• Published 25th Oct 2012
  • 15,347 Views, 902 Comments

The Love of a Dragon - Racko

Spike disappears after being heartbroken, but what does he leave behind?

  • ...


Spike slowly drifted awake, his mind still elsewhere as he recalled his dreams. He had plenty of similar dreams in the past, with a certain white unicorn. He shifted around in the soft bed as he recalled more details. The dream was a plain heroic adventure, with him trying to save his princess. Instead this time, the princess wasn't white. He had rescued the princess, and brought her back to her castle, where she invited her "handsome, shining knight" to stay the night. The last part of the dream he cared to recall was the princess waving a bubble-marked flank at him.

The dream wasn't new to him, though the princess had changed. It had also felt more real, especially the princess nuzzling into his chest. "Wait," he thought, "That feels too real." his eyes shot open, taking in the morning sunshine with a few blinks before he focused on the body pressed against his.

”That's real. Definitely real.” He thought, looking at the grey Pegasus. Images from the dream forced their way to the front of his mind. ”Oh, don't tell me part of the dream was real! Especially not that part!” The Pegasus slowly muzzled his chest happily in her sleep. ”Oh sweet mother of Celestia!” He thought, moving away from the mare.

She didn't like her body pillow leaving her side, evident from the soft groan and her forehooves searching for the warmth of his body. Her yellow eyes opened sleepily, looking at him in half-lidded drowsiness. “Morning, Spike.” she yawned, moving closer to him and burying her face in his chest again. “Mmm... So warm..”

Spike just laid there, stunned and staring as the grey mare tried to push her body into his. He was brought back as her hooves wrapped themselves around his torso. “Um, Derpy? Did, um.. Did last night actually happen?” he asked quietly, afraid to ask, and of the answer.

“Mhmm.” she confirmed, giving him a little squeeze. Spike stopped breathing, his heart rate rapidly increasing. The mare noticed this, pulling her head from him his chest and looking up at his blank face. “Spike? Are you alright?” Not getting a response, she wiggled up and rested a hoof on his cheek.

His glazed eyes turned to the mare, staring worriedly back at him. “I’m sorry, Derpy. I didn’t mean for-” his muttered apology was interrupted by a quick peck to the lips.

“Don’t apologize, Spike. Even if neither of us expected... That... It still happened.” a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. “And I did enjoy it.” Spike relaxed a bit at this, wrapping his arms around the mare.

“Doesn’t mean I won’t feel bad, though.” he said, running his claws slowly up and down her back. Derpy gave a quiet ‘mmm’ and relaxed into his body, closing her eyes again. Spike rested his head on hers, slowly rubbing her back, enjoying her embrace. She let out a low moan as a claw scraped against her wing accidentally, causing it to shoot out to the side.

Spike was surprised at this, but the small groans of enjoyment coming from the pegasus convinced him to continue. He slowly traced a claw up and down her wing, causing her to breath heavier. She turned half-lidded eyes up to him, nearly panting, as she reached forward, brushing her lips against his. Neither one of them heard the small knock on the door as they kissed each other passionately.

The door creaked open slowly, the small call of “Mommy?” startling the pair out of their own world. Spike jumped, pushing himself off the bed and onto the floor in a mess of purple scales and sheets. Derpy looked towards the door, shocked. “Are you awake?” came the voice as the one responsible emerged from the doorway, a little greyish purple unicorn filly.

“Yes, Dinky, I’m awake.” Derpy called. “What’s wrong?”

“I was just wondering where you were. You weren’t home last night, and I’m hungry...” she said quietly, walking up to the bed before looking around. Her eyes locked nervously on the mess of a dragon pulling itself up from the floor slowly. “Mommy, who is that?”

“That is Spike, Dinky. Spike, this is my little muffin, Dinky.”

“Um, hi Dinky.” he said, giving her a timid wave and smile as he sat down onto the bed. Derpy rested her body against his, inviting the little filly up on the bed. Dinky jumped up into her embrace, still staring at the dragon.

