• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 4,505 Views, 75 Comments

Peace Through Power - est-hal

You cannot have the former without the latter...

  • ...

Chapter 7: Ponyville's Triggerline

Chapter 7: Ponyville’s Triggerline

“Think it’s going to be bad?”

“I hope not.”

Thunder and Flash were hunkered in their trench on the eastern approach to Ponyville, gazing at the black fog seeping out from between the trees of the Everfree Forest and at the pillars of fire jetting into the sky, swirling and twisting around each other in a blazing helix. Only having seen firsthoof the displays that heralded a demonic incursion a few times before, the two became rather nervous, thoughts of their own mortality and very possible and likely grisly deaths coming to the forefront of their minds.

While they shuffled nervously in their armor, anxious about the imminent battle, their sergeant was staring ahead at the forest, stiff and unmoving. With his spear firmly gripped in one hoof and his scutum shield strapped to his other foreleg, his appearance was statuesque.

Flash looked over at Low Flight, noting his steely thousand mile stare into the forest. “Heh, sergeant’s getting that way again.” he whispered, earning a quiet chuckle from his friend.

“Yeah. Maybe that look alone will be enough to scare off the demons.” Thunder suggested in jest.

“If only.”

The two continued their whispered conversation, diverting themselves slightly. Low Flight paid no mind to them, instead electing to silently complain to himself about a certain directive issued by the lieutenant.

‘Grounded for this fight. Hmph, what crock…’

The sound of the Hinds overhead drew his attention. He could not help but feel a little envious at the unicorns chosen to mount the helicopter gunships, ‘They better be appreciating the view…’

He suppressed a sigh and continued staring ahead.

“So only movement from the east? Nowhere else?”

“No sir.”

Observers in each line save the eastern reported no activity, confirming to Alexander that the demons were going to come from the east, at least initially. He decided to pull some tanks and IFVs from the southern line and have them reinforce the east. Having to manually direct his units into position and configure their posture made him badly miss his EVA unit, even as dated as it was. It at least spared him from having to say and hear everything through a communications ensign. Functionality of an operations center to house EVA would become priority once the battle was over.

“(Provided we survive this battle.)”

Hiss’ voice made him realize that he had thought that last bit aloud. He cleared his throat before replying to the snake’s jesting pessimism, “Something is terribly wrong with the universe if ponies wearing tin cans and armed with glorified pointed sticks can fight off their undead counterparts and imps and whatever else from hell and we with our 20th and 21st century weapons systems can’t.”

“(… I was just prodding you. You realize that, right?)”

Alexander suddenly felt a little embarrassed, “… I knew that.”

“(I love it when you lose control like that.)”

“I know you do, you perverted reptilian deviant.”

“(Ooh, that sounded rather bitter and angry.)”

“It was.”

Hiss hummed out a chuckle before turning its attention to the laptop’s screen, hinting that Alexander should do the same. Doing so, he resumed preparing the town’s defenses, deploying a few more laser and shredder turrets to the east and adjusting the Hinds’ patrol path to primarily cover the eastern line. As he did so, a steadily decreasing number displayed in a small box in the bottom right corner of the command program’s interface caught his attention. His current balance of credits was beginning to get low, necessitating a number of problems in the near future.

‘Going to have to address that.’ he thought, adding the matter of his depleting war chest to his mental checklist.

As he worked, Lightning Strike entered the tent, having returned from seeing the unicorn teams off. He approached Alexander, hoping for an update on their joint forces’ battle readiness, “The unicorn teams are off with your Hinds. So, how’s the eastern approach doing?”

“It’s coming along nicely. I’ve reinforced it with additional troops and defenses. The helipad’s almost up and we’ll have additional aircav to call on.” Alexander answered. The lieutenant responded with a confused look. He tried again, “More helicopter gunships.”

