• Published 23rd Oct 2012
  • 3,009 Views, 70 Comments

Friendship? Emotion not found. - The Rar

A mechanical monster striaght from hell seems to have escaped from Twilight's 'Dream'.

  • ...

I Didn't Have To Smite A Dragon

Ponyville in the snow, the beautiful white snow.
Ajax didn’t fully understand it yet but apparently some ditzy weather pony had decided Ponyville was simply too good for clear skies and had accidently covered the entire region in frost and cloud. How one pony managed to do that, Ajax would never know. It wasn’t even the time for snow. On Pandora at least, Ajax didn’t understand how Equestria’s seasons worked either.
Rainbow Dash claimed that it would be cleared up soon and the snow and cold would be removed from Ponyville. Ajax didn’t really want the snow to be gone. It was comforting. It reminded him of the snow plains of Pandora’s Polar Regions.
Ajax loved the snowy hills and frozen lakes in the area. He loved the way it was almost devoid of life. He loved the silence of the forests and the gentle cracking of the ice as he tread on it. He loved the snow storms and the veil of invisibility they brought with them. He loved the beautiful snow.
Ajax spent lots of his time on Pandora’s glaciers. He spent enough time there to call them his home. Well, not really a home. Ajax wasn’t one for having a home. More of a base of operation. It’s how he found out about the relatively unguarded power core in the first place.
The snow that engulfed all of Ponyville was something Ajax felt familiar and comfortable with.
He liked walking through it. He liked the prints he made.
He did not however like where he was going.
Ajax had been given directions to Twilight Sparkle’s library by Applejack and given a pep talk about Spike. She told him not to worry about it but was too busy laughing to tell him why.
Ajax assumed that he was mistaken on a very important detail about the dragon. Maybe he overestimated its potential interest in eating him. Maybe he was just being silly.
Still, Ajax was dreading this.
If not over the dragon, over Twilight. He really didn’t know how Twilight would react to him.
He assumed complete insanity with a side of terror.
After all, the impression Twilight probably got from her dream is that Ajax was a mechanical monster with an unreasonable hatred for everything and a love of draining blood from people.
How much did she see anyway?
Did she see Ajax’s attack from start to finish? From throwing the grenade that shook the entire glacier to the cataclysm that occurred when Ajax malfunctioned?
Good God that would be bad. She’d have heard his words as he tossed the grenade. She’d have seen the blood drip down his claws as he sliced that Hyperion heavy.

“Urg…” Ajax moaned silently as he slowly walked through the snow.
How much did she see?
How much does she remember? Well, probably everything. She probably remembered every detail vividly in fact.
Not good.

“Where d’ya think you’re going?”
The voice took Ajax by surprise.
There were no other ponies around besides a young filly sitting eating a sandwich, and the voice certainly didn’t come from her. Her mouth was completely stuffed with a sandwich.
So where did it come from? Ajax simply didn’t know.
But then he remembered. Wings. Pegasi.

“Rainbow Dash thinks it’s wise to sneak up on me now, how cute.”Ajax mused

“Yea yea yea, I know I’m cute. People need to stop telling me. Anyway, I need to talk to you.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew down to be level with Ajax.

“Hah. Ok, that was good. What do you need Dash?” Ajax laughed

“Well, I need a little help.”

“I’m sort of busy Dash, I’ve got to visit Twilight, remember? I’m pretty sure it’s more important that whatever you need”

“But what I need is really important as well!” Rainbow Dash complained

“Maybe if you told me what it is you need?” Ajax pressed. Even though he was dreading it Ajax wanted to get to Twilight’s library as soon as possible. That way he’d have plenty of time to talk to Twilight. He knew he’d need lots of time with her; Shield had filled him in with plenty of information on her when they had been at the Royal Forge repairing breaks in his armour. Apparently she was a step above any other student in Canterlot and she could pick a hole in even the soundest theory. She could formulate an argument and conjure responses as quick as a flash, ones which are usually valid and incredibly intelligent. Ajax would have to be at his best when he does battle with her mind.

“I need those awesome jet-thingy-ma-bobs”

“Jets? Why on Pandora would you need those?” Ajax confusedly asked

“There are literal tonnes of snow! What more do you need?” Rainbow replied just as confused. Very rude, yelling at Ajax and assuming he knows how things work in Equestria.

“I could do with being told how jets relate to snow…”

“Oh! Right! Different world different rules, gotcha. Well, let me quickly explain what’s going down. Uh… Sorry for sounding the way I did a second ago” Rainbow Dash said apologetically.

“No problem, forget about it. Continue.” Ajax said quickly, trying to speed the conversation along.

“Well, we’re going to clear all this snow away by causing a huge hurricane type thing. We did it last year flawlessly, but this year Twilight isn’t here to organise everything because she’s sort of locked herself in her house. We need your help.” Rainbow Dash finished

“And, how exactly do you expect me to help?” Ajax asked

“Well first off you’re the kind of person who knows how to get a job done. You know? I bet you’d be able to organise this thing. And because this snow came so quickly I have about a third of my force unable to attend. You know how it is; they’re away doing a job and can’t come back on such short notice? Your jets should make up that last third, if not more. You’ve got to do this, yo-”

“Wait a minute, let me guess. You’re going to say I’ve got to do this because I’m the one who drove Twilight into solitude and I owe you, yes?” Ajax interrupted

“Well… Uh – Ah – Maybe? Well… I wouldn’t say you have to do it I mean-“ Tried awkwardly to say

“You’re completely right.” Ajax interrupted again.

