• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 3,080 Views, 61 Comments

A Wish That Could Be - Faithful Brony

Two worlds connected by a magic as old as the planets themselves. This mysterious force brings three strangers forth that will change Equestria forever.

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The Big News

There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth… not going all the way, and not starting.


To say Jessie and Rob were tired was an understatement. they were mentally exhausted from the series of questions that Twilight was asking. Finally, after six hours of this assault, she had ended her rampage to go over her notes and finalize every detail they went over.

“Wow, Twilight I didn’t know you could tire someone out by just asking questions,” Jessie said with a sigh before slinking back in his chair. Rob got up to stretch his legs than proceed to comment on the subject.

“Yeah Twilight, maybe you don’t need magic to fight your enemies, maybe you could defeat them with mental overload.” He proceeded to chuckle for a bit before it died down a minute later. Rainbow couldn’t help but make a few snickers at that joke too. she soon noticed Twilight giving her a glare and Rainbow stopped, knowing how Twilight could be when she got angry, she did not like that version of her.

“Hey, I like to be very well informed and thorough when learning about new things.” Twilight huffed then went back to file her note away in her desk. Silence stood for a few seconds but as if right on cue to break the ice, Spike belched and a letter was shot out of the flames. Spike grabbed the letter and was about to open it when Twilight snatched it and opened it with her magic. She looked up a second later to see the angry look on Spikes' face.
Spike grunted and said,

“Hey what gives Twilight”

“Sorry, Spike” Twilight said putting on an apologetic smile hoping to cheer up the dragon. Spike walked over to Twilight and just hugged her. He couldn’t stay mad at her when she did the puppy dog eyes. She proceeded to read the letter and looked up with fear now noticeably present on her face. she started to run around the room babbling out nonsense while trying to clean up the library.
Rainbow Dash immediately stopped Twilight to calm her down.
Rainbow was finally able to get her friend to slow down a bit.

“Alright, Twilight whats wrong,” the technicolored mare said, worrying about her friend. Twilight's eyes widened, her pupils dilated and she blurted out,

“Celestia is coming over Dash, she will be here in a few minutes and I’m not prepared for a visit from her.” Rainbow turned to look around at the room then back to Twilight.

“It’s alright Twilight, your library doesn’t have to be spotless for her to come over. I’m sure she will be glad to see you either way,” Rainbow Dash said before being blinded by a light.
The brilliant flash of light filled the room, blinding everyone for a few seconds. When the light finally died out, Jessie and Rob looked over near Twilight and Rainbow to see the princess Alicorn herself. Celestia look around to see Fluttershy laying on the couch, Twilight and Rainbow Dash standing near her, and then her vision finally settled upon the two humans standing before her.
She took in every detail about the two. One was just as tall as Applejack's brother Big Macintosh, had glasses on his face, black hair, wore a grey hoodie, blue jeans and a weird device protruding from under his hoodie that went straight into his ears. The other human was almost as tall as her coming up a to her neck, he had brown colored hair, wore a red zip-up hoody, and dark grey jeans. She spoke soon after finishing her once over of them,

"Hello my little ponies I’m glad to see you, now tell me Twilight what have you learned about them and keep it simple, stick to just the main things."

“Well, Princess I learned that their names are Jessie and Rob.” “They are from a planet called earth and how they got here; well I was going to wait until you were here to listen to that part.”

“OK, thank you my faithful student” Celestia turned to the Jessie and Rob and walked over to them.

“Jessie, Rob would you mind telling us how you got here.” Every one of the ponies in the room sat down to listen to them. Jessie then realized something, he couldn’t tell them what happened without letting them know the secret that there was a third human here on Equestria and Jessie would not give away his friend like that. He then came up with an idea hoping it would work.

“Well, I know this is going to sound a little silly but I made a wish on a rainbow that I saw yesterday an hour after I got home from school.” “The next day I came to school and the portal opened up in the middle of class, Rob and I entered the portal and ended up on the edge to the Everfree Forest." "We then went and got help from Fluttershy and she took us here.” Everyone looked at them with confusion, then Twilight broke the silence.

“Wait how is that even possible, last I checked rainbows don’t have magic do the ones on earth have magic.”

“No, magic doesn’t exist in our world.”

“So if it doesn’t exist there how is it this rainbow sent you here.”
Celestia interrupted Twilight’s train of thought.

“Well I have heard about strange phenomena like this but it’s very rare and there hasn’t been much research done on the subject since it doesn’t happen often and I’ve never personally seen it happen myself.”

“What is it princess, what are you talking about.” Celestia teleported a book into the room that looked like it hadn’t been touched in ages, opened it and started to read a passage.

"I have never seen anything like this in all my days of conducting science." "I have discovered a small trace of magic inside of Rainbow and it seems to be made of both lunar and solar magic, which is odd because not very many things have the ability to use such powers and it has to lead me to the conclusion that the Rainbow used these powers naturally." "How it happened I haven’t been able to figure out, what I have been able to figure out is that the magic formed with the Rainbow in its creation but here is the interesting thing the Rainbow itself did not form naturally." "Somehow it was created artificially but no such record other than the fabled Rainboom mythology exists to explain this." "I must further my research on this subject." Celestia closed the book and took a slow relaxing breath.

