• Published 18th Oct 2012
  • 2,168 Views, 33 Comments

Trixie - Saviour of all Equestria. What, you don't believe Trixie? - Fimbulvinter

Trixie realises her destiny as the most powerful unicorn in Equestria

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Chapter 9


Through a deep haze, Fleur heard the sounds of a constant beeping and the voices of several ponies. Their words were indistinct, but she could catch the occasional fragment of a sentence.

’Severe lacerations… Gauze that cut... Somepony get those ponies out of here; this is an operating theatre, not a petting zoo.

Fleur’s mind wandered as the voices faded away. She could recall that she had been fighting. Fighting who? It had been important that she had done so, but she couldn’t quite remember why.

Briefly she managed to open her eyes for a moment. Around her was a blurry white space and several brown blobs that she assumed were the ponies that had been speaking before. One of the blobs resolved into a mare with a white nurse’s hat when she moved in and held a light before her eyes. Fleur tried to blink away the bright light, but her lids seemed far too heavy to move again.

“Doctor Purple Heart, she’s waking up.”

The other pony shaped blob came in closer. “Damn it CC, she isn’t ready yet. Another dose of morphine now,” a very gruff voice flooded her ears.

A tiny flare of pain followed, and Fleur felt the world slipping away again. As her vision faded, she could have sworn that she saw another mare standing behind the medical ponies. A pair of miss matched eyes looked down at her before the mare nodded once and vanished.

Fleur dreamed. She dreamed of times spent on the fashion circuit, of posing in long flowing dresses, or short and skimpy summer thongs. She dreamed of meeting Fancy Pants for the first time. He had come backstage after one of her shows and offered to introduce her to some of his aristocrat friends. He had come back the next day, and the one after that ‘just to see your beautiful eyes’ he had said.

Fleur dreamed of the days that she had spent in training as a young mare; toning her body and sparing with her brothers and sisters. She had been so proud when her brother was accepted into the royal guards.

Her dream shifted until she saw herself looking at Fancy Pants. He wasn’t holding a sword, but she was. She lifted up one of her swords and swung it hard at his face. She watched as the flat of the blade connected and Fancy dropped like a sack of stones. Fleur didn’t stop to look at him, bringing the sword she had used to hit her husband to bare again at a dark figure that had been watching her. A pair of sea green eyes bored into her soul as she looked at the dark shape.

Fleur gasped and sat up in bed. A moment later she screamed in pain as her entire body felt like it was on fire. She instantly fell back into the bed and almost passed out. Breathing through the wave of pain, she got up far slower and looked around her. She was in a hospital room. She had been dressed in a generic hospital gown, but under that she could see bandages covering almost every inch of her body. Her mouth felt like it was a desert. A set of tubes and piping ran its way over her body, a nasal cannula pumping fresh oxygen into her nose. Several IV drips were plugged into her fore hooves and a heart rate monitor was beeping regularly off to her side.

Over in one corner she saw two ponies sleeping, one was in a chair while the other was on the floor. Fleur’s parents looked like they hadn’t moved from that spot for a week; her father had a noticeable stubble on his face and her mother’s crows feet were very pronounced as if she hadn’t bothered to apply makeup for days.

A nurse passed by the room, but stopped when she saw that Fleur was awake. She came in one she was sure that Fleur had seen her.

“Welcome back miss Fleur, you have had a very rough couple of nights,” she said, sounding very chipper. A beaming smile was etched on her face.

Fleur lifted one hoof and struggled to point it at the empty water glass on her table. The nurse recognised the motion, something she often saw from patients that had been out for several days.

“Do you want some water?” she asked, taking the cup and refilling it from a jug that stood next to the cup. She lifted the cup up to Fleur’s mouth and gave her several measured mouthfuls to swallow.

Once she had some water to wet her mouth, Fleur asked the question she had been meaning to ask since she woke up. “What…”

The nurse interrupted her. “What happened to you? You were brought in here with multiple contusions, lacerations and extreme blood loss. It was touch and go for several times, but you pulled through.” The nurse’s tone turned serious as she continued. “The doctors did the best they could, but you are going to have some scarring. I’m sorry.”

A gentle knocking came from behind the nurse. She turned around and instantly dropped into a low bow when she saw who it was who was visiting Fleur. The Princesses Celestia and Luna were both waiting out in the hallway, clearly wanting to come it but waiting until they were called in.

