• Published 3rd Jan 2012
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Stairway to Equestria - AlexUk

After a bad decision he goes through Death's grip and ends up in Equestria.

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Chapter 23: The Green Gala

Chapter 23

The Green Gala

Blink returned to his seat in the guards’ canteen, carrying a plate of that same mush Chaser was eating minutes before. The pegasus stared at him for a moment, putting aside his meal while his brain tried to digest the information he had heard. The small, elegant box rested on the table in front of him but was grabbed by Blink’s magic and placed back into his saddlebag.

“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Chaser asked again.

Blink gave him a tired, yet understanding nod. “Yes, I am. I finish my training in a few months, and I wanna be with her.”

“This . . . this is big mate, you know that? I mean, I’m happy for ya and everything, and I will help you at the Gala but, it’s just . . .” he trailed off, his mind fleeing to other places. He snapped back from it and returned to his friend. “I’m sorry. Congratulations, Blink. Now, if ya excuse me, I’ll go visit my sister. I’m pretty sure she has a piano, I’ll see if I can come up with something for the Gala.”

Blink lingered for a moment, nodding his head slowly. “Thanks a lot, Chase’. It means a lot to me.”

Chaser got up from the table, patted his friend on the back and went outside, leaving Blink alone with his thoughts. He let out a deep sigh and jabbed at his meal with a spoon, his thoughts running amok in his head.

*** *** ***

Chaser steadied himself after a powerful gust of wind almost caused him to crash. He scouted the skies above, trying to find the moon that was hiding somewhere behind the thick clouds. He gave up after a few moments and landed on a brightly lit street, looking around for a certain house.

The neighborhood he had landed in was one of the nicer ones in Canterlot, but not exclusive enough to come off as a high-class part of the town. The houses were close to each other and had relatively small gardens, with carriages going down the street every now and then. After a few minutes of wandering, he immediately recognized one of the houses, hurrying to its door. Chaser knocked, his eyes following the lights turning on inside the home. The slow, off-beat steps of the roused resident echoed behind the door.

“Hey, sis!” exclaimed the pegasus as the entrance opened up, revealing a gray mare in what looked like a comfortable dressing gown.

“Chaser!” Her face lit up as if it had suddenly become daytime, wrapping a hoof around the stallion’s neck. “What possibly could you be doing here at this time of the night? Come in; it must be chilly outside, they said a storm is coming.” She quickly waved him in.

Chaser stepped inside, taking a moment to look around the main room as he took off his light armor. A glance at the pictures resting over the chimney flooded his mind with memories from a distant past. The smell of an early Heart Warming Eve morning, the sight of a gathered family, happiness and warmth. His sister closed the door and joined him, standing by his side.

“So Concerta, how are things?” he asked, turning to the cyan earth pony. “I’m sorry that I woke you and your uhh, your-”

The cellist’s brow frowned a bit at his hesitation, but immediately relaxed in an understanding smile. “-my wife; you can call her that, you know? And no, you didn’t wake her, she is still at work, rehearsing for the Gala performance.”

Chaser scratched behind his mane with a hoof, a sheepish smile on full display. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to- I’m just a bit too old-fashioned for my own good sometimes,” he excused himself nervously.

Concerta radiated a warm smile, giving her brother another hug. “I know you didn’t mean any harm. I’m still surprised you showed up at the wedding. All the way from the other side of the mainland, as well.”

“Well, I took it from your letters that you found someone special, and when I made my way back to this here’s city with a bunch of friends, I thought I would meet the guy myself before you two got hitched.”

The cellist stifled a giggle, recalling the day. “That look on your face when you found out who that stallion actually was. I wish I had taken a photo.”

Chaser simply shrugged. “As long as my sis’ is happy, I’m happy. Anyway do ya still have that piano dad left me when I was young?”

Concerta’s face lit up at those words. She got up and grabbed her brother’s hoof, taking him through a hallway and into a large room at the end of it. When she turned on the lights, Chaser’s jaw dropped at all the instruments gathered around.

Numerous cellos of all shapes and sizes, violins and even tubas occupied the spacious room. Each was hung or carefully placed with great care on their rack, given their own space like precious family portraits. Near the far end of the room, a large, black grand piano stood lonely in a corner, various music sheets resting on it.

“How could I not keep it?” the mare asked, walking up to it and dusting the seat with a couple of hoof beats. “Have you decided to start playing again after you finish your guard gimmick?”

“It’s not a gimmick; Ah’ actually enjoy being in the royal guard very much. And I don’t know yet, but a friend asked me for a favor at the Gala and I need some practice.”

He took a seat, lifting up the fall to reveal the white and black keys. His mind filled with memories of a distant youth, when he would play it under his father’s scrutinous eyes. He unfurled his wings and brought up his hooves, gently stroking the surface of the immaculate keys. Pressing a hoof into them woke the dormant instrument, a B flat playing clearly in the silent music room. Soon, other notes followed, his primary feathers pushing in the perfect keys to strike a tune.

“Looks like you haven’t forgotten papa’s lessons after all. Are you positive you don’t want to take a step in the industry?”

“I don’t know sis, maybe one day. I still have my duty towards the crown, ya know?”

Silence reigned for a few lone moments, before Concerta made her way to a table, grabbing a few sheets of paper and some quills.

“I’ll help you with the sheet music. How is this song of yours?” she asked, taking a seat near her brother, readying a quill.

Chaser hummed and stroked his chin. "I was thinking it would go something like this . . ."

*** *** ***

Her world was the world.

Scenes from across the realms played in front of her eyes in rapid succession. It’s been millennia since she had seen the planet like that. She watched, as she did for centuries before taking mortal form. A Watcher never stops watching.

Yet the images became unclear and slowed to a halt. A hut in the middle of a freezing desert night. A makeshift door drives open, revealing a zebra lying next to . . . her.

Celestia’s eyes fluttered weakly. She spotted a figure standing up from her side, walking to the open door and closing it. She swallowed painfully. Her throat was dry and she was cold. A simple rag covered most of her once pristine white coat, but it was not enough.

The room’s other occupant turned at the noise and approached the ruler. Celestia recognized the zebra from her earlier vision. She leaned over her, basking a piece of cloth in a nearby bowl. She then took the cloth between her hooves and squeezed it gently over Celestia’s lips, hydrating the thirsty alicorn. Celestia raised her neck, mouthing words that never made it out.

“Shh . . . tired. Must rest,” the zebra said in a whisper.

The alicorn looked her in the eyes, feeling a nurturing compassion from the striped creature. She did not need rest, nor did she require any sleep. Her body would be functioning at maximum capability, yet somehow she felt the dire need to lay down and just . . . rest.

The morning came, all too soon. Celestia opened her eyes only to notice a few beams of light piercing the hay roof of the hut. She got up and stretching her limbs, trying to recall how long it has been since she had a normal sleep.

Her mind drew a blank and she decided to check the world outside of the little hut, as if she hadn’t seen it in a long time. The sun, her sun, greeted her with full force, warming up her coat within seconds.

She basked in the luminescence of the celestial body, unaware of the tens of nearby zebras that turned their heads towards her and let their activities coming to an abrupt stop. When Celestia’s gaze turned to her surroundings, she found herself in the middle of a nomadic village, huts sprouting here in there between a large dune and a small oasis.

The inhabitants gathered around Celestia, bombarding her with a cacophony of greetings and trying to touch her, even if only the tip of her extended wings. One of the zebras in particular, grabbed her hoof and led her to a larger hut. Eventually the crowd of villagers dispersed as Celestia and the zebra entered the home.

Inside was far more different than the bare hut she was in. It had a place to sleep, shelves with pots and jars of all kinds and numerous smoking sticks spread across the floor. Most importantly, a large zebra stood in the center, his eyes closed as if he was in a deep meditation. Celestia noticed the rings around his neck, the large earrings adorning his ears and the bracelets around his hooves.

The zebra opened his eyes, eyeing up the large, alicorn guest, before kneeling in front of her. A string of words left his mouth in a dialect Celestia had not heard in her life.

“Chief says: welcome, great white ruler from the green hills,” came from the zebra that had brought her in.

Celestia turned to her. “You know my language?”

“Yes, I am one in village that reads about life of ponies from books.”

“Who exactly are you?” came Celestia’s next question.

“We are desert tribe of zebra. We travel the south and live like old ones did,” came the answer from the young one next to her.

The older zebra rose up, taking his place in the center of the hut. He continued speaking.

“You, ruler of ponies, why come here where sun is born each day? Have you heard mother’s call?” the younger one asked, translating her chief’s question.

“I was merely . . . traveling. What is this call you are speaking of?”

After hearing the young zebra’s translation, the chief nodded his head at her.

