• Published 25th Oct 2012
  • 4,101 Views, 39 Comments

A Simple, Quiet Date - The Princess Rarity

That's all Rainbow Dash wants with Fluttershy; however, Pinkie Pie has other plans.

  • ...

A Simple, Quiet Date

Rainbow Dash really couldn't believe it. She had just asked out a mare. And not just any mare. Fluttershy. And the even more crazy factor was that Fluttershy said... Yes.

... That one word; it drove Rainbow into pure uncontrolled excitement. For so long, she had admired Fluttershy and now, finally, the two were going to go out. On an actual date.

It wasn't anything huge or extravagant; because Rainbow Dash wanted everything to be Fluttershy's liking...

That's why she chose something simple. Nothing overdone, to frighten Fluttershy or make her afraid or upset her...

And surprisingly, all of their friends supported them; going out on a date together...

However, one of their friends took it a bit out of control...


"So, um... yeah..." Rainbow Dash laughed nervously. "Me and Fluttershy, are... well, we're gonna go out. On a date."

Right now, at Sugarcube Corner, Rainbow and Pinkie Pie were talking over a plate of cupcakes. And this news, it drove Pinkie Pie overboard.

"No way!" she shrieked. "Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy!" She jumped up from her seat and began bouncing; like always whenever she was excited. "This is so so so so super amazing exciting awesome!"

"Keep it on the down low, Pinkie Pie..." Rainbow Dash hissed. "I don't want other ponies knowing, y'know?"

Pinkie Pie's eyebrows knit as she tried to stay calm and sat back down; for her friend's sake. "Why?"

"You know... some ponies aren't into, um... fillyfooling..."

"Ohhhhh, that!" Pinkie Pie nodded. "I get it." she lowered her voice to a somewhat loud whisper. "Top secret!"

"You can't tell anypony, ok? Pinkie Promise?" Rainbow Dash pleaded.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" the pink-maned mare replied; as she did the actions for the famous promise.

Rainbow Dash chuckled. "You are so random." she smirked.

"I know!" Pinkie Pie smiled; going back to eating her double fudge cupcake with strawberry icing.

"... You think I'll do ok?" the cyan pegasus frowned down at her red velvet cupcake with chocolate icing. "I want to make sure Fluttershy is cool with everything; I don't wanna upset her."

"Yeah, Rainbow, you're gonna do great!" Pinkie said, with a mouthful of cupcake.

"You think so?" Rainbow Dash brightened up.

"I know so!"


... Why did Rainbow Dash ever tell her in the first place?

"Um... Dashie?" Fluttershy murmured. "... Pardon my asking, but... why is Pinkie Pie in the bushes?"

Looking back, Rainbow soon let out a frustrated sigh as she saw Pinkie Pie, like Fluttershy had just said, in the bushes; with a pair of binoculars; apparently spying on the two mares, who were currently trying to have their simple, quiet date in peace...

"I have... no idea." Rainbow Dash lied. "Let me go see what she's doing."

And in a millisecond, the cyan pegasus was by Pinkie Pie's side.

"What in the name of Celestia are you doing here? I'm on my date. With Fluttershy, remember?"

Pinkie Pie laughed. "I know, silly! I'm here to make sure no one is spying on you! And that everything goes just right..." she winked, giving Rainbow Dash an uneasy feeling.

"What do you mean?"

"Duh! So that you do everything right!"

Rainbow Dash facehoofed. "No... No, no, no, no, no! Pinkie Pie!"

"What?" Pinkie Pie replied, obviously confused.

"I don't want your help! I... I just want it to be me and Fluttershy..."

Pinkie Pie laughed. "Silly Dashie! I know that!"

".... Then why are you here?" the cyan pegasus blurted out; it was her turn to now be confused.

"Do I have to repeat myself, you silly filly? So everything goes right!"

"I know what I'm doing!" Rainbow Dash argued. "Just... go back to Sugarcube Corner and eat some cake or something? Please?"

Pinkie Pie shrugged. "Ok!" And with that, she bounced off and Rainbow Dash let out a deep relaxed sigh as she flew back to her date.

"What did Pinkie Pie want?" Fluttershy inquired. "If... you don't mind my asking?"

Rainbow smirked. "She was just... being Pinkie Pie, you know?" She faked a laugh. The beginning of the date and it was already not going well... Maybe it could be turned around... "So, you enjoying yourself?"

"Oh, yes." Fluttershy beamed; before blushing deep. "Thank you, Rainbow, for taking me here..."

"Ah, it's no problem. Really." Rainbow herself held back a blush as her dark pink eyes met Fluttershy's cerulean ones.