Nodding, Lightning Strike decided to head out and assume his position among his own troops. “Well, I’m off to the eastern line. Here’s to a swift victory.” he said, turning towards the exit.

Before he could leave, Alexander stopped him. “Hold on! Before you go, put this on.” he said, holding out a headset to the lieutenant, who looked at the device with a mixture of curiosity and confusion.

“Huh?” he simply asked, not sure if the object being held towards him was another of the humans’ strange technology or a good luck charm of some sort.

“It’s a headset. It’ll allow us to communicate while you’re out there, a boon to our joint command, I would think.” Alexander explained.

Lightning Strike merely nodded as he took the headset in his hoof. Staring at it, he was unsure for a moment as to how he was supposed to wear it. Remembering the “head” portion of the device’s name, he removed his helmet and set it on the ground. Gingerly he inserted the earpieces into his ears, the aluminum band of the headset folding down his blue mane. He fiddled with the mouthpiece that was just barely from touching his snout, causing it to suddenly extend to a more comfortable distance, also its maximum extension. “Like this?” he asked.

“Yes. Is it comfortable?”

“As much as a metal mane band can be. So we’ll be able to talk to each other through this?” Lightning Strike asked, impressed at the notion that such a frail construction could facilitate long-distance communication.

“We'll see in a second.” Alexander replied as he lifted his cap slightly and deftly slid on a headset of his own. Replacing his cap, he put a finger to the right earpiece. “Check one. Check two. Can you hear me?” he spoke, testing the headset’s functionality.

Lightning Strike recoiled slightly, the confessor’s voice coming through his headset’s earpieces and the accompanying feedback from being in close proximity to him catching him by surprise. “Uh, yes. Loud and clear.” he answered, grimacing at the echo as he put his helmet back on over the headset.

Alexander hummed a knowing chuckle, “The echo will go away once you’re out there. Now, let’s see if yours is transmitting. Just press down on the right side. You should hear a beep. That indicates that you're transmitting and I can hear you. When you’re done speaking, just press it again and you’ll hear another lower tone, meaning we’re no longer in contact.”

Raising a hoof, Lightning Strike pressed down on the right earpiece, producing a beep, just as the confessor had said. “Uh, hello?” he spoke.

Alexander gave a satisfied nod. “All good. Alright, we’re set. Good luck out there, lieutenant.” he said, holding out a hand.

Lightning Strike accepted it, exchanging a shake with him, “Thanks.”

“To victory.” Alexander intoned.

Lightning Strike nodded, “To victory.” With that, he made an about face and exited the tent.

“(Huh, he didn’t seem to notice me.)”

“I think your terrible visage was too much for him so his brain just blocked you out.” Alexander said with a chuckle.

“(Ooh, so mean…)”

“What can I say? You’re rubbing off on me.”

“(Aww, I’m so proud… Rubbing, you say?)”

Alexander realized his mistake. “Never mind...” he said curtly, returning his attention to his laptop. Looking over the eastern line, he was satisfied with its level of fortification. Moving his cursor a distance just short of the edge of the forest, he established Ponyville’s triggerline.

“And let all those who pass this line with evil in their hearts suffer a terrible vengeance seven times.” he said quietly.

As Lightning Strike made his way to the eastern line, the vision of a giant snake draped on the confessor’s shoulders suddenly intruded upon his thoughts. He stopped walking, shuddering for a moment as a chill passed through him. Shaking off the ominous feeling, he continued towards the eastern line.

‘I got to lay off the cider.’ he thought to himself.

“So what was going on out there? I heard everypony getting real riled up and chanting ‘peace through power’ or something like that. It was crazy!” Spike said, curious about the evacuation announcement turned rally.

“Well, the humans’ leader, Confessor Andric, he gave a speech that, well… He’s quite the public speaker, I’ll just say.” Twilight answered. The seven of them were settled in Twilight’s bedroom on the upper floor of the library, downstairs being crowded with refugees and their families.

