• Published 24th Oct 2012
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Two Best Friends Play: Equestria - MisterMercenary

Hey, friends! It's Matt and Pat IN EQUESTRIA!

  • ...

Chapter Ten: The Only Hope

A/N: Warning: super-short totally not filler chapter ahead.

Canterlot Castle Meeting Room, 2:45 P.M

"Interesting," Celestia mused, "very interesting." The sun goddess was just given the information discovered by the Mane Six and the two humans and was now sitting down with her sister and the eight to discuss the matter. They were seated in a board room-style hall, complete with a big wooden table and plastic swivel chairs. Everyone in the room was quietly brooding on the subject, save Pinkie Pie, who discovered the joys of turning around and around in a swivel chair.

"What is this madness?" Luna questioned. "Our military forces made doubly sure that every Chaos Gate was reduced to cinders, and now thou insists that thine predicament hinges upon one's existence?"

"Well, it looks like your forces missed one," Matt said with a tone wedged between William Shatner and cheesy action hero quip.

"Matt," Pat advised, "stop trying to be a big dick action movie star." Matt instantly recoiled and said, "Sorry."

"Anyway," Celestia continued, "if there is one still out there, we must find it. If we don't, who knows how long you'll be here? Maybe forever."

Matt and Pat shuddered at the thought. The idea that they would be stuck in this world that isn't even supposed to exist, withering away the sixty years they had left as aliens from another universe until they died as relative strangers terrified them deeply. They couldn't bear to think about the family, friends, and lovers (and Woolie) they'd be wrenched away from, the missed opportunities and experiences they could never have the pleasure of taking part in. They began to cry the longer they thought on their situation. Something that some of the others noticed.

"Are you guys... crying?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No," Matt said, true to his all-American tough guy persona. "There's something in our eyes."

"Both of them?"

"This room is dusty."

"Whatever. Geez, what a cheap excuse," Rainbow said.

Pinkie stopped spinning when she heard them sobbing. The party pony somberly walked over to them with tears in her eyes and gave them a tight hug. "I'm so sorry," she said.

"Not your fault," Pat replied as himself and Matt hugged her back.

It was at that point Luna whispered into her big sister's ear, "Dear sister, what about that recently developed spell thou keeps telling us about?"

"Which one? The locator spell?" Celestia asked. The moon goddess nodded. "But it's still being tested! Who knows what will happen?"

"It is the only hope that Matt and Pat have of locating the Chaos Gate," Luna replied, "Thou must use it."

Celestia sighed. "I guess your right," she admitted. "Matt, Pat, there's something that can help us."

The two humans broke out of their funk. "What?" Pat shouted. "Don't just sit there, fucking tell us! Right goddamn now! If you've got something to to say to us, fucking say it!"

"At ease, soldier," Celestia said, "There's a spell under development by my top scientists that would let me find the general location of the gate. It would detect the magic field around the gate, because magic gravitates to magical 'hotspots', so to speak. We could then send out a few squads of guardsponies to find the gate within the area."

"THANK FUCK FOR THAT!" the best friends cried, their arms pointed skyward.

"Don't celebrate just yet," Celestia interrupted. Matt and Pat's arms drooped to their sides. "Such an undertaking would take a while, maybe two or three weeks, before the Royal Guard found anything. Also, me using the spell would be extremely draining on me because it spreads across the whole of Equestria, so I wouldn't be able to do much for a bit." There was a pause as the group weighed the pros and cons of it.

"Well, it's for the greater good," Pat argued after a while. The group nodded in assent. "So what if it takes the guards a while to find it? We can wait. We've got plenty of time. And so what if you're put out of commission for a little bit? I'm willing to bet Luna's more than capable of covering for you." Luna blushed while the rest of them added an agreeing "Mm-hm."

"Alright, I guess it's unanimous, then," Celestia said with a sigh. "I cast the spell tomorrow. After that, while the search is being conducted, you guys'll be staying here in Canterlot. We'll put together an expeditionary unit when we locate the gate. Oh, and one other thing, you two." Matt and Pat looked over in her direction.

"You'll be getting your own room," she said with a grin.

The two best friends smirked as they jokingly groaned and said, "Dammit!"


Badlands, 3:00 P.M

In the heat of the desert, Phillipe Loren stood on a boulder with Chrysalis as their soldiers stared up at them as if they were gods. The assorted humans and Changelings were sorted out into rows, standing with their respective factions, weapons at the ready. There was a pregnant silence as the men and women waited for their leaders to say something.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, humans and Changelings," Loren began, "today marks the start of our great campaign!" The crowd cheered in excitement. "Today marks the start of our journey to war! Today marks the start of our vengeance!" The audience roared in sadistic pleasure. "While those monsters kill and plunder for sheer entertainment, we fought to survive! We fought to live! We fought because it was the only hope we had of seeing the morning of a new day! They are the ones who truly deserve to die! Not us!"

"As myself and Mr. Loren have said time and time again," Chrysalis continued, "this road will not be an easy one to take. There will be challenges. There will be blood. There will be times where you question if this was the right thing to do. Allow me to answer that question: Yes. Follow us, and you will have honor. Follow us, and you will have glory. Follow us, and you will have revenge. You have two choices: stay, or leave. Leave, and you will be subjected to the highest punishment for your ignominious cowardice. Stay, and rest assured, you will see those fools pay for all their sins. ARE YOU WITH ME!?" The crowd howled in agreement.

"Then MARCH!" Loren cried, pointing out into the distance. The crowd growled out various war cries as they began the long path to Canterlot. The air smelled faintly of ham where the two leaders stood.. Loren and Chrysalis watched their soldiers walk across the desert sand, the burning rays of the sun hanging overhead.

"How long will it take?" Chrysalis asked the human.

"Three weeks," Loren replied.

"Good things come to those who wait."