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash confusedly said

“If that’s what you were going to say, you were right. I do owe you girls. Not only have I inconvenienced you by trying to spend time with you I’ve cause a breakdown of sorts in your friend. Helping with your weather is the lease I could do.”

“Well, that’s real nice Ajax.” Rainbow Dash happily said

“But, it’ll have to wait until after I’ve spoken with Twilight” Ajax added

“Wha- But!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed

“No buts Dash, you’ve got all day to clear this up and I may only have now to talk to Twilight. She comes first.”

“Bu- Ah! Ok, you win.” Rainbow Dash sighed as she accepted defeat.

“I’ll look forward to it.” Ajax said as he began walking once more.

“How should we do this…?”
Ajax stood outside of the door that leads to Twilight’s home. It’d taken him a lot longer than he’d expected though, Ponyville just wouldn’t leave him alone. Ponies had taken a surprising liking to him, his hard work to convince ponies he wasn’t evil succeeding. How successful his efforts had been was debatable though. Yes, he’d got the ponies of Equestria to trust him, but now they wouldn’t leave him alone. A trend Ajax had noticed was ponies asking him for favours. First Rainbow Dash with her weather issues who Ajax simply had to decline, next Rarity asking for feedback on the paint that again, Ajax had to decline assisting and arrange for another time. Finally Pinkie Pie came to Ajax saying that Rainbow Dash had told her about the jets he’d used to fly and demanded that he come with her and help her bake some cakes “Super-duper quickly” as Pinkie had put it. Ajax had told her that the flames from his jets would not only turn the cakes to chard paste, but would also propel him through the walls of whichever building they would be in at the time.

“Hello ma’am. No, no. That’s too… It’s not something I would say to an average person.”
Ajax was pondering how he should go about introducing himself to Twilight. How he did this was very important, first impressions and all of that. Ajax had to be very careful how he handled this. Not only because Ajax wanted to sound polite, but because this pony had seen so much. She’d seen Ajax being… Less than civil with some gentlemen and she’d seen it all from the front row seat. One sudden movement, one misinterpreted word, one out of place shift of a servo and that was it. Twilight could be driven to madness at the slightest thing. That is assuming however she hasn’t already lost her mind. Ajax had to hope for the best. From what Ajax had heard Twilight’s dragon assistant had been seen coming and going from the library so that must mean something good.

“Oh hell to it. This is the second time I’ve troubled myself with introductions. No holding back, just knock on the damned door Ajax.”
Ajax’s patience with introductions had broken. He’d wasted too much time with favours and he needed to get this rolling.

“Here we go…” Ajax nervously said as he knocked on the door.
Ajax waited for several moments for a response. None came.
Ajax knocked again.

“Hello? Is anyone home?”
Suddenly, a voice.

“Hold on, I’ll get it for you. Twilight will be reading” The voice from behind Ajax said.
It wasn’t a voice Ajax recognised. It wasn’t a female voice, as far as Ajax could tell. It was someone who had access to the library. It was someone who knew Twilight.
The Dragon…
Ajax turned, quick as a flash and had his weapons pointed just above his head height.
Even though he knew brining his weapons would probably make Twilight even more frightened, Ajax didn’t want to risk confronting a dragon empty handed. He’d brought his trusty tri-barrel and as always, his sword and claws. While he was walking he had both his sword and shotgun holstered as to avoid attracting too many second looks and the blades on his hands had ended up like the rest of Ajax, covered in light frost. They didn’t look sharp or threatening. Excellent. Ajax’s weapons were just as deadly as always, yet they looked like blunt pieces of scrap. Now they were pointed at… Thin air?

“Wha-? What witchcraft is this” Ajax said as he scanned his weapons left to right, finding nothing but white skies.

“Down here?” The voice confusedly said
Ajax lowered his gaze and his weapons to the source of the voice. Ajax didn’t quite know what to make of it. It certainly wasn’t a pony, it stood on two legs. It had hands and a head. It looked surprisingly human, with two key differences. One, it had a tail and two, it was covered in scale. Purple and green, what an interesting combination. The creature was quite small. Ajax doubted it was even half the size of the ponies he’d seen. This… Creature, what was it?
Ajax asked himself the question multiple times as he stared, weapons pointed in little creature’s stunned face. Then he remembered what he’d feared ever since he’d heard.
What was Ajax doing again? Oh, right. He was pointing three death dealing barrels and a razor edged sword at it.
Ajax, after the previous thoughts struck him, holstered his weaponry and knelt. Even while kneeling, Ajax still had a height advantage. But that was an irrelevant point at present time. All that mattered right now was whether this dragon wanted to melt Ajax into a pool of bubbling liquid with fire.

“You must be Spike.” Ajax said as he looked at the small dragon.

“Yup. You must be… Uh…” Spike paused, trying to come out with the name.

“Ajax.” Ajax told Spike as he offered a hand
Ajax was very relieved. Heh… This must’ve what had Applejack in tears when Ajax had told her about it. The dragon Ajax had feared was not only small, but he was sort of cute. His eyes reminded him of Fluttershy’s. They screamed sweetness .

“Yea, Ajax. I didn’t really hear your name that often. Twilight has taken to referring to you as “It”.” Spike said as he took and shook the offered hand.

“How charming.”

“I’ll see if she’ll call you by your name today. The ponies who came by when the dropped Twilight off they never really mentioned your name.” Spike said as he moved his claw around in the lock.

