• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 1,742 Views, 156 Comments

My Little Haunted Mansion - Everyday We Shufflin

Twilight and the gang go to investigate why there is a dent between the human world and their world.

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When Hinges Creek In Doorless Chambers

Author's Note:

I know I haven't updated this in a while, but a new chapter is out now.

My Little haunted Mansion

Chapter 2:
When Hinges creak In
Doorless chambers

Twilight Sparkle was trotting back and forth. Her five friends were all standing in a straight line next to her. “Alright girls!” She started “We need to find where this human world is, and close the portal.”

“But how?” Fluttershy asked.

“We...” The lavender unicorn said but then stopped dead in her tracks. “I don’t know.”

A voice came from behind Twilight, “Maybe I can help.”

They all looked to see who it was. “Princess Luna?” Twilight asked trotting up to her, “I got your message.”

“I can see that.” Luna said.

“What’re you doin here?” Applejack asked.

Luna answered, “I have come to eat all your food while you are gone- what do you think I’m doing genius?”

“Oh.” Applejacks ears flopped down as she lowered her head in embarrassment.

"I have come to help you on your journey." Luna said.

"What is a human?" Twilight asked. "Is it some sort of a dangerous creature?"

Luna hesitated to answer a little, but spoke anyways, "A human is like a dragon. Minus the fire breathing, tail, scales, and it isn't a hundred feet tall. You will see them soon anyways."

"What do we do when we get there?"

"Stop whatever is making this happen."

"Is this going to take much longer? My hooves are aching." The white unicorn asked as they all walked through the everfree forest.

"What do you think?" Luna answered with a question.

They walked on for a little while.

"What do you think will happen when we find it?" Twilight asked.

Luna sighed, "I don't know. I thought we would just wing it. Maybe solve it as we go on. Adventure stuff."

"Wait a minute!" Twilight stopped with both an angry, and questioning face. "Why didn't you bring any guards along when we need them?"

"It was sudden. Not much time to think about that stuff."

A rustle in the bushes made all seven of them stop.

"Who is there?" Luna asks.

No answer.

"Show yourself!" She shouts.

Still no answer.

Luna walks over and looks in the bush and looks all around. "Nothing, lets keep moving."

A rustle in the trees above and something falls straight towards her.

Luna fires at it.

"Wagh!" The mysterious thing dodges it. "Friendly fire!"

"Applebloom?" Applejack asked shocked at what she was looking at. A yellow filly with a red mane with a pink bow in it. "What are you doing here?"

"Cutie Mark Crusader Portal Closers!" Applebloom and two other voices yell out.

Two other fillies fall out of the trees.

“Who are they?” Luna asked Applejack.

“Mah sister and her friends.” Applejack answered.

“Ah... What are they doing here?”

“Getting in a lot of trouble.”

“We wanted to see if we could close the portal and get our cutie marks.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Oh, I see.” Luna answered.

“You should really consider going back home.” Rarity trotted up to the fillies.

“If they go back home they wouldn’t make it.” Luna argued.

“It’s true. We fillies can’t handle the dangers of the woods alone.” Scootaloo said.

“Fine then. But stay close to us all.” Rarity gave in.

“Twilight.” Applejack started, “Can’t you just teleport them back home?”

“I could Applejack. If it meant I didn’t have to waste all of my energy.” Twilight said.

“Great.” Applejack grunted and turned to Luna, “Princess, you must have enough energy to teleport them back and keep on moving.”

“Nope, sorry.” Luna shrugged.


They kept on walking, striking up interesting conversations on their way. It was now night time.

“Hey Twilight, what would happen if I hit you out of boredom right now?” Rainbow asked.

“I would probably hit you back.” Twilight answered.

Luna stopped them all with magic.

“I have found where Equestria splits into the human world.” She said.

Right in front of them there was a glowing yellow line in front of them.

“What do you suppose it is?” Rarity asked.

“I don’t know.” Luna pondered. She reached out to touch it. It burned her hoof. “Holy sweet Ares that burns!!!” She shouted in serious pain, shaking her hoof.

“Are you OK princess?” Twilight asks running up to her.

Luna nodded, “Yes. It’s not like I don’t get burned every day.”

“What do you mean?”