Celestia motioned for the nurse to rise up. “Please get up nurse Flat line, no need to stand of ceremony here. How is your patient today?”

“She is awake and coherent your majesty. I don’t know how much she remembers.”

Celestia and Luna walked into the room and came to rest on both sides of the bed Fleur was resting in.

Luna was the first one to speak. “Maiden Fleur-de-lis, how fare thee?”

Fleur looked at the moon goddess for a moment until Celestia translated for her. “Fleur, how do you feel? Are you up to talking?”

Fleur nodded but looked over towards her parents. Neither of them stirred, but Celestia took the hint and lowered her voice.

“I suppose I should get the important things out of the way first. You are in the Nightingale memorial hospital on the outskirts of Canterlot. When we found you and Fancy, you were just about to expire from exsanguination. Following Chrysalis’s defeat, the drones that were holding Luna prisoner scattered; they were operating on a hive mind linked through her in order to sync the shield spell for maximum power. When Chrysalis was frozen, the link was broken and they fell apart. Luna hunted down many of them, but some scattered to the winds.”

Celestia gave Luna a disapproving look at her actions but Luna didn’t respond. “Once she arrived in the throne room, Luna was able to stabilise you for transport. It was a challenge to find a doctor available to treat you in the chaos of Chrysalis’s defeat but we did it. You owe your life to the doctors here; Purple Heart and CC.”

Luna picked up the thread. “I was able to hold the last flicker of your life force in place until medical help arrived. Lord Fancy Pants was treated here for the cuts to his face and other non life threatening injuries. He was discharged yesterday and had been trying to call for calm. You need not worry for him, his mind is once again his own.”

Fleur relaxed as she heard that Fancy was ok.

“Fleur! You’re awake. Oh thank Celestia.” A feminie yell came from the side of the room. Fleur’s mother, the venerable Fleur-de-sel had awoken from her slumber and seen that her daughter was awake. She rushed over but stopped short of actually hugging Fleur. A warning look from both Celestia and Luna, along with Flat Line had stopped her.

Instead she turned back to her husband who was still asleep on the floor and gave him a none to gentle shove. “Honey, she’s awake. Bull Rush, wake up.”

Bull Rush grumbled around how hard the floors were but got up anyway. Several cracking and popping noises could be heard as he stretched out his back.

Bull Rush was a large dark coated unicorn. A lifetime of service in the Equestrian military had left him with a somewhat rough look and despite his advancing years he was still highly muscled and cut an imposing figure. His cutie mark was of a unicorn’s head, horn lowered in a charge. The very tip of his actual horn had been broken off in battle long ago. As a result he had to wear a regulator band at all times.

Fleur-de-sel looked like an older version of her daughter. A delicate white coat with a flowing pinkie purple mane and tail. Right now she was torn between being overjoyed at seeing her daughter awake and horrified at how damaged she had become.

Bull Rush spoke first once he had finished his stretching and ambled over. He had a deep and gruff voice to match his appearance. Every word commanded respect.

“So, I hear you made yourself out to be some kind of hero. Picked up a few battle scars along the way. Ya did good Fleur, I’m mighty proud of you.”

Fleur-de-sel was no where near as calm. “Oh, my poor baby, just look at you. Cuts and scars and who knows what else. You had us so worried.”

Bull Rush turned away from the bed, choosing to look out of one of the windows instead. “So what exactly happened in there Fleur. What made you choose to take up the sword again? I know that when you were offered that modelling job, you all but gave it up.”

Fleur struggled to get up in her bed. Flat Line and Fleur the elder helped her to get into a partial sitting position. “I got some help from a very old friend. She showed me the path I should be on and gave me a gift.”

“That is putting it mildly.” Luna’s dry voice cut through the room. Luna levitated over two swords to Fleur’s bed. “I think you dropped these after your battle. They are exceptionally well crafted, and the enchantments on them are powerful indeed, though they are not responsive at all to my magic.” To illustrate the point the gems embedded in the hilts were dull; they didn’t gleam in the light. Luna continued, “A unicorn would have given their life to forge these blades. How did you come by them?”

Bull Rush turned around at the mention of two blades. Despite being retired, he still kept up with military developments and weapons memorabilia was a passion. He froze though when he saw the weapons that Luna was presenting to Fleur. Like every member of his family, he knew exactly what they were. “Fleur honey, are those what I think they are?”