“I show you.” Her frown then dropped slightly as she was about to lead Celestia out of the hut. “Forgive me for not saying early, he is our tribe chief, Zel-Nuku; Sand Tamer.” She then pointed at herself. “I am Zed-Draky. In common tongue, Dune Flower.”

Celestia bowed her head at the chief, then turned to the smaller zebra. “Pleased to meet you, Dune Flower. Were you the one that stood by my side last night?”

The zebra shrunk a little, her eyes hesitantly avoiding the alicorn. “I found you sleep in desert. Brought you to tribe. Chief said is sin to wake sleeping god, I made him see you tired, so we helped.”

“Don’t worry Flower, you did nothing wrong. Now, show me what you wanted to.”

The zebra’s face lit up and then led Celestia outside, followed closely by the chief zebra.

*** *** ***

The outside rain echoed through the castle corridors, the storm’s occasional white flashes overlapping with the warm light of the numerous torches hanging on the walls.

A night guard hurried through the hallways, eventually reaching a large door guarded by two other guards. They silently let him through into the large, empty chamber. The storm was visible through long glass windows at one end of the room, the lighting filling that every now and then. The guard looked up, noticing the chamber’s semi-circle balcony near the ceiling. It looked a lot like a small banquet hall but the chandeliers were bare and there were no tables or furniture inside whatsoever.

The door closed behind the stallion, and he immediately felt the warmth around him fade away. Horn glowing, his helmet came off, revealing his dark, bat-like features.

“Princess . . .”

Moments later, Luna came out slowly from the shadow of a nearby wall. “I see you’ve received my letter,” she answered him.

“What is this about, if I may ask?” the guard spoke, his features shifting and morphing back into the normal ones of a unicorn.

“I wished to speak about the Gala, Midnight Blink. The second night after this one and we shall all be attending the ceremony in formal attire, enjoying the company of Equestria’s higher class,” Luna said, raising a hoof and admiring it sarcastically. “A boresome way to spend a night but alas, it has to be done. I wanted to ask of you to assist me in greeting the noble folk but it has come to my attention that you might have other plans for the night.”

Blink instantly blushed, taken aback by unexpected revelation that the Princess was aware of his plans. “I’ve only mentioned this to another soul hours ago, how did you find out?”

Luna smiled at the naive stallion, taking slow steps towards the large glass windows. “Let’s just say that someone’s dreams have been quite ambitious lately.”

“I’m pretty sure that breaches certain privacy laws, doesn’t it?” Blink asked, slightly annoyed, yet keeping a sarcastic layer over his words. “Just because you can go into ponies’ dreams, that doesn’t mean you should.”

“Relax, dear guard of the night, I only read through thine dream because it was quite a powerful one. That said, I wish you the best of luck at the Gala, Midnight Blink.”

“Thanks . . . I guess.”

The air’s temperature inside the room fell even more, a haze draping over the stallion’s eyes for a moment, his legs feeling weak and his head light.

“Putting that aside, the real reason why I called you forth tonight was because I wanted to host an impromptu training session. It has been a while since our last one, doesn’t thou reckon?”

The stallion’s corner of the mouth rose slightly in a grin. His blood was already pumping faster and he started feeling strangely better all of a sudden. The wait to prove his training’s progress had come to an end. “It has been indeed, Princess. Shall we?”

Luna returned the grin, turning to face the stallion from the other side of the room, over twenty feet away. “Oh, we shall.”

Time slowed to a crawl; a spark of magic erupted from Blink’s horn, his revolver coming out from a small satchel on his night armor, its hammer cocked back by the blue aura. It snapped against the back of the drum, sending away one of the bullets. The magical rapid firing mechanism kicked in under Blink’s control, the hammer almost instantly snapping back and then slamming itself against the next round.

The six bullets left the revolver in a blink of an eye, yet Luna’s body was already a heap of dark smoke by the time the first one went through her, whizzing its way into the glass window behind.

Blink clenched his teeth while he ejected the casings out of the gun. He floated a single round out of the satchel and looked at it for a second, focusing on the details. He then snapped his eyes at the approaching smoke that was Luna, the revolver in his magical grip ready and waiting, containing six cloned bullets inside the drum.

He always hated that attack. In the last second before the impact, the smoke materialized into the Princess. She rammed into the stallion with her shoulder, using her larger weight and powerful momentum to knock Blink’s air out of his lungs as he crashed into the floor several feet away.

Taking desperate gasps of air, he continued firing the pistol at Luna, but she skillfully evaded all of them either by strafing or going in and out of her smoke form. The next he knew, Luna reached him, landing with her front hooves on his chest, a distinct cracking sound making its way to his ears.

The stallion’s eyes rolled into his head, his body twitching and then bursting into a rapidly fading smoke puff. Just as Luna was about to turn hear head and look for the real Blink, a tendril wrapped tightly around her neck. It then pulled her into the air with a force so great it was close to a miracle that her neck didn’t snap then and there.

She phase-shifted into dark smoke again to free herself from the tendril, but as soon as she materialized back, Blink came from her side, smashing his hoof into her face. Luna hit the floor beneath with a loud thud, smiling while blood dripped out of her mouth.

“I see you’ve gained vast understanding in the art of deception, Midnight Blink. Let’s proceed to the next part, shall we?”

It sounded more like a statement than a question. Her eyes slit, a magical aura traveling over her body bit by bit, leaving in its wake a dark coat, covered here and there by pieces of armor crafted into the deepest recesses of her mind. She turned her head towards Blink, who was rather nervously watching her transformation.

“Wake up, I need you. Let’s play with the Princess here, okay?”

“About fucking time . . .”

The stallion closed his eyes, focusing on letting out his inner darkness and at the same time making sure the leash around its neck was tight enough, just the way he’s been practicing with Luna for the past year. When he opened his eyes, it was as if a filter was placed over them. The darkness of the night was no longer hiding things from him; the lack of light was still there, but it was not an inconvenience to him anymore.

His coat was darker and the segments on his cutie mark were all lit up, a warning that his Nightmare was pulling the reigns of his physical form. His mane had turned pitch black and was much longer, the edges blurred into a smoke emitting haze.

“Nightmare Moon,” he hissed at her.

A split second later both of them puffed out of existence at the same time. They re-appeared in the middle of the room, face to face. Blink lowered his head, the tip of his horn pooling magic around it, while Luna lunged two daggers at him from her sides.

They would have hit their mark, but a couple of black tendrils got in their way, the deadly weapons sticking into them with a fleshy sound. Blink’s horn tip exploded, sending out a blast of magic that rose the dust in the entire room around him. Luna managed to strafe her head in the last second, the bolt hitting the wall behind her, sending debris and dust everywhere.

“Impressive force! Alas, it is not enough.”

Small blades materialized near her and shot out towards Blink at great speeds. He simply smirked, the projectiles going through him as if he was a statue of smoke.

“Neat trick, huh?” he said defiantly.

Luna simply disappeared.

“Not quite, young Nightmare . . .”

His eyes widened as those words were whispered into his ears. Before he could react, a powerful blow sent him crashing into a wall. The only thing that kept his spine from not breaking like a twig was the fast deployment of a shield around his body that partially absorbed the shock.

That was it. His eyes dimmed even more and started bleeding pure darkness. He teleported as his horn erupted in a great burst of energy that left melting blue sparks falling on the floor in his wake.

Luna immediately felt he would reappear nearby. She prepared a blade of magic and plunged it in the stallion as soon as he teleported next to her. In turn, he simply smiled as blood dripped out of the corner of his mouth.

A hoof smashed into her side again. Luna turned, noticing the real-

A powerful buck into her stomach left her thought hanging, sending her in a world of pain. She wondered if there were two of them yet she quickly realised how wrong she was as a huge hammer came down on her back, smashing her body into the floor.

“Three of you?” she hissed, getting up.

The shadow clones faded out of existence, leaving the original Blink standing feet away, the hammer hovering next to him.

“Well, four, with the one you got first,” he said with a grin on his battered face, resting the large weapon against his shoulder. “Is that all you got, Princess?”

“Not quite.”

Luna sunk into a black pool underneath her, emerging right in front of Blink’s hooves. As she came out of the ground, she struck a knife into his shoulder, eliciting a powerful scream from him. He recoiled away, pulling the blade out as panic started sweeping through his mind. The wound left behind festered and sizzled, a tar-like substance dribbling out. The pain was getting stronger as seconds ticked by, his teeth almost shattering as they clenched in his mouth.

“How does it feel to have the flesh of thine body rot in front of your eyes?”

“Screw you!” came what was more a whimper than a shout from the injured stallion.

Acting with haste, he materialized a rod in front of him, focusing intensely on it. The small bar started glowing red as magic surged around it, releasing heat directly into the metal. He then floated it near his shoulder and plunged it in the rotting wound, a rancid smell of burning dead flesh filling his nostrils and his own scream deafening him.

