• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 4,468 Views, 27 Comments

Affinity - aKaPinkiePie

Twilight and Pinkie looks at the stars. Incredibly cheesy romance inc.

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No parties. No streamers. Not even a cake was on Pinkie’s schedule this evening. A quiet night for once. She was not grinning or laughing. She was smiling, but not the usual smile. It was a calm smile fitting the rest of the scenery. It was night, but all she felt was the heat radiating from the mare beside her. It felt like the stars where shining brighter than ever before. It was perfect.

It was a rare moment for Pinkie. Pure quiet serenity is not something she experienced often, and something she had never enjoyed before. Her thoughts started drifting back to when she first met her. It was the day before Ponyville’s first summer spring festival.

Pinkie was happily bouncing through the streets of Ponyville. The sun was bright and the wind cool. The streets were awfully quiet for this time of the day. As she bounced she noticed a purple mare talking with a small dragon. Pinkie could not remember their names. That meant they were new, and everyone who lived in Ponyville knew what that meant.

By the time she had finished her thought, she was standing in front of the mare. She gasped and jumped in the air. She had no idea what had happened, but she had felt something inside her. She knew that there was something special about this mare. She stormed off to start planning the party. Party planning usually calmed her down and brought out the more rational side of her brain.

The party had been good. The only thing missing was the guest of honor. Pinkie had found out that her name was Twilight Sparkle. She could tell by the way Twilight had reacted to the party that she was going to be hard to get out of the library. She seemed to have locked herself into an unsocial shell, not willing to interact with other ponies. The harder the challenge, the bigger the reward, right?

As the party came to an end and everyone was leaving for the sun festival, Pinkie felt a little hollow. Throughout the party Twilight had not come out of her room even once. Parties always worked, why not this time? Pinkie decided to let it go for now.

Pinkie let out a happy sigh at the memory. It was later that night she had found her first true friends. Sure everypony in Ponyville was her friends, but there was a huge difference between a friend and a true friend.

Looking over at Twilight, another memory surfaced to mind. This memory was both one of her favorites and one she despised. It was when Twilight had been visited by herself from the future. She’d disaster-proofed all of Equestria, but was still not convinced. She’d stayed up several days, monitoring everything she could think of.

Due to her mental state and the sleep deprivation, Twilight had a wonderful plan. Pinkie knew that she could not leave Twilight to execute it by herself in the state she was in. The plan was about as subtle as the one time Rainbow Dash broke into the hospital. They had broken into the Starswirl the Bearded -section of the Canterlot library. Pinkie had found a scroll that let Twilight travel back in time once.

Pinkie never worried about anything. That was until she saw Twilight disappear with a flash. Her brain filled with worry. What if something went wrong? What if she was stuck in the past? Pinkie
should have never let Twilight use that spell without putting some research into it first. She could feel sweat form on her forehead.

Pinkie was about to have a mental breakdown when she saw the second flash of purple. As she saw the form of her friend take place in the room again she realized just how much she liked her friend. She made a promise to herself to protect Twilight from any danger. She would never take the risk of losing her again.

Over time, those feelings had just kept growing in Pinkies soul. Tonight she was going to do it. Tonight she was going to let Twilight know what she felt. She could feel fear take over her at just the thought. What if Twilight said no? What if it would ruin their friendship? What would happen to the elements? No, she had to do it. She would do it.



No books. No studies. Not even a lesson. Twilight’s mind was calm. She was not using the logical part of her brain. All she did was stare at Luna’s masterpiece. It was a serene feeling. Nothing could ruin this moment. Lying there under a blanket, feeling the warmth from the mare to her left.

The last month of Twilight’s life had been filled with emotions, stress and worry. It was nice to relax for the first time in such a long time. In this very moment, she forgot everything but the calmness. It was a wonderful night. The last time she had felt this good was when she had realized how wonderful friends she had.

It was one of the scariest nights in Twilight’s life, but she had to keep going. She could feel the air she breathed was unnatural. The soil she stepped on felt weird. Everything about the Everfree forest was wrong, and she did not like being here a single bit. She had to, though, as she could not just let the princess disappear and have an everlasting night.