“He must be. I mean, the refugees staying here in the library left for the meeting all doom and gloom and came back with the biggest smiles I’ve ever seen them with.” Spike noted.

“Indeed. Well, it certainly is a rather nice change of pace to see everypony so spirited. I think I’ve seen enough despaired looks for my lifetime.” Rarity said, manipulating a brush with her magic to comb her mane.

Applejack nodded, “You said it.”

A silence overcame them as they contemplated all that had happened in the last few hours. “So, humans, huh? I bet Lyra’s having a field day rubbing it in everypony’s faces.” Spike said with a laugh, the others joining him.

“Heh, yeah. But it is pretty amazing, what with humans being real and all.” Rainbow remarked.

“I know. I mean, I’ve read what Star Swirl the Bearded wrote about encountering humans during his inter-dimensional travels, but even I thought it was pretty farfetched. Now, not so much.” Twilight admitted, fiddling with her mane in mock embarrassment.

“You know what they say! Life is just full of surprises!” Pinkie said as she put a foreleg around Twilight.

“So, this Brotherhood of Nod… They seem like good guys, helping us like this.” Spike commented.

“I think so.” Fluttershy agreed.

“So what are they, exactly? Some kind of religious order of knights or warrior monks or something?” Spike asked.

Twilight put a hoof to her chin. “Huh, you know I didn’t ask the confessor what they were exactly.” she admitted.

“I’d bet that they’re some kind of religious order. He did say they were founded by a prophet. And his title, ‘confessor,’ sounds like a religious one to me. Maybe some kind of weird priest?” Rainbow suggested.

“Ah’d buy that for a bit.” Applejack agreed, straightening her hat.

The sounds of gunfire and explosions suddenly cut into the air, making all of them jump slightly in surprise. Looking out the window, they could see bright flashes to the east. “Seems like the fighting’s started.” Rainbow said, earning nods of agreement from the others.

“I hope it’ll be alright.” Fluttershy murmured.

Rarity placed a hoof on her shoulder. “I’m sure it will be, dear. Why, with the Royal Guard and these humans working in concert with each other, I’m sure they’ll be able to push the demons back in no time at all.” she assured her.

Applejack casted an unsure look at her, “Ah’ sure hope so, Rarity.”

Another explosion sounded from the east, making them cringe.

Low Flight was getting agitated. He had been standing at the ready for nearly three hours and was starting to feel its effects. Just as he was about to drop his ready posture and lean against the wall of the trench, one of the infantrymen suddenly called out, “Movement downrange!”

He looked out to where the infantryman was pointing and saw a very tall figure, even taller than the humans. Standing an impressive nine feet in height, the figure had the body of a minotaur, laden with muscles, though instead of skin and fur, it was covered with grey scaly skin from head to hooves. Its head was its most noticeable aspect, shaped more similarly to that of a human’s than a bull’s. Along the crown of its head were four elongated horns, two on each side. Gripped in its claw was a giant claymore sword wreathed in flames.

The creature reared back, releasing a piercing shriek that was clearly heard even from the trenches. As if on cue, hordes of dissimilar creatures thundered out from between the trees, charging straight at the combined force of ponies and humans. “Husk Hooves!” called a Guard.

Hefting his spear and shield, Low Flight set himself for the fight. “Ready up!” he shouted, causing all Guards to ready themselves, pegasi and earth ponies readying their weapons while unicorns warmed up their horns. The humans in the meanwhile aimed their weapons at the approaching wave of demons. As they got closer, the pony and human defenders could make out the demons’ individual appearance. Pony in form, their bodies were heavily decayed, flesh putrid and rotting with chunks missing, exposing bone. Some were without eyes, only having rotted sockets, but were still able to sense life and rushed towards it with intent to snuff it out. Clad in rusted armor of antiquity and wielding hoof weapons of sinister aesthetic, they were a terrible sight to behold.

