• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 4,195 Views, 158 Comments

Equestria Noir Case 13 "Blue Moon" - Jacoboby1

A murder mystery starring Luna and tells of the circumstances surrounding her banishment

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Chapter 2 "Blood Moon"

Chapter 2

“Blood Moon”

“I can’t honestly believe that was a Vampony,” I said to Twilight. We were sitting together, as Forceps examined Platinum Blade’s very cold body. “They’re a myth, a story to keep foals from running outside past bedtime.”

“Private, the Mare in the Moon was an old mare’s tale until Nightmare Moon came back,” Twilight pointed out. “Somehow, I don’t think a Vampony is as farfetched.”

Forceps walked over to us, his dark face grim “I hate to say it, sonny, but your marefriend is pretty close to the money on this one.”

“How so?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at the old stallion.

“The cause of death was rapid hypovolemia, or blood loss.” Forceps looked back at the body, and tapped the marks on the neck with a gloved hoof. “Whatever did this sucked the blood out, like juice through a straw.”

“Like I said,” Twilight said, shaking a little, “we may have a Vampony on the loose.”

I rolled my eyes, and looked at Forceps. “Did you find anything else on the body?”

“I found this caught in her armor,” Forceps replied, pulling out a strange medallion on a broken chain. Etched on it was a picture of the mare in the moon, only the eye was blood red, and a single teardrop of blood came from its eye.

“It looks like Nightmare Moon’s colors,” Twilight observed, taking the medallion in her magic and setting it on her hoof, “only the eye is different. I’m going to run by the library and see what I can find out about this.”

I nodded. “I’m going to look around where Platinum was attacked.” I looked at Forceps. “Get Dunnit on the phone, and tell him to inform her family of the bad news”

Forceps nodded and returned to the body. When I looked into the blood red eye of the medallion I couldn’t help but shudder for some reason.

I’ve seen that symbol before, but where? Better yet, when?


Luca sniffed the bloody ground around where Platinum’s body had been. He looked at me with those yellow eyes of his, and I could see guilt in them. I rubbed the wolf’s ears in comfort “it’s okay boy, we’ll find out who did this.”

His nose suddenly went to the ground and he howled at a nearby bush. I walked over and saw what he was barking at. It was an old musty book. It was relatively dry but its pages were yellowed.

I opened the book and looked inside; there was no writing on the pages. No words, no entries, nothing. Not even a title or something to determine who it belongs to.

I put the book inside my trench coat. It may have appeared to be junk but you never know with a case like this. I noticed another object on the ground. It was shiny and metallic so I picked it up with my magic.

It was a necklace; it had a crescent moon with a sapphire on it. It was well crafted and beautiful. I wonder if it was a gift for somepony? I put it inside a plastic bag and slipped it into my trench coat.

I was about to leave when-

“Um Excuse me-“

“Ah!” I said, in shock. I turned around to see a strange looking pony. He was clad in a black suit, with a white shirt, and a red tie. I couldn’t read his expression, maybe because he didn’t have a face. An odd choice for a Nightmare Night costume…

“I’m terribly sorry but I’m looking for somepony running around with a flashlight,” he explained, in a very odd sounding voice. It didn’t sound threatening, just lost.

“No, I haven’t seen anypony running around with a flashlight,” I replied, with a shrug. “Have you seen anypony in a black cloak with a blue lining?”

“That guy?” he asked, tapping his blank chin with his hoof. “Yeah, I did see him run off into the forest. Didn’t even stop to say hello, how incredibly rude.”

“Did you see where he went by any chance?” I asked.

“No, I’m afraid not,” He answered, with a shake of his blank face. “I’ve been running around all day trying to catch that flashlight fellow, and I didn’t pay the other fellow any mind.”

“Why are you chasing a pony with a flashlight?” I felt compelled to ask.

“The guy keeps stealing the flyers I am putting up!” he said, in obvious frustration. “I’m trying to promote a monster rock concert. I don't know why he is taking them! I keep catching him, and sending him back; but for some reason, more ponies with flashlights show up! You’d think it was a game or something!”

“Sorry” I said, with a frown “If I see the guy I’ll let you know.”

He nodded. “Thank you good sir, I am happy to have your assistance in this matter.”

“You’re welcome Mr-“

“Just call me Slender,” he said, with a wave of his hoof. “Now I’m afraid I must be on my way.” He turned on his hooves and walked into the forest.

“What a nice guy,” I said, with a smile. I looked back at Luca who was hiding behind a tree. “What’s gotten into you?”

He whined a little, and his head gestured towards the direction behind me.

I looked back, the mysterious pony was gone. I forgot to compliment him on such a unique costume. I wonder why I’ve never seen him before…

This just keeps getting weirder…


Midnight found Twilight and I pouring over book after book, searching for the symbol. So far our efforts have been about as fruitless as persuading a Parasprite to go on a diet.