“Let’s just say, my sister’s pranks can get out of hoof.”

“Ok, now what is this, and how do we close it?”

“I don’t know, I have never seen this before .”

They all stand there looking at the glowing line.

“Any other pony got any ideas?” Rainbow asked

“No.” They all replied.

“Well, I tried.” Rainbow shrugs.

Lightning struck the ground and thunder crashed through the skies.

A drop of water fell onto the ground. Now two. Now three. Now a ton of water was falling.

“Well that’s just great! What are we going to do now?” Rarity complained.

“I would suppose we find shelter.” Luna answered.

“But where?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“We could try going into there.” Pinkie Pie exclaimed pointing across the line, at a big old mansion.

Lightning strikes through the sky as they all look at it.

“Well, I don’t see any other options.” Applejack said.

“Let’s go” Luna added.

They all start to walk towards the house rain still falling on their heads

“This place look really creepy.” Twilight said.

“It does.” Luna replied.

The house was a yellowish white, and had three stories. And had four pillars in the front. It also had seven burned out lights and four windows on the bottom floor. And a balcony on the second. There was a fence and gate just out front of it. And a creepy pathway with dead leaves blowing across it. Adding to this, there was also dead trees scattered around it. It also had a few tombstones, which was very unnerving.

They all walked up to it, slowly. And made it to the gate.

“Should we knock?” Luna asked

“I guess so.” Twilight replied.

“No way!” Rainbow Dash yelled, “Nopony lives here so we should just go in there.”

“But what if somepony does live here? We can’t just walk in here.”

“Look at it Twilight, Nopony would ever live-”


The sounds of a gate opening startled everypony, some more then others however.

They all looked at it. Suspicious about what just happened.

“Uuuum.” Applejack started, “How did that happen?”

“It was probably just the wind.” Twilight suggested.

They all walk down the pathway to the giant house. Stepping up the steps that lead to the porch, which they get on. The door was rather large, and made of wood. It had some of the wood chipped off, but nothing too bad.

Twilight, soaking wet from the rain, walked up to the door and hit her hoof against it. She waited there for ten seconds, before knocking again. She spotted a door knocker, though different from the ones in Equestria, she used her magic to bring it up, and slam onto the door. It echoed through the house.

“I guess noponies home.” She shrugged. “We are going to have to break in then.”

Luna walked up and pushed Twilight to the side, “Step aside Twilight, I am one of two who are trained in the art of unlocking spells.”

Luna’s horn lit up. She stood there, concentrating for a few seconds, the door had made a couple sound before Luna had stopped.

“Done.” Luna then used her magic of the doorknob.

The door creaked open, leading into a room full of many interesting things. The room was rectangular and it looked as though it could fit about 18 ponies, it had a table with a lamp on it, a couple couches, and a mirror.

On the wall in front of them, there was a portrait of a creature. He had a rounder head then most ponies do, and had a flat muzzle. His nose was hanging down, as if it was dripping from his face, and had quite small eyes. His ears were quite small and weren’t on the top of his head. He was wearing a black coat, and a blue bowtie. He also had a black mane that was all done up, and went down past his ear. He also didn’t have any fur, and was tan.

“What is that thing?” Twilight asked.

“That, my dear Twilight.” Luna started and paused for a moment. “Is a human.”

“Good evening. I hadn’t heard you come in.” A deep cold voice said.

The ponies all jumped back. Startled by the voice. Looking around, they don’t see anyone.

“Show yourself!” Luna shouts.

“Now why would I do that?” It asked.

“Where are you?!”

“Welcome! Foolish ones. To the Haunted Mansion. I am your host. Your, Ghost Host.” He let out a small chuckle.

They all looked at the portrait.

“When hinges creek in doorless chambers. When strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls. Whenever candlelights flicker where the air is deathly still. That is the time, when ghosts are present! Practicing their terror, with ghoulish delight!” Their host said. While he said this, the human in the portrait started to change. He had began to loose hair, and then his skin got whiter, and more crooked. His hair changed to gray, and then started to just hang from the back of his head, his skin had left, and all that was there were bones, and torn cloths. He had decayed into a skeleton.

“Eep!” Fluttershy squeaked and hid behind Luna.