“Play time’s over!” He said, pain dripping from his voice.

The rod disappeared, having burned away the spreading rot. His magic however found another purpose: chains erupted from the floor, grabbing Luna by her hooves. She shifted into her smoke form, however the chains mimicked her every transformation so that when she materialized, her hooves would still be bound.

A bolt of magic struck her in the chest. The chains held her in position as the powerful blow cracked her front armor piece. It fell off with a clang, and before she knew it, another set of blasts struck from below, knocking her helmet off. When her eyes dropped on the stallion standing in front of her, she noticed a dark sphere of energy floating near the very tip of his horn, pulling magic from around it, growing bigger and bigger.

Luna realized she wouldn’t survive whatever attack that was. She could feel the tremendous quantity of magic in that sphere, however she also saw something else. A dagger formed at her side and she hurled it away. It flew past the stallion channeling the ultimate attack and into the back of the room’s darkness.

The air suddenly went out. The chains around her hooves melted away and the sphere dissipated into thin air. The pony charging the attack took a few steps backwards in shock then puffed away.

For a couple of long moments, the sound of the outside storm was all that was heard. A lightning bolt torn the skies outside, filling the castle’s large chamber with a white light for a few seconds. It revealed the real Blink clenching his chest with a hoof, the shadow that was leaking from his eyes fading away.

He had escaped the battle after purging his wound, and only used his magic and clones to attack Luna. The Princess of the Night however saw him in the background, hiding in the shadows. It was a dumb decision, trying to trick Luna, of all opponents, like that. And that mistake would cost him dearly.

She appeared next to him, her hoof wrapped around the dagger stuck into his chest. He fell with his back against the floor, the dark alicorn looming over him like Death himself.

“All that effort, for the same outcome,” Luna spoke, jabbing the dagger deeper.

Blink gasped for air, feeling his heart slowing down, too tired to continue. Pain was slowly leaving the center stage of his thoughts, as cold and darkness embraced him. A corner of his mouth raised a little, trembling as he neared his demise. “Not the same . . . outcome.”

A faint blue wisp of magic left his horn, orchestrating one last attack. Luna’s eyes widened when someone grabbed her from behind by the horn, rising her head. Thin metal slit through skin, as the last shadow clone dragged a blade across Luna’s neck before disappearing back into the void.

“Wise . . . move,” she managed her last words, her blood gushing out in a rapidly fading rhythm, painting his coat red.

She lingered for a moment, but her legs eventually buckled and she collapsed to the unicorn’s side, both of them drawing their last breath.

Blink’s eyes shot opened, the nerves in his body triggering at the same time. He gasped for air, as if the last few seconds before that moment were real. Next to him in the center of the perfectly intact room, Luna was waking up as well. She gently ran a hoof over her neck before turning to Blink.

“You made great progress, Midnight Blink. It’s the first time thou has managed to defeat me, yet you still paid the ultimate price.”

Blink got up, still feeling the ghostly pain of his wounds from the fight. “Well, I gotta handle it to you Princess, I barely felt it when I fell asleep this time. Still, I got you. Thousands of years of experience, gone . . . puff! Like that,” he said, gesturing with his hooves while wearing a sly grin on his lips.

“I convened my congratulations, however you seem to forget I carried the task of maintaining the dream world in which we battled, all while containing my own Nightmare as well as thine.”

“Still, a good battle, right?”

“Hardly what I would call a good battle. Yes, thou are improving your ability to deceit in combat and yes, thou are getting proficient at coming up with ways to inflict bodily harm, as well as to snare and ambush thine opponent; yet there is a lot of work to be done on channeling your magic efficiently, young Blink.”

“Ow yeah, that . . .”

“I’ve seen you use up your vitality at an alarming pace. It is clear that you would have not lasted that long if it weren’t for thine Nightmare. Also, try to remember that these are just training session, Midnight Blink. I very well hope that you may never have to use those powers outside our dreams. The only reason we are having these exercises is to learn how to channel our power to ultimately do good in this world, as well as relieve ourselves of our . . . urges.”

Silence fell inside the bare, dark room. Luna stepped towards the windows, watching the storm outside as it calmed from its violent peak.

“These . . . urges; they never go away, do they?” Blink asked as he came to her side. His breath steaming in the room’s cold.

“Sadly, no. Even I have to face those crude instincts. You see: my Nightmare, as well as yours, is like a trapped crystal miner; always tapping, always letting us know that it’s still there, alive and hungry for death.”

“What I don’t understand Princess, is why. Why do we have this darkness inside of us? Why do I have it?”

“We were touched by Death, young Blink. Every creature in this universe has a darker side; and once you become a Deathbearer, that side of you grows under the nourishment of your own mind. It becomes part of who you are, and there is nothing thou can do about it.”

Silence hanged on those words, Blink staring outside into the night, his mind churning away at what Luna had said.

“Let us be rid of these thoughts Midnight Blink, and tell me if you may, what you intend on doing after finishing your training in a few months’ time?”

His thoughts lingered on the previous part of the conversation for a few moments before re-focusing on the Princess’s question. “Uhh- actually I don’t know yet. Sounds weird, but I really wanted to settle down for a while.”

“Settle down? An adventurous spirit like you? Pray tell, is it in your wish to leave Twilight Sparkle heavy with foal and then live out a normal life like ordinary folk?”

Blink slowly raised his brow at the Princess as she spoke, surprised by her forwardness and archaic choice of words at describing the unwanted -at least for now- side effects of something he had been longing to do with his marefriend for some time.

“First of all, this whole conversation is getting somewhat weird, kinda feeling better talking about those new ways of inflicting pain and stuff. Secondly, I’ve lived the larger part of my life in a static, laid back way. Ever since I came here though, it’s been one crazy thing after another. Had too many conversations with Death for my preference as well, so when you ask me if I wanna settle down, hell yeah I wanna settle down. At least for a while,” he finished with a knowingly smile.

“Settling down it is,” Luna declared, making her way towards the door. A bat came flying down to her, landing on her extended hoof. She nuzzled the creature briefly as it sang its unheard song. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’ll be off to my duties. And I do think that there is a mare looking for you, if the little one here is to be believed.”

“For me? Is it Twilight?” Blink asked somewhat confused.

“Worse,” Luna finished with a wink.

Her horn glowed for a moment, the chandeliers above lighting up and flooding the room with much needed light. Blink shielded his eyes as he adjusted with the sudden brightness. Luna then opened the door and stepped out of the room.

“Princess Luna! What an honor to see you here,” came a familiar voice from outside.

Blink’s blood froze in his veins as he recognized the voice and realised what was to follow.

“Greetings, dear. I believe the stallion you are looking for is inside. I’ll let you two get to work.”

Moments later, through the door came in no one else other than Rarity, covered in a chique raincoat and a matching umbrella.

“Cursed be my life,” Blink muttered.

“Blink darling, I’ve been looking for you everywhere!”

“Everywhere? What are you doing here?”

Rarity scoffed at him, rolling her eyes. “I knew you were busy with guard duty and all that dreadfully boring patrols, so I decided to come to Canterlot and finish all the girls’ dresses here. Gives me a bit of a break from Ponyville as well, with the Gala tomorrow and all.”

“Well you must be busy, so thanks for stopping by to say hi and everything, I’ll now go and leave you to-”

“Now wait just there,” she said, pulling him back by the tail with her magic right as he was trying to escape through the door. “Your costume is the last piece I need to do, and I require your measurements. Don’t want you to appear at your first gala using a cheap garment bought at Celestia-knows what shop.”

“I was actually thinking about going uhh- natural?” he voiced his thoughts sheepishly.

The fashionista burst into a vivid snicker, raising a hoof to her mouth to maintain her lady-likeness. “Oww Blink, don’t be silly. You need a suit, it’s a special occasion after all.”

His ears instantly perked up. “It . . . is?” he asked nervously, afraid that somehow his plan had been unveiled.

“Of course it is, darling. The Grand Galloping Gala is the most prestigious and exclusivist event in Equestria. You simply cannot show up wearing something that is less than pristine, and pristine is what I’ll do tonight!”

Blink relaxed, his secret was still safe. “All right then, let’s get this over with, I have someplace else to be tonight as well.”

*** *** ***

Thousands of miles away, the night was still a few long hours late. The sun was still governing the clear skies above, scorching everything underneath it.

Celestia walked into a large hut, following Dune Flower closely. Inside looked exactly like Celestia would expect a house in the middle of the desert to look like: there were two low hay beds and a few chairs around the center of the one-room house, presumably where the family would make fires every day to protect against the desert’s cold nights and cook their food. The top of the hut was cone shaped, and had a little mushroom-like vent on top to allow the smoke to come out. Food and other materials hung either by the walls or rested on the numerous wooden shelves.