“Hmm… Faith and Shield never spoke my name? Wonder why…” Ajax trailed off. Ajax thought he’d made a connection with both guard ponies. Ajax was really confused as to why they wouldn’t have mentioned his name.

“I’ve no idea why they didn’t say your name. They were more concerned about getting Twilight up to speed on what you were doing in Ponyville. Maybe they expected Twilight to be out of the library more? Urg… Come on lock!” Spike irritably said as he continued to fumble with the lock.

“What exactly are you doing?” Ajax asked as he looked at Spike struggling with the lock.

“Well, Twilight had the door made to lock when you leave and she’s forgotten to give me a key so now I’ve got to unlock the door with my claw whenever I want in.”

“Hmm… Let me help you with that. Step aside, please.” Ajax said as he waved his claw at spike.

“Uh… What are you going to do?” Spike nervously asked as he looked at the razor claws on Ajax’s hand.

“What you were trying to do. I do know how to pick a lock you know.”
Ajax crouched and stuck the tip of one of his claws into the small lock and wiggled it up and down a little. After a little bit of wiggling he stuck another claw into the lock and turned the lock. After a bit of work trying to get the lock to turn all the way while covered in frost, the lock yielded and the door opened.

“That was amazing.” Spike said as he looked into the library.

“Oh Spike, you’re too kind.” Ajax said as he spun his hand around.

“Twilight! I’m back!”
Ajax and Spike had sneakily entered the library after Ajax had picked the lock on the door. Ajax had to duck to get in, but he made it.
Ajax was nervous as hell. He didn’t know what to expect from Twilight. Would she have gone crazy? Would she be struck with fear? Would she talk when Ajax asks? Would she simply remain silent? So many questions…

“Wait there Spike! I have books for you to sort!” The voice yelled.

“Urg… More books? I’ve been doing this all week Twilight!” Spike yelled back

“This will be the last load Spike, I promise!” The voice replied

“Yea… That’s what you said two days ago Twilight…” Spike mumbled

“What exactly do you do?” Ajax quietly asked

“I’m Twilight’s assistant, I assist.” Spike whispered back.

“So you sort books for her?”

“Yes. Not all of the time, but I do it. Twilight has recently been reading lots of books and they need put back in the correct place, don’t they?”

“I suppose so.” Ajax admitted

“Twilight! Just telling you, we have a guest!” Spike yelled

“No! Wait! Why did you say that?!” Ajax angrily whispered

“I’d tell her sooner rather than later” Spike replied.
Ajax heard hoofsteps coming from upstairs.

“Yes, but now she’s going to ask who it is!”

“Who is it anyway Spike?!” Twilight yelled

“Gah! I told you!” Ajax nervously said

“It’s Ajax! That robot from the other universe you were telling me about!” Spike yelled upstairs.
The hoofsteps stopped

“Why… Dragon, why?” Ajax moaned as he rubbed his face aggressively.

“It’ll all make sense in a second Ajax, wait and see.”
The hoofsteps started again. They sounded like they were heading towards the stairs.

“How will this all make sense then dragon?” Ajax angrily whispered to Spike

“Just wait…” Spike said as he began walking towards another room.

“Would you like anything to drink Twilight?! Ajax suggested I get you something before you talk!” Spike yelled as he walked off towards some bottles that were sat on a table.

“Uh… No thanks Spike! I’ll be fine!” Twilight yelled as her hoofsteps grew louder.

“Urg… Damned purple demon, you’ve doomed me…” Ajax whispered to himself.
Wait, had he?
Ajax thought for a moment. Was this really bad? Spike had informed Twilight that he was here and she hadn’t freaked out. He’d saved Ajax from introductions, which Ajax just couldn’t master. He’d given Ajax a very good first impression by saying that Ajax had suggested getting Twilight a drink.
Maybe this was a good thing.
Ajax saw a pale purple leg place itself on the topmost stair, shaking slightly. Ajax’s improved optics revealed the slight shake and without said optics he probably wouldn’t have noticed. Eventually, after several nervous steps were taken, Ajax could see a face. Surprisingly, the face showed no fear.
Not a single trace of the stuff was on Twilight. Most unusual.
Twilight slowly descended the stairs. Her horn was softly glowing and a large stack of books followed her.

“Uh… Hello, Twilight Sparkle.” Ajax said as he politely bowed.

“H-Hello t-there… Uh…” Twilight stammered

“Ajax. As I told your companion, my name is Ajax. But you already know that, don’t you?”

“Uh…” Twilight whimpered.
Twilight, despite her best efforts, looked and sounded frightened. Ajax couldn’t really bare to do this to her, but he had some questions to ask.

“I’ve been told you’ve seen a little more than you expected to see when you slept one night.”


“Do you have any questions?” Ajax asked.

“Huh?” Twilight slowly said

“Questions. Do you have any? About what you saw that is. Twilight, I know you’ve been told of my purpose and if I am to earn anything good from you we must understand each other completely, mustn’t we?”

“I suppose so” Twilight responded, sounding a tad more confident.

“Well, any questions?” Ajax repeated.

“Several actually.” Twilight lifted a sheet of paper over from a desk and in front of her eyes.

“Hmm… Go on.”
Quite amazing. Twilight had gone from a nervous wreck to as confident as Ajax assumed was norm for her.

“You see, when I was told you’d came to Equestria I was quite terrified. I shut myself in my house for a day or two and refused to speak to anyone, Spike knows this. But eventually, between the outbursts of paralyzing fear, something else took hold.”

“And that was?” Ajax asked


“Interest? Why interest?”