Approaching the ruins of what was once known as the castle of the twin sisters, Twilight could feel doubts creep into her mind. What if the elements of harmony did not work? What if she was to fail? She would’ve doomed all of Equestria.

She slowly stepped on the stone slabs leading to the entrance. It was more of a ruin than a castle. The room was entirely gone; windows shattered and moss growing on the walls. With a closer look you could see smaller cracks forming at several places. It would not be long until the rest of the castle fell apart.

It must have been centuries since anyone had been there. It did not surprise Twilight. A few ponies ever ventured into the Everfree. There was also a rumor that the castle was cursed by the spirits of the past. Those rumors did not exactly make a good PR for the place.

In the middle of the castle were the elements. It was not what Twilight had expected. She felt doubt rise in her brain. How was she supposed to use them? She decided to try and pour magic into them to see if they would react with it. The five ponies that had followed her all the way into the forest left her by herself to concentrate.

She laid down before the elements and started concentrating. However, she did not spot the purple mist flying past her. Nightmare Moon grabbed the elements in a tornado of magic. Twilight quickly jumped into it before it teleported.

After a couple of seconds inside the magical vortex, Twilight came back to the realm of the living. She reckoned she was now in the tower left of the ruin. Before her stood Nightmare Moon, guarding the elements. Twilight quickly formed a plan in her head. Wasting no time she started charging towards Nightmare Moon

“You’re kidding. You’re kidding, right?” Nightmare Moon started charging towards Twilight again. Twilight started building up magic in her horn. Just before the impact between her and the alicorn, she unleashed the magic. She disappeared in a bright purple flash and reappeared on the other side of the room.

Twilight quickly started pouring magic into the elements again. The dark alicorn turned into a mist of magic again and shot towards Twilight. She turned into her normal form again in front of Twilight. Before she could do anything, however, a spark shot out of Twilight’s horn and into the elements. The spark traveled between them and back to Twilight, knocking her back.

“No!” Nightmare Moon shouted, looking positively terrified. Nothing happened.

“But, where’s the sixth element?” It was Twilight’s turn to worry now. Nightmare Moon started laughing manically.

“You fool! Thinking you could defeat me! Now you will never see your princess, or your sun. The night will last forever!” Nightmare Moon laughed even more now.

Just as Twilight was about to give up she heard the voices of the ponies who had helped her on her journey. No. They were no longer the ponies who had helped her. They were now her friends. It was that moment she realized how much they meant to her. She had made her first true friends.

Twilight could hear a happy sigh from the mare beside her. She looked over at Pinkie who was staring at the sky. To Twilight, she was perfect. There was nothing she enjoyed more than being with her. She thought back to when she realized her feelings for the pink party pony.

Twilight and Pinkie Pie had just returned from their little mission in Canterlot. She could still not understand why she thought breaking into the Canterlot achieves was a good idea. She had no idea why Pinkie would go through so much trouble to help her executing her horrible plan.


“Yes Twilight?”

“Why did you come with me to Canterlot?”

“You silly filly. You were going crazy again and someone had to make sure the whole want it need it episode would not happen again.” Pinkie started giggling at the thought.

“Why did you not just stop me earlier?” Twilight asked with a bit of curiosity. Pinkie opened her mouth, but closed it again soon. She hesitated for a second before answering

“I guess I just wanted to spend more time with you.”

“Thanks, I guess,” Twilight replied, giggling a little. “It’s getting pretty late, do you wanna stay over at the library so you don’t wake the cakes up?”

“I would love to!” Pinkie squealed out before turning her head slightly away.

Was Pinkie acting different? She definitely was acting a bit different, but Twilight could not put her hoof on it.

When they arrived in the tree house, Twilight levitated Spike over to his basket. He had fallen asleep sometime on the way back to Ponyville. How he had managed to do that with such a tummy ache was beyond Twilight.

“Do you want some tea before we go to bed?”

“Okey-dokey-lokey,” Pinkie said, seemingly normal again.