“Now now, Dinky, didn’t I tell you it isn’t polite to stare at somepony, well I guess somedragon as well. And that you are usually supposed to say ‘hi’ back to them?” she said, giving her a small glare. Spike chuckled lightly at the sight of her ‘glare’, her eyes making it look too cute to be taken seriously. It had it’s intended effect, however, as the unicorn looked down at the bed and muttered a ‘hi.’

“Now, muffin, I don’t think he heard you.”

“Hi.” she said a little louder. She looked back up at him, giving an evil glare, as she pushed into the older mare. “What were you doing in my mommy’s bed?” she accused.

“Um, sleeping?” he said defensively, backing away from the filly.

Derpy placed a hoof on the fillies cheek and turned her head. “Dinky, don’t worry. I invited him to stay here during the storm last night. He’s not going to hurt either of us. In fact, he made mommy very happy last night.”

“Really?” she looked at him, a surprised look on his face. She opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a small grumble. Her mouth snapped shut and she looked away, embarrassed. Spike and Derpy were both trying not to laugh, with Derpy letting out a small giggle and hugging her daughter.

“Well now, sounds like somepony really is hungry.” she said. Another, louder rumble came, vibrating the bed. Two sets of wide eyes turned to the dragon, who looked around sheepishly. Dinky started giggling at him, much to his embarrassment. “And somedragon.” Derpy added, giggling as well.

“Well, good to know you two find it funny...” he muttered under his breath.

The pegasus quickly kissed his cheek. “Guess that means I should go make us some breakfast, doesn’t it?” she suggested, to which both the dragon and filly agreed. “Why don’t you two stay here while I make breakfast?” she kissed Dinky’s head and whispered something to her before climbing off the bed and trotting out of the room.

Dinky sat next to Spike, staring up at him. Spike looked back at her, unsure of what to say or do, as she slowly reached a hoof to him. Her hoof rested on his leg, causing her to gasp. “You’re warm!” she exclaimed, jumping onto him. “So... Warm... Maybe this is why mommy was so happy....”

Spike chuckled, placing a claw on the little filly. “Yes, I guess I am very warm. I am a dragon, after all.”

“I never thought that you were actually a dragon! I thought mommy was just making it up.”

“Now why would your mother lie to you?”

“I dunno. She’s been so happy, I guess I just found it hard to believe. You’re not going to take my mommy away from me, are you?” she asked, looking up at him.

“No, Dinky, I am not going to steal her from you. You are much too precious to her.” the filly seemed to be content with his answer, as she continued to hold her body against his. The corners of his mouth lifted up in a smile, watching the young filly happily melt from his warmth.

A couple minutes passed before either of them spoke. “Mister Spike,” she said. “Were you and my mommy playing the birds and the bees?”

Spike choked, “What?!”

“The birds and the bees. Mommy told me it was a game for adults who love each other very much, and makes them both very happy. And mommy said you made her very happy last night..”

Spike’s mouth worked in vain, no words coming out. Dinky looked up at him, giggling at his expression. “W-w-what makes you think t-that?” he finally stuttered.

“I did hear a big roar last night.” Spike looked at her, mortified.

“Is that all you heard?”

“Yup!” she relaxed again, leaving the dragon to stare down at her, his mouth open. Moments passed, the filly shifting to warm the other side of her body as she looked back at the purple dragon, who still hadn’t moved. “Spike?” she asked cheerily. “If you and my mommy played the birds and the bees, does that make you my new daddy?” Spike focused on her for a couple seconds, his scales losing their color.

Rarity glanced at the dress stand in the center of the room, the glint of the gem constantly drawing her attention. She sighed and looked out the window, watching the serene morning atmosphere. She had been trying to work on dresses, but her mind always traveled back to a certain drake, and she kept finding herself looking at the heart-shaped fire ruby.