A silence formed between the two mares; the light breeze ever so slightly blowing their manes to the side, the insects and birds flying by, the sky spotless and the smell of the grass, still wet from the morning's dew making this an almost perfect moment...


Their moment was interrupted; when the rustling of bushes was heard yet again and a familiar pink mane popped out from one of them.

And as soon as Fluttershy became entranced with a nearby butterfly; one with green wings and dark grey spots, Rainbow Dash looked back to see it was none other than...

Pinkie Pie.

Shooing her off with a hoof wave, Rainbow shook her head and turned back to Fluttershy, who was now almost inaudibly whispering to the butterfly.

"... You like it?"

Fluttershy managed a nod as she continued to whisper to the butterfly and Rainbow Dash smiled, as she became entranced as well; but with her date...

Until rustling came from the bushes again...

Pinkie Pie popped out of one of them, holding a sign that said, in big bold letters, MAKE A MOVE, YOU SILLY FILLY!

Rainbow Dash gaped at the sight of the pink mare with the sign. Shooing her off again, she turned back to Fluttershy; who, luckily, had not seen Pinkie and her wild sign.


"Hmm..." Pinkie Pie was now sitting inside the bush. "Gummy..." she turned to her pet crocodile, who was also currently residing in the bush with her. "It's time for Plan B of Operation Help Rainbow Dash On Her Date!" Gummy didn't respond. He just stuck his tongue out and licked his cheek; unfazed by his owner.


"This is lovely..." Fluttershy commented as both her and Rainbow Dash were slowly flying around Ponyville on a cloud; marveling the town at a height that wasn't too high.

"I'm glad you like it." Rainbow Dash murmured back, with a grin.

"You know... I think I like this more than the park." Fluttershy smiled sheepishly. "Not that the park was horrible, it was just fine. Really, I loved it; it's just this is..." she sighed. "This is wonderful, Rainbow."


"You ready, Gummy?" Pinkie Pie smiled as she and her pet flew up higher and higher in Pinkie's hot air balloon.

The mini crocodile said nothing.

"I knew it! Let's go!"


"So..." Rainbow Dash scratched the back of her neck nervously. This was all going perfect, but, for some reason, she wanted to make it even better. For Fluttershy. "You wanna do anything after this?"

Right now, the two of them were sitting on the grass in the park where their date had started; on a small hill overlooking the sights of the nature beauty.

"Well, this is all really nice and everything..." Fluttershy murmured. "Could we just stay here for a while? Longer than we were before? ... If that's ok with you?"

"I'm cool with anything." Rainbow Dash said quickly, before music was soon heard in the background. Passing it off as the ice cream truck, the cyan pegasus kept calm as she sat next to her date... However, the music got louder and...

That's not the ice cream truck... Rainbow thought as it seemed as the music got closer...

... And it did. Soon, close by, Pinkie Pie was seen in her hot air balloon; right above the trees singing of all things, with Gummy jumping up and down on a drum, with several birds flying around the balloon, singing their melodies. The lyrics of Pinkie Pie's song were currently unable to be heard from Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy; and inside, deep down, Rainbow was praying that her hyperactive friend was just passing by, nothing more, but nope.

Pinkie Pie was heading right for them.

"Oh, look..." Fluttershy said; her voice a bit softer than usual. "There's Pinkie Pie again..."

Rainbow Dash was dying inside as her ears quickly picked up the lyrics of Pinkie Pie's song...

No. the cyan pegasus thought. No, no, no! PINKIE PIE, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME.

But, apparently, Pegasi weren't telepathic message senders; as the pink-maned mare continued to float over to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash; the lyrics of her song now able to be heard by the two mares who were trying to enjoy their date...

"Hit it, Gummy!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed; and Gummy began to jump up and down on the drum again. "Birdies, you're up!"

The birds surrounding the hot air balloon began tweeting once more and Pinkie Pie began to sing. Again.

"There you see her, sitting there across the way... She don’t got a lot to say, but there’s something about her..."

Rainbow Dash was dying inside. Not this song... Every stallion, mare and foal in Equestria knew this song...

"And you don’t know why, but you’re dying to try... You wanna kiss the girl!" Pinkie Pie sang. "Come on, Dashie, you know you want to! Yes, you want her... Look at her, you know you do! It’s possible she wants you too; there is one way to ask her... It don’t take a word; not a single word... Go on and kiss the girl...."

Blushing as red as a tomato, Fluttershy hid behind her mane and Rainbow Dash was both holding down her embarrassment and her temper.

