• Member Since 14th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I'm a better editor than a writer...


All Rainbow Dash wants is to have a nice, balanced breakfast. This might be more difficult than she thought, however.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 38 )

Very well written. What happened to your STD's?

Craaap. I thought I got those.

edit: oh you. you got got me.

I see no typos and have no means of understanding how this got so many downvotes already. This story is pure awesome and should be treated as such.

thank you sir. It is probably related to that human tag right up there.

Yeah, that tends to throw people off. They immediately assume it's an HiE fic based off of that, and unfortunately almost all HiE fics are utter crap. Thus instant downvotes.:derpytongue2: Oh well.

well, you cant please everyone. nor can you break stereotypes.

Well, sometimes you can break one's perception of a stereotype. You have no idea how many brony haters I've convinced to watch an episode. They then came back, apologized profusely, and slowly began their immersion in the fandom. It's kinda fun, actually.:pinkiehappy:

same thing happened to me. ironically enough, the guy who made me watch an episode has fled the fandom due to its insanity.

Yeah... I guess he went too deep in. Some people take it a little over the top, and it tends to drive others away.

oh well. :randomponyshrugiconthatmybrowserdosentsupport:
cant please everyone.

TWE's Scribblestick here! Seems you have a strange downvote infestation, and I'm here to help identify the source!

Well, the story is quite random. I'm not in the mood for exaggerated details and reactions at the moment, but at another time, I don't think I'd mind them so much. That being said, a lot of your detail was over the top, which might put off some readers.

Need a scene break? Why not Zoidberg?

(V) (;,,;) (V)

You had one present-tense verb (shuffles), but that was the only typo I could find.

only to slip on the discarded pancake mix box and fall into a pile of mix

You have the word 'mix' twice in that sentence. Might want to do something about that.

landing right next to her with nefarious eyes.

How can eyes be wicked or villainous? A nefarious gaze, I could see, but nefarious eyes makes it seem like her eyeballs are plotting to kill someone.

You're missing some indents in the latter half.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a crazed voice, “Where are they?!

That comma should be a period.

Rainbow Sense

What's that?

So... yeah. That's pretty much all I found. I guess the only possible explanation is that people just don't like your over-the-top detail. Weird, I can usually find a better explanation than that. Oh well.

For what it's worth, I was entertaind. :twilightsmile:

~Scribblestick, TWE moderator

Sir, I thank you for your help. Allow me to go back and fix those errors, but I'm glad I could entertain you with this first attempt.

And then My Little Dashie happened. Or better yet, My Little Stashie! :rainbowwild:


And thus began my journey to write a story about Rainbow Dash being a drug dealer and piff smoker.

This will be good.

1508401 Oh God...write it. :pinkiehappy:

Not sure what's with all the downvotes. Quite good. I have to wonder why Celestia tied Dash's wings though.


I laughed for five minutes straight.

Excellent. spread the word to your friends, this story dosent get enough love.

Celestia frowned. “Wouldn’t you rather like some Cocoa Puffs? They are much better than those nasty Fruit Loops, after all.”

I'm afraid I'm with celly on this one :moustache:

An interesting read, although one that I struggled to hold my attention with for the first part. I found Celestia's part pretty interesting, and the part with the human sounded like it was going to be awesome. But I was expecting a twist or big joke at the end, and it just wasn't delivered.

In other words, I finished reading pretty disappointed.

I'm afraid I read too fast to criticize grammar or punctuation, but it looked pretty solid, regardless.

Have an upvote.

Yeah, it was my first -real- attempt at writing, so it could be a lot better.
Anyway, thanks for the thoughts! I appreciate it.


No problem, my friend.

Sorry it was so brief, but I was power-reading (Kinda like Power Walking, but ten times more awesome!) and I didn't really have time to go into copious amounts of detail. I used to do reviews, but I stopped because they were too long! :rainbowlaugh:

A good example is probably this one

Think my word count was something along the lines of 2000+ words - an entire fic chapter in itself :rainbowlaugh:

Good grief, you must have gone very in depth!


Nah I just didn't sleep all weekend. It was... strange. :applejackconfused:

All weekend? Wow, that's impressive and probably bad for your health. Why did you stay up all weekend?


I can't remember when that was. But basically my living arrangements aren't ideal. And when they're not up to my... er... whatever the word is, contentedness? I just go all stange and don't eat or sleep.

I probably underplay it, but you get my gist :pinkiehappy: I don't want it getting in the way of my online persona, though :rainbowkiss:

Heh, I can understand that. I can't really relate because I have gotten come very nice naps on rocks before, but I could understand how that could bug you. Anyway, what other stories can you recommend?


Yeah just me being weird.

Anyway as for recommendations, I have some favorite boxes on my profile if you want to check them out.

Other fics I've been reading lately.. Hmm I finally caught back up on Of Age, and I've started on Sibling Rivalry. The former is a pretty nice, little fic for Spike's characterization, while the latter is quite a sweet romance.

Ah, Sibling Rivalry is fun. Poor Spike and his indecisiveness make for a good story. :rainbowlaugh:
As for Of Age, I found it a bit slow. I'm still reading it, but it just dosen't really capture my attention, ya know?


I know what you mean, I found the pace to be slightly dragging for a romance, but I just really liked how Spike was worrying over Rarity, and felt useless for being smaller than everyone else. And then when RD mocks him it's just brilliant :rainbowlaugh:

I liked the part where he got mad at everyone for not counting him as a dragon. Poor little guy just can't get the respect he deserves.


I love that about him. I love the way he's not respected, I feel it really adds to his character, and you know that one day he's going to take a stand. And it's going to be awesome :moustache:

Perhaps he will stand up for himself more in season four, though I probably wont watch that one either. (I'm weird and don't like the actual show)
I always like fics where he gets tired of being just "Twilight's assistant/slave" and does something about it. I like Dear Spike, though it's a little dark.

I want to favorite this, I really do, since it was hilarious and delightfully random.
But I can't, mainly because of the part involving humans. Not because I have anything against stories involving humans meeting ponies, but because that part was actually TOO random, even by crack fic standards.
And the last few lines just leave a bad taste in my mouth.

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