She looked back at the dress designs on her desk and levitated all the loose papers into a neat stack. She slid off her stool and made her way to her bedroom, looking into the giant mirror. She brought a brush to her mane, sliding it slowly through her curls, catching any stray hairs. Satisfied, she set her brush back down and levitated a bottle of her favorite perfume, spraying herself with a small mist before replacing the bottle. She walked back into her dress room, right up to the scaled dress with the precious fire ruby.

She placed a hoof on the ruby, inhaling deeply. “I’m so sorry, Spikey-Wikey.” she whispered softly, levitating the necklace and placing it around her neck. She trotted out to her front door and stepped outside, closing the door behind her and making sure it was locked. She lifted her head high, taking in the fresh air before making her way down the street, ready to face her demons.

After making her way down the streets of Ponyville, she caught sight of her target, his shining purple scales glimmering in the early morning sunlight. She walked down the street, getting closer to the young dragon. Her pace slowed down to a near stop as she seen the pony in his presence, the grey pegasus mailmare. She watched as the two nuzzled each other before sharing a small kiss, with Ditzy flying away shortly after.

Rarity looked down at the ground, bringing a hoof up to the ruby on her chest. She looked back up and let her eyes follow the dragon, before forcing her body to follow him. She kept her distance from him as he sat down on a bench, looking up to the sky. He looked to be deep in thought, his face twisted in concern and confusion.

Rarity started to take a step closer to him, but stopped short and sat down on the ground, biting her bottom lip. The air around her seemed to grow warm, the wind blowing towards the dragon, as if to tell her to go to him. She shakily stood up, and crept up to the dragon.

“Spike?” she called softly, to which she got no response. Gulping, she tried again, louder. “Spike?” The dragon turned his head away from her. She sighed and continued. “I am sorry for what I did, Spike, I really am. I knew about your feelings for me, so many years ago, but I never paid them any attention. I used you to further my dressmaking, and for my own, selfish comfort.” she looked away from him. “I never should have acted like I did, especially at the fashion show. You did mean a lot to me, even if I never realized it, and your confession touched my heart in a way I didn’t think was possible. What I am trying to say, Spike, is that I really do care for you, though it took me far too long to realize what was in front of me until it was gone. I am sorry for all I put you through, Spikey-Wikey, and I don’t expect you to ever forgive me.”

Moments of silence passed, neither one saying a word. Spike sat solemnly, looking away from the unicorn, who was watching him sadly. She took a couple steps towards him, grabbing the fire ruby with her magic and pulling it off her neck. “I know this fire ruby you gave me for your birthday represented your love for me, and I have cherished it the entire time I have possessed it. I don’t want to come between you and Ditzy, you two seem happy together, but I just wanted to tell you.” She paused, sniffling as tears were forming. “I just wanted to tell you, Spike, that I do love you. I want you to have this fire ruby back, and give it to the mare you truly love. I will never deserve such a thing.” She levitated the necklace and set it on the dragon’s lap before turning her face away, hiding her tears. “I am sorry, Spike.” she whispered before running down the street, leaving the dragon to stare after her.

A pair of magenta eyes watched as the purple dragon watched down the road that the white unicorn had retreated down minutes prior. The dragon pulled the fire ruby necklace to his chest and hugged it, leaning his head down.

White hooves made their way to the shaking dragon, stopping next to him before taking a seat beside him. He made no acknowledgement of the presence of another, and after long, tense moments, a large white wing spread out and wrapped around the drake. Spike opened his bleary eyes and looked at the pony beside him before burying his muzzle in the large white chest and sobbing into it.

“Shh, Spike. It is alright, just let it all out.” the mare whispered quietly, leaning down and nuzzling the top of his head softly. “Nothing good will come from holding it in.”

“I just don’t know what to do...” he mumbled between sobs. “I still have feelings for Rarity, but I shouldn’t. Not after what she did. And I finally have somepony who cares for me.”

“Spike, there are plenty of ponies who care for you.” she assured, wrapping her hooves around Spike and holding him tightly. “I care a lot for you, Spike, and so does Luna. I know for a fact that Twilight does as well.” Spike let out a snort. Celestia frowned, but continued. “All your friends do care about you.”