Fleur nodded. “Yes dad. I saw her and she freed me from Chrysalis’s control. She told me that I had to take up my birthright to save the kingdom.”

Bull Rush indicated that he wanted to see one of them. The blade was passed over to him. Caught in his magical grip, the gems began to glow weakly, recognising the familial links. Gram knew that it was being held by a member of Freize’s family and it reacted accordingly.

Bull Rush’s tone turned to one of reverence. “I had always hoped that I would get to see this sword with my own eyes, but I never expected to actually get to hold it.”

Very gently he put the sword down on the table alongside Hrunting. There was a new respect in his eyes when he looked at Fleur.

A commotion outside caught everypony’s attention. A voice could be heard out in the corridor.

“I say, that’s my wife in there. Let me in.”

The door to the room opened and a royal guard leaned in. “Sir Fancy Pants to enter, your highness.”

Celestia nodded to him. “Let him in Phalanx.”

The guard saluted and stood aside.

Fleur looked up as Fancy Pants entered. He had a few gauze patches over his muzzle and one bandage near his eye, but other than that he looked unharmed.

Fleur broke into a painful smile as Fancy came over to her.

“Fleur my dear, I’m so sorry about what I did. I couldn’t help myself. Chrysalis had control over my mind; all I could do was beat upon the glass and watch.”

Fleur nodded. “I know how you feel. I don’t blame you for anything. I hope I didn’t hurt you too much.

Fancy chuckled as he unwrapped the gauze, showing off a nearly healed cut to his face. “Oh I think it looks rather dashing, gives my face a little character.”

His face fell as he realised the next part of the conversation. “But I’m afraid I did far worse to you my dear. I don’t deserve your forgiveness but…”

Fleur cut him off. “You were not it your own mind Fancy. I forgive you, even if it means the end of my fashion career. I love you, my husband; I always will.”

Celestia coughed slightly. “I’m sorry to have to be the one to bring this up, but you two aren’t actually married. Technically you were married by Chrysalis, so that makes the entire ceremony void.”

Fancy and Fleur both looked horrified by that news. Celestia however motioned to Luna who pulled out a pair of golden horn rings.

Celestia returned to the pair. “Fleur, do you?”


“Fancy, do you?”


Celestia smiled. “Then as the true ruler of Equestria, I pronounce you married.”

Luna levitated the rings over their horns.

Fleur-de-sel began crying her eyes out as Fleur and Fancy embraced in the hospital bed.

Trixie held her poise perfectly, all but one of her hooves balancing in the air. One fore hoof was planted into the soft earth next to the stream, the others were splayed out in the air as she held herself rigid. Around her rotated four globs of water.

Twilight’s serene voice echoed throughout the woods. “Focus, determination, willpower. All these things are the key to magic. Let the power of your magic fill you. Block out all other distractions and concentrate only on controlling your horn.”

Twilight had spent the time since they had returned to Ponyville teaching Trixie about magic. For all her power, Trixie had a surprisingly poor understanding of many of the basics of magic, a remnant of her self taught style. Twilight had offered to train her in the basics and teach her a few higher level spells along the way.

Trixie held her focus as hard as she could, but having to split her concentration over 7 different actions was draining her rapidly. She had been holding this position for well over an hour as a test of her endurance and her muscles were burning. Her horn flickered as she burned through her magical reserves. Soon she ran dry and the four orbs of water splashed down, sprinkling the grass or returning to the stream depending on their position.

Trixie’s fore hoof gave in as well and she tumbled to the ground in a heap. From her new vantage point she could see Twilight hovering above her. Twilight had been floating above her the entire time, holding herself up with her magic. Both fore hooves had been held out in perfect balance and she sat cross legged in a mediative position as she had been taught by the local witch doctor.

Opening her eyes Twilight saw Trixie lying exhausted on the ground and she floated herself down to the ground. Streaks of sweat ran down Trixie’s face and she was panting as she rested.

Once she was safely back on the ground, Twilight walked over to Trixie and extended a hoof to help her get back up onto her hooves. “That was much better Trixie. You were lasting so much longer than when we started. I think you might almost be ready for the next stage of your training soon. Now come on, it’s time to get some lunch. Rainbow wants to hear how you beat Chrysalis again.”

Trixie shuddered. “That pegasus is relentless. I’ve told her that story a dozen times in the last 3 days and still she wants to hear it?”