A gasp got the Princess’s attention. She gazed at one of the beds and noticed a zebra standing near what had to be her child, who was laying motionless on the bed. The mother dropped into a deep bow, murmuring something Celestia did not understand.

“She says: thank you for listening to prayers of mine.”


“Her young one is sick, she thinks you came here to save her. You not here for answer her, are you?” Sand Flower asked in a low voice.

“No, I was just . . . I was merely travelling through these lands,” Celestia said, glancing at the sick little zebra in the bed. “But I will help her.”

The alicorn approached the bed and kneeled down next to the little one. The zebra’s eyes were scrunched in pain, her breath heavy as if a weight was resting on her chest. Sweat dripped down her forehead, as she struggled to get the precious air in her lungs. Celestia’s magic engulfed her, a yellow glow hovering over the young zebra. After a few moments she stopped, then turned to her Flower and the mother.

“She is very sick,” she declared disheartedly, eyes darting to her mother. "It seems to be late stage pneumonia." A subtle crack in her voice was picked up by the parent. She desperately turned to the translator with her eyes wide, her internal dams straining to hold her sorrow back. With a self-loathing sigh, Celestia said, "I can't... do anything for her."

Dune Flower started translating and as she did, the mother’s spirit seemed to slowly break apart and she embraced her daughter, holding her tight. She started talking again between sobs.

“She said, if sun god herself can’t make my young one whole, then the skies are opened for her,” the zebra said, looking at the mother holding her child in her hooves. “Please white god, you know certain that you cannot heal her? She was good zebra, liked the animals of the sand, when grow up, wanted to gather herd for tribe,” Flower pleaded, her eyes tearing up from seeing the small zebra trying to gasp for air, her mother unable to help her in any way.

Celestia sighed, knowing very well how horrible the mother must have felt since even her presence wasn’t able to help her dying child. “I simply can’t. I’m- tell the mother I’m sorry,” she said, leaving the hut in a hurry.

Outside, the tribe members that went about their lives noticed her, yet kept their distance, no longer swarming around the white monarch. They all knew very well about the sick zebra, and seeing Celestia coming out of her home alone like that sent a strong message.

“I need some time alone, Dune Flower,” Celestia said, hearing the door behind her opening.

With that, she flapped her wings, raising sand dust around as she took towards the skies. She flew away, not bearing to look back. Minutes later, her hooves touched the hot sand as she landed at the top of a dune, far away from the nomadic village. She clenched her eyes and let the pain ravage through her heart.

Yet again, fate had decided to throw her through a situation in which she had no control whatsoever. She sat down in the yellow sand. A tear started running down her face.

“I cannot help her; I’ve failed another creature of this world,” she said, knowing very well someone else was nearby.

Life stood stoic by her side, watching with his white eyes as the sun descended into the sea of sand. “Yet you weep. The flame inside a young creature is about to go off, blown by the wind of fate, but you shed tears for her soul.”

“Her mother thought I answered her prayers. She thinks a god came down from the skies to heal her youngling,” Celestia said, more tears joining her first one.

“Plenty die every day; it’s how life is. Well, actually, it’s how death is. Sometimes I think my brother is busier than I am; but then I remember: I guide each and every creature into this world, while he leads them off after their passing. So tell me Celestia, why do you weep for this one in particular?”

Celestia’s eyes pinned the ground beneath her hooves. She moved one of it across the sand, entranced by the sensation. “I have let down so many ponies. And now, a dying zebra, that did nothing wrong in her life. What good am I among these creatures?”

“Asked the alicorn Princess. Great power surges through your physical form, Celestia. Your will to make a difference is the only limit.”

“But what can I do? I cannot fix her on that level, her body does not know how to fight what’s killing her. The only thing that could make her better is medicine and doctors back in Eque-”

She stared at Life, as he simply returned a smile. Her mind and heart took the decision in a flash. Ascending could wait for now.

She returned to the village with newfound purpose commanding every hastened hoofstep, looking for Dune Flower through the still amazed tribesmen. “Sun goddess, you did not leave!” a familiar voice came from behind.

Celestia turned to find Flower staring at her, her eyes glossy from the tears she shed for her friend.

“Quickly Dune Flower, I need to speak with your chief. Bring the mother of the sick child as well,” Celestia spoke, making her way to the large hut in the center of the village.

*** *** ***

An explosion of blue smoke scared off a stray cat at a street’s corner. He gasped loudly as he realised he aimed a bit high and fell sprawling onto the street.

“Damn your elevation, street!” he shouted at no one, smashing a hoof against the sidewalk.

Blink got up, and started looking around for the street’s name. Luckily for him, the storm cleared out, revealing a quickly descending moon. Unluckily for him, it was almost morning and he would have to probably wake up the ponies he was searching for. Rarity’s session of taking measurements and sketching ideas for his suit took a bit longer than anticipated yet after an hour she allowed him to go, despite not revealing who he had to visit with such urgency.

“Ughhh, where is that- aha! Constellation Street!”

He dashed along the houses, his galloping echoing in the calm late night. Although feeling tired after a long night, he had to do what he came there to do, so that he would have enough time to rest and prepare for the Gala. Finally spotting the right house number, he came to a halt in front of a large, terraced house with an open balcony on the top floor.

Blink took a deep breath and knocked a couple of times. Soon enough, noises were heard from the other side.

“I have to do this, I have to do this . . .” he murmured to himself. Blink then briefly checked his armor, making sure he was as presentable as he could be.

A unicorn mare with purple mane and white highlights answered the door, her face hanging from the sudden awakening. “Yes?”

The stallion's ears dropped. He took off his helmet, putting on a brave smile and hoped his unprotected appearance would jog her memory. “Hi! It’s me, Blink. Wanted to have a talk with uhm . . . Night Light. Sorry for waking you up, but I wanted to do it before the Gala,” he said, ending with a nervous laugh.

Twilight Velvet stared at him for a moment, the cogs in her mind going into motion. As soon as she recognized Blink, she instantly put the other pieces together. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped, refraining herself for waking the neighbors with her joyful yelp.

The mare pulled Blink into the house with surprising force, catching him a little bit off-guard. “Stay. Right. Here.” Velvet then disappeared up the staircase, leaving Blink all alone in the living room.

A few moments later she came down, followed closely by Night Light. He laid eyes on the guard standing in his house and froze into place. “Is . . . something wrong? Did something happen- ohh, hello Blink,” he said, relieved to recognize who was behind the night armor. His wife pushed him on, then left the room, bearing the largest smile Blink had ever seen someone bear.

“I don’t really understand what’s gotten into her. She told me you wanted to speak with me, is everything all right?” Night asked, as clueless as they can get.

“Yeah, absolutely; sorry for barging in at this time, it’s near the end of my shift and I just had to do this before getting some rest.”

Night Light looked at him, still not realising what the stallion could possibly have to talk with him about right before the Gala. “Okay then . . . and don’t worry about the time, I’m sure you have your reasons; plus, we barely get to see you, and that’s only when we pester Twilight about it. So you’re going at the Gala this year?” Night asked, curious.

“Yep, with Spike and the girls.” Blink felt like his throat had swollen, the words coming out harder and harder as he neared his question.

“That’s great, so what was that you wanted to talk to me about?”

“I . . . Twilight and I have been seeing each other for over a year now, as you surely know; and we’ve spent quite some time together, even with my training and all . . .” Sweat was forming on his forehead, suddenly the armor turning into a furnace.

I’ve faced Death itself, why the hell is this so hard?

“And I really care about your daughter.” Blink continued, throwing away his nerves. “I love her very much, Mister Night, she makes me as happy as I can be . . . It probably seems early but I’ve lost my life twice now . . . so to speak,” he added, figuring how weird that, although true, might sounded to Night Light.

”But she was there to shine light on my path, and literally brought me back into this world. I would lose my life many times more, as long as I would not lose her. And for that reason I’ve come here, to ask your daughter’s hoof in marriage, sir.”

The deafening silence that followed slowly tortured the young stallion’s mind, as he sat there in the Sparkles’ living room, looking at the father of the mare he wanted to marry.

“It does indeed seem early, as you’ve said,” Night started, his tone as serious as it can get. “But if she is happy with you, I will not be the one to stand between her and that happiness,” he said, breaking a smile.

A sudden yelp filled the room, and a purple flash blinded Blink. His eyes snapped shut, but he soon felt Velvet’s warm embrace.

“Seems someone’s been eavesdropping around,” Night joked before he himself was dragged into the tight hug.

Just as Blink regained sight, Night grabbed his hoof, giving it a shake. A couple of moments later, the grip tightened, almost painfully.

“No need to say what’s going to happen if you hurt my daughter.”

“Nope, no need, no need at all.”

“Good. Well, since we are all up and Celestia’s morning is upon us, care to join in for some breakfast?”

