• Published 26th Oct 2012
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The Royal Wedding and the Surprise - Mayhem Darkshadow

Mayhem and Rainbow Dash are finally getting married, and with marriage comes a interesting surprise.

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The Royal Wedding and the Surprise

The Royal Wedding and the Surprise

Part One: Proposal

Rainbow Dash and Mayhem walked down the streets of Canterlot. She was wearing a beautiful new dress Rarity had made her and he was wearing a suit and tie. Mayhem was taking her to one of the fanciest restaurants in Canterlot. Normally it was where the celebrities dined, but as Mayhem was a prince of Canterlot getting into the restaurant wasn't a problem.

"You look very beautiful tonight Dashie," said Mayhem.

Rainbow Dash smiled and blushed.

"Thank you, your looking quiet handsome yourself," she said.

He smiled at her and they kept walking down the street. They had been dating now for over a year and the happiness that had come from the relationship was amazing. Mayhem had dated many girls and Rainbow Dash had been with other guys, but neither of them had ever been in a relationship like the one they had. They were in love, and they were supported by their friends, family, and even the people of Equestria.

They got to the restaurant and the host led them to their table. Mayhem had big plans for this date. Having a good time was one of them, but he had a surprise for Rainbow Dash. It was going to have to wait until around dessert time. They had pre-dinner followed by actual dinner. The food was amazing, the atmosphere was nice, and the service was outstanding. Mayhem was so excited for Rainbow Dash's surprise. When dessert finally came Mayhem started to get the butterflies, but he was still ready for what he was about to do.

He reached across the table and grabbed her hooves with his. "Dashie, this entire year we have spent together has been one of the best of my life. We've had a lot of things happen to both of this year. I love you so much and you have really turned my life around significantly," said Mayhem.

Rainbow Dash smiled and blushed at him. "I love you to, and it has been quite the year," she said.

"I know, and I want this happiness to continue, and that is why I have a big question for you," said Mayhem.

He got up from his seat and walked over beside her and kneeled down and pulled a velvet box out of his jacket. He opened the box and inside was a bracelet studded with an array of gems, so it looked like a rainbow. "Rainbow Dash, will you marry me?" asked Mayhem.

Rainbow Dash's eyes filled with tears. "Yes, yes I will," said Rainbow Dash.

She continued to cry her eyes out as he put the bracelet on her ankle. When he finished they kissed and then finished their dessert. Rainbow Dash couldn't stop crying, she was so happy. Her friends were gonna flip when they found out. After the restaurant Mayhem took her back to the castle, they would have gotten back to Ponyville really late if they took the train. The guards let them in and Mayhem took Rainbow Dash up to his room.

"So, you're very happy?" asked Mayhem.

Rainbow Dash smiled and giggled. "Umm, yeah I'm thrilled you really surprised me," she said.

They both laughed and then got undressed and climbed into bed. They didn't go to sleep; instead they talked about wedding ideas.

"So I think we should have the wedding here, kind of like Cadence and Shining Armor's but without the changeling invasion and you getting locked in the catacombs," laughed Mayhem.

"Yeah I don't think I'd go for that," laughed Rainbow Dash.

They both laughed and cuddled up a little closer to each other.

"So we can have it in a few months so we have time to get invitations out and get preparations going," said Mayhem.
"I like that," said Rainbow Dash.

She gave him a kiss and then cuddled up under the blankets next to him. Mayhem unfolded his wings and wrapped them around her body.

"I love you so much," said Mayhem as he squeezed her tight.

Rainbow Dash smiled. "I love you more than anything in the world," she said as they both fell asleep.

Part II: Preparations

The next day they announced their engagement to all their friends, all of whom were ecstatic.

"Now we want all of you to help out in the same way you did for Shining Armor and Cadence's wedding," said Mayhem, "AJ can do food, Pinkie the reception, Rarity the clothing, Vinyl, Fluttershy, and Tavi can be in charge of music. Annabell can help with announcements and what not. Twilight if you could coordinate everything this should work out great," said Mayhem

Everyone couldn't stop talking; they were all going to participate in another Royal wedding.

"So when is y'all's big day planned for then?" asked Applejack.

"Well, we decided in a few months to give time for preparations and to get RSVP's from guests," said Rainbow Dash.
"Oh this is going to be so fun," said Pinkie Pie as she bounced around.

