• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 6,075 Views, 167 Comments

Lie of Omission - Sparkler

There's an alicorn in the Mane Six. It's not Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Applejack's chest heaved - she hadn't used the Royal Equestrian Voice in nearly forty years, and it took a lot out of her even when she was in practice. Just something else that low-down turncoat's done to hurt me. As she panted, she turned about, searching the sky for a response to her challenge.

In practice, when formally challenging another alicorn, the two were supposed to meet at a place where both their domains overlapped, so they were going to be on equal footing. But there were problems with that. First, being an earth alicorn meant she was always at her optimum. She was nowhere on Equestria she would be any worse, but she would never be much better, either. Luna, on the other hoof, was being challenged at the peak of her night under the light of a full moon; she was going to be at the height of her power, and far wiser in it applications.

And second, Applejack had spent her entire life running from any knowledge of alicorn history or customs, so she really had no idea what she was doing.

Applejack turned these facts over in her head as she watched the sky, growing more skittish. The thunderstorm arena she had shepherded was full of motion and flashes of light, just outside the corner of her eye. She shied rapidly, never knowing if the next dark smudge was the face of night's guardian, or another roil of clouds. Not for the first time in her life, Applejack wondered if her mouth had just got her into a situation she couldn't get out of.

Oh, boy. If this comes to blows, I'm going to be in a world of hurt...

The earth alicorn's summons were soon answered. The sound of Luna's flight was unmistakable; she had arrived without her customary guards, and the night sky seemed to trail behind her flight. Unlike Applejack's slams, the pegasus-born alicorn landed without a sound. The two alicorns were of a height, but the way Luna walked - on the tips of each hoof, wings splayed as if to take to the skies any moment - gave her height and presence Applejack couldn't summon.

"I, Princess Luna, hereby grant you your audience." The formality was forced; there was a hard edge to her voice. "Now, tell me, and tell me plain, stranger; what 'schemes' dost thou accuse me of?"

For a moment, Applejack was cowed, and she shied. She had seen and heard that tone of voice last when she was a filly from her own mother. But one thought of the nightmare that had plagued her brought back her anger, and Applejack looked Luna in the eye.

"All last week, I've been having the same dream. One terrible moment, brought back to haunt me." Applejack began to pace around the older princess. "And it's not just some memory. This dream was custom made into making me feel guilty. Guilty about my family, guilty about having time to myself, guilty about being born this way. Guilt's an ugly feeling to have to wake up to - then again, I suspect you would know."

Luna held back a growl, but said nothing.

"But to make matters worse - the nightmare is affecting me when I wake." Applejack ceased circling Luna and looked her in the eye. "It's taking the image of one of my dearest friends and making it horrible. It's bad enough that she almost knows my secret, but now I can't even look at her without-" she shuddered, from hooves to feathers, at the memory of claws bursting out from behind an equine face - "without recalling that. My own friends are being twisted against me!"

Applejack's wings flared, the earth daring the moon. "Now, I got to thinking: What magic can affect the mind of an alicorn? What has the power to twist us? And the answer: Another one of us." She held out an accusing hoof.

Luna snorted smugly. "Well, then, let me suppose; because thou art having a nightmare, thou thought to call on Nightmare Moon. Is that it?"

Applejack nodded, the extended hoof brought back to smack the ground. "That's exactly what I'm saying, turncoat. Just couldn't hold back, could you? Had to start practicing on-"

Luna cantered quickly up to Applejack, her voice unrestrained. "DO NOT PRESUME TO LECTURE ME!"

Somehow, in the short time they had been talking, Applejack had lost all control over the storm. The lightning flashed at Luna's cry, and the storm turned in a perfect funnel around them, the innate control of a much older alicorn having taken over.

"Thy summons was very foalish, I think," Luna said, her magic flaring, darkening her eyes. "Although thou looks't like one of us, thy knowledge of alicorn magic and our ways is... pedestrian. Full of falsehoods and errors and... and... old mare's tales!" Luna smiled wildly, as her horn flared into life, blazing in dark purple.