The guard shook his head. “As much as I would like that, I need to get some sleep. Tonight’s a pretty big night, as you probably know by now.”

“No worries then, we’ll let you have your rest. Good luck for tonight, Blink,” Night Light wished the stallion as they made their way towards the door.

“Thank you, and thanks again for trusting me.”

“Don’t thank me, son. There’s still one more pony you need to convince.”

“Take care, darling!” Velvet said cheerfully, waving a hoof as he went out the door.

“I will, miss Velvet!”

A vortex of blue magic engulfed him and he teleported away, ending up back at the barracks on the other side of the capital. For some strange reason though, the barracks were unusually cold and not to mention, darker than a cave.

A light pulsed from the tip of his horn, revealing mountains upon mountains of-

“Potatoes?” he asked, looking around the room that was actually a basement storage below the barracks.

“Fucking elevation!” he huffed, throwing the potato to the ground.

*** *** ***

The long awaited night had finally arrived.

“Look at me, mate.”

Within less than an hour, the ceremonies for the Grand Galloping Gala were about to start, gathering the most prestigious of ponies to an annual event of splendor and class.

“Blink, look at me!” Chaser raised his voice, catching the unicorn’s attention. “I’m asking you again, are you sure ya wanna do this?”

Blink shot him a rather angry glare, that molded into a confuse one. “Yes. Yes I am, why do you ask?”

“Okay then, just don’t screw it up. I’ll be off now, gotta get ready. Looking mighty fancy by the way.”

“All right, thanks; this really means a lot for me.”

“Don’t cha’ worry. You’ll owe me big time for this anyway.”

Chaser left the dressing room, leaving Blink alone with his thoughts and emotions. He looked himself in the nearby mirror, pondering over his own reflection. He dragged a hoof along his chest, feeling the material of the suit.

Rarity had managed to truly surprise him. The attire followed the design of a tuxedo, with a black bow-tie and a pearl-white shirt underneath it. The fabric of the tux was black, yet somehow the shading of the material shifted its tone slightly when viewed from different angles, not too much as to catch attention from afar or seem tacky, but enough to keep ponies looking at it once they noticed it.

I’ve enchanted the fabric so that it shifts its chromatic bounds, it will definitely give you that dark and mysterious look you’re going for, while keeping it all quiet, formal, and let’s not forget, stylish.

Blink recalled how Rarity passionately explained the suit’s design when she brought it to him, all while he kept staring at it, almost mesmerized. The tuxedo went all the way over his back, stopping at his unique cutie-mark, the sleeves covering only his front hooves. He patted his chest pocket, feeling the shape of the earring’s box. With a sigh, he turned and made his way to the window, staring outside from one of the castle’s towers.

From there, he could see the whole main entrance, the breathtaking decorations and the astonishing lights. Gazing out that window made him feel even more nervous. He decided to leave the room, as Spike and the girls were about to arrive at any moment. As he descended down the staircase, he passed by a window that didn’t face the commotion of the lights and feast that was the Gala’s reception.

He stopped and approached the window, resting his front hooves over the edge. A cool night air caressing his mane gently, filling up his lungs with fresh air. A sea of stars laid bare on the dark canvas, simply there for him to admire as they twinkled their own song, a sea of worlds that went unfazed by the events he was experiencing. So many distant places that knew nothing of him, all but one.

“I . . . don’t know if you can hear me. God this feels so stupid . . . anyway, just in case you do, I wanted to let you know that I really miss you guys. I’m-” he sighed, emotions slowly getting to him. “-proposing today to the mare I love. Heh, that might sound weird to you, but it’s okay, because I’m a pony too now, ya’ know?”

After a few moments of silently staring at the stars, he continued: “I wish you could see me, or at least know that I am okay, alive and happy on another world. I love you so much . . . I’ll never forget you; not here, nor anywhere life will take me.”

On the star-filled sky, a few photons from a once familiar star managed to make it through the dense clouds of solar systems between the two worlds. A small speck of white twinkled among the others, a distant hello from his old home.

*** *** ***

“Hey there big guy!” A hand landed on his back, almost sending him to the floor. Blink stared back and noticed a purple and green dragon grinning at him. “Someone’s looking fancy,” Spike commented, admiring Blink’s suit with a hint of jealousy. “Look, about how I acted back in-”

“Not a word Spike,” Blink cut him off, “it’s all right, as long as you’re okay with Twi. Nice bow-tie, by the way.”

The dragon stared down, stroking the simple garment around his neck with a claw. “Hehe, I didn’t let Rarity make me a full suit, she had too much stuff to do anyway. This will do anyway.”

They stood at the top of the stairs of the main entrance, ponies passing them as they made their way into the main room. The parade of sophisticated outfits and display of nobility caught the stallion’s attention every now and then, but ultimately he returned his gaze to the main gate, awaiting the arrival of Twilight and her friends.

“So, how’s Ruby?” he asked after a few moments of silence from the two of them.

“How did you know she visited?”

“Well, as stealthy as she is, she still managed to raise some flags at the watch towers around the border, not to mention the guards throughout Equestria,” Blink explained.

“Does that mean she’s in trouble?” Spike asked worriedly.

“Nah, don’t worry about it. They just keep an eye on foreigners; you know, gryphons, dragons, whatever . . . this is a pretty visitor friendly nation, and she’s allowed to stay for how long she wants. Tell her that- ooww wow . . .”

His jaw hung at the sight of six mares climbing up the stairs, wearing the most breathtaking dresses he’d ever seen. Obviously his eyes immediately fell on Twilight, who stood out from the rest, maybe because she had the most beautiful dress, or maybe just because he would be proposing to her that night.

She approached him, a rather unusual shyness twinkling in her eyes. Her dress was a two-toned blue, a simple star-shaped necklace hanging at her neck. An association lurked in every fold of her attire; the finest weaves had been skillfully used to bring out the things that made her as beautiful as she was: her large purple eyes, in which one could lose himself for eternity; her beautifully arranged mane, with every lustrous strand of purple unique as the stars in the night sky themselves.

Rarity had really outdone herself, and even if Blink had never actually seen their previous years’ dresses, he would have put hard money on the fact that that year was Rarity’s best so far.

There wasn’t more breath to be taken out of Blink when he noticed twinkling dots across Twilight’s dress, her very own stars that you could stare at.

“You . . . look amazing, Twilight.”

She responded with a warm smile and a gentle nuzzle under his neck, keeping her head next to his for a few seconds. “Thanks, you look great too.”

The other mares and Spike had left them alone, sharing laughs and whispered thoughts about the two as Blink took his time to admire Twilight. They eventually started walking inside the great ball room, side by side. The pair caught the eyes of many attendants, yet their own had interest only for each other.

“What did Rarity even do to these dresses?” Blink asked, still gazing at the sparkling stars in Twilight’s dress.

“Well, this year she decided to bring back the line she made for our first gala, but with some improvements. Back then, we thought those were the most amazing things we had worn in our lives. Each year however she proved us wrong, and I believe this one is no different.”

“You know, you’re very lucky with the friends you have,” Blink said, making their way towards the line of ponies that waited to be greeted by Luna herself.

“Well someone looks mighty fancy tonight.”

Blink turned his head and saw the other girls and Spike right behind him and Twilight, their faces a gleeful smile. “You look amazing too, Applejack.” The stallion took a deep breath, noticing a slight change in the air. “Is that by any chance your . . . perfume?” He asked, sniffing around.

“Well, as a matter of fact, this here’s just Rarity’s little gimmick for my dress. Ah really like it, to be honest.”

“It smells like an apple orchard,” Twilight stated, enjoying the sweet, familiar scent as well.

“It’s a proximity scentilizer spell, just one of the additions I've made to this old fashion collection from our first Gala,” Rarity said, proud of her work.

Blink turned his eyes at the rest of them. Immediately he noticed Rainbow’s dress had actual cloud trimming at its end, while the butterfly-shaped hairpin on Fluttershy’s mane gently flapped its wings for a brief moment.

After a while, they eventually had their turn at being greeted by Luna. Next to her stood the closest royal figures she had left, no one other than Princess Cadence, with Shining Armor at her side.

“Cadence, Shining! I’ve missed you so much!” Twilight said as she hugged her brother and old foalsitter. “Have a nice journey here? How’s Emerald?” she asked Cadence excitedly.

“He’s absolutely fine Twilight, just eager to see you as always. He fell asleep by the time we arrived in Canterlot barely a few hours ago. I left him with your parents, but they seemed oddly cheerful for some reason, especially your mom.”

“My mom? She’s probably happy to see her grandfoal.”

Meanwhile, Blink was overhearing the conversation from the side, relatively close to Luna.