Twilight trotted into the kitchen and levitated a can out of the closet. She then proceeded to fill it with water. She turned on the stove and put the can down on one of the plates. As Twilight returned to the main room of the library, she saw Pinkie staring at the bookshelves. From Twi’s point of view she could not tell if Pinkie had settled at a specific book or was just browsing.

“Anything specific you’re looking for?” Twilight asked. Pinkie was startled by the sudden appearance of the librarian.

“Uh, um. You have to promise not to laugh okay?” Judging by the seriousness in Pinkie’s tone Twilight motioned for a Pinkie promise. “Well, I wanted to try a romance novel.” Pinkie anxiously awaited an answer from the purple mare.

“I never took you for the romantic type,” Twilight said in a mock tone. “Who’s the special pony who got your attention?” Pinkie blushed slightly and thanked Celestia for her natural pink fur.

“It’s not like that.” Pinkie hated lying to her friends, but she was too unsure to tell the truth yet. “I just noticed the way Rarity and Applejack look at each other.” That part was true. “So I was wondering if I’m just overanalyzing it or if there was something in, it.”

“Hmmm, now that I think of it there is something with the way they look at each other.” It had been obvious for a long time for most of the ponies in Ponyville that they liked each other, but
Twilight had never been too sharp when it came to romance.

A screeching sound from the kitchenalarmed that the tea was ready. Since Twilight knew where everything was, she just used her magic from the living room to get the can and turned off the
plate. She put the can down on the table in the middle of the room with a couple of glasses.

Both mares sat down at the table, engulfed in silence. The bookish one was completely oblivious about how tense the party mare really was. While the librarian was lost in analyzing Applejack’s
and Rarity’s situation, the party mare was trying to sort her feelings for Twilight. Finally finishing their, tea the mares went upstairs.

“Oh yeah, Rarity is using our guest bed this week, due to an unexpected visit from her parents... Guess we will have to share bed.” Twilight gave Pinkie a sheepish smile.

“Yeah, okay. Sure,” Pinkie said nervously, looking anywhere but Twilight.

“Are you okay Pinkie?”

“It’s just been a long day.”

“Yeah, I guess. Good night then,” Twilight said with a smile before settling into bed. Pinkie quietly laid down beside Twilight.

“Good night.” Pinkie wanted nothing more than just lay her hooves around Twilight and hug her for the rest of her life.

Twilight looked over at Pinkie who seemed to have fallen asleep. There was something different about the mare, but Twilight could not put her hoof on it. She did enjoy being with Pinkie, but to what degree? The more she thought about it, the more confusing it became. She’d been friends with Pinkie for almost two years now. Had something changed? Maybe it was something more than just friendship? Twilight blushed from the thought. It couldn’t be. Could it?

The next week had been an emotional rollercoaster for Twilight. First she denied it completely. There was no way she could have those kinds of feelings for her friend. But as time went on she could not deny it anymore. She was in love with Pinkie Pie. At first it was confusing. She had no idea how to react to these things. After a while it became a bit painful hiding it. Lying to your friends was never a good thing, but she could not just tell everyone either.

Tonight, however, was perfect. Just an hour ago they had sent her brother on his honeymoon. Three hours ago they had repelled a changeling attack and now, now the moon and the stars were illuminating the sky in a magical glow. Still Twilight was more nervous than the day she had her first magic exam.




“Pinkie?” Both mares spoke at the same time. There was a couple of seconds of awkward silence. Both mares were blushing furiously. “You go first.” Twilight quickly said.

“Eh, um. IreallylikeyouorIallreadylikeyouasafriendbutIthinkIlikeyoulikeyou” Pinkie stopped her rambling and took a deep breath. “Twilight Sparkle. I think I love you.”

To say it mildly, Twilight was shocked. In reality, she was shocked out of her mind. She opened her mouth to speak, but not a single sound came out. Before she could snap back to reality, Pinkie spoke again with tears in her eyes. “Y-You don’t like me back...” She was now openly crying.

It took Twilight a few moments to process all the information. Just as Pinkie was about to turn, Twilight finally managed to speak up. “Wait Pinkie!”

“Huh?” She turned back to the purple blur, tears blocking her vision. “Wha-” Before Pinkie could speak a proper reply she felt something warm against her lips. After a way too short amount of time, Twilight pulled away.