Twilight laughed. “Oh she just likes to hear about cool things and you rescuing a princess and being an ice cold badass is just what she likes to hear about. In a few days she will move on to the next moment and leave you alone.”

“Trixie could use a little more alone time… with you of course,” Trixie replied coyly.

“Down girl. Not in public,” Twilight hissed, looking around the woods for any sign that they were being watched. While most of Ponyville could tell that they were dating, Twilight still wasn’t comfortable in public displays of affection. In the privacy of the library however…

The pair exited the woods and made a bee line for the library. Trixie had left a vegetable stock bubbling when they went out, watched over by Spike, and the library was filled with the mouth watering aromas of cooked carrots and leeks. As Trixie finished attending to the soup stock, Twilight prepared a crisp lettuce salad filled with seasonal fruits and garnished in a light balsamic. Once she was done the pair sat down at the table.

They were about to dig in when loud knock at the door caught Twilight’s attention. Trixie grumbled slightly but got up anyway and opened it to reveal a wall eyed grey pegasus standing there. She had an oblivious smile on her face and a postal cap on her head. Trixie wasn’t quite such which eye she should be looking at, so she opted to just look in the centre.

The mare pulled out a pair of packages from her saddlebags that Trixie noticed had a muffin shaped clip on them and a list attached to a clipboard from under her wing. Frowning she looked carefully at the board, her eyes coming together as she focused on it. “Uh, a delivery for a Trixie Lu-la-moon?” She asked in a bubbly voice.

Trixie smiled. “That’s me. I’ve been expecting this.”

The mailmare handed over the first package, which Trixie rapidly opened. It revealed a single bran muffin that had been carefully packaged with foam inserts to keep it safe.

“Uh mailpony…”

“Ditzy, I’m miss Ditzy Doo.”

“Ditzy then, why have you given me a muffin, this isn’t what I ordered.”

Ditzy smiled. “Never say no to muffin. Everything is better with muffins. It’s a scientific fact.”

Trixie facehoofed. “Do you have anything else for me?”

Ditzy handed over the second larger box. “Just this one.”

Trixie opened the second package and found that it was exactly what she was hoping it would be. She had to cash in a few favours for this one, including the one she had been saving for a rainy day, but it would be worth it in the end.

Ditzy ticked off her list and flew off, just avoiding a cart filled with Carrot Tops vegetables that she was taking to market.

Twilight put her soup down and came over to see what Trixie had gotten. She looked over Trixie’s shoulder at what she had received and her jaw almost dropped off when she realised what she was looking at.

Trixie had gotten her hooves on a delivery of loadstone crystal, but not just a single dose as Twilight had managed. She had a massive quantity that would last for months of careful use. Such a quantity would cost thousands of bits on the open market, far more than either she or Trixie had. “Trixie, how did you get that?” Twilight asked, almost frothing at the mouth as she thought of all the magic that she would be able to cast with that precious substance. She just hoped that Trixie hadn’t stolen it.

Trixie grinned at her. “Trixie was owed a few favours by royalty. She called them in and got the rights to a newly discovered low yield mine. We shall be getting a delivery like this one every few months for a least a year. Trixie had planned on surprising you with this, as thanks for all you have done for Trixie.”

Twilight was beside herself now, jumping up and down as she realised what Trixie had just said – she had said ‘we’. Trixie planned on sharing it with her.

“Oh thank you, thank you, THANK YOU.” She cried out, clopping her hooves together in glee.” She froze when she realised the second piece of information that had been contained in her comment. “Wait, you said you used up your favours with the princess. Wasn’t that reserved for a new wagon?”

Trixie waved off the concerns. “Trixie doesn’t need a wagon anymore. She has no reason to leave here without you.”

Twilight’s cheeks grew a rosy red. “Trixie, that’s so sweet of you. How can I ever pay you back?”

Trixie lifted a hoof to Twilight’s face, stroking her gently. “Trixie can think of a few things we can do…” She said as she led Twilight upstairs towards the bedroom, their lunch all but forgotten in the moment.

Two weeks later

Under a heavy guard, a small contingent of changelings approached the gates of Canterlot. They had sent in one drone to begin with, undisguised to inform the Equestrians that a delegation would be approaching and to request an escort.

Among the procession was a rare sight. Two queens walked with their drones. While they looked identical to Chrysalis, they had a far different bearing. Celestia and Luna met them at the gates, along with Fleur, Fancy, Twilight and Trixie. The other Elements of harmony were present, but all indications were that this was to be a peaceful summit. The queens had only brought a smattering of drones with them.