“My friend, you broke the barrier between realities. I don’t know about where you came from but in Equestria that isn’t exactly something you see every day.”

“I suppose not but really, you should be traumatised!” Ajax exclaimed.

“Oh, believe me, she was.” Spike said as he walked back from the bottles, a glass of fresh water in his hand.

“What do you mean dragon?”

“I mean she spent the best part of two days she quivered in a corner, crying about what she’d seen. But then she got all worked up about plasma thingy-ma-what-its and wouldn’t be quiet. Basically, what you see here is a completely different Twilight Sparkle.”

“Oh really? You were that scared?” Ajax amusedly said

“Yes! I was! It isn’t funny how scared I was!” Twilight yelled out in offence

“It is to me. Not in the way you’d think though. I’ve seen men break down completely. The fact that you were only traumatized amuses me greatly. You must be a tough one.”

“Well… Speaking of breaking down, my questions?”

“Let me hear them. One condition of course.”

“What would that be?”

“Afterwards, you must let me look through your library. You appear to have some books I might find interesting.” Ajax said as he looked at the many books surrounding him. The technical and tactical data Ajax could obtain from them was invaluable.

“Very well, you can look through my library after we are done here. My first question then, what do you want to look through my books for?” Twilight asked as she sat down in front of Ajax. She took up a quill and flipped the piece of paper over. She wrote “Answers to previous questions” on the top.

“Huh? Why would you want to know that?” Ajax confusedly asked

“You agreed to answer any question put forward.”

“I suppose I did… Well, I noticed a book labelled as “Weapons of the modern Pony Guard”. It would be interesting to see how developed your race is arms wise.”

“You really want to compare weapons?” Twilight confusedly asked

“Indeed. When I first came to Equestria I had to use my technology to save two of your Guard Ponies from wooden wolves. They seemed quite amazed when the wolf exploded. I also noticed that they were both high ranking officers and only carried swords. Admittedly, they were quite skilled with them, but I was confused as to whether that is all your race is in possession of.” Ajax explained

“Well, a while back a pony developed a weapon that could fire a rod of sharp metal in a relatively straight line at a high velocity.”
Twilight whisked a piece of paper out from under one of the many stacks around the room and placed it in front of Ajax.

“A crossbow.” Ajax said as he looked at the image.

“Indeed. You have them in your universe?” Twilight asked

“Had. They’re obsolete now. We’ve developed much more effective ways of sending shards of metal speeding towards someone’s face.”

“Like?” Twilight curiously asked.

“Like this.” Ajax said as he upholstered his weapon.

“Ah!” Twilight yelled as Ajax lifted the weapon.
“One of those things! Don’t use it! Please!” Twilight begged.

“Easy now pony, I mean you no harm. I only wished to enhance my answer to your question with a real life example.” Ajax said as he pointed the weapon’s barrels to the floor, well away from Twilight.

“Just… Don’t fire it, ok?”

“Believe me, firing this weapon is the last thing I would want to do. I doubt there would be much left of your house if I did.”

“Uh… Why?” Twilight nervously asked

“This weapon. Manufactured by Torgue, the company famous for crafting devastating weaponry and enhancements. Most notably, gyrojet technology. Small subsonic projectiles that cause large amounts of damage upon impact due to having explosive heads. The wood of this tree would be nothing to a bullet made by Torgue. This weapon has three barrels and fires a total of 22 projectiles.” Ajax finished as he racked the pump of the shotgun. He caught the shell that fell from the gun and held it in front of Twilight.
“This shell is one and a half inches in length and it can do the same damage as a plasma cannon.”

“That’s…” Twilight breathed

“Frightening, I know.” Ajax interrupted

“No, not frightening, amazing.” Twilight said as she took the shell in her magical grasp.

“Interesting? My my, someone taking interest in the inner workings of a gyro rocket. Are you certain you’re feeling ok Twilight? It’s strange to be so enthusiastic around a war machine.”

“I’m fine. I’ve had a long time to think over what I saw and don’t misunderstand me; I found what I saw terrifying. But the technology used in said terrifying scene made my head spin!” Twilight exclaimed as she pulled the shell into its component parts in a burst of magical force.

“Which technology? Maybe I can answer some questions about them?” Ajax asked as he took a step back.
“And please Twilight, be careful with those parts. If you apply too much force to the black powder you’ll give your house a new door.” Ajax warned

“I will, now. Let us begin with the first piece of interesting technology. The “Grenade” you threw at that complex. Give me basics and if there is something further I wish to know, I’ll ask.”

“Very well. Explosives 101. A grenade is traditionally a shaped container filled with an explosive. They are fitted with a pin which when pulled will activate a countdown. When the countdown has ran its predefined length the compound is detonated, showing the area with red hot shards of metal often referred to as “Shrapnel”. Grenades have been fitted with numerous enhancements ranging from cloning capabilities to spawn several child grenades all the way to worm holing technology allowing grenades to travel mind boggling distances in milliseconds, like the grenade I used.”

“They sound interesting. What is the thing that causes the initial explosion?”

“In traditional fragmentation grenades trinitrotoluene is the used explosive. But it can be a number of things. In many modern grenades they have begun using miniature plasma cores to cause a huge explosion. The effects are admirable as well as destructive. The thing inside of a plasma core, naturally, is plasma. Which when energized is as hot as a super nova and can melt even the toughest metal.”

“That’s very interesting. Do you have any of these “Grenades”? Oh! Wait, do you have any plasma cores!?” Twilight excitedly yelled. The thought of obtaining so much knowledge getting to her.