“I think I love you too, Pinkamena Diane Pie,” Twilight said with a smile before pulling her in for another kiss.

Comments ( 26 )

Really nice; the characterization's very well done. Not entirely sure what's up with the formatting, the line length seems pretty much all over the place, which makes it kind of tough to read. Liked nonetheless though, here be a good story. :pinkiehappy:

Affinity, eh?

I have to admit that I would never have thought of such a good name.

As Ardensfax said, the text is on the left. I have no idea how that happened, but you should probably fix it.

And no problem, I'm happy to help whenever you just need some help :pinkiehappy: !

1444071>>1444176 For some reason it bugged up with the Italics, I'll fix it now :D

Also OP, credit or the name goes to Jesse :)


Okay. So it wasn't my fault after all.

And remember to congratulate your friend for me.

Best of luck for you, once again.

1444517 Thanks once again :D Also should be fixed now :)



Yup, confirming that fact. Everything is back in the normal order.

1444479 Yeah, the italics on this site can be a bit dodgy sometimes. :rainbowwild:

I really liked this story! It was a sweet, cute, short little one-shot, just what I need when I'm bored at school. Thank you! :twilightsmile:

The ending couldve been longer, but other than that it was very cute

Oh Twinkie, why must you be so fattening yet delicious?

Well, hallo!
This was really good! Seriously :pinkiehappy:

P.S.: Do you remember me? I'm R. Chase.

i like it, but it could be longer, not saying that it was bad, it is deam good romantic story, bro :pinkiehappy:

1447205 Thanks Chase! :D

1449241 I need to practise writing longer indeed.

Ahhh Twinkie. Beautiful. I highly approve of this.

1504275 Why thank you for your kind words :)


I'm a gigantic Twinkie fan. I just love pouncing on the newest ones.

1504285 Twinkie is a wonderfull ship indeed.

Aww, cute little story. :3

Awesomely cute!
Twilight's confession could easily be taken as an insincere statement aimed more at getting Pinkie to cheer up...but Pinkie dealing with that bit of ambiguity could easily be covered with a follow-up story to this one. the only other thing I could think of is that, even with the strong emotions at play, Pinkie's out of character a lot. She even asked Twilight not to laugh. :/ Oh well.

2029142 Yeah I decided to bring Pinkie a bit out of character in this one, to prove she can be all cute without being hyper at all times :) I am currently re writing this and extending it, so maybe you'll enjoy it more when it is?


Personally, I enjoyed it, suspension of disbelief be darned.

Though I sure am curious as to what this is going to be like when you're finished revising :D

....gives me an excuse to reread something that was time well spent to read to begin with. :pinkiehappy:

The idea of showing different sides to Pinkie Pie is awesome because one of the best things about the characters straight-off-the-show is that they're all have multi-layered personalities.

2029672 Thanks :) You'll have to wait a while before reading it though, my inspiration has been at -30% lately :P

Re-read this on a massive search for Twipie, and I'm glad I did. It's one of those stories that can be enjoyed multiple times.
I wonder how Pinkie would have handled a "But I love being friends with you and it makes me really happy that you admitted to feeling that way for me" followed by a hug. I thought Pinkie's immediate reaction to thinking Twilight didn't love her back was pretty much the most inappropriate response possible, it almost holds Twilight's reciprocation for ransom. It's very fortunate that the reader already knows that Twilight is in love with Pinkie Pie before this happened. (which, I'm starting to realize, is actually kind of rare. Hardly anyone pulls off displaying a mutual attraction before a confession) :twilightsmile:

And it's not like Pinkie Pie hasn't overreacted in the past. :pinkiecrazy:

Now onto the next. Now that the browsing features on this site allow me to easily zero in on Twipie, I have a lot of fics to go through XD

Drat. I can't upvote this.
Because I already did.

They just realized they like each other they wouldn't kiss!!!!!!!!:ajbemused::ajsleepy::facehoof::trixieshiftleft::twilightangry2:

4781960 Hush and enjoy the cute sappy romance story about pastel ponies.

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