The procession arrived at the gates and one of the queens stepped forward. She gave a long, slow bow to Celestia. Not a trace of irony could be seen in it, it was a true bow of respect.

Once she was finished she rose up and introduced herself. “Princesses Celestia and Luna, I am Queen Pupae of the eastern hives.” She indicated the other queen with a hoof. “This is Queen Kakunna. We have come here to offer our apologies for the actions of our royal sibling and to assure you that something like this will never happen again.”

Celestia nodded at Pupae. “I respect your position of peace and I welcome an offer of friendship between our lands. We both have much to gain from an alliance between our peoples.” She paused for a moment before indicating the other ponies around her. “These are the ones whom are most responsible for having defeated Chrysalis. My student Twilight Sparkle, her apprentice Trixie Lulamoon, and the honourable couple Fancy Pants and Fleur-de-lis. They are the ones who did most of the work.”

Pupae gave the assembled heroes another long bow. “We are indebted to you all for your actions. I sincerely regret any injury that Chrysalis may have caused you all.”

Kakunna spoke up. “If we may ask, what has happened to Chrysalis? She has been branded a war criminal and must be brought back to stand trial.”

“Chrysalis has been restrained since the attack was beaten back. As a sign of good faith to the hives, I will allow you to take her back for judgement,” Celestia said, earning a glare from Luna. Luna had wanted to execute Chrysalis or leave her frozen forever. “Better to just be done with her” had been Luna’s exact words.

Pupae took the lead again. “We have also been authorised by the leaders of the other hives to open diplomatic ties with you. We have a list of demands and concessions that we are allowed to make in order to secure an alliance with you.”

“We are sure we can reach a position that is mutually acceptable. But out here in the open is no place for such important discussions. Follow me into the palace, please.”

Celestia led the changelings into the palace and took them to the grand meeting hall. It had been outfitted for the occasion; ribbons and decorations littered every exposed service. A large table and seats had been set up.

Indicating the other row of seats, she and Luna sat down at the table. Pupae and Kakunna sat at the other side. Attendants served an array of steaming refreshments and delicacies to all.

Pupae opened the negotiations with a list of concessions that the hives were willing to make as part of the reparations for Chrysalis’s actions; trade and imports on exotic changeling produce, assurances that no hostile moves would be undertaken again for as long as an alliance stood, and the possibility of military aid if Equestria ever needed it.

Trixie quickly became bored with the discussions. She had never been one for politics or longwinded speeches. Twilight on the other hoof appeared to be totally absorbed in the meeting, her passion for knowledge and the affairs of the nation shining through clearly.

“Trixie is going out for a walk,” she said. Twilight nodded and gave a noncommittal grunt, but made no clear indication that she had actually heard Trixie. Trixie shook her head and moved to leave, having to scoot through attendants and delegates from other cities to get out.

Out in the hallway Trixie found that Fleur had apparently had the same idea, having exited out the other doorway. Fleur’s injuries had healed over, but they had left several long scars on her body and face. The longest one ran directly along her face from her horn to her muzzle. Another one almost perfectly bisected her cutie mark.

Fleur waved greetings to Trixie and Trixie came over.

“Oh, I just can’t stand listening to court politics anymore. The words are different but the lies are all the same, it just goes round and round in an endless circle. I used to think that looking pretty was all that mattered to me, it certainly was all that mattered to Photo Finish and Hoity Toity.” She indicated her healed scars with a mirthless smile. “Now they won’t even return my letters. Still I’ve found that the other nobles appear intimidated by them; they think that I’m going to carve them up for the slightest offence.”

“Trixie is sorry to hear that,” Trixie said. She actually meant it. The few times she had met Fleur, she had seemed like a good pony thrust into a bad situation.

“Oh, don’t be. That stage of my life is over. Luna has offered me a position with the Lunar Guards, with or without augmentation if I want it. I think I’m going to take it. I can certainly do more good out there in the world that I can in front of a camera. Besides I have to live up to Freize’s legacy.”

Trixie led Fleur out into the castle gardens and the two mares found an unoccupied bench in the shining sun. Around them, they could see the repair jobs that were occurring to Canterlot; scaffolding surrounded many of the major buildings. Like the festivities during the wedding, Fancy Pants had bankrolled much of the repairs, knowing that it might take years for everything to be brought back to normal if it was left to the discretion of the office of urban planning, which was under the purview of Prince Blueblood. Fancy had been quoted as saying that ‘my beloved Canterlot deserves better.’

