• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 16,413 Views, 1,787 Comments

An Escort's Journal - Disco Knight

The story of a male escort living on the outskirts of Ponyville.

Comments ( 71 )

dam that was good

Wonder if we'll see you again "Midnight".

That was amazing, Lun *cough* Midnight working overtime it seems. I think that is what Guilty needed to hear. It's the same thing I had to work through at one point in my life as well and still occasionally face again. Not due to the same reasons as Guilty but I still can wind up in the same mindset as him on occasion.

Damn what a chapter

Awesome! Ive been waiting paitently because your writing style is phenomenal! Glad to see the fic and you are still going strong!

Guilty has the luck that there wasnt a Sunny pone there to try and cheer him up? He couldnt handle the burn? :trollestia:

Welcome back. I enjoyed this but am looking forward to “the talk” don't stay away too long?

I'm so happy to see this updated! Thank you for your hard work and sharing this with all of us. Great chapter!

Oh man, what a way to come back. Midnight sure knew what she wanted. Guilty gave her an orgasm but she gave him some real brain release instead. Should still come back for the real thing sometime later. That was quite intense though.

Well, we have waited for this chapter so long that one could literally go through a whole pregnancy. :P Worth the wait though. Hopefully the family will not grow one offspring per chapter in the future? ^^

Amazing as ever. This story always gives me somthing to look forward to.

Will this story have any m/f sex scenes, implied or otherwise, where the woman does most or all of the work?

very interesting chapter but it really sounded like a standalone story, as we didn't get any hint as to why Luna would come or have any interest in Guilty. I hope to see more of this story again soon.

Possibly. Guilty is sort of a do-er, but it would be fun to write.

That is a unique kind of savage, sir.

That was a disguised Princess Luna or I'm Mother Teresa in drag. And it was glorious! I was throughly entertained and engrossed.

Love it

Midnight, I don’t know who the fuck you are.

He really should pay more attention to the diarchy :rainbowwild:

The whole chapter was fascinating and thrilling, but I enjoyed their game the most.

Knowing (or at least strongly suspecting) Midnight's identity really makes me appreciate her choice in answers to give and questions to ask.
Guilty could have picked up some really heavy clues if she hadn't asked certain questions before he did.

I've been hoping for a new chapter for almost a year, and holy crap was it worth the wait! My heart was racing through this chapter. It dragged me in, sunk its teeth into me, and held on until it was done with me. I'm speechless.

Keep up the good work, dude! I eagerly await the next chapter.

That was absolutely awesome!

"Midnight" was exceptionally well written, I really loved their little game. It also fits really well with "Luna's School of Hard Knocks" vibe she gives off when she helps ponies- normally there's something traumatic involved.

I bet Twilight sent Celestia a letter about Guilty and the "friendship problem" with Applejack. The only question is how long ago. Luna's clearly had her agents crawling all over Manehattan to dig up everything they can about him. Attracting the attention of the goddesses is probably quite rightly a terrifying prospect.

I really wouldn't mind seeing more of her at some vague point in the future, but I appreciate it's extremely difficult to write well and would have a high chance of coming off as "fanservice-y".

Another amazing chapter. 'Midnight' somewhat reminded me of Lady Heather from CSI. I wonder why she took such an interest in him though?

cheating to win a game, Gulity went into this blind while Luna had every advantage, no way he was going to win when the bases were set from the start.

on another note, best way to help someone deal with their probelms in an indirect way. I almost thought this was celestia until that dream part, looks like luna has been taking lessons from her sister on how to help a stubborn pony deal with their probelms.

Holy shit, one of my all time favorites just updated. This is one of the most underrated fics on this site for sure.

As for the chapter itself, I think this was exactly what Guilty needed. Luna is best pony.

Didn’t realize who the client was until the mention of the wings. I feel like it would’ve been better to remove that part, to make it a bit less obvious. who she was. What I like, however, is that Gentle, never learnt her real identity which is extremely unusual in a story.
I also like the drinking game they played as framing devices. After reading the chapter I went back and suddenly it made a lot of sense why the client refused/avoided to answer some easy questions like where she lived before she came to Canterlot or what's her special talent.

Good chapter with a few unexpected twists.

figured out who she was as soon as venom was mentioned. I'm surprised I hadn't figured it out by the time her size was revealed.

I am absolutely disturbed by how well-written this is. I would say that I'm impressed, but using that word would downplay what I experienced by reading this

I prefer to think of Midnight not being She Who The Moon Rises Because She Literally Makes It So, Princess Luna, but rather one of The Tranquil Darkness and Balm to the Weary, Princess Luna's autonomous proxies, mostly because the number of ponies has dramatically risen in the time Luna spent sealed away on the Moon and as such, she can't watch ALL the dreams of ALL the ponies. As such, Luna does have autonomous proxies like the Tantabus to help with the workload..

Think of it in Discworld terms. DEATH doesn't personally attend EVERY death that happens, only the ones he thinks are important. (DEATH does not have feelings. Feelings require glands, which the 2 meter tall skeleton with flaming eyes obviously lacks.)

(The long spoilers are to obfuscate the name underneath)

Another enjoyable chapter of this. :)

"unfazed by my outburst.”"
Stray quotation mark?

NOOOOOOOO! Why did I have to run out of written chapters on this one >.< Write more darnit! Been loving this, derpy always deserves some love in my book.

You make it worth the wait.

“But… but it still feels like I am. I still feel like… I need some sort of divine punishment.”
“Shall we oblige you, then?”
Pain. She slugged me. Hard. I toppled back, landing square on my ass.

Sooooo, now Luna is playing the role of Sorrowful Miracle?

Hope we'll see more of her interactions with Guilty, and he'll eventually find out who she is. It would be hilarious!

Good catch. Fixed. :twilightsmile:

I commented on a comment I thought was talking about the latest chapter. My bad.
But when next one tho?

So good. So good. Damn I missed this story. Some stories are better than all others in some quality or another; this one is my top pick for characterization.

Well now, look who's back, and with an amazing chapter to boot! Excellent as always.

I'd forgotten just how much I loved this story. Keep it coming.

It lives again! Can't wait for the talk with Applejack though!

Finally caught up.
Very nice story.

I love this take on Luna! Kinda how we wish our gods were, not truly omniscient /omnipotent, but benevolent and wise, with tremendous power, like in Greek myth.

Im so glad to see you writing again!

Some of those ponies blame themselves more than they blame thou.

I THINK it's 'blame thee', since the second thou is the object and not the subject in the sentence. Might be completely wrong though, forsooth!

Please (and I know it's really unfair and bad mannered to rush anyone) give us the Applejack confrontation. I am so looking forward to it.

just 8 more chapters... :D

9972707 You are a very cuel individual! :)

Well done all around look forward to more of this if it ever comes.

No but seriously, high praise. The way the characters talk is stunning and engaging and the way you play out the scenes and details is beyond decent

all is forgiven

Punched him with the hoof of discipline.

The mysterious Midnight knew just how to tease out the problem and help Guilty feel a little less guilty. Great chapter

I enjoyed the game of 'guess who,' but I don't see why our dear perceptive-protagonist couldn't figure it out, too. Heat of the moment perhaps? Magical mind meddling?

Timeline-wise this is still pretty early after the return on Luna, I think. Mostly, Guilty probably couldn't even conceive of the possibility.

The alcohol was probably starting to hit when he started having enough hints to even suggest the outlandish possibility of an Alicorn in his house... having an orgasm.

No, I don't think I'd be able to even conceive the idea of it if I were him. Not until I'd had a chance to think about it afterwards... I'm speaking from first hand experience on this.

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