Twilight tossed another book into the ever growing pile next to her, “Nothing! All these books in the library and not one of them mention the symbol!”

“It looks like a religious icon,” I observed, studying the medallion again. “Try looking up ancient cults,” I suggested, glancing over at Twilight.

She nodded, floating a book down off one of the shelves. “Cults of Ancient Equestria,” she said, reading the title aloud. “Let’s see, Celestia’s Witnesses’, Order of the Philomena, Red Light, Wrath of the Lamb. Ah ha!” She exclaimed, pointing at an entry. “Here’s the symbol!”

I ran to her and looked over her shoulder. Sure enough the symbol was there among the other cults of Equestria’s past. I read the entry aloud, “The Cult of the Blood Moon… see Mare in the Moon?”

“Never thought I’d have to dig that out again,” Twilight said, pulling another old book out from a shelf. She opened it and scanned the pages. “I’ve never read this far back in the story before.”

“Just look for the symbol” I said, looking over her shoulder as she turned the pages. “Maybe it will explain what it means”

Twilight stopped at one of the later chapters of the book “Here it is, The Cult of the Blood Moon was established shortly before the banishment of Nightmare Moon.”

“That was a thousand years ago,” I added. “What’s a symbol doing in modern times?”

“There’s more,” she said, looking over at me then back at the book. “This cult believed that by drinking the blood of Nightmare Moon, they could gain immortality. While nopony knows if actual immortality was possible, the blood of an Alicorn is said to have extraordinary powers. Upon drinking the blood, ponies were said to become incredibly strong physically; but they also went insane. Many attacked and killed ponies that had wronged them in the past, raped ponies they lusted over, and stole whatever they desired.”

“Sounds like the blood made them feel like they could get a free pass,” I said, grimly. “What happened to them?”

“According to the book, they disbanded when Princess Celestia used the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon, banishing her,” Twilight replied. “That’s all it says. There's no mention of who founded it, or even what its purpose was, beyond worshiping Nightmare Moon.”

“Did Celestia ever tell you about this?” I asked, looking at her.

She shook her head. “No, I’ve never heard of anything so… evil to have come out of Equestria. I can’t believe nopony ever told us about this in history class.”

“They probably wanted to keep it from becoming a witch hunt,” I said, sagely. “I remember this one case County had way down in Saddlem. A bunch of ponies believed they were infiltrated by a witch cult. They hunted down their neighbors left and right, often for personal gain.”

“So what do we do now?” Twilight asked, closing the book “All we have is a dead body, and some guy running around in the woods biting necks.”

I put a hoof on my chin in thought. “Then we'll have to go to the source.”

“What source?” Twilight asked, looking at me curiously.

“Princess Luna herself…”


We arrived at Canterlot around one in the morning. Rainbow and Raiden flew us there by sky chariot touching down on the deserted grounds of Canterlot Castle.

They quickly flew off so they wouldn’t be spotted. I looked around; the night guard hadn’t noticed us, thanks to an invisibility spell that Twilight cast on us. She and I ducked into a nearby bush as the spell wore off.

“I’m not as good as Trixie when it comes to illusion magic, it seems,” Twilight said, blushing a little.

“It’s all right.” I patted her, comfortingly. “Now, do you know where Luna’s room is?”

“You’re just going to barge into her bedroom in the middle of the night; and ask Luna about something she probably has bad memories about?” Twilight asked, chidingly. “You can’t just do that, Private.”

“It’ll take too long to get an appointment,” I explained, “and I want the answers to come from Princess’ lips. Preferably before she has time to prepare some cover story.”

“All right, what do you need me to do?” Twilight asked, obviously still uncomfortable with the whole idea.

“Pretend you’re paying a surprise visit to Celestia,” I explained, while peeking out, looking for guards. “The guards will be more focused on guarding you then they will on me.”

“I guess,” she agreed reluctantly. She pulled me in, kissing me on the lips. “Just be careful.”

I kissed her back, I felt strangely disappointed when she stopped kissing me. I shook my head and smiled at her lovingly. “I’ve leapt into burning buildings, and gotten shot at. What’s the worst that could happen?”

Famous last words…


Twilight’s surprise visit worked perfectly. The guards left the Night Court to handle guarding her, allowing me to sneak in unnoticed. I didn’t see any Lunar stallions as I walked the marble halls of the night wing. They must all be out on watch or something.

I looked at the map of the castle that Twilight gave me, and then checked my watch “1:30…Luna should be back in about half an hour to switch places with Celestia. I’ll catch her right before she-“

I pulled out my gun and aimed at the ceiling, where I thought I heard a sound. I didn’t see anything in the high arched ceilings so I put my gun away. This whole Nightmare Night thing has gotten me jumpy is all.