Everyone was happy and started to make plans in their heads. They all went their separate ways so as to start drumming up ideas. Rainbow Dash, Annabell, Fluttershy, and Mayhem went back to Mayhem's house to start work on announcements.

"So I have a few ideas and some different types of stationary we can try," said Annabell.

They all went to the kitchen and Annabell used magic to bring all her writing supplies down from her room. She grabbed with a quill and in a few minutes had a draft of the invitation ready.

"Go ahead and read it. If you like it we can begin writing out everything," said Annabell.

Mayhem held the draft while he and Rainbow Dash read it. When they finished they smiled at each other then at Annabell.

"Your penmanship knows no limit sis," said Mayhem.

"I love it," said Rainbow Dash.

Annabell smiled and then ten quills, aided by magic, began to dance around the table as invitation after invitation was made. And while all this was going on they decided to work out a guest list. All their friends from Ponyville, plus Mayhem's friends from Canterlot and London, plus Rainbow Dash's friends from Cloudsdale. The list was pretty big towards the end of it, so they decided to get cracking on the envelopes. While going through names Annabell asked Mayhem about one.

"You're sending one to Vibrant Frequency?" asked Annabell.

Mayhem put his quill down. "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" asked Mayhem.

"Well to tell you the truth Mayhem I don't think he'll show up," said Annabell.

"Bell, he is one my oldest friends besides Shining Armor. I know he lives all the way out in Manehatten and I know he has been busy with his music and concert tours, but I don't think he'd miss the chance to come to my wedding," said Mayhem.

"Well if you think that then fine, I honestly hope he shows up it's been so long," said Annabell.

"Oh Dashie are you going to invite Gilda?" asked Mayhem.

Rainbow Dash dropped her quill and turned red. "Why, so she could ruin my wedding by making fun of my friends. I don't think so. Why did you even mention her?" she asked.

Mayhem smiled. "Because I think you're cute when you're flustered," he said.

Rainbow Dash went from being angry to happy in an instant. She reached over and kissed Mayhem on the forehead.
There was a bang as the door opened and Midnight and Scootaloo trotted in, they didn't know about the good news yet.

"Wow what's going on in here?" asked Scootaloo as she looked at the mess on the table.

Mayhem and Rainbow Dash turned to each other.

"Girls come here we have some wonderful news," said Rainbow Dash.

Midnight and Scootaloo trotted over with curious and confused looks on their faces.

"So girls, Mayhem and I are getting married," said Rainbow Dash.

Midnight and Scootaloo screamed and started bouncing around the kitchen.

"Yay that means that we're sisters," said Scootaloo to Midnight.

"Yes yes I have two more awesome sisters," said Midnight to Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash.

The four older ponies laughed at them, they were being far beyond adorable right now.

"So when is the wedding?" asked Midnight.

"In a few months," said Mayhem.

The two little fillies's bounced around some more and then trotted back outside.

"They're so cute," said Fluttershy.

Everyone agreed, but they were only cute when they weren't causing havoc around Ponyville. They got back to putting together envelopes and by the time everyone got sick of it they had finished a third of the total list of guests.

"Still got a lot more work to do," said Mayhem.

Everyone else agreed, this was going to be a very large wedding, big enough to be held outside on the castle grounds. They were going to let Twilight know so she could start arranging for everything.

"Well who's up for dinner then?" asked Mayhem.

Everyone said they were and with a bit of magic the kitchen was in full swing creating dinner for them. The girls went out to the living room while Mayhem cooked.

"So Rainbow Dash, did Mayhem actually surprise you when he asked you the big question?" asked Annabell.

Rainbow Dash nodded. "I had been hoping for a while that he would but I kind of just forgot about it until he asked. I was so happy," she said.

They all giggled and Fluttershy asked to see the bracelet Mayhem gave Rainbow Dash.

"Oh it's so pretty. Rarity would probably die if someone gave her this," said Fluttershy.

"I know I don't want to think about how much it costs," said Rainbow Dash.

"Oh he did pay for it," said Annabell.

The other two looked at her.

"Celestia gave it to him years ago. Said if he ever found a special someone that he wanted to share the rest of his life with that he should give it to them. Mayhem was really close to Celestia when he was a colt. It was only when he got older he started to drift away from her. It's one of her old bracelets from when she was our age," said Annabell.

Rainbow Dash looked at the bracelet. It belonging to Celestia made it even more special. To think she was his special someone and he was her special someone. She felt so happy right now she could cry.