“The pony who discovered this anomaly wrote down in his journal about an event similar to this although it was never fully proven it did spark ideas in science and his journal was made into a newer copy.” “The original journal is gone and this is the only other copy of it, which has been in the Canterlot Library for centuries.”

“Princess Celestia if this is true then the only way for them to have gotten here was for someone on earth to do the Sonic Rainboom and I asked Jessie about animals on his planet.” “He said that Unicorns, Pegasi, and talking ponies don’t exist in their world. “ “He even said that the weather on his planet moves on its own.” Rainbow Dash spoke up next.

“Well I don’t know if this helps but yesterday I was working on a new version of my Sonic Rainboom.” Everyone turned to Rainbow and she continued. “Its called the Astro Rainboom.” Fluttershy gasped.

“Wait I thought you said you weren’t going to do that again after the last time you tried you almost died Rainbow.”

“Hold on a second what are you two talking about and what is the Astro Rainboom” Twilight spoke to keep Rainbow Dash on the topic she would have to talk to the other subject later because she never heard of rainbow dash getting into a life-threatening wreck.

“The Astro Rainboom is a new move I made to impress the Wonderbolts and ensure a spot for me on the team.” “It involves a series of escalating shot into the high altitude of space, I would proceed to dive down at immense speed and to make sure I survived I asked Doctor Whoove the pony scientist who lives in that nice house just a little bit a ways from where I train to make a few things that would help with that.” “The first was a solar shield kind of like the one you use as your personal shield princess, to protect me from the high heat that would be created. He also gave me a mask that would allow me to breathe in the high atmosphere and it would also trail with my Rainboom creating a starry effect when I broke through the Mach cone. “I had been practicing that move for a while and I just succeeded yesterday.”

“So if Rainbow did that somehow the phenomena must have enhanced the already existing magic’s that she was using and must have been powerful enough to create a bridge from their world to ours, the only thing it needed was for Jessie to make a wish on the rainbow that formed on their world simultaneously.” “Princess Celestia do you think Rainbow could do it again and send them home,” Twilight said with hope in her voice.

“I don’t think so my little ponies, if what the stallions researched says is correct then this event can only happen once every five-thousand years.” “He goes on to explain a theory about how the atmosphere needs to build up enough lunar and solar magic for Rainbows to perform this unpredictable effect.” “If this is true then I’m deeply sorry to inform you, Jessie and Rob, that you cannot go back to earth, I’m afraid you’re stuck here.” This realization hit them both like a ton of bricks.

“So what you’re saying is that we can never go back nor will we ever be able to see our families again,” Jesse said with fear in his voice.

“I’m afraid so Jessie, I am sorry that this mishap has occurred for the both of you.”
Jessie walked out of the library and sat down on the porch. Rob then started to ask some questions while he was gone.

“I got a few questions, first what are we supposed to do now.” “We obviously can’t return to our world and I don’t know if we can do anything here without attracting a lot of attention.”

“That can be arranged I might be able to get you two some jobs so you can earn a wage and get your own houses until then I will assign both of you to a different bearer.” “Jessie will stay with Twilight and you can stay with Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres." "Twilight I want you to get Applejack over here and explain the situation to her, I’m sure once she hears about their plight she will be more than willing to let Rob stay there." Twilight nodded and teleported to the farm to retrieve her.

“Another thing Celestia, what about the extreme attention we are going to receive, after all, it not every day that humans just wander into Equestria.”

“Don’t worry about that Rob, I will take care of that detail. Goodbye, my little ponies I have a few things I need to take care of and with that Celestia teleported back to the castle.” Fluttershy hopped off the couch and went to the door.

I’ll be going now; I have to go get the food for my animals so see ya and with that Fluttershy was gone. When Fluttershy exited she saw Jessie sitting there, she started to shiver sensing the gloomy atmosphere coming from him and went to sit down beside him.

“Are you going to be alright Jessie I know this may be hard for you.”

“Yeah, I guess I will, it’s just kind of a big change for me to go through.” Fluttershy leaned over and hugged him.

“Y-you’re going to be ok." there was a long pause, then Fluttershy spoke again "I’m going to tell you something a lot of ponies don’t know about me." "I wasn’t always like this, so timid and easily frightened," you see when I was young there was an accident, my parents died while saving me." "When our house caught on fire they sacrificed themselves.”

“Wow, that must have sucked.”

“It did, for the first month I didn’t talk to anypony but soon I was sent to flight academe and that’s where I met Rainbow Dash." "She brought me out of my shell and helped me to be braver." "I thank her for that, every day, she is my best friend."

“It sounds like you admire her a lot for that.”

“Yes, I do.”

“Thanks for this pep talk you really are the element of kindness.” All Fluttershy could do was blush at that comment and then walk off to get her animal feed at the market stand.

Once Fluttershy exited the library, Rainbow turned around to see Rob sitting on the couch looking around. They sat there for a few minutes before rainbow couldn’t stand the silence any longer.

"Well I think I will go help Fluttershy with her shopping; I just wanted to say to you that the joke was funny but I’ve still got my eyes on you two," and with that Rainbow bolted out the door after Fluttershy. Another flash of light blinded Rob then he saw Twilight in the room with Applejack in tow.

“Alright now slow down there Twi, what are ya talking about and who is Rob.”
Applejack turned to see a creature holding out his hand.

“Hi, my name is Rob.