“By the looks of it, I gather you’ve informed the father,” Luna chimed in, during a moment in which the flow of guests had dribbled down. “An admirable gesture, one that sadly has faded out of tradition around these parts. You look astounding in that suit, one of miss Rarity’s creations, I assume?”

“Yes indeed, and thank you Princess Luna.”

“Regardless, I wish not to withhold you any longer, as the night is young and eager, Midnight Blink. Enjoy and make the best of it.”

Blink answered with a deep nod and with that, he left Luna to attend to the rest of the guest. He grabbed a couple of glasses of champagne from a passing waiter, making his way towards Twilight and the rest.

“Hey, grabbed you a drink,” he offered to her gallantly.

“Thank you, I don’t usually drink-”

“Come on Twilight, loosen up!” came the unexpected voice of Pinkie Pie as she snuck between the two, grabbing the mare by her neck. “This party’s gonna be awesome! My tail has been twitching all day though, which is usually a sign of something bad that’s about to happen, but then I remember my tail also twitches every time I have a huge surprise or something totally unexpected happens. So that means-”

Ohh for Luna’s sake . . . forgot about Pinkie’s ridiculous sensing abilities. She can’t possibly know what I have planned though, or at least I hope she doesn’t.

“-and then I was happy because you guys didn’t actually forget about my birthday party-”

“I’m off to the refreshment tables, see ya guys around!” Spike decided, gulping down his second glass and taking off.

“Same here, boy am I hungry!”

“I’mma go talk with Spitfire, see you later!”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash repeated Spike’s gesture of gulping down their drinks, before taking off to their own interests. Rarity was long gone as well, striking a conversation with a rather posh looking pair of ponies. Fluttershy had followed Spike, talking with him as he feasted on portions that were small even by most pony standards.

Blink looked around him, only Twilight remaining around. Even Pinkie Pie had disappeared somewhere, but that was to be expected from the energetic mare. The two of them begun enjoying the night, talking to each other or even with certain high profile ponies in the magic field, who Twilight seemed to know very well.

*** *** ***

“I’ll get that, thank you!” Spike grabbed another glass from a waiter, that time making use of his dexterous tail end, snatching the drink right off the serving tray.

“Someone’s really enjoying their cider, eh partner?” a certain farm pony asked, elbowing him in the side.

“Applejack, don’t encourage him! Spike, don’t you think you’re having too much?” Twilight scolded him, while Blink tried to keep a straight face.

“Come on Twi, it’s not like I’m doing anything wrong; relax, enjoy the Gala!”

“I am not taking sides on this one,” Blink said as soon as Twilight darted her eyes towards him, looking for an ally. “But Spike, don’t go overboard, okay? Anyway, I’m off for some fresh air. Twilight, could you come with me?”

The mare kept her gaze on Spike for a few more seconds before turning back to Blink. “Sure, I could use some air too . . .”

The ceremony was in bloom, merely a couple of hours having passed since it started, the clock striking twelve o’clock in the night. The two made their way out through a balcony door, the air outside immediately filling their lungs. The garden they stepped into held the rarest, most beautiful plants in the land, twinkling fireflies buzzing into the night, decorating the atmosphere with their pulsing light.

“You all right there?” Blink asked, noticing Twilight was staring at the ground absently as they walked.

“Sorry, I’m okay; just not used to seeing him growing up so fast like that. It’s like yesterday he was just riding along on my back, cleaning up the bookshelves and helping me with my letters. Now he’s sleeping with a dragoness-”

“He slept with Ruby?” Blink asked, wide-eyed.

“No, no, no; I mean they slept on the balcony in the tree house the night she came to Ponyville,” she corrected herself, a touch of red filling her cheeks.

Blink chuckled, always enjoying seeing her in an embarrassing situation. “Don’t worry Twi, no matter what he does, he’ll always be Spike, your number one assistant. That dragon has a huge heart, but it needs room to grow and even someone else to share it with,” he said, turning his gaze towards the full moon above.

Twilight sighed, leaning onto him as they stared at the night’s beacon of light. “The moon is so beautiful, a few days early for it to be full, though,” Twilight said, observant as always.

“I have a slight hunch about who might have done that. Anyway, I was thinking . . .” he started, making his way into the garden, Twilight following him shortly after. When he reached a clearing, he stopped in the center, turned around and extended a hoof towards her.

“Care for a dance, my lady?”

She tried to hold a giggle, but eventually humored the stallion when she saw he wasn’t joking. She grabbed his hoof, and Blink reared up, pulling Twilight up on her hind feet. Their chests smashed softly into each other, as the mare stared into the stallion’s eyes.

“But there’s no music, Blink.”

“Oh, I beg to differ,” he said, then nodded towards a secluded garden dome nearby.

A piano tune filled the air shortly after, elegantly marking the start of a slow song. Chaser’s wings and forehooves danced across the piano’s keys, impeccably playing the song he’d been rehearsing the night before with his sister’s help.

Twilight looked towards the garden dome, recognizing the pegasus as he nodded back at her. She turned to Blink, whose eyes beckoned her to start their dance. He placed a hoof around her waist, the other one cradling her left hoof. She raised her right forehoof onto his shoulder, brushing past his chest pocket by mere inches. It didn’t matter though, because his heart was already thumping madly; it was hard for it not to, considering the sight in front of his eyes.

Spurred by the music that filled the garden, more fireflies took to the air, dancing in the clearing among the two ponies, encouraging the pair to keep up with them.

Blink stepped in small circles, shadowed by Twilight as they fell into a slow, steady rhythm. Their hind hooves brushed across the grass, while their forehooves held each other tight.

“This is beautiful,” she whispered to him as they danced, “did you plan all this?”

“Yep; I’ve been waiting for this moment for some time now.”

“You didn’t strike me as a dancer, Midnight Blink.”

“Same goes for you, Twilight Sparkle.”

The song continued as the pair went on with their slow, rhythmic moves. The rather cold air outside had no effect on the two ponies, their hearts and bodies too close to let each other feel any of the night’s chill. Every now and then, one would make a wrong move, hitting or stepping over the other’s hind leg, yet they brushed it off with a chuckle and a reassuring smile.

They gazed at each other’s eyes as the piano notes tingled their ears, their legs moving on their own by that time. Twilight buried her face in his neck, resting in the comfort of his embrace. Blink took in the scent of her mane, the same characteristic smell she always had: sunflowers, with a hint of magic.

Alas, words were to be said, and questions had to be asked.


“Hmm?” she purred from the comfort of his neck.

Blink raised her chin gently with a hoof, his eyes catching hers. The temptation to lay a kiss onto those lips was proving a torture by itself, but through immense restrain, he managed to keep his thoughts on track. Their horns touched gently as she held herself close to him, waiting for what he had to say.

“Remember the day we met?” he asked, his tone barely over a whisper.

“How could I forget? Not every day a stallion crashes into my life out of nowhere.”

“Well, that night you took me back to your house, helped and protected me. You taught me how to use my magic, and you told your friends that they can be my friends as well. You even saved me from Death himself. Words cannot describe how much I appreciate what you have done for me and how much I love you. But maybe this can . . .”

Blink then stopped dancing, letting her go as they rested on all hooves again. He nervously reached into his pocket with his magic as he kneeled down on one of his front legs. Twilight simply stared at him, having not realised yet what he was doing.

“I love you with all my heart, soul and mind and I want you to be mine forever . . .”

He pulled out the small box, floating it between them and then gently opened it, revealing the shining earing.

“Twilight Sparkle, will you make me the happiest of stallions and marry me?” he asked, looking up to her.

She gasped, unable to believe her eyes and ears. Each second in which she darted her eyes from the engagement earing to Blink felt like the longest for the kneeling stallion, his heart literally pausing, waiting for the answer that seemed to never come. Tears started flowing down her face as she covered her mouth with a hoof.

Eventually, she nodded.

She kept nodding, straining herself to say the word he was waiting for so desperately. Yet, there was no need for it. The two unicorns fell into each other’s hooves, hugging one another as tightly as possible.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she eventually managed between tears.

Gasps could be heard from somewhere out there, but the two had no ears for them. The music was still playing, the fireflies were still dancing around and the moon was basking them in its approving light. The rest of the world could have ended, yet that moment would still last forever for the two lovers.

They kissed and hugged, then kissed again, holding themselves close to each other as they laid on the grass.

“I can’t believe you did this, Blink . . . it’s so, so beautiful,” Twilight said, admiring the small, star shaped earing.

She took it out, then slid it through the base of her left ear, the only one she had pierced. As it hanged, the moon’s light bounced off of it, sparkling as bright as the stars above.

“So, what do you think?” she asked.

“The most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen is standing in front of my eyes, and you’re asking me what I think,” he murmured, gently brushing a strand of hair from her face.