“They sure are great at showing it..” he muttered, before pulling slightly away from the Princess and looking at her face. “That still doesn’t help with Derpy and Rarity. I don’t know what to do.”

“And nopony can tell you what to do, Spike. That has to be your own decision.” the young dragon looked down. Celestia gave him a reassuring hug. “That doesn’t mean others can’t help you decide, though.” Spike looked back up at her, hopeful. “I can’t be one to help you, Spike. I haven’t been involved in your life since you moved from Canterlot, as much as I am sure we both missed that.”

“Well, who could help me, then?” Spike questioned, frowning.

“Your friends. All the ponies you have gotten close to over the years. You should probably talk to Twilight, I am sure-”

“Why should I?!” Spike snapped. “She has done nothing for me!” Spike turned away from the Princess. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you.” he whispered.

“She has done many things for you, you just may not realize it, Spike. I think you should see her even if you don’t want her advice.” she reassured.

“Why?” was all he said.

Princess Celestia sighed. “Because she is hurting, Spike. She misses you, and will only blame herself for everything that has happened to you.” she placed a hoof under his chin and gently pulled his gaze up. “And I mean everything, Spike. She barely even wanted to get out of bed this morning.”

“Why is she blaming herself? Why now?”

“She read your diary, Spike. And she seen some certain pictures in a photo album.”

Spike looked down and sat there for a few moments. He let out a small sigh. “Fine, I will talk to her. Just, not right now.”

“But you will talk to her?” she got a nod in response. “I guess that is all I can ask. Now what do you plan to do in the meantime?”

He paused for a moment before turning his emerald eyes to her and quietly asking. “Is it alright if we spend some time together, mom?”

Celestia smiled and nuzzled him softly. “Of course it is, Spike.”

Five mares sat in the library common room, not saying a word. A lavender unicorn was at her work desk, staring at a book, not responding to anything going on. She would occasionally flip a page or let out a small sniffle. The other four mares were closer together, though Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were a bit withdrawn.

“Alright, why is everyone so sappy?” Rainbow Dash burst out, unable to take it anymore. “Twilight hasn’t said a word since we got here, and you two look like somepony died! And where is Rarity anyways?”

“I think I seen Rarity run into the Boutique and slam the door shut.” Applejack stated.

“Alright, so we have little miss anti-social over here, miss shut-in over at the Boutique, and you two who look so down.” Rainbow said, hovering between Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. “What’s wrong, anyway.”

“Prolly somethin’ mean that Spike said to them.” Applejack suggested.

“It was something that Spike said alright, but it sure wasn’t mean.” Pinkie Pie said, rather coldly.

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Rainbow asked.

“It means, that we are all a bunch of mean old super meanie pants!”

“How in the hay are we the mean ones? Y’all heard what Spike shouted, and what he did.” Applejack defended, staring at Pinkie.

“Yea, and that’s all anypony ever cared to hear.”

“Why would anyone want to hear anything else from that idiot? And why are you defending him, Pinkie?” Rainbow said, her voice raising as she flew into Pinkie’s face.

“Um, girls?” Fluttershy tried saying.

“Because, Rainbow Crash, I would like to consider him my friend! He’s just a sad, loner dragon with no friends that care for him.” Pinkie said sadly, sagging to the floor, her straight mane and tail creating a small pool of pink around her.

“Woah now, sugarcube, why ya getting all aggressive?” Applejack took a step towards Pinkie.


“Yea, and I thought you wouldn’t call me that, Pinkie. And that stupid dragon is not alone. He is probably smooching it up with Derpy right now.”

“So? At least he has somepony he can rely on!” Pinkie said, glaring up at Rainbow and Applejack.

“Now look here, sugarcube-”

“GIRLS!!!” Fluttershy shouted, causing everypony but Twilight to stare at her. “Spike was always alone, we never let him do anything with us, we never did anything for him, and we never even really talked with him. We always took him for granted when we needed him but we never even considered him any other time. We called him our friend and yet we never did anything with him that friends do together, have fun. So if he found somepony that makes him happy, I am glad.”