"Soups on," shouted Mayhem from the kitchen.

They all got up from the couch and went to the kitchen. Mayhem had cooked a wonderful spread for them and they all sat down and ate. After dinner Fluttershy headed back to her cottage. Annabell stayed at the house so she could finish up the invitations, which she had moved up to her room. Mayhem and Rainbow Dash sat on the couch, they were basically all alone.

"So I've been thinking about this for a long time, but I was waiting for the right time to bring it up. I want you and Scootaloo to move in with us," said Mayhem, "Midnight had actually been asking and hoping that you'd both move in with us."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, we spend so much time here anyway it's like we already live here," said Rainbow Dash.

"Well good, then I'll make the arrangements to have all your things moved here and hopefully get your house on the market," said Mayhem.

Rainbow Dash smiled and then yawned, it was getting late. They went upstairs and she climbed in bed. Mayhem said he had a project he needed to finish but he would be to bed soon. She smiled and watched him work for a while until she fell asleep.

Part III: The Big Day

It was a week before the wedding when they all had moved to Canterlot to begin preparations. Everybody was so excited and busy they didn't see each other for the first few days except at dinner. Celestia and Luna had worked night and day to get the gardens just right for the ceremony. Rarity had been keeping Rainbow Dash most of the time when she wasn't going around checking on her other friends work. The wedding dress and bridesmaids gowns were amazing. All her friends plus Annabell were going to be here bridesmaids. Rarity had also made new dressed for her sister, Midnight, Applebloom, and Scootaloo, seeing as they were going to be the flower girls. She had really outdone herself.

It was at the arranged dinner with the families and close friends when they all were able to finally see each other for more than a few minutes. Rarity was fussing over Mayhem and Shining Armor; they had decided to wear their royal armor instead of tuxedoes.

"It just won't be right," complained Rarity.

She knew she wasn't going to win the argument but she was trying. Everyone else was laughing at them.

As they were eating one of the guards came into the room with a message. "Prince Mayhem you have a visitor," said the guard.

Mayhem got a very puzzled look on his face. "Send them in," said Mayhem.

The guard left and then a black and purple unicorn walked into the room.

"No freaking way," said Mayhem.

He got up from his seat and went over to greet the unicorn. They shook hooves.

"Vibrant Frequency, you actually came," said Mayhem.

"What lost some faith in your old friend? See that you haven't changed at all man," said Vibrant.

Shining Armor, Cadence, Vinyl, and Octavia also came over. There were laughs, hugs, and joy amongst all of them. Vibrant came over to the table and sat between Mayhem and Octavia.

"Everyone, this is one of my oldest friends Vibrant Frequency," said Mayhem.

Everyone said hello.

"Can't believe you made it man," said Mayhem.

"You honestly think I'd miss this," said Vibrant.

He turned to Rainbow Dash and smiled.

"So this is your bride to be?" said Vibrant, "She's as beautiful as you described her in your emails.
Rainbow Dash blushed and giggled then thanked him.

They continued on with dinner. Everyone asked Vibrant a lot of questions, which he answered. After dinner everyone headed to bed except for Mayhem, Shining Armor, Octavia, Vinyl, Vibrant, and Cadence. They spent the whole time talking.

"I can't believe the old gang is back together," said Octavia, "The only other person missing Spitfire."

"Oh she'll be here tomorrow," said Mayhem.

The girls all smiled, the gang wasn't complete without Spitfire.

"So Vibrant how have the past few years been treating you?" asked Octavia.

"Good, good. I've missed all of you. I'm thinking of maybe moving back to Canterlot," said Vibrant.

"That'd be awesome," said Shining Armor.

They all laughed and then yawned. More guests would be arriving tomorrow and they all needed to look their best. Mayhem said goodnight to everyone and then went up to his room. Rainbow Dash was asleep and cuddled up under the covers. Mayhem smiled at her, she looked so cute. He got ready for bed and then climbed into bed with her. She cuddled up close to him and he nuzzled her with his neck and wrapped his wings around her body.

The week went on and more quests arrived until it was finally the big day. Rarity and Twilight worked very hard to keep Rainbow Dash and Mayhem separate from each other. The girls spent most of the day getting ready. Mayhem, Shining Armor, and Vibrant only got ready just an hour before Mayhem needed to be at the altar. Shining Armor was Mayhems best man and Vibrant was his groomsman. Finally with just thirty minutes before it was time the guys went down to the altar. They lined up along with Rainbow Dash's bridesmaids. Rainbow Dash didn't want to have a Maid of Honor because it was too hard to pick. Finally the music began to play and the flower girls walked down the aisle followed by Rainbow Dash. She looked very beautiful. She got to the altar and then she smiled at Mayhem and he smiled back.