“Engaging!” shouted the ranking infantryman. At the call, the eastern line was lit up with the muzzle flashes of the humans’ weapons, the cracks and rattle of rifles and machine guns filling the air. Guard unicorns began unleashing volleys of magic bolts, casting their deadly spells as fast as they could while their non-unicorn fellows armed with crossbows released hails of bolts upon the charging demons. The Husk Hooves at the forefront of the charge were felled from the combination of gunfire, magic, and crossbow bolts, their redead corpses tumbling forward and tripping the ones immediately behind them.

The tanks and IFVs positioned between the trenches began making motion, their turrets whirring to life as they sighted down the approaching wave of undead pony warriors. Their guns suddenly erupted in a thunderous blaze of fire and smoke, unleashing their high explosive ordinance upon the Husk Hooves. Explosions lit up among the demons’ numbers, blowing apart those caught in the blasts, sending charred bits and pieces flying through the air. The vehicle fire continued, breaking apart the massive charge into separated, more manageable groups for the gunners in the trenches to handle.

As the foot soldiers and armored fighting vehicles continued a sustained fire upon the Husk Hooves, the laser and shredder turrets lined their mounted weapons at the advancing hordes and opened fire, capacitors discharging, raking them with bright red beams of intense light and heat, slicing through their armor setting their rotted flesh alight with fire while grapeshot canisters exploded among them, blasts of shrapnel shredding flesh and breaking apart bones.

Low Flight watched his Guard rangers and the Nod infantry and vehicles continue to fire, cutting down charging Husk Hooves by the dozens. He snorted, rolling his eyes in mock exasperation. “Save some for the rest of us.” he muttered.

Lightning Strike and his orderlies watched as the eastern line continued to rain sustained fire upon the demons. Though the constant gunfire, magic bolts, and explosions decimated the Husk Hooves immediate numbers, more stampeded from out the forest. He realized the situation would eventually become untenable, being overrun becoming a very real possibility.

Lightning Strike put a hoof to his headset, deciding to see if Alexander was aware of the developing situation before him. “Confessor, you hear me?” he asked, earning perplexed looks from his orderlies.

“Yes. What’s going on?” Alexander responded.

“The demons are getting a bit too close for comfort. They’ll be hitting our lines if this keeps up.” he said, eyeing the charging demons gradually close the distance between themselves and the eastern line with increasing anxiety.

“I’ve noticed.”

He suppressed a groan at the confessor’s nonchalant response, “Not that I doubt my Guards’ mettle to meet them head on, but if you’ve got anything to stem this tide, that’d be great.”

“Look up.” came Alexander’s simple response.

Doing so, Lightning Strike witnessed the Hinds zoom by, puffs of smoke and fire erupting from their stubby wings as they unleashed a hail of rockets and missiles upon the demons. A series of explosions resounded from across the stretch of land between the eastern line and the forest’s edge. Looking out at the battlefield, he saw the Hinds beginning to circle high above the demons’ ranks like massive mechanical vultures, their compliment of unicorns raining down explosive magic bolts on the enemy.

“That should hold them for a while until the artillery battery is up.” Alexander said.

Lightning Strike almost did not hear him, being enraptured by the combined firepower of the Hinds and their unicorn bombardiers. “Yeah… They- Wait, ‘artillery battery?’ What?” he asked, unfamiliar with the term.

“The big guns, lieutenant.” Alexander replied.

‘Big… guns?’ he thought perplexed, wondering just how far the scale of escalation went regarding his human allies’ weapons.

Alexander watched from the UAV’s video feed as the demons steadily gained ground towards the eastern line despite the sustained fire bared down upon them. He leaned forward onto the table, clasping his hands in front of his mouth.

“(Those demons are getting awfully close to our lines, don’t you think?)”

“Indeed they are.” he replied to Hiss’ observation. Leaning back in his chair, Alexander contemplated the developing situation before him. Though not an immediate issue, the sustained enemy charge would eventually reach their lines, a very dangerous proposition for a number of reasons.

