• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 8,551 Views, 517 Comments

Upon a Falling Feather - ezra09

Skypirates Rarity and Pinkie Pie abduct Twilight. Daring Dash and Fluttershy must save the day!

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Into the Storm Our Heroes Flee

The front door of the room burst open, wooden frame cracking from the impact. Crystal Guardponies poured in, led by Captain Sapphire Shield.

“What is the meaning of this?” Shining Armor demanded, coming to his hooves.

Sapphire Shield scowled. “By order of Lord Agate of Emerald Hollow, you are all under arrest.”

“On what charges?”

“Attacking Princess Cadence.”

“The princess was attacked?” Shining’s anger vanished, leaving only genuine concern. “Wait, you think I did it?”

“She personally named you as her attacker.”

“That’s not possible. I’ve been here all night.”

“Uh, Shimmers, not to butt in,” Rainbow Dash said, moving between him and the guards, “but I don’t think they’re going to take your word over the word of their sovereign.” She turned toward Sapphire Shield. “Of course, if he’s the one who attacked the princess, the rest of us are free to go, right?”

“You are all under arrest,” Sapphire Shield repeated.

“Of course,” Rainbow Dash said, ears going flat. “Well, I think you’re forgetting three very important things. One, this room has a balcony. Two, half of us have wings. Three, we have a minotaur. Iron Will!” Dash had barely finished talking when several heavy pieces of furniture from the back of the room flipped over her head and toward the guards. The ranks of the crystal ponies broke as they flinched back from a long wooden table, and three of the guards found themselves buried under a bed.

“Back here, all of you!” Dash ordered. “Shining, give us some protection.” Shining’s horn flared as a wall of purple light formed between them and the Crystal Guard.”

“What are you doing?” Shining demanded as they reached the back of the room and filed out into the balcony.

“Escaping,” Dash said. “Trust me, it’s easier to clear your name if you aren’t sitting in prison.

“Assuming you’re innocent in the first place,” Iron will added.

Dash chuckled. “Remember Manehatten? Anyway, anyone who can’t fly, team up with a pegasus.”

Dash hopped up and grabbed Shining without any further debate. “Hey, crystal ponies! This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost—”

“Just go!” Iron Will shouted, flipping them over the balcony railing. He jumped over after them, catching the other side and beginning his own climb down. Braeburn yelped in surprise as Daring grabbed him and made her way over the railing.

“Get Twilight,” Applejack said before picking Spike up by the spine on his neck, flipping him onto her back, and jumping onto the railing. With earth pony strength and agility, she hopped from balcony to ledge, quickly climbing down from tower.

Shining’s magical shield wavered and failed. The crystal guard rushed forward, but were too slow.

“I’m sorry,” Fluttershy squeaked, grabbing Twilight and pulling her over the rail. Twilight managed to keep from screaming as they plummeted. Fluttershy struggled to slow their fall, but the ground rushed toward them too quickly. In the last moments, another pair of hooves grabbed Twilight, and they slowed to a safer speed.

“Alright, we need to find a place to hide,” Dash said. “And we need to find my crew. They’re at the Aqua Marie Inn.”

“We know where that is,” Braeburn said. “We’ve been staying there a couple days.

“We should go back,” Shining said. “This is obviously a mistake. Running away is just going to make us look guilty.”

“Oh, I’m sure you can get out of it if you just explain, right. That wasn’t me that attacked you, your highness. It was my evil twin.” Rainbow paused. “You don’t actually have an evil twin, do you?”

Shining shook his head and she continued. “It sounds like you were set up. Going back now is just going to land you in prison. Now lets get out of here before the guards catch up. We’re just lucky there don’t seem to be any crystal pegasi or unicorns.”

Rainbow Dash started off into the grounds, away from the tower. The rest wordlessly followed her lead.


The rain started shortly after midnight. Pinkie Pie and Trixie moved away from the window with their blankets, trying to stay dry, but Rarity remained vigilant, waiting for some signal. It wasn’t much longer before Big MacIntosh returned. At his side was a smaller tan stallion. Big Mac introduced him as Braeburn, and he even tipped his hat like a proper gentlepony.

“There was some trouble up at the castle,” Big Mac said once the introductions were out of the way. “Braeburn went up to meet everypony, but then they got chased off by the guards and almost got themselves arrested.”

“And perhaps now you’ll tell me who these friends are?” Rarity asked.


“Very well, I will trust you know what you’re doing. Is there a new plan?”


“You see, Miss Rarity,” Braeburn said, “there was this witch that predicted this would happen. Kind of.”

“Uhuh,” Rarity said, skepticism growing every second.

“It’s a long story, but she predicted you and your friends would be locked up like this, and that we’d have to escape the city on a Falling Feather. It wasn’t until I met up with Big MacIntosh here that I knew what that meant.”

“So you plan on breaking us out and stealing my ship,” Rarity said. “I still fail to see how that will actually get us out of our cell.”

“Guards are comin’,” Big MacIntosh said.

“Oh, right,” Braeburn said, looking over his shoulder. “The plan is the same as before, we just needed to tell you that it’ll take us more time to set up.” The turned away.

“Wait, Big Mac never told us the plan?”

“Oh. Just tie the ropes to the bars. Tight as you can.” The two stallions disappeared into the storm.

“Wait? What ropes? Why can’t anypony just give me a straight answer?” Rarity shouted uselessly.

“Maybe they’re trying to build tension,” Pinkie suggested.

“Oh don’t start that again.”


The two guards turned and began making their way aft. The deck of the captured pirate ship was silent. The other pair could barely be seen through the rain, making their own rounds.