Now where is Luna’s-?


Suddenly a huge weight fell on my shoulders, slamming me to the ground. I felt something try and grab me around the neck. My horn glowed and whatever was on me flew off and crashed into a nearby wall.

It looked like a Lunar Stallion. He had a grey coat and yellow cat like eyes that glared at me. He was smaller, though, probably no older than a colt. He must be a trainee or something…

“GET HIM!!!”

Oh shi-

Another mini Lunar Stallion landed on me, slamming a frying pan onto my head. I started seeing stars, and fell to the ground in a heap. The last thing I saw before I fell unconscious was 24 yellow pairs of eyes looking at me. All belonging to Lunar Stallions.

My grey eyes closed as I slipped into unconsciousness....


When they reopened again, I felt myself lying on something soft. It was dark so I couldn’t see anything…

I tried to get up, but I found myself unable to move. I could see moonlight peeking from somewhere nearby. I lay still waiting for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Once they had, I looked down at my legs, and saw that they were tied together with an intricate series of ropes. I was hogtied and not happy about it.

Those jerks tied me up! I can’t believe I lost to a bunch of ten year olds! Tailspin will never let me live this down! I gotta call for help!

“MMMPH!!!” Was what came out of my mouth.

I must gagged or something if I couldn’t create a comprehensive sentence. I wiggled in the bindings trying to break free. Unfortunately, the ropes held my legs tightly in place. I tried to conjure up magic but the familiar feeling of having it blocked came up. They must’ve stuck an inhibiter ring on my horn.

I scooted over on the very soft surface making my way towards the moonlight. I heard a clinking sound as I moved; and felt a slight tug at my neck when I got just close enough to reach the moonlight.

Those twerps not only hogtied and gagged me, but they collared me like a dog to this soft place!

I need to have a word with their mother’s when I get out of…

Oh Celestia no!

I managed to get my hooves towards the moonlight, and what they felt, was a curtain. Not just any curtain mind you, but the kind you put on a bed.

It hit me like a piano dropping on my head. I was on a bed! I was tied up and on some kind bed! I rubbed my muzzle along the blankets, they were silk! Only rich ponies can-

Wait, if I haven’t left the palace then, this room probably belongs to either Twilight or one of the princesses. I turned my muzzle around studying the linens; the moon shaped markings on the many pillows told me exactly who this bed belonged to.

I was laying hog tied in the bed of The Princess of the Night Herself!

Okay Private, don’t panic. Maybe when Luna comes in she’ll see this whole situation and understand this is all just a crazy mistake. Then again, what if she doesn’t, and arrests me for trespassing? No, she would see that I am clearly held here against my will, and release me.

Wait, what was that smell?

I sniffed my belly and my eyes grew wide in shock. Those kids covered my belly with Essence de pure chaleur. Cologne used to attract mares and put them in heat! They were hoping to turn me into a harem slave!

This bad! Very bad! Luna hasn’t had a stallion in over a thousand years. Sure, she’s been back in Equestria for a while, but she hasn’t taken a lover since. One whiff of me and she’s bound to pounce on me like a Changeling on a love struck couple.

What do I do if Luna decides to make me into her harem slave? Do I refuse? If I do, I would be denying Royalty! She would probably lock up Tailspin or something to keep me here!

Do I accept? Twilight would hate me forever! I can say goodbye to the most wonderful mare in existence! No matter which way you look at it…


I tried desperately to break the ropes; but escape artistry was never my strong suit back at the academy. There was no hope of breaking out of these bindings, and even if I did the chain and the inhibiter ring are still a problem.

Twilight, if she does make me into a sex slave, know I will always love you!


I stiffened as I heard a door open. All right Private, don’t breath or anything, maybe they won’t notice you shaking like a leaf.

I heard a very refined voice speak on the other side of the curtains, “What is that wretched smell? It smells like what some of the nobles wear when my sister comes to court”

Sister? Oh crap! That’s Luna!

Why did I feel longing for her instead of fear, like I should?

I heard hoof steps. She was coming closer.

I tried to stay as still as possible but then a hoof reached up and opened the curtains surrounding the bed.

I blinked at the light of the room, and opened my eyes.

Luna was smaller than Celestia. Her coat was midnight blue and shone in the moonlight. Her mane was long and ethereal like her sisters, but it seemed like a tiny night sky was in it. Her wings were tucked at her sides and looked like she could easily cover my whole body with one of them. Her teal eyes blinked in surprise upon seeing me.

She rubbed them with her silver shoed hooves and looked at me again.

She spoke a name, one that I didn’t know, yet was familiar somehow.