“God dammit… It’s like for every one we kill, ten more take its place. These numbers won’t work with our current arsenal.” he muttered.

“(Likely not.)”

Alexander became deathly still, trying to brainstorm a solution to the current problem, ‘A simple, ‘holding the line’ tactic won’t cut it in the long term. We’re going to need some fire support assets. We don’t have enough to field some airpower just yet, so…’ He thought of something.


“Just what I was thinking.” he said as he returned to the command program’s interface, pulling up the weapons factory’s control panel. He placed a build order for five M110 self-propelled howitzers and set their rally point at a spot near the town. ‘Hope they don’t mind the noise…’ he thought with a smirk. As the howitzers began production, he set the Hinds on an attack run against the demons with the hope of slowing their advance, arranging for a few strafes with their compliment of unicorns.

“(So you’re going with M110s? Kind of dated, aren’t they?)”

He sighed, “They are, but the newer ones would hit our pocketbooks a bit too hard at the moment. Besides, they still get the job done.”

“(Fair enough. This’ll certainly be fun to watch. From what I’ve seen, these demons aren’t that bright. I wouldn’t put it past them to charge headfirst into an artillery barrage.)”

Alexander chuckled at that, “Heh, yeah. Or fire, for that matter.” A thought occurred to him, ‘Fire, fire…’

A devious and slightly maniacal grin formed on his face. Hiss took notice, “(Uh oh. I know that look.)”

He only laughed.

“We’re going to make a pass! Get a volley ready!” the pilot announced through the helicopter’s loudspeakers. The six Guard unicorns in response readied their horns, a glowing magical aura emitting from each one. Outside the open doors, they could see the two other Hinds and their fellow unicorns, their horns also at the ready.

Approaching the eastern line, the Hinds fired their payload of rockets and missiles in a single massive volley, the backblast from their rocket pods and missile tubes earning more than a few surprised yelps from their unicorn passengers. “Alright, we’re circling them! Unleash a righteous fury, brothers!” yelled the pilot.

Fired up at the pilot’s words, they edged towards the open doors and lowered their heads, aiming their horns at the teeming mass of demons below. The ranking Guard among them readied his own horn and gave the order to begin the attack, “FIRE!”. As one, they released a volley of their strongest explosive magic bolts. The satisfying sounds of a multitude of explosions and the death cries and gurgles of many a Husk Hooves reached their ears, indicating that they hit their marks.

As they readied another volley, the helicopter suddenly lurched to the side, the clang of something big and heavy throwing itself against its fuselage resounding. “What the!?” cried a Guard as he stumbled, nearly falling out of the open door. The cause of the violent movement appeared just outside the door, clinging to the side of the helicopter. It was a beast in the form of a leopard, but with four heads and wings. It used a free foreleg to claw at the unicorns as its four heads roared and snapped at them.

“Shifter!” a Guard shouted. At once, all had unsheathed their weapons, three driving their spears into the beast’s exposed underbelly as another stabbed at it with his sword.

“What the hell’s going on back there!?” the pilot shouted as he tried to stabilize the helicopter.

“A Shifter! It’s trying to get in!” a Guard shouted back.

“Get it off us!”

“We’re trying!”

The beast swiped at one of the Guards holding a spear into it and connected, its claws cleaving through his armor and slashing him. “Gargh!” he cried in pain as he stumbled back, a fellow Guard catching him.

“Oh, buck this!” another yelled as he took hold of his injured comrade’s spear and yanked it out of the beast’s body, the spear dripping with its blood. With a mighty roar of his own, he drove the spear into the beast’s inner thigh, producing a pained and rage-filled roar from it. Spinning on his forelegs, he delivered a powerful buck to the beast’s chest as it was distracted with its latest wound, sending it tumbling down towards the ground. A satisfied smirk appeared on his features as his two now sword-less and spear-less comrades gave him annoyed looks.