She hugged him again, then shared another deep kiss. Occasionally, a teardrop would fall down her cheek in the path of the first ones; Blink could hardly believe he was living in the real world himself, praying that he wouldn’t wake up from a dream any minute.

“My parents, oh my gosh, when they’ll hear this they’re going to freak out,” she said, wiping away the numerous tears of joy from her face.

“Already taken care of,” Blink stated, rather proudly.

“They knew?!”

“Well, yeah; I did ask your father for your hoof the other day.”

“Blink, this is just . . . you thought of everything, didn’t you? Spike, the girls! We’ll have to tell them!” she gasped, excited of bearing the news to her best friends.

“True, but I don’t think they’re going anywhere soon. Someone went through the trouble of moving that moon for this occasion, I say we enjoy it a little bit more . . .”

So they stayed there, standing on top of the grass, basking in the night’s light. Chaser had finished the song by then, yet he continued with another piece, as the two ponies enjoyed the closest moment they ever had in their lives.

The night went on, the bringer of life and bearer of death holding each other close, wishing for the moment not to ever end.

After several other serene minutes had passed, the cold began to make its presence felt amongst the two ponies. A soft, chill wind sent shivers down Twilight’s back, and she squeezed Blink a little bit tighter.

“Come on, let’s go inside; it’s pretty cold out here . . .”

They got up and made their way back towards the ceremony, their legs still shaking from the recent events. As they left the garden, Blink gave Chaser a meaningful nod, a wordless thank you for his good friend. The pegasus’s returning smirk made it clear it was not worth mentioning it at all.

As they walked inside, a small group surrounded them, one of which was a dragon.

“Twilight!” Fluttershy was surprisingly the first one to jump at her neck.

The usually quiet pegasus had obviously cried recently, her puffy eyes and dried teardrops being very clear indicators of that.

“We saw you two out there, I’m sorry if you didn’t want us to,” she whimpered, eyes tearing up.

“Relax, sugarcube, she’s happy for ya, that’s all,” Applejack re-assured Twilight when she noticed the unicorn’s confusion as to why exactly Fluttershy was crying.

In fact, all of them had recently had tears in their eyes, save for Spike, who was desperately trying not to go down the path his other friends went. Instead, he leaned down, wrapping an arm around Blink’s neck. “Gratz, big guy! Didn’t know you had it in ya. Twi!” He then made his way towards the unicorn mare, careful not to bump into the others. Rarity was just letting Twilight go from a hug, when the purple mare saw her assistant.

“Twi, I’m happy for you,” he said, grabbing the mare in his large embrace.

“Thank you, Spike,” she answered, her hind legs inches above the marble floor.

“Wow, this is . . . wow.”

Spike stared at the engagement earing hanging from her ear, his eyes going over every minute detail of the small, rare stone.

“Is this . . . Blink, is this white diamond?” he asked, turning towards the stallion as he slowly let Twilight go.

“Ohh, so that’s what it is!” Rarity chimed. “I’ve never seen one up close before. It’s amazing darling, must have cost you a fortune!”

Blink simply shrugged, putting a sheepish smile on display. “Let’s just say I managed to save some bits from my duty pay over the past year and a half.”

“Blink, you shouldn’t have.” Twilight hugged him again.

“I don’t even want to hear about it.” Blink returned the hug, the friendly gaze of their friends bringing warmth in the two ponies’ hearts.

“What about the wedding? Not to mention the party! It’s gonna be the bestest, greatest party in the whole Equestria! Can I organize it? Can I, can I?” Pinkie cried out, bouncing around Blink and Twilight, casually defying gravity. “And my tail’s still twitching, which means even more surprises! Can you believe that?”

“Okay Pinkie, we’ll let you organize the party,” Twilight said, having given up trying to keep her eyes on the pink pony.

“Hey, Blink.” Applejack and Rainbow came from either side of him, leading him a few feet away.

“Congrats on popping the question, dude,” Rainbow Dash started.

“But ah don’t need to mention what ya’ gonna be getting if ya break our friend’s heart, ‘aight?”

“Remember, you’re not the only one with military training, ground boy.”

“Point taken, girls. And by the way, good job on finishing your training Dash; air squad leader, that’s quite a feat for someone straight out of the academy.”

“Thanks dude. How about you? How’s guard duty treating ya?”

“Well, technically I’m still a Private First Class, for some reason my staff sergeant doesn’t see it fit to promote me to corporal. Anyway, I’m a Royal Night Guard thanks to Princess Luna’s recommendations, so I got that going on.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it; you got more important things in your life now anyway.”

“Indeed I do,” he said, looking back at Twilight.

Next to her was Shining Armor, messing her mane up as he always did to her little sister. Mustering the courage, Blink went back to them.

“Well look who’s here, my new brother in law!” Shining greeted him happily. “Now listen here, private, if I hear at any time in the future that my sister’s not as happy as she is now, you’re not gonna see daylight ever again.”

His serious glare then shifted back to a smile, as he grabbed Blink by the neck and ran his hoof repeatedly through his short mane.

“Your sister. Happy. Got it!” he said as he struggled free of Shining’s embrace. “Boy, why is everyone threatening me today?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let them hurt you,” Twilight said, nuzzling the stallion under his jaw.

“Sir, apologies for disturbing you.” Blink turned and saw a waiter standing patiently behind him. “A gentlecolt would like to have a word with you.”

“Uhh sure. I’ll be right back, Twi.”

Blink followed the waiter, who led him to a group of several stallions, all wearing official service dress. The one in the center, a large stallion with a scar on his face, bared the highest number of medals and decorations.

“General Blueheart, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Blink said with a perfect salute, recognizing the gray stallion with the scar.

“Likewise, Midnight Blink. Not the first time we meet though, is it now?”

Blink tried to figure out what he meant by that, but soon enough memories from over a year ago flashed back to him.

“I remember . . . you lead me into the throne room when Celestia judged me for attacking that gryphon.”

“No hard feelings, son; was just doing my job,” the general excused himself, patting Blink on the shoulder.

“Not at all sir, I perfectly understand that.”

“I really wished we had met in better circumstances back then, but I see that this time things are going rather well for you, aren’t they?”

“Indeed sir. So you have heard the news? And how do you still remember me?”

“Well, it’s easy to figure out by just looking at you guys. Your soon-to-be wife, Twilight Sparkle . . . the Elements of Harmony themselves; you have good friends, private, powerful too. Word also has it that you’re the most talented unicorn on active duty. Ever thought about a career in the field?”

“Well, sir, I’m considering all options to be fair, but I think I want to settle in first.”

“I understand that. Regardless, congratulations, and the best of luck. Now don’t let me hold you from your celebrations.”

“Thank you, sir. Enjoy the night,” Blinked wished them respectfully.

“Most talented unicorn,” he chuckled as he returned, feeling his pride swell. Despite not being advanced past private yet, he was still performing admirably in his training, both the military and the off the record ones with Princess Luna. All that ultimately seemed to fade away into the background. He was about to marry the mare he loved dearest, and nothing could make him happier.

As he re-approached the group, he saw Chaser walking towards him, wearing his official guard uniform, save for the helmet.

“Chaser man, I owe you big time. It was the best song I’ve ever heard, really.”

The pegasus didn’t looked at him.

“Hey, don’t tell me you’re back on security duty? I thought you’ve been given leave for today.”

He kept walking however, merely affording a short glance at Blink.

“Uhh Twilight, did you talk with Chaser yet?”

“No; really would like to though, the song we danced to was beautiful. Ow, here he is!”

“Hey mate! Congrats to you two!” Chaser approached them, wearing the same suit he had while playing the piano outside in the garden.

His following words went right past his ears, as Blink turned around, looking for the guard that had passed him. Scouting the crowd, he spotted him walking straight towards the three stallions he had recently talked to.

His eyes wide, Blink saw the exact moment the guard pulled something from a satchel using his right wing.

It happened so fast, that no one even noticed it at first. The helmet-less guard pulled the knife out of the general’s chest, then plunged it back in, twisting it with his wing. In a flash, he pulled it back out, and stuck it in the neck of one of the other army stallions next to him. The general’s heart stopped beating before he even hit the floor.

As the third one reacted, lunging himself at the guard, a green flame conjured at the top of the pegasus’ head, leaving a black, jagged horn exposed. A green burst struck the attacking stallion, felling him.

A scream pierced through the calm air. The music came to an abrupt stop. Cold chills ran down Blink’s spine. Somewhere, three ponies were seeing Death for the first time. Green flames erupted throughout the main hall, chaos settling in.

A nearby guard plunged his spear into the chest of a stallion wearing a service dress. His companion stared at him in shock. When he realized what was happening, he desperately fumbled to get his sword out, but a pair of green flashes from across the room left two gaping holes in his golden armor. He too, was dead before he hit the ground.