“Ah, as I said. Plasma. Hot. Dangerous. Even if I did possess a plasma core, I wouldn’t be giving it to a race so unfamiliar with it. As for grenades… Well, do you know how many people have blew their hands off with “Safe” grenades?”

“Oh… So they’re too dangerous for me?” Twilight sadly asked.

“For you, yes. But I’d be happy to give a pony with more technological expertise a few of my toys.”

“Ok then. Now, can you give me any of your other “toys”, before we go on?” Twilight curiously asked.

“I can do nothing more but teach someone such as you about my tools.”

“Fair enough… Now my next question.” Twilight flipped the piece of paper over again and looked at her list.
“Ah, yes. How in Celestia’s name did you get from the top of a hill right into the middle of that complex?”

“Ah… A fine question. The answer lies within this.” Ajax said as he turned and showed Twilight his device.
“This nifty little warp device that allows me to teleport distances and also to teleport firearms directly into my hands.”

“How can such a small device do all of that?” Twilight suspiciously asked.
The device on Ajax’s back was a small, battered looking piece. It didn’t look much different to an old radio and was in terrible condition, which looked considering Ajax had a gleaming new coat of paint.
Rather odd for him to be carrying around such a scrappy piece of metal. Ajax had gotten more than a few ponies looking at his device with confused faces as he walked past.

“That is far too complicated for your mind pony. Sorry.” Ajax said as he turned back to Twilight

“Nothing is too complicated for me.” Twilight confidently stated

“If I could amaze you with a crude grenade then I’m sure pulse coils and micro fusion reactions would make you feint again.”

“Ah… Fair point. But I demand you tell me later!” Twilight yelled, refusing to reject a chance to attempt to learn.

“Deal. Further questions?”

“I have many more.” Twilight looked down at her sheet once more, refreshing her memory.
“Ah, yes. About your… Friends. The ones who wore yellow.”

“Basics again?” Ajax asked

“Yes. Exactly like last time, if I have any further questions I’ll ask.”

“Very well. The people who wore yellow were part of a corporation called “Hyperion”. They were in the most part, as far as I could tell, low ranking dregs. One or two of their number looked to be rather high ranking soldiers, probably the leader of the group and their second in command. They obviously needed a ranking officer to keep the rest of the group in check. They looked to be spending their service time on a very depressing outpost in the arctic regions of Pandora, the planet in which I was on at the time.”

“At the time? You have more than one planet?” Twilight curiously interrupted.

“There are countless planets in the universe in which I come from. You have only one?” Ajax asked just as curious as Twilight.

“I don’t know. Celestia refuses to tell me, whether it be because she doesn’t know or she doesn’t want to tell me. I suspect that there are more planets than just ours.”

“You should persuade the Princess to share. There could be other life forms with new knowledge to share.”

“I suppose so!” Twilight agreed

“Hey, here’s a thought. Both of our planets may not even be in different dimensions. We could just be very far apart and just not have discovered each other yet. A few years and I might be able to come and visit you.” Ajax laughed.

“Erm… Indeed.” Twilight said as she looked away from Ajax and to the ground.
Ajax realised then how foolish a thing to say that was. Suggesting to someone who must be holding back a huge amount of terror that every single one of her worst nightmares could one day be very real and paying her a visit? What was Ajax thinking of! He’d gotten himself convinced that Twilight was actually stable. She wasn’t, and one wrong word could set her off. Ajax had just said several very very wrong words.

“Ah… That is of course a theory and a very unlikely one at that. After all, I’m not an astronomer of any sort, so who am I to theorise? Now, shall I continue with my description?”

“Please do.”

“The soldiers looked to be in a sorry looking state and were running quickly out of fuel. They looked to be getting to the point where they would need to call upon a power core to keep their base’s heaters running and keeping the bitter cold out.”

“Power Core?” Twilight tried to say. The words were not alien to her but for some reason, they were strange to say.

“A power core. A small device that contains a considerable amount of power. They’re installed into most facilities built by Hyperion. They are a… Hmm… How to put this… Well, they’re a backup of sorts. When the fires of the mains power dies, the power core provides a few extra logs. If that makes any sense at all?” Ajax asked Twilight as he tried to explain the purpose of an alien device to her.

“It makes perfect sense, really. It’s just a little hard to believe for me. All of this power being stored in containers and being distributed so freely. Equestria has a steady supply of power, it just can’t be put into devices so simply.”

“Simply!” Ajax repeated
“You think it’s simple to put such power into a feeble container? No! It’s incredibly difficult! The containers are very advanced pieces of technology, even though they do not look it. Men have spent decades of their lives working on the containers and even then, what they have made is barely stable. In fact, the way I came to Equestria in the first place was due to the terrible build of the power containers. You saw yourself! The damned thing melted!”

Ajax lowered his tone of voice. He was usually a very calm person, able to keep his cool whilst under the most intense pressure. But the one thing he couldn’t stand were people who take things for granted. An example, people who assume something simple when in reality it is incredibly complex.
He did get carried away when confronted with people like this, getting worked up and raising his voice like he had just done. It was a habit he was trying to kick. Ajax had been told once that old habits die hard. He hadn’t believe the person who had told him, but after sever promises to never do it again, he still found himself yelling at innocent people. Ajax found that it was incredibly difficult to realise when ones voice is raised, and even more difficult to redeem a conversation once voices have been raised. He’d give it his best shot, anyway.
“Twilight… It’s far from simple…” Ajax awkwardly said.
What a pathetic save! Ajax could’ve done far better than that and he knew it!
He’d sweet talked a bandit king for Gods sake’s! Now he couldn’t even talk his way out of insulting a pony. Equestria had change Ajax. Changed him forever.
Whether it had changed him for the better or worse remains to be seen.
Time will tell Ajax the answer he craves.
He hadn’t told anyone yet, not even Applejack, the one he trusted the most. He really wanted to know what had happened. He desired to know how Equestria had warped his mind. He wanted to know… But the answers wouldn’t reveal themselves to him.
No, they chose to tease him with little signs here and there, but no real indication.
Ajax hoped that he’d changed for the better.