"And it betrays thee, pretender."

Applejack never had a chance, as the dark purple grip took hold of her hooves and wings. "H-hey! What're you doing-" In a second, she found herself being tugged upwards, the grips melding together into one as she was suspended by her own hooves, wings bound to her side. Applejack found herself hogtied and hoisted, now at Luna's fickle mercy.

"I know not what manner of counterfeit hides thy form, stranger," Luna smiled, as she willed Applejack's hooves to part - "But I will enjoy finding out."

Angel stalked, and grumbled. Despite his best attempts to suddenly develop the ability to talk, he still could not make the strange mouth-noises that his faithful servant preferred to use as communication. And this was the most important news he ever had for his servant - even more important than the time there was a burr in an embarassing place in the fur under his tail. Because if he could break the news that there was a secret alicorn in Ponyville, he was going to be rich. And that meant no more common Ponyville carrots for him!

I just have to convince her to look at that silly orange horse and ...oh... some pony magic thing. Note to self: Poke that orange pony thing with a stick to see if it changes back.

Angel was just about to start the game of charades again, when there came a knock on the door. Fluttershy ignored how important his news was and flitted over to the door to allow one of her friends in.

"That's some storm we're having," said the purple pony thing. "Rainbow Dash must really be working out."

Angel's servant agreed, and two of them began sitting at the couch. The purple one seemed hesitant, but Fluttershy was, as ever, kind and gentle in her tone, and the purple one's wild rants was soon replaced by simple questions.

Ugh. Talking talking talking. That's all those hoofed things do. Then again, since they don't have proper paws like us higher lifeforms, it only makes sense that they use their mouths all day. They shouldn't be called 'ponies', they should be called 'talkies.'

Angel got back to the matter at hand. At first, he tried acting out the scene, holding his small lapine form in the same awkward pose Applejack had gotten into. Then, he rose his tiny body all the way up into the air, ears held together in imitation of a unicorn's horn, before making the wavy paws right at where he had been 'holding' the 'fence'.

There is no possible way to interpret this other than an earth pony suddenly developing telekinesis!

The purple pony thing quirked an eyebrow at Angel, and made some sort of concerned noise. Fluttershy shooed Angel off with a wing before rudely continuing her conversation without him.

Seriously? Why would a rabbit ever make taffy, Fluttershy? That's what ponies are here for, silly!

Simple charades were getting him nowhere. He was going to have to bring out the big guns: props. Luckily, he had just the things he needed, in his food dish and somewhere in Fluttershy's old toy box....

Luna's face scrunched up. "Thy magic is... powerful. But no magic is insurmountable. But there must be some sort of- trick to it..."

"I've already explained this," Applejack sighed. "The best trick - is no trick at all. I look like an alicorn because I am one. Have been all my life, just like you. Now - could you please let me down? If your magic hasn't 'broken the spell' yet, you could at least let me stand right-side-up for a spell."

"I-" Luna shook her head, and sighed. "...very well." Luna resisted the temptation to unceremoniously drop her accuser to the floor, and broke her hold on Applejack one hoof at a time.

"Whew! Thank ye kindly," Applejack said, with only a hint of resentment in her voice, bringing herself up to sit. "Now, I-"

"I will ask the questions." Luna was still stern, but not overtly hostile. "First... if thou art an alicorn, whyfor dost thou not act the part? Why speak'st thou... so?"

"I've never held court or nothing." Applejack struck at the earth with a hoof in irritation. "I've got enough troubles in my life just trying to help my family. Never did learn my thee's and thou's - talking all fancy was before my time."

"Before your time," Luna mused. "So, where dost- erm, where do you fall in the royal line?"

Applejack pondered. "Well... I'd say twenty-eighth? Somewhere like that."

"But the twenty-eighth in the line is young Nephra."

"No, I was 'bout ten years old when she was born. The hospital about threw a parade to celebrate her birth. Me - mom and dad brought me into this world in the old pony way. They never made no fuss about it, so I didn't either."

"And your realm?"

