• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 2,416 Views, 33 Comments

Hearts and Hooves Day for a human in Equestria - TrollestiaSubject

The not first human in Equestria + Hearts and Hooves Day + A lot of mares that find hands sexy

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It was a nice and quiet morning, the sun is raising, the air through your window is fresh, and the birds chirped up there in their trees.

You’ve been living in Equestria for a while now, you aren’t pretty sure how long since you still unfamiliar with the new calendar in Equestria, but you can calculate nine months at least, and when you torn away the page in your pad calendar, you notice today is Hearts and Hooves Day.

You set your residence at the outskirts of Ponyville; a nice place to live, and near a very friendly town. The day is sunny and it’s one of these places where everypony knows everypony, at least one of them does. But you don’t pass unnoticed by yourself. Your job consist in help Time Turner to keep all clocks of town in sync; It's an easy work for someone with hands, and helps you to go from one place to another all day, and keep occasional short conversations with everypony, which helped you to throw away your initial nerves in this job, and even to make some good friends around.

You’re unsure of how to react to Hearts and Hooves Day, it sounds like Saint Valentine’s Day, but last Winter Wrap Up was anything like wrap up presents or Christmas as you had expected, so you decide to keep in schedule with your job and ask somepony later. But all of a sudden; a flash of pink tackles you to the floor over the bridge in your way to the center of Ponyville.

When it stops blurring, is no other than Pinkie Pie as you had expected.

“Hello David!” she announces at full volume and waving a hoof, as if being above your chest could pass unnoticed.

“Hi Pinkie,” you answer, struggling to breathe after having the wind knocked from you, trying to stand up.

“Today is Hearts and Hooves Day!” she says, and you notice for first time a picnic basket in her left hoof.

“Yeah, I know Pinkie, Happy Hearts and Hooves Day! I bet you look forward to this day the whole year. I'm sure it'll be a busy for you. Are you preparing a party for everypony this afternoon?” you inquire, resuming your way to Ponyville.

“Ho! nonono, “ she says walking at your side, with her basket above her head. “This day I had made some other plans,” She states in a slow and timid way that makes you turn to face her starting to wonder if you keep talking with Pinkie Pie.

“What do you mean ‘other plans’, what could possibly make you to not throw a party for everypony?” you ask arching your brows, expectant to an answer.

“Well, I had thought about asking a very special somepony to spend the day with me” she said sheepish.

“Oh, nice!” you said happy for her. “Can I ask who the lucky one? Pony I mean,” you correct yourself at the time you look aside to her, and strangely she’s holding something between a bitter and sad expression that seems to be just before her mane deflates. “Oh, well, I shouldn’t have asked, sorry pinkie” you try to apologize.

“It’s you!” she retorts back in surprise, recovering some of her good mood.

“Hahaha” you laugh for a while, “Nice joke Pinkie Pie!”

“No, really; it’s you!” She answers back, and you laugh just as loud as before, but not for so long.

“I’m sure you made that joke to everypony each year! And I’m the first one in fall in it for a long time, am I not?” You add, watching her shaking her head in denial, “But then I bet it’s not so funny if they are actually ponies” you see her still shaking her head. “and it’s probably not so funny after…” You don’t know why, but after watch her head denying for a while you’re starting to believe her. It has been a complete surprise for you, of course you know Pinkie from your first day in Ponyville; she threw a party for you, and she’s the social pony around, and the party soul of the town; but you had never looked at her like she was anything other than the crazy chick who is friend with everybody, and a little immature to take anything serious.

“But I’m working right now Pinkie” you said regretting it immediately, almost ashamed of your own excuse.

“Don’t worry, its Hearts and Hooves Day; foals get out early from school, and bosses understand if you wanna spend time with a special somepony today. I had prepared a picnic for us. I have pies, muffins, cupcakes, baby cakes, even a frost jar, for later, if you know what I mean” she said wiggling her eyebrows at you before go back.

“I’m going to become diabetic with all that!”

“Hey! It’ll be fun, you and me alone. eating all these puff pastries with sweet filling"

"I'm not four years old Pinkie, that much sugar could put me into a comatose state."

"We could find a nice spot above a hill where nopony could watch us… have a picnic. A blanket on a hill, eating all these pastries, I’ll be so romantic”

“Oh! I’ve seen you smashing pastries into your mouth before; I’m kind of put-off by any romantic ideas that may end with you or I varnished in cake frosting”

“Why not?! Think in what we could do later, my coat full of cake crumbs, and your tongue looking for more… Let’s do it!!”

“Your coat?! Pinkie, I know, your coats aren’t like the ones of the equines from where I came, they smell good, after all you’re a magical pony... you talk all that but... My point is; Bleh, your coat? Really?! I’m not into that Pinkie. Ask to anyone else in the town”.

“Anypony else?”

“I mean anypony else, yes. You sure will find you have a lot of admirers. I’m not a pony, Pinkie” you say assured of your words and waving your fingers in front of her which made her smile the second bigger smile of her life, but utterly denying her a date. “Sorry.” You say before go inside the town, leaving a somehow confused looking Pinkie Pie outside the town.