“I’m sorry Ajax, I didn’t understand how complicated something like that could be! You’ll have to teach Celestia’s tech ponies a thing or two! I’m sure they’d love to hear some of your world’s works!” Twilight excitedly exclaimed.

“Wow…” Ajax silently said.
It was that easy? Maybe his raised voice hadn’t been completely uncalled for? Maybe he’d raised a valid point?
Evidently. Twilight seemed to agree that she’d misunderstood the complexity of a power core.
Or maybe she realised how serious Ajax actually was and simply agreed to avoid annoying him? The other ponies Ajax had spent time with previously had been very simple in the most part. Ajax hadn’t been unsure as to whether they were scared or having a good time. Ajax knew how they were feeling, exactly how they were feeling. Ajax was good like that. He knew people.
But Twilight…
Twilight was a challenge, and a hard one. Ajax couldn’t tell how she was feeling. Be it because she’s had training previously on how to conceal ones emotions or simply because she could, she was holding her cards close. For the moment… Ajax would get through to her eventually and get her to indicate how she was feeling. Ajax knew he could, he just didn’t know if he wanted to.
If Twilight turned out to be scared to death, would Ajax be able to keep his cool and convey the information requested fluently and intelligently? If Twilight turned out to be happy with Ajax, how would Ajax react? Would he begin acting out again, like he had done on every other occasion? Would he be able to talk with the bafflement of why Twilight was perfectly fine around her worst nightmare? Why was she even talking to him?

Oh Gods blood…
It was happening again. Ajax was getting hung up on the ifs and buts.
It kept happening.
Ever since he’d came to Equestria. Ever since he’d agreed to come with Faith and Shield. He hadn’t been right from the very moment he’d set foot in this damnable universe. The world certainly wasn’t giving Ajax much reason to feel better for coming to Equestria. In fact, Ajax had been presented with numerous negatives of coming here. So many so, he’d need to make a list!
A… List? Now there’s a thought.
Ajax needed a list, and he was talking to someone with more than a hundred lists in their possession. Maybe Ajax should ask Twilight about making him a list?

“Ahem…” Twilight’s voice cut Ajax thoughts like a hot knife cuts butter.
Ajax had spent so long pondering, something he’d not normally do, that he’d made Twilight impatient.

“Ah! Yes… You have more questions?” Ajax quickly responded.

“I have several. What, you honestly expected me not to?” Twilight laughed as she flipped her list once more and began reading.

“Actually, I didn’t even expect to be having this conversation with you.”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Twilight confusedly said

“I mean, I didn’t expect you to be like this. So talkative. So confident. So… Sane! How are you still standing Twilight Sparkle? I just don’t know!” Ajax loudly asked
The questions had broken him. The answers to his questions were something he deeply wanted and it had broken Ajax’s quite legendary will.
Ajax had been tortured, stuck frozen in ice drifts for months on ends and put under heavy gunfire with no obvious means of escape, but he still held his nerve. He’d stayed calm and not let his emotions or his wandering mind to take over. But inside of a tree, with a dragon and a purple pony, he’d snapped. Just another thing for the “Cons” column Ajax thought.

“Uh… I don’t understand what you mean?” Twilight confusedly squeaked.
Ajax had done exactly what he’d hoped not to do. He’d scared Twilight. At least Ajax had realised now.

“T… Twilight… I’m sorry. I’ve not been feeling myself lately… I didn’t mean to scare you… I’m… I’m sorry Twilight.” Ajax desperately apologised.
“Please forgive me…” He continued.

“F- Forgive you? What on Equestria for! You simply must tell me how you achieve that volume of voice!” Twilight excitedly exclaimed as she jumped from her previously sitting position and into a jumping fit.

“Oh… That’s just not fair…” Ajax sighed, disappointed that there were more repetitive questions, ones that he must’ve answered thrice over already, but relieved that he hadn’t scared Twilight.
Still though, how the hell was Twilight excited?!
Ajax really didn’t understand this girl.

“Listen Twilight, I’m going to come clean with you. In my mind, you think that I’m the one killer to kill them all, a monster from hell, one you’re deeply afraid of and who, upon seeing, would make you want to cry with fear. How close am I to reality? Tell me, and put me out of my damned misery…” Ajax finished with a sigh. The games his mind were playing with him at this point were torture beyond belief.


“Hear that brain? She’s not scared!”

“Maybe she’s just pretending?”

“Why would she do that?”

“To avoid looking weak to you of course!”

“Why would anyone be scared of looking weak to me?”

“Because you frown upon weakness, don’t you!”

“No! I dislike it, sure! But I don’t frown upon it! Everyone to their own!”

“But does she know that, I wonder?”

“Bah! You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t I now? I am you remember! I know everything you know! And I know that she’s pretending to be confident!”

“Well, if you say so…”

“Wait a second! She might not be, I can’t be sure! She could have overcome her initial fear after all and be interested in all of your technology!”

“I’m going to go with that one then.”