Part of the wall next to them began to open, and revealed a half wooden room. This one was rather round, but it had it’s fair share of corners, eight corners to be precise. It was brown for the bottom half of it, and had red, green, and white stripes for the top half that connected to the brown ceiling. Four large paintings hung from the walls of the top half. And gargoyles had been sitting, with lit candle sticks in their hands, on the top part of the brown of the wall.

“Kindly step all the way in please, and make room for everyone. There’s no turning back now.” The ghost host said.

One was of a human in a suit with a goatee, and no hair atop his head. He was wearing a black suite, with a white shirt under it.

Another was of another human. A young woman in a pink and white dress, with an umbrella in her hands. The others were of a man who had a top hat and sideburns, he had a suit on, and was also folding his arms. The last was of an elderly woman sitting on stone, holding up a rose.

“Here in this gallery you'll see paintings of some of our guests as they appeared in their corruptible, mortal state.” The Ghost Host said. “You're cadaverous pallor, betrays an aura of foreboding. Almost as though you sense a disquieting metamorphosis.” The ponies noticed something. The ceiling started moving upwards, revealing that the painting were not just what hey had appeared. “Is this haunted room actually stretching? Or is it just your imagination?” The ceiling had stopped and they could see the painting in their full form.

The painting of the human with the goatee has now been revealed to also be standing in red and white striped underwear, on a lit barrel of dynamite. The young woman had been standing on a tightrope above water with a crocodile jumping out with an open mouth at her. The man with the top hat wad been sitting on a man with a red vest and white moustaches shoulders who was sitting on another mans shoulders sinking into a sea of quicksand. And the old woman was sitting on a very high tombstone with the words ‘Rest In peace Dear Beloved George’ engraved in it, and also a stone head of a man, with an axe in it.

“And consider this dismaying observation. This chamber as no windows, and no doors. Which offers you this chilling challenge. TO FIND! A WAY OUT. Of course, there always my way.” The host spook.

Just then a lightning strike took out the power sending the room into darkness. Flashes of lightning revealed that the ceiling wasn't there, instead they were looking into the attic of the mansion. And on the top part of the ceiling was a hanging human skeleton.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” They all screamed. Or at least that what it would look like if more than one pony screamed.

When the lights turned on, everypony was missing. Except for Twilight.

“Hey where did everypony go?” Twilight asked to herself.

“Oh, I didn’t mean to frighten you prematurely. The real chills come later. Now as they say ‘look alive’ and we’ll continue our little tour.”

“Where did my friends go?!” Twilight yelled at her host.

“Don’t worry. We’ll come across them. Eventually.” The Ghost Host reassured her.

“So. How exactly did this help?” Twilight asked.

Twilight turned around and noticed a wall behind her had opened up into a dark hallway. She then walks towards it, slowly.

Luna had woken up by the sound of thunder. She looked around where she was. One minute, she was in a haunted gallery. The next in a completely different part of the mansion. What had just happened? She saw books. Lots of them. She was in a library.

She got onto her hooves, continuing to look around the room. There was a table, and marble busts on the book shelves. All staring at her. She walked over to the book shelves and checked out them.

From what she could tell, all of them ghosts stories.

One book in particular caught her eye, “History Of The Mansion?” Luna read aloud, taking it off the bookshelf and opening it. It was a fairly big book. It was also very old and had dust covering most of it.

Rarity had woken up. She couldn't see where she was at. It was someplace dark, that was for sure.

She lit up the place with her horn. She was in a box. She looked around. No way of escape from the looks of it. However, once she looked behind herself she found something frightening.

A skull of a human. She realized then that this was no ordinary box. This was a coffin.

She screamed and pushed against the top. The top had been nailed down. Thankfully, she tore off a bit of the nails towards the front and she started yelling, “Let me out of here! C’mon let me out! I want out! Let me out!” She continued to struggle and scream, trying to open it.

End Of Chapter 2

Comments ( 2 )

I don't think I will be able to go past that coffin scene again without thinking about this story. Also it is Disquieting metamorphosis, not just quieting.

4745558 I didn't write that part. It was Zombiehunter4579 who wrote that part, I was doing something with a friend at that time. I'll fix it. Aside from that, thank you for your comment.

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