"Ladies and Gentlecolts," said Celestia, "We gathered here today to witness the wedding of Prince Mayhem and Ms. Rainbow Dash of Ponyville. The bride and groom have written their own vows."

Mayhem turned to Rainbow Dash and held her hooves in his. "Rainbow, from the day I met you I knew that there was something special about you. I love you with all my heart and will always love you no matter what happens. We will be together forever and I'll make sure that our relationship is nothing but happiness," said Mayhem.

Rainbow Dash smiled at him then spoke. "Mayhem, you are one of the best things that has every in my life. I don't what I would do without out you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you," said Rainbow Dash

"And now the bride and groom will exchange rings," said Celestia.

Mayhem took a ring that was on a gold and diamond chain and placed it around Rainbow Dash's neck. Rainbow Dash took a golden ring and put it on Mayhem's horn.

"And with that I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride," said Celestia.

Mayhem pulled Rainbow Dash closer to him and then they kissed. The crowd broke into applause. They continued to kiss and then broke their kiss and looked into each other's eyes and smiled. The turned and walked down the aisle and guests through flowers and cheered.

They all moved into the castle and the reception began. Pinkie went all out with the party, and Vinyl, Octavia, and Fluttershy had worked real hard on the music, which was amazing. The first dance started out with Mayhem and Rainbow Dash and then soon everyone was dancing on the dance floor. As the reception went on Celestia stopped the proceedings briefly for a presentation.

"Before the party continues I have a gift for my new sister," said Celestia.

The guards brought in a small casket and Rainbow opened it. Inside was a silver crown studded with an assortment of gems that matched the colors of the rainbow. Celestia took the crown and placed it on Rainbow Dash's head.

"I present Equestria's new princess," said Celestia.

The crowd applauded and Rainbow Dash hugged Celestia.

The party raged on until midnight, the time when Mayhem and Rainbow Dash were scheduled to leave for their honeymoon in Manehatten. They boarded their carriage that was to take them down to the train station while the crowd cheered and hollered. The final event before departing was when Rainbow Dash threw her bouquet out the carriage window. It was caught by Octavia, but only because Vibrant had thrown her into the air. Rainbow and Mayhem laughed and then the carriage set off for the train station.

"Wow, I can't believe we're married," she said.

Mayhem smiled at her and they kissed.

"We'll be together for eternity," said Mayhem.

She smiled and giggled.

They got to the train station and got out of the carriage. Mayhem had arranged a private car for them. As their stuff was loaded onto the car four of Mayhem's personal guards came forward.

"The train is clear Prince Mayhem and all passengers have passed background checks," said Captain Blackbolt.
"Thank you captain I trust you and your men completely," said Mayhem.

The Captain saluted and then left them.

"You brought guards?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Not my idea, it was Celestia's. I negotiated down to four, she wanted a dozen. Blackbolt and his men are my personal guard and they won't disturb us unless they have to," said Mayhem.

Rainbow Dash smiled and laughed nervously. This was something she was going to have to get use to.

They got on their car then the train departed from the station. They stood outside to enjoy the fresh, crisp air and then went inside as the train picked up speed. The car was beautiful, filled with the finest everything. They got out of their wedding attire and then cuddled together in bed.

"You know, we are married now. We could...you know," said Mayhem.

Rainbow Dash looked at Mayhem and processed what he said and then her face turned red, but she was smiling.
"You're gonna get it now," she said as she turned off the lights to the entire car.

Part IV: The Surprise

It was a month after they had been married, life had calmed down and the hype about the wedding had all but disappeared. Rainbow Dash woke up from sleeping feeling sick. She had been feeling weird every morning for a few days now; she was worried she was getting sick. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror; she was a mess. Then all of a sudden she crouched down by the toilet and puked. When she was done she went downstairs. Annabell was sitting on the couch reading a book.

"Good morn...," said Annabell.

When she got a good look at Rainbow Dash she stopped.

"Are you okay Rainbow Dash?" she asked.

Rainbow Dash shook her head, she'd felt worse but she still didn't feel good.