“Wait a minute! Why so quick to change your mind? Eh?”

“Because the option I changed to is a good one.”

“Is it really?”

“Eh? What are you talking about?”

“Maybe she’s only interested in your technology so she can build weapons! To wipe you out!”

“That’s crazy…”

“Is it really! It’s happened before! Remember those robots you thought were good? The ones who wanted power generator schematics?”

“No I do not.”

“You do! Those up and coming young fellows, the ones who wore the yellow plates. Wanting generator schematics for “Mining”? Well, I remember their jackets had the tiny lettering of a small time company on them! What company you ask? Hyperion!”

“Bah! I don’t remember that! How do you know this!”

“I am your mind Ajax! I know everything your predecessors knew! I came from an Atlas brand Echo recording device! I was there when Hyperion asked for technology for seemingly good intentions! And, well… You know how the rest of the story goes… Don’t you…?”


That’s what Ajax fights against every single day. A mind that doesn’t agree. A mind that created paranoia and worry. Ajax had done his best to keep its heretical thoughts from his mind, but sometimes it becomes too much and he questions things.

“You want the truth? Yes. I think all of those things. Every last one.” Twilight admitted.

“Huh?!” Ajax confusedly burst out with.

“I think you’re a monster.” Twilight plainly said.

“Then why so friendly?”

“Because. You’re all monsters.”

“They’re some pretty strong words pony. It would be wise to start explaining…” Ajax irritably said.

“Everyone in your entire universe is a murdering criminal. Everyone has done wrong in my eyes. You’ve done some pretty awful things, Ajax.”

“Then why are we here discussing grenades and other works of destruction!” Ajax angrily yelled.
Twilight once again breaking him.
He was getting bested by a pony.

“Innocence is none existent in your universe. There are only varying degrees of guilt. You’ve all done something horrible, every single one of you. But some try to do well. Some try to help. Most fail. But success doesn’t matter. What matters is you tried. That’s why we’re here talking Ajax. Because you tried.”

“That’s… It’s… Brilliant… Twilight, you’re brilliant. You do not judge on who has done wrong, but who has tried to do right…”

“Right Ajax. I don’t blame you for what you do. Killing. Slicing. Decapitating. De-“

“That’ll do… If you don’t mind, Twilight?” Ajax awkwardly said. Having his work detailed in such terms disgusted him.

“But that’s what you do. Don’t deny it Ajax. You kill and you kill and you kill. In fact, the reason you’re here is because you were trying to kill. Right?”

“Right…” Ajax almost cried. Metal and steel didn’t show emotion in its simplest terms, the once easiest to notice. How could it? If it did, there would be a lot of unhappy drunks when the wall they’re trying to urinate against starts crying and telling him about how it’s wallfriend left him with two bricks to care for and no help what-so-ever.

“But you do it to save your friends. Your planet. Your universe. You do it to liberate your universe from an atrocious tyrant who commits more horrors in a single day that you’ve done in your entire life. You do it for the sake of good.”

“And that can make up for my sins, can it? Can it really Twilight?”

“Yes! Ajax, it even happens everywhere”

“Does it really?”

“Yes! I pushed Spike over once and broke his poor little ankle to save him from a huge amount of concrete that fell from a building! Better him have a broken ankle and feel a little sour for a few days than be dead right?” Twilight reassuringly shared.

“But how can you say the same for me murdering hundreds? How can that truly be good, Twilight, how?”

“Exactly like I said. Even though all death is regrettable, it’s better that a hundred die quickly than a billion be tortured mercilessly for their entire lives.”

“I… I suppose you’re right. Gods you’re simply brilliant Twilight, I see what Shield meant when he said you were intelligent.”

*Knock knock*
The door made the same sound it had made for its entire life. The knocking sound signalling that guests were waiting to be hosted.

“Whoever could that be?” Twilight wondered aloud.

“I’ll get it” Spike sighed.
Apparently his job as Twilight’s assistant was a boring one. Stacking books and opening doors. Ajax didn’t see the appeal of it all.

“Let us in Dragon. Our business is not with you.”
One voice said. It was a firm voice, one with authority. It was a steely voice, full of growl, but it was soothing. Someone with a voice like that might seem a bit suspicious, but sometimes you just need a little faith…

“Or you could be polite and say please, sir.”
Ah. The complicated one. Someone of high import with the spirit of a rouge. Dangerous combination, very dangerous. With someone so dangerous around you might feel compelled to have some sort of shield.

“Unyielding Faith and Dependable Shield. It’s a pleasure to see you again.” Twilight said as she rushed to meet the two guard ponies.

“Likewise Twilight. But, our business isn’t with you either.” Shield said as he looked past Twilight and to Ajax.

“Something the matter Shield…?” Ajax curiously asked.

“I haven’t the foggiest.” Shield replied.

“Faith? What is the meaning of this?” Ajax suspiciously asked.

“I’d hate to say it, but we seriously have no idea. Celestia ordered us to come and supervise you preceding her visit.” Faith adamantly said.
Strange. Faith was incredibly eager to make the point that he knows nothing.

“Something for the record” Ajax thought.
“When exactly is her visit?” Ajax asked, ignoring the previous suspicion.

“Two days. Celestia did tell us that she expected you to have everything wrapped up by that time. Whatever you’ve been doing, I hope you’ve fulfilled her expectations?”

“Twilight?” Ajax asked

“What?” Twilight confusedly asked

“Are we wrapped up? Will you help me return home?”

“Of course!” Twilight laughed.

“We’re done Faith. Well, almost. Can I have a word, alone?” Ajax asked pointing to the door.