“Could you at least have waited until I got my sword out of that thing?” he asked.

“And my spear…” the wounded Guard wheezed.

“Celestia’s Sun! We’re just annihilating them!” Thunder exclaimed over the roaring gunfire and explosions. He peeked over the top of the trench at the exceedingly one-sided bloodbath before ducking just in time as a rotted hind leg nearly hit him in the face as it flew overhead.

“You said it! Ha, ha! Back to the pits of Tartarus with you, you filthy things!” Flash taunted the demons, jesting at them with his spear.

“Yeah! Run to your-“ Thunder was cut off as a magical blast erupted just in front of their trench, causing the two and those around them to duck down. “The buck!?” he shouted. He was answered with several more explosions in front of and behind the trench, throwing up large amounts of dirt.

“There! Three hundred fifty meters to the left!” yelled an infantryman as he looked through the scope of his rifle. Looking to where the infantryman indicated, the two saw a circle of Husk Hooves clad in black robes, a dark light emitting from their heads.

“Dammit! Conjurers! They’re hitting us from afar!” Low Flight yelled, crouching down as another magical blast exploded in front of the trench. A series of explosions rocked the next trench over, a number of pained cries and screams following afterwards.

“Shit! We’ve got to get some fire on those things! Hold on!” the infantryman yelled over the explosions. He crouched down and put a hand to his helmet’s radio, “Command! We’re taking heavy fire from some undead pony mages! They’ve set up position a ways away from the eastern line and are lobbing explosive projectile at us! We need support!”

“Affirmative. Give us a moment.” A pause, “Alright, we’ve posted the snipers on them and any more that appear. Confirm they’re running around in darkly-colored robes?”


“Copy. Hang tight. Out.”

The infantryman looked at his trench fellows and told them the news, “Alright! Our sniper teams are on it!”

“Sniper teams?” Flash parroted.

Before the infantryman could answer him, a number of shots rang out from the taller buildings in Ponyville. At that instance, the demons’ magical bombardment ceased. They all looked over to where the conjurers had been firing at them and saw them all drop to the ground, their heads missing. “How’d that happen?” Thunder asked, astonished at the conjurers’ sudden redeath.

“The magic of intensive marksmanship training! Recommencing firing!” the infantryman yelled as he raised his rifle and resumed firing.

“All sniper teams. BOL for hostiles wearing robes as opposed to armor. These are priority targets. Take them out ASAP.”

“Acknowledged, command.” spoke the spotter. He and his partner had holed up at the top of an old clock tower in Ponyville’s marketplace. He turned to the sniper, “You got all that?”

“Yeah.” the sniper replied. He shifted his rifle to the left, “Got eyes on some now.”

The spotter brought his spotting scope up, looking in the direction his partner was looking. “Oh, yeah, I seem them. Damn, they’re wreaking hell on our lines. Pop ‘em.” he ordered.

“Roger.” The sniper said. Under his breath, he whispered, “By the Spirithand of Kane, let my aim be true and these bullets find their marks.”

He held his breath, steadied his hand, and pulled the trigger five times.

Five shots rang out. Five conjurors were now without their heads.

“Ha! I told you prayer works.” he said to his spotter, smugness evident in his filtered voice.

The spotter rolled his eyes, the action going unseen due to his faceplate, “Whatever. Then pray harder and shoot faster.”

The sniper only chuckled at his partner’s exasperation as he resumed firing, the sharp cracks of his rifle causing more than a few ponies below in the marketplace to nearly jump out of their skins, much to the team’s amusement.

Another magical blast exploded right on top of the trench as a new group of Conjurors renewed bombarding the eastern line. Pony and human medics maneuvered between the eastern line’s foxholes and trenches, pulling their wounded comrades to the rear. “Those conjurors are killing us!” Flash shouted, ducking as another of the conjurors’ explosive bolts struck the trench.