"Mayhem told me this morning that if you didn't feel good again he wanted me to take you to the hospital," said Annabell.
Rainbow Dash didn't complain, she actually wanted to go to the hospital she felt that bad.

They left the house and went straight over. They didn't have to wait very long; flu season hadn't come just yet so the hospital wasn't very busy. Nurse Redheart brought them to a room and then asked some general question.

"So you're not feeling good Rainbow Dash?" asked Nurse Redheart.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. "I've been feeling really sick every morning for a few days now. This morning I actually threw up I felt so bad," said Rainbow Dash.

Nurse Redheart ran through some basic stats tests.

"Well I was thinking you could be our first case of the flu but you don't have a fever or swollen lymph nodes. Let me go get the doctor," said Nurse Redheart.

She left for a moment and came back with Dr. Flora.

"So Nurse Redheart said you're not feeling very well Rainbow Dash?" asked Dr. Flora.

Rainbow Dash shook her head.

"And you're certain she doesn't have the flu?" asked Dr. Flora.

"Yes she doesn't have any of the symptoms for the flu," said Nurse Redheart.

"Hmm well let's take a look then," said Dr. Flora.

Dr. Flora did a through scan of every part of Rainbow Dash's body. She checked blood pressure, heart rate, did throat cultures, but was baffled by the end of it all.

"Well you're not sick," said Dr. Flora.

Rainbow Dash didn't understand, she felt horrible and had been throwing up earlier. How could she not be sick?
"Well then what's wrong?" asked Annabell.

"Hmm...well...I guess I'll just come right out and say it. Rainbow Dash you haven't been feeling good because your pregnant, in fact you've been pregnant for what looks like about a month now," said Dr. Flora.

What Dr. Flora said hit Rainbow Dash like a ton of bricks.

"I'm...I'm pregnant?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Dr. Flora nodded and tears fell from Rainbow Dash's eyes. Annabell grabbed her hooves and held them.

"Now we need to do some tests just make sure, so long as you don't mind staying a bit longer," said Dr. Flora.

Rainbow Dash said she didn't mind and after they finished everything at the hospital Annabell took her home. Both of them were in shock from the prognosis that was given.

"Well, that wasn't what I was thinking was going to happen," said Annabell.

"Me neither, but it's good news I guess," said Rainbow Dash.

"It's fantastic news that's what it is," said Annabell.

Rainbow Dash smiled nervously, she had no idea how she was going to tell Mayhem that she was pregnant.

"And don't worry about telling Mayhem," said Annabell, "I'm sure he's going to be ecstatic."

Rainbow Dash smiled nervously, she was still really worried despite Annabell's encouraging words.

Annabell stayed at home with Rainbow Dash for the entire day. Fluttershy came over and they told her. It wasn't very often that Fluttershy screamed in joy, but this was one of those cases. When Midnight and Scootaloo got home they were bouncing off the walls with excitement once they were told the good news. They all worked together to get dinner ready, and by the time Mayhem got home it was ready. Annabell had told the girls not to say a word, even if it meant they would explode. When Mayhem finally got home they were all waiting for him at the table.

"Hello everyone," said Mayhem as he walked in the door.

When he saw everyone already sitting on the table he got a confused look on his face.

"Well this is unusual," said Mayhem.

"We thought we'd have a hot meal ready for you," said Annabell.

Mayhem came and sat down by Rainbow Dash and gave her a kiss.

"What's the occasion?" asked Mayhem.

"Well...why don't we eat dinner first," said Annabell.

Mayhem looked at everyone; he was trying to figure out what they were hiding from him.

"Well okay then," said Mayhem.

Dinner was quiet; Mayhem was trying really hard to figure out what they were hiding from him. After they finished and the plates were cleared Mayhem poured himself a glass of cider and then looked at them.

"So what's going on? What did Scootaloo and Midnight do this time and how much is it going to cost me," chuckled Mayhem.

Everyone laughed at this comment, ever Scootaloo and Midnight.

"Nope that's not it, keep guessing," said Scootaloo.

"Scoot's it's not really a guessing game," said Rainbow Dash.

"Awe but its fun," said Scootaloo.

Mayhem looked at Rainbow Dash. She took his hooves in hers and looked into his eyes.

"What's going on Dashie?" asked Mayhem.

"Well...something wonderful. May...I'm...I'm pregnant," said Rainbow Dash.

Mayhem's face lit up like a light bulb.