“Erm… Sure.” Faith said as looked at Ajax. He wasn’t confused at all. He knew Ajax had him cracked.
“Shield, stay in this room with Miss. Twilight. We are not to be interrupted, clear?”

“Yes sir. I’ll remain here and entertain Twilight. Heh.” Shield quietly laughed.

“Don’t even bother Shield. I don’t need the paper work.” Faith ordered as he shut the door of the library.

“Faith, this information is classified above all else. Understand that before you accept it. It isn’t vital to your job, keep that in mind. You don’t have to know the whys.” Celestia told Faith as she paced around her throne room.

“I’d like to know Celestia. I cannot work without knowing everything. I accept that it is very sensitive information.”

“Ok then Faith. As you know, Luna has awoken.”

“Yes, I remember. You forbid entry to her chamber.” Faith said as he nervously watched his master pace.

“Well, I broke my own rule Faith. I went in and I talked to her.”

“…And?” Faith nervously asked

“It is very bad news.”
Celestia stopped pacing and looked Faith in the face.
He was a tough one, Celestia knew that. Victor of several very nasty encounters. But right now, he was scared out of his mind. Celestia had told him of the visions. The wild dreams of Pandora. She’d told him that she suspected Luna to be experiencing them. She’d told him of the doom it could spell.
He was scared alright. Celestia couldn’t blame him.

“An attack. The likes of which Equestria has never seen. One which is brought upon us because of Ajax. The human that comes, comes for Ajax. He cares not who he kills to get Ajax, in fact, the more he kills in the process the better. He comes soon and he comes with more like Ajax. Admittedly, they’re not as powerful, but they come. They come in force and they come to Equestria. We cannot let this happen. We must send Ajax home. Hopefully the force will discover of Ajax’s return before the come to Equestria and not bother coming. We cannot let Ajax out of our sights. You and Shield will go and keep him within the confines of Ponyville until I arrive to send him home.” Celestia finished.

“U… Understood, my Princess. It shall be done.”
Faith saluted, turned and left.
He proceeded to go to his chambers and cry for several minutes.
Even the toughest of ponies needs a good cry now and then.
No one can help themselves, not even Faith.

“You…” Ajax angrily said.

“I told you didn’t I? I didn’t say you’d like it.” Faith responded.
He’d informed Ajax, after much fist shaking from Ajax, of what Celestia had told him.

“And you weren’t planning on telling me?!” Yelled.
Luck the library was sound proofed, or Shield would’ve probably charged out, sword drawn.

“Of course not! You deserved to know!” Faith yelled back.

“Urg… Well isn’t this great! I’ve got bandits or Gods knows what trying to get to me!” Ajax frustrated yelled.
Faith was quite surprised they hadn’t attracted a crowd yet. Maybe ponies had just decided to ignore Ajax. Or maybe every house in Ponyville had sound proofing?

“I agree with Celestia, you need me home. I’ll figure a way to get the attention of whatever is after me and stop it from getting to Equestria. Yes, yes… We could use my teleportation device as an interdimensional radio and you can relay information back to me on Pandora… If they get to Equestria, I come back. If not, we cut connection completely…” Ajax said as he paced slowly.

“Bah. I’ll work it out when the day comes. Two days, yes Faith?”

“Yes. Celestia comes in two days.”

“Good. Time to think. You can assure Celestia I won’t let my enemies ever attack a pony. I won’t...”

“I’m sure she has the upmost faith Ajax. We’re simply a formality.” Faith assured.

“For your sake I hope you’re right…”

“Hey down there!”
The voice came from the skies.

Gods why…
“Rainbow Dash.” Ajax said as he turned and scanned the skies behind him.

“The one and only!” Rainbow Dash happily said as she flew down to meet Ajax.
“So, hows about clearing this snow, huh?” She asked.
Surprisingly, Ajax was relieved to see her. A merry distraction from the previous horror he’d just been informed of. Time to have a bit of fun.

“Well… I suppose I promised…” Ajax teased.

“Come on man! Don’t be like that! Just do it!” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Ahh! Of course. Just let me say goodbye to Twilight, then we can go.”
Ajax opened the door to Twilight’s library. He didn’t bother to go in. Too much effort considering he’s about to fly. Literally.

“Twilight, I’m terribly sorry but I have other agreements to keep. One with your stubborn friend Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash yelled, but no one really heard her over Ajax’s laughter.

“That’s fine. You go.” Twilight smiled.

“Thank you Twilight. Shield, you can have Faith back now.”
Ajax pulled himself out of the way of Faith and walked into the middle of the street.

“Come on slow poke, move it!” Rainbow Dash pushed.

“Awww… You still bitter about me beating you in… What was it? Best of 73?” Ajax lightly laughed.

“Don’t you turn this into a competiti- Oh who am I kidding, let’s go!” Rainbow Dash was about to set off but was halted by Ajax.

“Hold it now; we had a job to do. Don’t get into contest.”

“But where’s the fun in that!?” Rainbow Dash moaned.

“Work isn’t fun. Deal with it.”
Ajax’s device sparked into life and materialised his flying apparatus.

“Anyway, if you did turn this into a competition, I’d win.”

“First to the place we’re meeting the other ponies?”

“That would be?”

“Directly above us!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she rocketed off skywards.
Ajax set off just a quickly after her, racing to meet the other ponies and clear up the mess Ponyville was in.

They cleared the snow, eventually.


Terribly out of season.

Maybe a certain pony intended it for Christmas but it came late?