“She’s right” came a voice from the edge of the room. “And it is all my fault.” Everypony looked at Twilight, who had her head down on a book, a tear making its way down her snout.

“Now look here, sugarcube. It ain’t yer fault. Ya can’t blame yourself for that.”

“But it is my fault, Applejack. I spent every day with Spike, but I never knew anything was wrong. I didn’t know he was sad, lonely, or hurt.”

“How could you know if something was wrong if the nimrod never said anything?”

“Because, Dash, I spent so much time with him, I should have been able to tell when something was wrong. Or if I did notice something was wrong, I probably ignored it. Just like I ignored him.” Twilight said, trailing off. “I know you girls came to see how I am doing, and thank you for that. But you should all probably go back home. I don’t think there is anything you could do to help.”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack just looked at each other and back to Twilight before slowly making their way out of the library. Pinkie Pie followed behind them with her head down, her mane dragging in the dirt. Fluttershy carefully trotted up to Twilight and gave her a small hug.

“He still loves and misses you, Twilight. He may not have said it, but it was apparent in how he talked about you. Your friends are always here for you, though I wish we would have been there for Spike.” she said softly before flying out of the library, leaving a sobbing unicorn behind.

A laughing Spike lay inside a wet and muddy large, white wing, whose owner was laughing as well. Spike nuzzled softly into the side of Celestia, who stretched out into the grass. Their giggles died down gradually as they both lay under the last hours of the afternoon, glinting brightly off purple scales and dully on a muddy alicorn.

“I had fun today, mom. Thanks.” Spike said, smiling up at the princess.

“I had a lot of fun as well, Spike, but you didn’t have to push me into a mud puddle.” She gave him a small pout. “Twice.”

“Aw, I couldn’t resist. Besides, don’t you ever get tired of being white all the time.”

“That’s besides the point. You can’t just push somepony into a mud puddle...”

“Well, I did.” Spike stuck a long forked tongue out at her. “I also had a coloring book where I turned you pink...” he admitted, giving her a small grin.

“What?” Celestia said, taken aback. “You colored me pink? Why would you do that?”

“Well, it was already white, and I wanted to color more than just your hair.” Spike shrugged.

“But why pink?”

“Well, um, you looked good in it? Pinklestia.”

Princess Celestia snorted. “Ok, scales. How about I paint you pink?”

“You have to catch me first!” he exclaimed, squirming out from under her wing. He pounced on her and ran off, shouting. “Tag, you’re it!” Celestia shook her head, grinning as she got up to chase after the laughing dragon as he ran through the grass and around trees.

Spike ran around some trees, circling around Celestia and lightly tapping her sides with a claw before running away. Celestia jumped out of the trees and waited for the young dragon to make a move. Slowly, she moved around the edge of the group of trees and was startled when Spike escaped the trees, running mere inches away from her. She turned around and gave chase, when a rainbow blur flew past her and nearly tackling the purple scaled dragon.

“Now who do you think you are, laughing without a care in the world while the ponies who care about you are hurt and crying?” Rainbow Dash shouted, butting her head against his. Spike just stood there and growled at her, his wings spread out. Princess Celestia quickly made her way next to him.

“Now what is the meaning of this, Rainbow Dash?” she inquired.

“This.. Monster... Hurt all of his so called friends, leaving them all sad and mushy, just so he could go have whatever fun he wants. No one hurts my friends and gets away with it!”

Princess Celestia pushed her way between them. “Are you suggesting Spike isn’t your friend?”

“Not after what he did, he isn’t!”

“So when he was the one hurting, why didn’t you go after the ponies who hurt him, if he was your friend?”

“Who hurt him, and how, Princess?” she asked sarcastically.

The alicorn spread a wing around the dragon. “We all have, Rainbow. Me, you, Twilight, the other elements of harmony. Everypony close to Spike is responsible for hurting him. He may have never shown it, but he was hurting immensely. Now if you really want to hurt him even though he was supposedly your friend, you are going to have to get past me.”