Applejack tilted her head. "Realm?"

"Your sphere of influence."

"Well... I was born to earth ponies, so I guess that makes my realm the earth, doesn't it?"

"No. I mean... Astral? Elemental? Telluric? What are thy- your primaries and secondaries?"

Applejack raised her head, as if she had been asked why can't an apple talk. "Do... say what now?"

"You don't know." Applejack frowned to see Luna's lips begin to turn upwards. "You honestly don't know the first thing about the divine cycles?"

"Divine whats?"

"The ten incarnate charges? The Path of Apotheosis?"

Applejack frowned, and started to sweat. "...say what now?"

Luna frowned. "You know nothing about what an alicorn truly is, do you?"

"Like I said, I was born to earth ponies." Applejack shook her head. "Ma and Pa didn't know and I didn't ask."

Luna sighed. "Yes, you said that..." She shook her mane out, and Applejack finally noticed that Luna's wings had come down to rest against her flanks once more. "Now, the real question; how have you kept this a secret?"

"It's... it's not really a secret. I just don't tell anyone. If all they see is an earth pony, all they expect is an earth pony, and I don't have to cheat or use this... this curse."

"That's half an answer," Luna acquiesced. "But I asked you to speak plain. You know what I was asking you. How, in a world which loves its busybodies, did you escape sight of the queen busybody herself - Celestia?"

"Well... I didn't, really. She found me when I was young." Applejack grinned softly at the memory. "She offered to train me herself, but... I turned her down."

"The crown princess appears before you... and you turn her down?"

"Well, yeah. I didn't want to leave my Mom and Dad to see Canterlot and learn all that fancy magic and flying. I was born into the most loving family a girl could ever ask for, and we built one of the finest little towns anypony could be proud to be part of. I told Celestia I couldn't leave that."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that. Well... she caught me selling apple pies by the side of the road. She taught me the spells I use to hide myself today, and she bought a pie off of me. I still have the bits," Applejack smiled with pride. "My first-ever real sale. I'm still mighty-"

Being lost in memory, she never saw Luna charging towards her. Nor did she have any chance to understand - as Luna had her forehooves wrapped tight about Applejack, trapped in a tight hug. "Oh, sister- it is so good to meet you!"


Luna nuzzled up Applejack's neck affectionately, before leaning back to give a broad grin. "That memory - Celestia remembers that day well. She and I spoke about it many times, as I ... went through a second childhood." Luna swallowed, as if embarased. "Oh, forgive me, but... there are so few alicorns, and most of them so zealously guard their 'immortality' that they waste it in their ivory towers and crystal palaces. And I am - I am reborn," Luna said meekly, "Separated from my own time that I might as well have been born again. There was a time when I was not like this-"

"-you went evil and tried to take over Equestria. Then your sister banished you to the moon and you did it again when you came back."

Luna drew back. "You-knew? B-but..."

"Well, of course I knew, sugarcube," Applejack smiled, as she cast the spells that made her shrink. No hat on her head - this time it was safely at home - but a simple earth mare grinned up to Luna. "I was there - if you remember it."

The night princess backed up, gasping as she finally recognized her. "An alicorn is bearer of the Element of Honesty?"

"Well... I don't make much of either, but yeah, I am," Applejack smirked, as she resumed her usual form. "And, since we've not made formal introductions - my name's Applejack."

"Well, Applejack ... if that is case, I have some news you will not like. But first..." Luna drew a hoof backwards. "I do apologize for the... unnecessary roughness I showed towards you. There have been many to question me, and I can afford to back down to none of the accusations leveled against me."

"Shoot, I forgive ya," Applejack said, waving it off. "It's why I've gone through the trouble of hiding it for so long myself. I couldn't live my life like that."

Luna nodded. "Is that so."

"And... I apologize for being so crude and all. You didn't deserve an inch of what I said. About... about being a traitor."

Luna seemed to wilt softly, some of the twinkle in her hair and fur fading. "Thank you. Well... back to the matter before us. The other piece of news I have for you will be even worse, but not for you. But, first; you are plagued with dreams."