"Pinkie Pie..." she growled. However, the pink-maned hyperactive mare didn't hear her and kept singing....

"Dashie, you better do it soon; no time will be better! She don’t say a word and she won’t say a word, until you kiss the girl! Sha-la-la-la-la-la, don’t be scared; You got the mood prepared, go on and kiss the girl! Sha-la-la-la-la-la, don’t stop now, don’t try to hide it now!"

"Pinkie Pie!" Rainbow Dash barked. "Pinkie Pie!"

As the birds kept singing and Gummy kept banging on the drum, Pinkie Pie laughed and said, "Come on, Dashie! You know you want to!"

Rainbow Dash finally blushed and let out a nervous laugh. "Uh, no! I don't!"

Pinkie Pie didn't bother to listen...

"Listen to the song; the song say kiss the girl! Sha-la-la-la-la-la, music play; Do what the music say, you wanna kiss the girl! You’ve got to kiss the girl, why don’t you kiss the girl? You gotta kiss the girl; go on and kiss the girl!"

And just when both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash thought Pinkie Pie was done singing....

... She started to sing the same song. Again.

Finally, Rainbow Dash couldn't take it any longer. She let out a growl of frustration, grabbed Fluttershy and kissed her.

Fluttershy, of course, was taken by surprise by this and let out a light squeak at Rainbow kissed her...

... She never knew her childhood friend could be so caring; as it was shown in the date and now, this kiss...

... She thought it couldn't get any better...


"WOO-HOO!" Pinkie Pie cheered as she flew off in her balloon, finally leaving her friends alone for the rest of their date. "We did it, Gummy!"

Gummy said nothing, as he was now fast asleep on the drum he had been bouncing on earlier.


"... Um..." it was now later in the day and as of now, Rainbow Dash was walking Fluttershy home from their date. "Fluttershy?"

"... Yes, Rainbow Dash?"

"Did that kiss, um, make you feel, I dunno, weird?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "Oh, no... It was just fine..."

"Yeah, it's not like I was only doing it to shut Pinkie Pie up, you know? ... I mean!" Rainbow was now blushing a bright red. "Uh... I really do like you, Fluttershy and... Horsefeathers, I shouldn't have said that! Me and my big mouth..."

Fluttershy giggled and she leaned forward; giving Rainbow Dash a kiss on the cheek for reassurance.

"It's alright." she murmured.

Rainbow's blush slowly faded and she grinned.

This date had, indeed, gone perfect...

... However, she did learn something.

Never tell Pinkie Pie about dates. Ever.

Author's Note:

Oh, yay for the randomness! :) Hope you all liked; I've been meaning to write a FlutterDash... And when "Kiss The Girl" came on earlier yesterday, I had a stroke of genius :P Finally, I managed to publish this... Now bai!

Comments ( 39 )

Ha! Silly Pinkie Pie! I rather enjoyed this story. Well done.

I'm so glad I don't know Pinkie Pie! I would be so embarrassed if she started singing that on my date! :derpytongue2:

Hehe! I liked this! I like Pinkie's randomness and songs so.. double yay for you! :yay::yay:

Go Flutter Dash! Loved this and damn, Piknie can't keep out of anyone's business....shit, poor Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash....very happy for them though, really like this and many other pairings:pinkiehappy:


Oh my stars, I'm gone for maybe an hour and my story's been posted and I get four loving reviews!

Quadruple yay! :yay::yay::yay::yay:

1505090 Ha, nice refence to Bunnie Rabot from Sonic the hedgehog, she likes to say oh my stars a lot as well. And your welcome, I'm just a loyal bastard of a fan, can't wait to see what you will create next, you need any help, ideas or advice you know I got your back, peace.

1505111 :pinkiecrazy: Actually, I was referencing Rarity, but ok, I guess a Sonic character works too, LOL.

But, of course. If I'm ever stumped, I will go to you :pinkiehappy:

1505115 Rarity said that? Huh.....when?

And I'll do the same for you Princess......how does an idea of making Rarity an alicorn and the goddess of wealth sound? You can add Rarijack if you wish....I like that idea.....huh, maybe a bit of Pinkie Dash, or Flutter Spike or ever Spilight....or hell even Rariluna if you wish.