“I’m not scared of you, Princess! Why are you defending that monster, anyways?”

“This ‘monster’ is the closest being I have to taking care of like my own child. Something which I have neglected. And I would be more afraid of upsetting him than anything I could do to you.”

“Argh, why is everypony defending him?” Rainbow Dash cried out, frustrated.

“I think you should probably go home and relax, and think on all the reasons why ponies are defending him, Rainbow Dash. If you realize it or not is entirely up to you, but I will not stand by while you go after my son.” Celestia stated, stomping a hoof on the ground.

Rainbow Dash sighed and glared at Spike, who was nestled comfortably under Celestia’s wing. “Fine, you win.” she stated before flying off in a huff.

Celestia stared after the blue pegasus until she felt nudging in her side. She looked to the side at Spike, who was looking at her with a sad smile. “Did you really mean that?”

“Every last word, Spike.” she smiled nuzzling him. He wrapped his arms around her neck, enveloping her in a tight hug. She sat down, wrapping her hooves around him and returning the hug.

“I’m sorry for hurting you, and everypony else.” he muttered into her neck. She gave him a tight squeeze.

“It’s alright, Spike. I will be fine, and I am sure your friends will be, too. You just need to talk to them, and get things straightened out.” Spike nodded softly. “Are you going to talk to Twilight soon?”

“Yea, in the morning.”

“Then you should get some rest. I imagine tomorrow is going to be stressful for you. I trust you will be alright on your own?” she asked, pulling away from the embrace slightly and looking at him as he nodded. She smiled and continued. “Then I will be on my way to spend some time with Luna. Remember to send me a letter if you need anything, Spike. Even if it is just to get something off your chest.” They both stood back up, and Celestia kissed Spike’s forehead. “I love you, Spike. We all do.”

Spike watched the dirty white princess fly off into the evening, a small smile spread across his lips. He turned towards Ponyville and casually walked back to his home.

Spike watched as Derpy tickled Dinky, a warm grin growing on his muzzle as he walked in the house. Giggles from the mare and filly were loud enough that they hadn’t heard the door open or shut, allowing Spike to sneak up behind the pegasus.

When he was mere inches away from the grey mare, he shot his claws out and ran them across her sides, causing her to jump with a shriek and let out more giggles as the new tickle attack continued. He continued to tickle the pegasus relentlessly until he was tackled by the little unicorn who was now recovered, as she tried to tickle him through his scales. He let out a devious grin and started a new attack on the filly.

“It is a lot easier to tickle with claws than hooves.” he said, laughing as the filly squirmed under his claws. His first victim pushed him back down from his vantage point, and gave him a quick kiss, stopping his claws from their assault. He quickly relaxed, returning the kiss and smiled at the Pegasus standing triumphantly over him.

"It's not nice to sneak up on somepony, Spike..."

"Well kissing me was cheating. Besides, poor Dinky was defenseless before I came around."

"And then you attacked my mommy!" The little unicorn exclaimed, diving into his side. He wrapped an arm around her as she continued. "And I couldn't just sit by while the big dragon bullied my mommy!"

"Look, I got a protector!" Derpy giggled, leaning down onto Spike. "Where were you, I didn't see you anywhere." She asked with a look of concern.

"I spent the day with Princess Celestia. Kind of played around all day." He said, grinning sheepishly. "How was your day?"

"Well, it was rather uneventful. Dinky spent most of her free time with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and I just relaxed." She laid her head down on his chest, reaching a hoof over and resting it on Dinky's head. "I hope you don't mind that we already ate, though."

“It’s fine, I’m not really that hungry.” He let out a massive yawn. “Though I am tired.”

“Mommy, Spike has a monster yawn! I bet he could easily swallow a filly!” Dinky giggled, poking his cheek with a hoof, causing Derpy to giggle as she got off the dragon.

Spike rolled over and captured Dinky in his arms. “My yawn isn’t that big. But maybe I could swallow a filly!” he said as he leaned in and blew raspberries on her side and belly, causing the little filly to squeal and squirm.