Applejack nodded.

"Well... I am no great mage, and dream magic is the realm of Oneiro, not myself. But from what I see... I can see no magic affecting your mind." Luna frowned. "Alicorn, or otherwise."

Applejack shook her head. "But... that just can't be..."

"True? Many things which are terrible are true, Applejack," Luna said, looking up to the skies. With an absent thought, she began to dismiss the thunderstorm arena, bringing the stars back into view. "And what you said true is earlier, Applejack: I have learned a thing or two about guilt. It is a disease of the soul, darkening and weakening everything it touches. It is what prompted my... rebellion. These dreams are vivid because the guilt is fresh and acute - but even when it is old and dull, that does not mean it has been cured; only allowed to fester." Luna turned to face Applejack again, her voice hard and serious. "Applejack, you will carry the weight of what you do for a long, long time. You must promise me that you will be honest in your choices, or the dreams you have now will only be the first of a great many to come."

"Yes, ma'am," Applejack agreed, a tint of worry to her voice.

Luna allowed herself to smile softly. "And as to the other news - I'm afraid I must ask you to close your eyes. For this I ... I cannot reveal to you with your eyes open."

Applejack tilted her head. "Say what now?"

"Please, Applejack. I only need a moment."

Applejack nodded. "Oh... well, alright, Princess."

The elder alicorn laughed as Applejack closed her eyes. "No, please - call me Luna. You are as much of a princess as I am, in every way that counts." She looked over Applejack, over the form of one of her saviors, of one of the youngest alicorns in Equestria who hid in the guise of a simple farmer. "Are you ready?"

"I-I am. But what's this abou-"

Applejack found one of Luna's hooves pulling her up tightly- the strength in Luna's limbs equally the equal of her own - and felt something against her lips. Her eyes flew open - and there, the mare she had accused had pressed her lips to hers. It wasn't a polite peck on the lips, but a lover's kiss, the kiss a new couple would share. Applejack didn't pull away in her shock, but broke away from Luna with a sputter. "What... wait... WHAT?"

Luna's smile was forlorn. "As I said... you cannot allow yourself to live with guilt. Or regret. If I had not at least confessed my feelings, Applejack - that would have been a dark seed in my heart."

Applejack frowned in confusion. "C-confess? Luna... what's going on?"

Luna looked back towards the distant glow of Canterlot on the horizon. "The House of Luna has been empty for many generations, now. Abandoned and lonely, with not even myself to fill its walls." Luna's smile waned. "I have had few companions save Celestia, even before my rebellion. So I have begun to search Equestria for those who I could... trust, heart and soul. In short, people who I would make part of my House and my life."

"You mean... marriage?"

"That is is one aspect, I suppose," Luna mused. "This past Nightmare Night, I found four kind souls who treated me as an equal and a friend, despite my station." Luna drew her hoof back in the sand. "But the wise, indefatigable unicorn is already being groomed for an invitation to House Celestia, unbeknownst to her. The pegasus who loves innocently and openly - I cannot make her bear the responsibility of my name on her lonesome; she already flies under a heavy enough load from her daughter. The earth male is hardly a colt - although I might extend the invitation if he matures into a stallion as noble as he showed me in the forest. And the earth mare, whose smile can make anyone feel like they are part of her family, like they have come home..." Luna's voice was almost a croak. "... it now seems she has her own House to tend to. And her own family to help her. All those I hoped to trust my heart to are denied to me."

Applejack stammered. Her heart went out to Luna, but a confession of love? "Now, listen, Luna, I..."

"Please... don't." Luna took a step back. "I... think I went too far. But thank you." Luna spread her wings wide. "We will speak again, of this I am certain... but please do not summon me again, lest it be dire. I... I need time to mourn what might have been."

Applejack shouted, but the moon princess was already above the dissipating clouds.

"So to sum it up, 'trust' is not a thing in and of itself, but an intangible quantity created by consistency, openness, and honesty. It's almost as abstract a concept as 'harmony', really, and there are many elements to trust as well." Fluttershy blushed. "Well, not Element elements, naturally."