“They must be covering the advance!” Thunder said. Just as he said that, he was pounced by something, knocking him to the ground. His attacker was a beast taking the shape of a winged lion, ferocious and swift. He grabbed its throat, holding back its salivating mouth from mauling him and caught its paw in mid-swing with his other hoof, saving his face from some new scars. “Get this bucking thing off me!” he shouted as he grappled with the beast. At once Low Flight drove his spear through the beast’s neck as Flash reared back his hind legs and bucked the beast off his friend, throwing it a few feet away. Landing on its back, it thrashed wildly, trying to get upright. Low Flight walked up to its thrashing form and twirled his spear in his hoof, the spearhead pointed towards the ground. Gripping it with both hooves, he raised his spear up and brought it down on the beast’s throat, eliciting a gurgle and spurts of blood.

“You alright?” Low Flight asked as he walked over and pulled Thunder to his hooves.

“Yeah, thanks.” he wheezed, winded from the close encounter with the beast.

“Enemy’s closing!” an infantryman called out. They all looked out at the battlefield to see the Husk Hooves as well as dozens of beasts and taller horned humanoid creatures closing in on the eastern line. One of the horned humanoids began sprinting towards the trench, a flaming spear reared back in its right claw. As it got closer, its lack of facial features became apparent, folds of skin occupying where the eyes and mouth would have been. It released a screech despite its lack of a mouth and lunged at them.

Just as they raised their shields to fend off the attacking humanoid, a javelin whistled through the air and struck it in its chest with great power, sending it flying back. They turned around to see Lightning Strike jump down into their trench, readying another javelin. Dozens of their fellow Guards followed his lead, taking up positions along the eastern line. Flash let out an impressed whistle, “Dang! Nice shot, LT!”

“Years of practice. You boys alright?” Lightning Strike asked, his eyes set on the battlefield before him.

“For the moment, sir. Conjurors are hitting us hard and the other demons are just about on top of us. We-” Low Flight stopped, his ears perking up at something. A galloping and the clanking of rusted armor caught his attention. Without warning he spun around and stabbed his spear into the air, catching a Husk Hoof in its belly just as it leapt into the trench. With a swing he flung the corpse back onto the field. “Correction. They’re on top of us.” he said.

“So it would seem.” Lightning Strike muttered. He closed his eyes for a moment, deciding on something. Opening them, he looked at Low Flight and his subordinates, “Spears, swords, and shields at the ready, gentlecolts. We’re going over.”

Receiving nods of affirmation, he sucked in a deep breath and bellowed the order, “MELEE! UP AND OVER!” At the call, all Guards armed with hoof weapons and shields leapt out of their trenches. Going a short distance away from the foxholes and trenches, they set themselves up in a phalanx line formation, creating a wall of spears and shields as they braced themselves for the clash. In a brief moment, a line of charging demons collided with them, initiating the melee.

Alexander looked over the battlefield, seeing some demons reaching the eastern line. Though relatively few in number, they provided enough of a distraction to allow the others to close in. He saw the Guards armed with hand weapons leap out of their trenches and form a defensive line. They clashed with the demons, holding them back as gunners in the trenches repositioned themselves to the foxholes.

“(Now that's a grand old melee. Real, Grade-A Classical Greek drama material.)”

“All the better for its brevity. The artillery pieces are just about ready, and then we can hopefully put this fight to bed.” Alexander responded to Hiss' observation, eyeing the clashing lines.


A soldier called out to him, gaining his attention, “Sir! Snipers’ are reporting a contact emerging from the forest. And they’re saying it’s REAL big.”

Troubled at the notion of something of significant size entering the battlefield on the enemy’s side, he panned his view over to the edge of the forest and caught sight of something VERY big and VERY mean-looking crash through the trees, splintering them into toothpicks.

"(Oh my…)"

Alexander could only agree, “Oh my…”