellence. A mustache for you!:moustache:

Shoulda grabbed "The Grudge" gave me nightmares that did. :twilightblush:

Manos: The Hands of Fate.

i give you four out of five moustaches.
good work

Here's the thing folks, this story isn't getting anywhere near enough views to warrant a second chapter. So it's unlikely there will be anymore.

And I thought I was evil with my not writing anything for months before having inspiration...

Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead are definitely scary, the Vashta Narada left me with a fear of that damn skeleton in a suit for YEARS, and it still kinda scares me... :raritydespair:

Dear lord youve killed us all, you crazy dragoncolt.

I love the fact that you called time of the angels ok then used a picture from it.
3 wubs awarded

1455300 You and I have very different ideas on "enough views". I demand more!:flutterrage:

... Well, that plan failed.
I was actually expecting FlutterDash fluff; but this was just as cute.
Me gusta; you get a mustache for your epic work. :moustache:

Although this is good as a one shot, I woudn't mind seeing Dash win over Fluttershy eventually.

Maybe it's a 35mm film projector, with optical sound, shot before panavision:twilightblush:

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