“So,” Trixie began, looking off into the distance at a passing cloud. “How is married life?”

“It’s great, we share everything and Fancy is a great provider. He is really supportive of all my ideas. Just between us I think that he was the one who suggested to Princess Luna to offer me a job.”

“Must be nice. To have someone who you can trust like that,” Trixie said, a wistful tone creeping into her voice.

The two mares lapsed into a comfortable silence as they watched the world go by for an hour or so. Ponies came and went around them but none approached them until they heard a set of hoofsteps came to a stop behind them. Turning around, Trixie saw a light blue unicorn standing behind them.

“I was wondering when you would show up again,” she said, turning back to look at the sky.

“Well to be fair, I don’t exactly have anywhere else to go,” Drone replied, moving up and taking the final space on the bench. Fleur gave Drone a short nod; one filled with neither friendship nor malice. She just didn’t care about the changelings anymore.

Drone didn’t seem perturbed. “I will be going back with the others soon, but I wanted to say goodbye first. I doubt that I will be coming back again. Pupae and Kakunna will want to know what happened out here and I seem to be the only drone left that they can find. A pity, I kinda liked it here.”

“You don’t have to go, you know. I’m sure that Celestia could find some place for you here,” Trixie said.

“You are kind to offer, and you are probably right Trixie, but I couldn’t do that. The hives deserve answers and I am the one to give them.”

Drone stopped talking after that. All three watched as the sun began to set over the horizon. As the sky turned a bright orange, Drone got up and prepared to head off.

“Farewell Trixie Lulamoon, and you Fleur-de-lis. I hope you have a long and full life. We will not meet again.”

Trixie watched as Drone walked away down the path towards the city. Trixie found her throat begin to burn and her eyes watered as she watched him go. She hadn’t ever really considered Drone to be a friend, but the finality of his leaving cut her more than she had expected.

Eventually, Fleur got up and put her hoof on Trixie’s shoulder. “It’s time for us to go too Trixie, they should be finishing up any moment now.”

The pair left the garden and headed back into the palace. Once they got in they could hear the sounds of the negotiations wrapping up. Pupae and Celestia were discussing the establishment of a consulate in Canterlot. Pupae had offered herself to serve as a Consul and it sounded like Celestia had agreed to the idea.

Twilight was still standing almost exactly where Trixie had left her and she showed no sign that she had noticed Trixie having slipped out for several hours.

Trixie took her place just in time to see Celestia and Pupae shake hooves and sign the treaty sealing the alliance between the two species. A wide smattering of applause from the assembled crowds and flashes from the cameras of the journalists lit up the room in a constant strobe.

“It’s really over, isn’t it?” Trixie said to Twilight.

“Yes, it is. Celestia is going to prepare an expedition to the hives now that we are at peace with them, maybe even establish our own embassy over there. It would be a great opportunity to study changelings in their natural habitat.”

Trixie shook her head. “No offence Twilight, but I’m done with the changelings for a long time.”

Twilight gave her a sympathetic hug. “I understand Trixie. We don’t have to go this time.”

Trixie was more than happy to let somepony else take that job. She had earned a long vacation from the affairs of state.

Two days later the changelings left Canterlot, minus one queen but plus a frozen block of ice. Kakunna had assured Celestia that Chrysalis would be delivered into harsh justice for her actions and would be stripped of her title and rank. Her hive would be absorbed into others.

Twilight and Trixie saw the procession off before heading off themselves to the train station. Twilight had set up a do-over of her summoning spell and was looking forward to getting a fresh start on it. Between the two of them it should be an easy feat to pull off, providing they didn’t run into any pink monsters along the way.

Walking away from the castle, Trixie looked back at the majestic spires and gleaming pillars. It must have been her imagination but she could have sworn that she felt a pair of eyes watching her.

Looking up at the top of the spire, she caught a momentary flash of orange, but it vanished too quickly for her to get a good look at it. Twilight saw her stop and gave her a quizzical look. Trixie shrugged and dismissed it as a trick of the light.

“Ready to go home?” Twilight asked, giving Trixie a quick kiss when she was sure nopony was looking.

“Ready,” replied Trixie.