"No way...seriously you're pregnant. That's...Dashie that's amazing," said Mayhem.

Rainbow Dash was relieved to hear him say that.

"I really thought that...well I don't know. I just didn't think you'd be this surprised," said Rainbow Dash.

"Why wouldn't I be surprised? It's fantastic news," said Mayhem.

Mayhem put his hooves on Rainbow Dash's stomach and rubbed it. They smiled at each other and Rainbow Dash started crying a bit, but they were tears of joy.

Part V: Nimbus

They spent the months leading up to the expected delivery date preparing for the new baby. They told all their friends and family and everyone was happy for them. Per Celestia's request Rainbow Dash was transferred to the hospital in Canterlot and was being cared for by the Royal family's doctor and staff. Mayhem and Rainbow Dash decided that they didn't want to know the sex of the baby. When it got closer to the day Rainbow Dash was scheduled to go into labor Mayhem moved her and himself to the castle. Annabell stayed in Ponyville with the girls, but they would be coming up with all their friends later.
Rainbow Dash woke up a few days before her expected delivery date with a lot of pain in her stomach. The bed was wet and she checked to see what had happened. It turned out that her water had broken. Mayhem had gone out to the train station to pick up everyone and bring them back to the castle. She ran out of the room and looked around, she didn't see anybody. She went down the hall and saw Cadence and Shining Armor. She stumbled over to them. Cadence was also pregnant, but she was about three month behind her.

"Hey Rainbow Dash what going on?" asked Shining Armor.

She gave them a pained look and she held her abdomen.

"My water just broke, I think I'm having contractions," said Rainbow Dash.

Shining Armor got a shocked look on her face.

"Sweetheart go down to the train station and tell Mayhem that Rainbow is at the hospital, I'll take her there myself," said Cadence.

Shining Armor nodded and left in a hurry. Cadence helped Rainbow Dash along and told the guards to ready a carriage and to alert Luna and Celestia that Rainbow Dash was going into labor. Rainbow Dash was surprised how well Cadence was moving, she was pretty far into her own pregnancy. The carriage took them to the hospital and the doctors took Rainbow Dash to the delivery room right away. Mayhem arrived about half an hour later with Shining Armor.

"We came as quick as we could," said Mayhem.

Cadence and Shining Armor stayed in the room with them, Mayhem and Rainbow Dash had asked them to be the baby's godfather and godmother. Mayhem took the time to bring in a few of their friends and family in pairs, they were all waiting out in the lobby. The doctors had asked that not a lot of people crowded in the room at once. Mayhem started with their family and then friends. Rainbow Dash asked if Annabell and the girls wanted to stay when they came in, but they said they would stay out in the lobby with everyone else.

Rainbow Dash's labor progressed steadily and after four hours the doctors said she was ready to start pushing. They got her ready and then they had her start pushing. The epidural helped with the pain, but it was still uncomfortable.

"Come on sweetheart your doing great," said Mayhem.

He was holding her hooves with his, even though she was crushing them slowly.

"You're doing great Rainbow Dash, and you're almost done. The baby's head is almost out. Just a few more good pushes," said the doctor.

Rainbow Dash kept pushing; she was giving it all she got.

"Come on baby your doing great," said Mayhem.

Rainbow Dash gave the last push and then the room was filled with crying.

"It's a girl," said the doctor.

Mayhem cut the umbilical cord and then they cleaned up the baby and brought her to Rainbow Dash. She was beautiful, a purple body with a rainbow main, just like her mommy.

"Did you think of a name for the baby?" asked Cadence.

Rainbow Dash looked at Mayhem.

"Well, we decided whether we had a girl or a boy we would name the baby Nimbus," said Rainbow Dash.

It was the perfect name for the little baby alicorn. Rainbow Dash passed Nimbus to Mayhem while the doctors cleaned her up. Shining Armor went out to let everyone know and to bring them to the room, the doctor said now it was okay for them all to be in the room.

"She's so beautiful," said Rainbow Dash.

"She's perfect," said Mayhem.

Cadence came over to the couch and sat down with Mayhem.

Shining Armor brought in everyone. All the little girls ran over to the couch.

"Oh can I hold her?" asked Midnight.

"No I want to hold her," said Scootaloo.

"No me," said Sweetie Belle.

"No me," said Applebloom.

The little girls began to start arguing and Annabell had to step in.

"Girls, you're going to scare the baby," said Annabell.