Blink’s instincts finally kicked in, his horn spewing pure, excess magic onto the floor as he charged his spell. Dark shapes raced out from the shadow his body casted on the ground. They came to a stop around the group, and from them materialized several shadow clones, all determined not to let anyone or anything approach his friends.

Blink heard a couple of flaps, one of them much louder than the other one. As he turned to look back, he saw that Shining had propped himself in front of Twilight and Cadence, and so did two of his own clones, dark shields floating side by side Shining’s large, blue one.

Screams and sounds of desperate fights filled the air, ponies running in every direction as they tried to escape the slaughter. Bolts of green magic flew through the air, striking tables, walls, statues and ponies alike.

“Protect the Princess!” was a common holler that Blink could hear amidst the chaos from the other side of the banquet hall.

The posing guard that killed a pony in front of their eyes with a spear had locked his eyes onto someone, unfortunately for him, someone in Twilight’s direction. Right as Blink was about to blast him out of existence, a large thing smashed the impostor into the floor from high above. Spike pressed his foot into the attacker’s chest, crushing it like an eggshell. A green flame engulfed the body, revealing the lifeless body of the insect-like creature.

“Spike!” Twilight screamed at her assistant, shocked by his attack.

“Twilight, get the girls out of here, now!” Blink shouted. “Teleport them out!”

Unfortunately, only Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had remained close to Twilight. Rainbow Dash had flew off with Spike, and Blink spotted her fighting with an attacker, beating its face into a pulp. Applejack was bucking at a pair of impostors, two of Blink’s shadow clones helping her out.

A guard approached Blink, a green spark reflecting in his eyes. As he pulled a sword from its sheath, a burst of magic launched out of Blink’s horn tip, ripping the attacker’s limb completely off. He fell to the ground, his disguise fading away in flames as he flailed and hissed in pain. Spike was soon on top of him, grabbing the insect by its neck. The dragon then breathed a stream of burning liquid onto his face, the sound of sizzling meat and popping cartilage bringing chills down the spines of everyone that heard it.

Several bolts of green magic hit Spike in the back, and he immediately snapped his head back, his slit eyes searching for the aggressor. A couple of thin smoke trails were coming out of his magic-resistant scales, yet in a moment he was in the air heading towards the attackers.

“I cannot leave you, please just take Fluttershy-”

Rarity’s plea fell on deaf ears as Twilight engulfed her and the weeping yellow pegasus in a sphere of light. The next second, only a trail of smoke stood where the two ponies once were.

A loud bang rang through the air, and it didn’t come as a surprise for Blink to see a certain pink pony behind a smoking cannon. Mere feet away from her was an insect covered in a variety of food products, blindly shooting up green bursts from its horn. Two guards struck the creature down, before moving on to help a rainbow-maned pegasus as she faced two large attackers.

“Damn it, Pinkie,” one of Blink’s shadow clone said to the earth pony, wrapping his hooves around her.

“No, I have to help my friends!”

A dark pool formed under the two of them and they sank into the ground, the black patch fading out of existence.

On the other side of the hall, Luna stared in pure shock as her ponies were murdered under her very eyes. Her Nightmare thrashed and fumed inside of her, begging to be released. Unfortunately, it was beyond her to will to harm another living creature of that world. All she could do was help her ponies, shielding the fighting guards from green bolts.

“Leave now fools, and protect the others!” She screamed at the guards hurdled in front of her. “I said, leave! Your duty lies with your fellow ponies, not with me!”

The guards that were gathered to protect her finally listened to the conflicting order, galloping down the stairs and into the main room. The bursts of green still lit across the hall, but the balance of the fight was inclining towards the ponies at a rapid pace.

“An amazing event, if I might say so.”

Luna turned, her eyes falling on Golden Quill, her very own personal assistant. “You. That’s why you wanted all the high officials of our army present here. But this is impossible, you can’t be a . . . I would have sensed if you were one of them!”

“You couldn’t see behind my disguise because you weren’t looking for a pony,” the mare said with a grin. Her horn glowed, as she pulled an oddly-shaped blade out of her saddle bag.

Luna froze, staring at the blade in shock, feeling the ripples of magic from the weapon deep within her bones. “That blade . . . how did you get that?”

“This thing here? Just a-”

“Princess what the hell’s going on- ohh shit!” Blink cursed, staring at Luna’s assistant. “That weapon. You’re the assassin that tried to kill me on my journey to the Griffin Lands?”

“Huh, it doesn’t matter, I’ll take both of you!” she yelled, galloping towards Luna and Blink.

“Blink, I cannot harm her!” Luna said to the stallion next to her.

A tendril immediately wrapped around the charging mare’s leg, causing her to come crashing down.

“I’ve had it with you, whoever the hell you are!” Blink grabbed the blade with his magic, shooting it straight into a wall. He then lifted the mare up in the air, but before he could do anything, she managed to hurl a pink ball of magic at him.

“Thanks, Princess!”

The magic attack had smashed against a shield Luna raised in front of Blink, cracking it slightly. Several other followed suit, but the shield repelled them all. Blink decided to cut courtesy short and smashed the unicorn mare into the ground repeatedly.

As he approached the moaning mess, he saw a pink glow engulfing the assistant, leaving in their wake an azure coat and a cornflower blue mane.

“This is not the last you’ve seen of Trixie!” Magic erupted from the tip of her horn, making Blink shield his eyes from the powerful light. When he looked back, the mare was gone.

“Are you all right, Princess?” he asked, returning to Luna.

“Yes, you can say so.”

The stallion stared across the large hall, noticeably focused. “My fellow clones can’t see any more active threats. My magic is weakening Princess, the original me is next to Twilight,” he said before his body turned to smoke, mixing in the hot air.

Despite that being true, the ceremony grounds looked like a slaughter house. The statues, marble floors and even the walls were riddled with holes and cracks. Guards were rushing into the hall from all entrances, evacuating everyone that could be moved. Shining Armor and Cadence were leaving though the main entrance, under a heavy escort formed by crystal pony guards. Twilight was standing at the side of a fallen guard, her magic working hard to stabilize him. Blink was next to her and a gray mare that was playing for the Gala, the two of them standing at each side of Chaser’s side. The pegasus had a deep injury in his shoulder, but Blink was managing to take care of it despite the heavy magic burnout he’d just been though.

Luna stepped to the blade stuck in the wall. The sharp, curved end had nothing special to it. It was the handle that brought chills even to her. It was a horn; the blade was coming out of its base, while the tip was broken off.

A white sphere burst next to the Princess, the guards nearby pointing their weapons at the source of magic.

“At ease!” Shining ordered them as the smoke cleared out.

“Princess, I’ve teleported Cadence back to my parents’ home, her royal escort and several of my best stallions are there. What- what is that thing?” Shining Armor asked, staring at the blade stuck in the wall.

“That weapon is a very powerful artefact. Someone tried to kill me with it tonight . . .”

“Your majesty, that is-”

“It matters less for now; how are the others? Who did we- who did we lose?” she stammered, the situation slowly overcoming her.

Fear grew in Luna’s heart. For the first time in many years, she felt lonely. Celestia was no longer there taking care of things, and everything fell on her. She gulped, turning to face the main hall. Luna couldn’t avert her eyes from the blood that was painting the otherwise white marble floor. Some green, but most of it red, forming a gut wrenching painting of death . . . and treason.

Slowly, Shining’s voice faded back into her attention.

“. . . initial reporting that General Blueheart and our three lieutenant generals are dead, as well as several colonels and majors that were present at the festivities. At least ten civilians died as well as twenty of my guards. Several wounded, but they’re already being treated.”

“Princess, why would the changelings do this?” he asked after a pause.

“I don’t know, Shining Armor,” Luna said in a low voice, staring at the center of the hall.

Between the swarming guards and medics, Blink was standing on the floor, holding Twilight to his chest and whispering soothing words to her. Her dress was stained by the blood of a guard she had managed to stabilize until the medics arrived. Spike was behind them, holding his head in his palms.

A guard approached Luna, holding several scrolls in his magic. “Your Highness, urgent messages for you.”

The Princess took them from him, opening up the first. Her eyes traced the short sentences, taking her time and going through all of them. Once she finished, she wrapped the last one up, handing it back to the messenger. She then took a deep breath, closing her eyes shut for a few moments.

“Shining Armor . . .”

“Yes Princess.”

“I’m sorry to bare this news, but I’m promoting you from Captain to General of the Army, effective immediately.”

After a pause, Shining broke the settling silence. “Princess, the highest military rank Equestria has had in recent history was general. A General of the Army is only appointed in case of-”

He stopped, realising what Luna was implying.

“Have the meeting chamber behind the throne room prepared and gather all thine higher ranks that are still fit for duty. If the reports I hath received are to be trusted, Equestria is now officially at war . . .”

End of Chapter 23

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