I'm sorry, what was the question? And Maybe a different goddess may be needed, because Avarice is the Element of Wealth and dark half of Rarity so not sure if that would work out so well...hmmm.......maybe the Goddess of Fashion, if such thing is possible...I'm sure you'll figure it out if you like the idea:derpytongue2:

1505171 Dude, she says that a lot! :rainbowlaugh: Where have you been?
And... Rariluna? :rainbowderp: The buck did I just read? Is that even a legit ship? :rainbowhuh:

1505179 I have never noticed that :rainbowlaugh:

And Rarity/Luna if you wish, it's just an idea for a new story if you want I just get punch in the face by ideas when it wants me to think though I always have trouble with my own stories, it's very odd.

1505200 Haha, I think we all have that problem :twilightblush:

Oh, Pinkie....
Actually, that is totally something she'd do.

One word. D'aww!!!!:yay:

So cute! :pinkiehappy: Poor Rainbow though, all she wanted was one simple little date with her beloved Fluttershy...and this happens. Pinkie, no no no! You don't do this one somepony's date!!

This was great. :pinkiehappy:

1505211 True that....so, good idea or not?:applejackunsure:

:rainbowlaugh: That's typical Pinkie. I mean really, that's exactly what I can see Pinkie doing.

double fudge cupcake with strawberry icing


Also, RariLuna is terrible ship. *sage nod*

1510879 I dunno! :rainbowlaugh:
Double fudge with strawberry icing sounds really good to me, LOL :pinkiecrazy: I know nothing about baking and desserts (only how to eat 'em) so... :twilightblush:

Hehe, cute! >w<

That's a very useful moral.
Thank you.

Somehow I kinda figured pinkie was going to sing that... Cute story :yay:

"... You think I'll do ok?" the cyan pegasus frowned down at her red velvet cupcake with chocolate icing. "I want to make sure Fluttershy is cool with everything; I don't wanna upset."

I think you're missin' a word or three there. :facehoof:

Other than that, I'd say this is a fine piece of fan fiction, and you ought to be proud of it. :twilightsmile:

1620613 Shoot. Thanks. I'll edit that now.
But I'm glad you liked the fic! :pinkiehappy:

I laughed when Pinkie went Disney on Dash's ass :heart:

Cute story :scootangel:

1673630 Thanks :pinkiehappy: Lol, tbh, I can actually see Pinkie doing that in my head, sooo :derpytongue2:

Lovely and silly. :twilightsmile:

I think you could have expanded a little at the end on Flutters and Dash's feelings, but tis good regardless.

Dammit, how come I have missed this? This is pure gold; I have had so much fun reading this :twilightsmile:
Your style is amazing, yet simple and understandable - something that I've yet to reach :raritywink:

You seriously need to write an OctaScratch! Like, really :twilightsmile:

I would love to write a collab with you someday :heart:

1857344.... Pinch me, I'm dreaming.
You wanna collab w/ moi? Silly little me, with random ideas in her head?
Josh, don't play.
But yes, if you are wondering, I'm writing something for my beloved otp. Why wouldn't I? :)
Thanks a million for thinking my randomest work is gold.

No, I'm serious! I mean, really; for some reason, I haven't checked your stories before today, and now I'm reading them all at once, and hell, I really like your style. It's breezy, smooth and very close to the reader. It's something I have to aim for :twilightsheepish:

Yay for OctaScratch :yay:

1857362 Wow, haha, I'm just... wow... :twilightblush: Thanks.
I always actually thought that my writing style was just unprofessional, to be honest, compared to the stuff I've read. That never stopped me, of course, but, y'know, I try. I guess you kind of say that my writing style kind of reflects on my personality, though, because I often write my stories on how I would read them out loud. I don't really know if that's a bad thing or not, but whatever. If people like it, they like it. If they don't, their loss. (<--- And that's the odd thing. I'm all, "If you don't read my stories, I don't care.", but once people compliment me, I get so modest. Awkward much? Yes, yes, I know it is.)
I have got to stop rambling.

xDDD Funny and sweet. I like it.

*Grins* Very cute and silly fun. Thank goodness for no evil eels in their case :rainbowlaugh:

Diabetes levels cute, too many scene breaks reduce immersion.:rainbowkiss: :heart: :yay:

Pinkie Pie popped out of one of them, holding a sign that said, in big bold letters, MAKE A MOVE, YOU SILLY FILLY!

This broke me :rainbowlaugh: Hilarious and adorable:yay:

Oh Pinkie... :facehoof:

Flutterdash ftw :rainbowwild:

I was actually in the play the Little Mermaid yesterday!
I played Flotsam, the eel that kidnaps Ariel.
Also, (in the play at least) those are not the words to the song. (Unless your using a extended version or some other version.)

Well that was fun. :pinkiehappy:

Not a bad fanfic, I liked it, as if it looks like that fanfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/60433/pinkie-pie-the-matchmaker

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