She used magic and pulled all of them away from the couch. Everyone else crowded around the couch to see the new baby.
"She's so cute," said Rarity.

"Rainbow mane, just like her momma," said Applejack.

"What did you both name her?" asked Twilight.

"Nimbus," said Rainbow Dash from her bed.

Nimbus giggled when she heard her name. Mayhem brought her back over to Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo and Midnight climbed up into the bed with Rainbow Dash. Annabell was about to grab them but Rainbow Dash halted her.

"I think Nimbus can meet her aunties now," said Rainbow Dash.

Midnight and Scootaloo cuddled up closer to her for a better look.

"She's so cute," said Scootaloo.

One of the nurses came into the room while they were all talking.

"Okay Mommy and baby need to sleep. Family members can stay but everyone else needs to leave so they can get some sleep," said the nurse.

Their friends said their goodbyes and left them. Celestia and Luna had not been by yet and Rainbow Dash was trying to stay awake but she fell asleep five minutes after their friends left. Mayhem took Nimbus from Rainbow Dash and let Cadence and Shining Armor hold her. Scootaloo and Midnight had fallen asleep cuddled up with Rainbow Dash, it was very cute. There was a light nock on the door and Celestia and Luna came in.

"Sorry we are late. I was in a meeting," whispered Celestia.

Mayhem brought them over to the couch to see Nimbus.

"She's so pretty," said Luna.

They sat down and Cadence passed Nimbus to Luna and Celestia. The nurse came in and said she had to take Nimbus for a while. Celestia handed over Nimbus and the nurse took her away.

"So how did it all go?" asked Luna.

"Very well," said Mayhem, "She was really good and really strong."

They looked over at the bed, Rainbow Dash and the girls were still out like a light. She deserved some sleep. It had been a long day and they were sure she was exhausted.

Rainbow Dash and Mayhem stayed in the hospital for a few days and then brought Nimbus home to Ponyville. When they walked inside for the first time in about a week the living room was full of gift and balloons. Annabell was sitting on the couch with Fluttershy and Scootaloo and Midnight were sitting on the ground playing a board game.

"Oh the new baby is home," said Scootaloo and Midnight together really loudly.

Annabell shushed them.

"Girls what did I tell you earlier. Quiet voices," said Annabell.

The girls nodded and then went in for a closer look.

"She sleeps a lot," said Scootaloo.

"Well babies like to sleep sis, Nimbus sleeps a lot just like her mommy," said Rainbow Dash.

They went and sat down and let Fluttershy hold Nimbus.

"Does she cry a lot?" asked Fluttershy

"No, the nurses said she never cried once and I haven't heard her cry since she was born," said Mayhem.

"Which is funny because Celestia said you cried all the time," said Annabell.

Annabell and Rainbow Dash snickered and Mayhem frowned.

"She does have her daddy's magic talent though. She's already starting to use magic. She hasn't started flying yet though," said Mayhem.

They all laughed and accidently woke Nimbus up. She smiled at all of them. Rainbow Dash took her back from Fluttershy and fed her while Mayhem went into the kitchen and started cooking dinner. Rainbow Dash let Midnight and Scootaloo go through the gifts and show her what their friends and family had all sent. It was all a large assortment of items they would need in the coming months. Mayhem called them all to dinner and they all ate. Afterwards Annabell sent the girls to bed and then left the house with Fluttershy. That left Mayhem and Rainbow Dash alone with their little girl.

"Wanna put her to bed?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Sure," said Mayhem.

They went upstairs to Mayhem's room. They had put Nimbus's crib in there until they got a room in the house ready for her. They got her ready for bed and then climbed into bed. They were both really tired.

"I can't believe me made that beautiful little girl," said Rainbow Dash.

Mayhem smiled and gave her a kiss and then the snuggled on the bed together until Nimbus began to fuss. Mayhem got out of bed and went over to her crib.

"Does she need her mommy?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah I think she's hungry," said Mayhem.

He brought her over and Rainbow Dash took her from him, but Nimbus wasn't hungry.

"I guess she just wants to sleep with us," said Rainbow Dash.

They put her in between them and then she stopped fussing and fell back asleep. Mayhem and Rainbow Dash both smiled at her and then kissed her goodnight and fell asleep together.

Comments ( 4 )

first comrt

Daaaaaw! :heart:

That is just sooo adorabruuu!!!


Shining Armor got a shocked look on her face.

Isn't Shiny male? Or is this Rule 63?

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