"No, of course," Twilight Sparkle said, her pen working dutifully over a scroll. On her scroll, she had consolidated Fluttershy's speech into a terse outline, complete with an octagram in the center illustrating relations between the distinct points Fluttershy had made. "But this is fantastic, Fluttershy! You've really helped me study tonight." She grinned, and rolled up her scroll tightly, sliding it back into a metal case. "I'd like to talk more about this with you sometime. Have you studied philosophy?"

"Oh, no," Fluttershy flushed, her smile soft as she sipped at her tea. "I just find that working with animals gives me a certain perspective that many ponies lack. Many things are universal, even among animals, and it's easy to think of things in these terms. Helping animals is very rewarding."

Twilight Sparkle grinned. "Well, then. Maybe some days when the library's closed, I can come over and-"

The two were interrupted by the sound of a rabbit's foot stomping repeatedly. Both looked to see a frustrated Angel posting rampant with some foodstuffs. Between his ears, a carrot pointed perpendicular from his forehead; from his back, two leaves of lettuce were held so that each leaf sprung wide; and he pointed to an apple in front of him with a paw.

"Oh, how thoughtful!" Fluttershy leaned down and grabbed the carrot and lettuce with her lips.

"Thank you, Angel," Twilight Sparkle smiled, as she levitated the apple - "Huh. How did this jack get in here?" Twilight shrugged and plucked the toy from the apple, tossing it aside and taking a bite.

Angel looked as the two ponies ate his sure-fire alicorn disguise. Not even a guess! He groused wordlessly and turned, hiking his tiny cotton tail in the air as he stomped off. Unfortunately, a rabbit taking great care to slam every foot as hard as they can as they walk away is more comical than intimidating.

"... it can be weird, too, sometimes," Fluttershy admitted.

Rainbow Dash didn't like to be woken in the middle of the night. But some jobs never truly let you off the clock.

"Rainbow Dash! Rainbow!" Derpy's voice rang out, her hooves pounding against the door. The pounds kept coming as Rainbow sleepily glided down the stairwell (not even bothering to do much course correction, letting her hooves brush the banister on her way down). "It's an emergency!"

Rainbow Dash looked worse for wear, with her mane a disheveled mess and her tail little better. With a disgruntled sigh, Rainbow Dash groused, "What is it, Derpy..."

Derpy didn't give Rainbow Dash the chance to close the door. Quickly, she tugged on Rainbow's neck and pulled her out the door, facing her towards the darkened storm cloud on the horizon. "This popped up in just the last ten minutes..."

As soon as she saw the cloud, Rainbow Dash stopped struggling. Somehow, she wasn't tired anymore. "Ten minutes? With circular movement like that?" Rainbow Dash looked at Derpy. She wasn't weather patrol, but she was a public servant too. "That storm's bad enough that - that I might not be able to stop it. Maybe not even redirect it. You have to get every pegasi out of the sky and everyone into their storm cellars, fast."

"Can do, Rainbow Dash!" There was hardly even time to see Derpy leaving, kicking up some of the cloud that formed Rainbow Dash's home in her wake. At least Derpy had one thing going for her as mail mare: she knew the town like nobody's business. She'd probably already have a plan for getting the news out to everyone as fast as possible.

But now it was time for Rainbow Dash to fly into a hurricane, unprepared.

Even as she flew towards the storm cell, the clouds had begun to dissipate. Rainbow Dash breathed a deep sigh of relief, and throttled back to a more guarded glide, so she wouldn't build up as much static. Finally, she breached the eye of the storm itself-

just in time to see Luna lovingly kissing Rainbow Dash's golden alicorn.

Rainbow Dash couldn't breathe. She couldn't think. She could barely fly, and it was only instinct that landed her on one of the dense, dark clouds that made up the hurricane.

She wasn't flying with me. She was flying from me.

Danger and duty completely forgotten, Rainbow Dash collapsed, crying herself to sleep on the stormcloud.