• Published 19th Dec 2012
  • 1,149 Views, 17 Comments

The Rose In The Background - TLC

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The Beautiful Rose

The Rose In The Background
Chapter One
"The Beautiful Rose"

I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong for it. I mean no harm, only pure and honest intentions come from my actions through this venture. I have no ulterior motives, no dark tones behind my eyes. Just a stallion wanting love, love from her. The hole in my life that had appeared the moment I laid eyes on her eats away at my being with every day she isn't mine. The thought of simply approaching her makes my spine shiver in anxiety.

She stands there now, her red mane blowing in the steady breeze of the Fall. It teases away her ivory green eyes, them being filled with the dullness of the slow work day. Her flower stand in the center of town had received no more then the normal three visitors that day, but of course not many would buy flowers for their gardens at this time of year. If only I weren't but a coward, I would buy her entire stand.

She looks towards the skies, clouds of dark shades glide over head. It will rain later, it had been this whole week on and off. On a day like this, she would usually close up early and head back to her small home just down the street past the library. I know this because I would watch her as she went, half of me not wanting her to leave my sight and the other making sure she got home alright.

Today, however, was different. She wasn't leaving, and again, neither was I. You may ask who am I, the lonely pony observing the object of my every desire. I, the yellow stallion only known around town as 'Tops' because of my liking of top hats and being a proud wearer of one, sell hats and jewelry just across the street from the lovely flower mare's stand. My stand receives a decent amount of customers a week, this being my part time hobby. At night, I work down at the humble bar known as The Golden Mare as the barkeeper.

This affair me and the mare across from me have been a part of has been going on for three years or so, and there was not one out of the one thousand and ninety-five days that she wasn't on my mind. Every now and again, she wouldn't set up shop probably due to a family or friend arrangement, or a cold maybe. But then that next time I saw her, my heart would skip possibly two beats. I probably sound like a bloody lunatic or a lowly romantic, but who are you to judge? Reading about such a life as mine makes you guilty by association.

I look down at one of the many watches on my counter top, it reading five-fifteen. I sigh, looking back up at the flower stand, and freeze. She was looking over at me. Every strand of fur on my body stood on end as I nearly knock over the hat stack to my left. She giggles, I could hear it faintly. Her smile causes my cheeks to burn and my mouth to run dry. Any chance I get, I try to snapshot her expression with my mind so I could remember this. I made her smile...By Celestia, I made her laugh!

When all was calm, she began to pack up her flowers in small bags and place them on the same small rose red cart she always did. At the same time, I would pack up my wears. When she left for home, I would stay. As she reached the site of the library, she turned back. To avoid getting caught, I quickly looked down and back to my carrying case. I stayed in this position until I was sure she was gone.

Silently cursing myself, I continued my venture home.


And even by her stare, I am rendered useless. I walk down the same path as she, her being way ahead of me. My head is low, the brim of my hat hiding my eyes away as I walk. My carrying case of merchandise is hooked around my back leg.

As I opened my home's dark brown door, I am once again greeted by the dark and emptiness of my house. Greeted by the same beige walls, one coated in picture frames with photos of family. My eyes fall to the sofa, its soft ivory green fabric meets my skin as I fall upon its cushions. I hear my carrying case hit the ground with a hollow thud, but I don't mind. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a small dark red mound on my floor. I grab the small pillow and hold it to my chest.

Am I only so pathetic? Am I the only one in the world with such a problem as this? Not having the courage to speak to the love of my life, so I can only watch as she goes by like the blooming rose in the distance that she rightfully is? I can imagine the words I want to say to her, I can dream of the scenery as I do. We sit in the most luxurious restaurant, her in a beautiful maroon dress and her mane tied up into a bun, and me in a white tuxedo, a red handkerchief in my chest pocket.

Red wine sits on the the table alongside a menorah of candles, the silverware and her eyes gleaming from the dancing flames before us. My hoof lays upon hers, her fur feels so soft to the touch. She smiles, my heart races and my breathing quickens. I speak in almost a whisper, my words are of the essence of love itself. In an instant, we are outside on a balcony. In the sky, the stars dance around the full moon. Our eyes mirror each other as I near her face. I could feel her breathing on my muzzle as our lips just barely graze each other before making contact.

But, yet here I lay. There is no such event, no wine, no restaurant. Like I could afford such an act.


I am sadly brought out of my thoughts by my damned alarm clock, nagging me to be on my way to the Mare. As I hop off my sofa and near the door, I turn back to gaze around my living room. Such an average place, such a dull place. So empty. I open the door and make way for the bar.