One of the guards paused to stretch, closing his eyes as he leaned backwards. Something whistled past him. There was a heavy impact, and when he opened his eyes, he was alone. “Granite? Granite, where’d you go?”

Something shifted to his left. A flash of light hit him, and he found himself spinning through the air and over the side of the ship. He hit the ground below and blacked out.

At the same time, there was a silent scuffle a hundred feet away and two more ponies were thrown overboard. Shining Armor winced at the thuds coming from beneath them.

“Let’s get moving before they get up and sound an alarm,” Dash whispered. “Fluttershy, signal the crew.”

“Yes, Captain.”

“Dash, are you sure this is a good idea? It would have been a lot easier to just sneak out of the city.”

Dash held up a hoof to silence him. “I told you already, I’m not leaving this city without a ship.”

“And I’m sure you’re not planning on coming back to steal the Wake as soon as she’s repaired?”

“That’s beside the point. Anyway, those new ponies, uh what were their names?”

“Daring Do and Braeburn.”

“Yeah, them. They agree that we need a ship for whatever crazy plans you guys have next.” Lightning flashed high above, and thunder rolled in a few seconds later. “Besides, nopony will be crazy enough to follow us through that.”

“For good reason,” Shining said, eyeing the worsening storm wearily.

“Captain,” Fluttershy said, coming to land beside them, unsteady in the wind and rain. “Everypony is taking the places. Flim and Flam are ready to fire up the engines, and Iron Will has his team ready to cast off.”

“Good, then do it,” Dash ordered. “Let’s get out of this city.”

“Actually, Captain Dash?” They turned to see Braeburn.

“You’re back. We were afraid you weren’t going to make it.”

Braeburn nodded. “There’s actually one more thing we need, and we need to fly over the city to do it.”

“Fly over the city? Are you crazy?” Shining asked. “The second we take off, they’re going to figure out what’s happening.”

“Why do we need to fly over?” Dash asked.

Braeburn shifted nervously. Daring had insisted that he and Big MacIntosh keep quiet about the need to rescue the pirates, given their history with each other. Finally, he decided to go with the truth, but leave their names out of it. He winced once the explanation was out of his mouth, sure that he’d failed.


“Dash, you can’t be serious,” Shining said.

“You can’t seriously think I would pass a chance like this up!”

“You know nothing about these ponies! We’re just going to free a couple of criminals on a whim?”

“You didn’t seem to mind when it was your flank on the line, Captain Fugitive,” Dash said, waving her hoof to give the order to take off.

“But I’m actually innocent.”

“Shining, this may be a different ship, but it’s still my crew, and I’m still the captain. This is happening.”

“But why?”

“Because I’ve always wanted to try this.”


Rarity waited as the storm raged on outside her window and the early morning hours slipped by. She was cold and hungry, but refused to move away and risk missing anything that might happen. Pinke had wrapped a blanket around her shoulder, but it had only lasted a few minutes before being soaked in cold rainwater.

Finally, just as she was beginning to feel that Big MacIntosh and his mysterious friends had failed, there was a faint thump outside the window. She leaned closer to investigate. A thin, dark shape hung in front of her, stretching out of view above her. A moment later another rope joined the first, the end hitting the mud with a soft thud.

“Oh,” she said softly. Her magic hadn’t been strong enough to break through the prison walls, but she could certainly raise the heavy rope up to the window and tie it into a sturdy knot. A third rope fell as she was working on the second knot, and before long there were six evenly spaced ropes tied to the prison bars. Once the knots were tied, she used as much of her magic as she could to strengthen them. The ropes were thick and strong, and unlikely to snap. The only real danger was that they would slip.

The ropes pulled taught and shifted, angling away from the prison wall. The bars began to creak as the strain increased.

“Is that really going to work?” Pinkie asked.

“I don’t know,” Rarity answered. “The rope is certainly strong enough, but the bars are sturdy themselves.” The entire wall creaked and whined. Small cracks appeared around the base of the bars. “At this rate, it seems likely the wall will...” Rarity’s eyes went wide and she grabbed her cellmates, dragging them across the room. With a sudden screeching noise the stone wall fell outward, tearing itself to pieces as the window came out in a single solid mass.

“Come on,” Rarity ordered as the rain cleared the stone dust. The three ponies charged through the opening and grabbed onto the ropes trailing the dark shape above. The airship began to climb, pulling them away from the ground with frightening speed.

An explosion tore through the sky above them. A shudder went through the ropes and Rarity almost slipped. Another shock wave rippled through the ship. Lightning flashed above them, illuminating half a dozen dark shapes surrounding their own ship.

The Feather’s cannons roared, spitting fire and metal into the sky as it climbed.

“What are they thinking?” Rarity called above the fierce winds that tore at her and her companions. “There’s no way they’ll be able to escape. Not unless...” she gasped and began pulling herself higher. “Climb!”

Pinkie Pie and Trixie obeyed, struggling to ascend the wet rope. They’d made it halfway up when the ship began to fall. Rarity had a feeling of weightlessness in the pit of her stomach for half a second, and then gravity caught up. Rarity’s scream, a mixture of fear and adrenaline, was lost in the roaring wind. The Feather fell for only a few seconds before its engines screamed with life again. The magical pressure as it tried to catch itself was a tangible feeling at the base of Rarity’s horn.

The Feather tilted forward as it fell, converting the momentum into forward movement. It leveled off only a few hundred feet above the roofs of Emerald Hollow and shot out from under its pursuers into the storm, three terrified ponies clinging for their lives below.