“Come on you two, Dinky needs to get ready for bed.” Derpy said, causing the dragon and unicorn to stop and look at her.

“Aw, but mom, he’s so warm!” Dinky whined, trying to crawl further into his arms.

“And so is your bed, muffin.” Derpy said, trotting over to the filly and picking her up. She held Dinky in her hooves and flew to the other room. Spike crawled up off the floor and slowly made his way to Derpy’s bedroom.

Spike stood there and staring at the bed, thinking about the mare it belonged to, and the mare he had sought after. ’She said she loves me. But why now? I have Derpy now, don’t I. I am happy, right?’ he thought to himself. He was brought back to reality by a nudging in his side.

“Spike? Is something wrong? Spike?”

“Huh? What?” Spike asked, looking at the mare next to him. “Oh, no. Nothing’s wrong.”



“Ok then. Let’s get some sleep, then!” she nuzzled him and hopped into her bed, making sure to leave plenty of room for the dragon. Spike followed behind and crawled under the covers, wrapping his arms around the mare. “Good night, Spike.” she said quietly.

“Good night, Derpy.” he responded. He closed his eyes and seen a white unicorn. He blinked, and looked at the yellow mane in front of him. Frowning, he rested his muzzle against the back of her neck and closed his eyes again. Slowly, he drifted off to sleep, with the image of Rarity going through her usual daily life ingrained in his mind.

“Good evening, Tia. Is Spike doing better?” Princess Luna asked as her sister landed on the balcony to join her.

“It seems so, Luna. He felt good enough to push me into mud.” Celestia said, waving a dirty hoof in front of the night alicorns’ eyes. “Though he is still greatly troubled by matters of the heart, and there isn’t much that we can do to help him.”

“I just hope he makes it through this without anything.... Horrible... Happening...” Luna said, looking into the dark horizon. “I can’t even help him. Not yet, at least.”

“You plan on telling him, then?”

“We. We are telling him, though I think it should wait until his heart is in a stable condition. We never should have kept this from him for so long, but it is not worth causing him more turmoil right now.” Luna sighed, bowing her head down.

Celestia walked up beside her sister and leaned into her side. “I am sorry, Luna, you are right. We never should have kept this from him. Though I am sure he will be excited once he finds out. Do you have any plans for if he doesn’t pull through?”

“I will fight till my last breath to help Spike, Tia. You should know this. I don’t want him turning into a monster.”

“Neither of us do, dear sister.”

The two alicorns stood leaning against each other, watching the stars of the night. “Celestia?” Luna spoke up.

“Yes, Luna?”

“You look great in mud, by the way.”

’Did you feel something?’

‘Yes, I feel a disturbance. Or maybe it was just those weird things I ate. They don’t like being digested. And those tentacles....’

‘No, you idiot. I felt something. The last time I felt something similar was shortly before Discord ran off.’

‘What about it?’

‘Maybe we should check it out. If it made that loser brother of yours run off, it must be important.’

‘I guess. But first, I want some dinosaur!’

‘.....Do you ever think about anything other than your stomach?’

‘When I’m not hungry.’

‘So that’s a no, then.’

‘Pretty much. Now, come here, my pretties, daddy is going to eat you all up!’

‘Of all the beings I could be stuck with, why am I with the one who has the attention span of a grain of dirt?’

‘That grain of dirt finds that offensive.’

‘Whatever. Just hurry up so we can check out that disturbance.’

Author's Note:

What's this? Racko has updated The Love of a Dragon?! IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!
Who are those crazy voices, and what is the disturbance? Is it just lasts night's beans? Which mare will Spike chose to be with? What is this secret being kept from him? And how will this meeting go between siblings?

In the purple corner, we have Twilightlicious unicorn Twilight Sparkle, in the green corner, we have Swagalicious Spike Sparkle the Dragon. Mortal Kombat! (I'm kidding. Or am I?)

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this, and find it worth the loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong wait for it. Leave me all your thoughts in the comments! :duck: