• Published 30th Oct 2012
  • 7,860 Views, 151 Comments

The Wizard and the Lonely Princess: Hallowe'en Special - Harry Leferts

[i]When I was younger, Luna, and later Nightmare, told me that there things that lurked...[/i]

  • ...

Chapter 4

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is the property of JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking
"Interesting..."- Nightmare Moon speaking.
'Huh'- Normal Thoughts.
'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts

Harry struggled as he tried to break free of the grip on him as a hand clapped itself over his mouth which caused his shouts to become muffled. Meanwhile, he was dragged farther into the closet. His assaulter suddenly decided to talk as the heavily accented voice of a young woman whispered into his ear. "Calm down little one. I am not going to hurt you."

As he calmed down some, partially from the knowledge that it wasn't the monster and partially due to the arrival (and subsequent growl) of Luna. As the hand was retracted, he turned partially toward the person in the closet with him and blinked as he found that he could barely see her. "Who-"

He was cut off once more as she shoved his face into her chest and held him there as his face burned and Luna's body shook in anger (Nightmare being too squashed to do anything). "Shh! Be silent little one, the Guardian is close." Harry's continued struggle ceased a moment later as he heard heavy footsteps as they approached the door. Then there was the sounds of sniffing, much like a dog, though far larger. Frightened beyond all belief, Harry threw his arms around the person who held him as she ran her fingers through his hair in a comforting gesture. Finally, it stopped before it moved away from the door and left. She then loosened her hold on him. "There we go little one, it is gone."

Harry just nodded as she took a step back the best that she could in the cramped space. Harry slowly moved to the door and opened it before he stepped out into the hall. He was followed seconds later by the young woman who was covered from head to toe in heavy clothing, with only her face shown. Still nervous, Harry gave her a smile nonetheless. "Thank you…" He then blinked. "Um… sorry, but I don't know your name…"

The girl just lightly laughed as she clicked a flashlight on, which revealed her dark complexioned face fully as her lips turned upwards in a large smile. "My name is Amakirah, little one. Yours?"

Harry smiled more fully as he felt more of his nervousness leave as he stuck out a hand. "My name's Harry." As she shook his hand, he noted with some puzzlement that it felt like she had on another pair of gloves beneath the visible ones. "You got quite a lot of clothes on, don't you…" Realizing how that sounded, he groaned and held his face in his hands as Luna facehoofed (as Nightmare fought the urge to do the same) and Amakirah laughed once more. "That came out wrong, I didn't mean it like that…"

Amakirah just waved him off as she got her laughter under control. "I know that you did not Harry." She then smiled. "This place is just far colder then my homeland, little one. Even on those hottest of days, it simply cannot compare to where I had lived as a child."

Having seen the look of longing that filled her face, Harry slipped his hand into hers and squeezed. "You miss it, don't you?"

Amakirah sadly smiled. "I do." She then frowned as the teenage girl bent down to his level. "However, it is best if we leave this place. The Guardian may yet return and there are others to avoid as well."

Harry shivered some at the reminder of why he had entered the mansion in the first place. The two then started to walk as Luna floated beside them as she glared at Amakirah suspiciously. After a few minutes, Harry looked at the female teenager. "Amakirah?" Once she nodded, he continued. "Do you know what was chasing me? You called it 'The Guardian'."

As she became thoughtful, Luna whispered in Harry's ear. "Harry, when you can, ask her what she is even doing here."

He tilted his head a little to let her know he understood as Amakirah smiled sadly. "It is a very sad tale of familial love. Do you still wish to hear it?" Harry nodded. "I call it a Guardian for that is its duty." After taking a breath, she continued. "Many centuries ago in Ancient Egypt, there lived a girl with whom I share blood. She was said to have been very beautiful. And she was much beloved by her father, an High Priest. He adored her for she was one of the few who did not recoil in fear from him. But… when she was a young woman, tragedy struck. An enemy of the High Priest placed a poisonous serpent into the household, hoping to slay her father. But instead, the daughter was the one struck down. Her father grieved long and hard for his loss. The Pharaoh, who was a friend of the father from their boyhood's, had an lavish tomb constructed for her as the father took care of her mummification personally. Laying charms and protections into every fold of her wrappings."

Harry squeezed her hand once more as he could tell that the tale affected her as he had caught sight of some tears. "I feel so bad for them both. Neither deserved what happened."

She just nodded with a slight smile. "Thank you little one. It is, as I said, a sad tale. It has been passed down my family for generations." A sigh then escaped her. "But there is more." She then shook her head. "After she had been entombed, her father wept in grief and howled in anguish at the entrance to her resting place. He screamed at the skies asking why she had been so cruelly taken from him." Amakirah then looked down at Harry. "And then one of the gods appeared before him. So great was his grief that they had felt it and shared it with him. But as even they could not return those who had died, they instead gave him a promise. If he agreed, they would entrust a Guardian to watch over her tomb."

Harry frowned as the gears in his head turned. "But then why…" His eyes widened as his face paled, Luna's doing the same beside him as she reached the same inescapable conclusion. "She's here…"

Amakirah nodded. "Yes." She then scowled. "There was a member of my family who was greedy and scoffed at the old tales. He had told a rich English man about the tomb and brought him to its location. The men then desecrated it when they dug it up by carting off all within it and bringing what was there to this very house as if they were simply curiosities and nothing else." She then shook her head. "The owner of this house had discovered a way to keep the Guardian away from it's duties… not knowing that it was only temporary.

Harry then looked at her thoughtfully. "Why are you here then?" He glanced around. "Isn't is dangerous for you as well?"

She smiled and shook her head. "I am protected against it." A sigh then escaped her. "And I am here for I wish for her to be laid to rest in her homeland once more." As she saw that Harry was about to reply when she continued. "And may I ask why you are here, little one?" She then raised an eyebrow as she tilted her head to the side. "I was under the impression that it was much too late for one of your age to be up and about outside."

Harry hung his head a little. "I… got locked out of my house after my family left for the night to go to a party. I was going somewhere to stay the night when those guys started chasing me..." He swallowed as he felt hot tears prickle at his eyes as he was fully hit by what had happened. "I... I ran here because I-I thought that I could hide in here someplace until... until they left..." He started to shake as he continued as Luna hugged him from behind and Nightmare shifted so that she could do the same from the front. "I... I had heard the stories, but didn't think that they were true like this! And... and now... a bunch of people are dead be-because of me!"

As he fell to his knees and sobbed, Amakirah got onto her own and hugged him to her. "There, there, little one. Any deaths are not your fault."

Harry just looked at her through his tears. "Bu-but-"

He was cut off as she placed a finger on his lips. "It is not your fault, little one. They followed you here. I overheard them and they were planning to visit great evil upon you. While you may have brought them here, I can see that those who have met their fate here would have as it was."

Harry just stared at her. "How could you know that though!?"

She softly smiled at him. "It is a gift that my family has when it comes to death. They had been judged in life and found wanting by the gods themselves for all the evils that they had committed in their lives." She continued to hold him as Harry hugged her back as he enjoyed the feeling of another human doing so. But then she caught sight of his scar and unnoticed by any of the three friends, a look of pure rage and hatred directed at it passed over her face before it was covered up. As she continued the hug, her lips moved silently for a minute before she bent down and laid a gentle kiss upon his scar, which caused a shiver that ran through his body. Afterward, she smiled and stood up as she pulled Harry to his feet with a strength that belied her slender frame. "Come now, little one, it is time for us to leave this place..."

Together, the group began to walk toward a destination that only Amakirah knew about. Eventually, the silence stretched on for too long and Harry cleared his throat. "Um… Amakirah, can I ask you something?"

She nodded as she turned and looked at him with a smile. "Of course you can, little one. Now, what question do you need answered?"

Harry swallowed a bit before he bit his lip. "If your family can tell what the fates of those who died were to be... why didn't the High Priest know?"

Amakirah blinked before she chuckled. "Ah, Harry. While it is it is true that such a gift, just one of many in my family, sounds like it should operate in such a fashion, it does have drawbacks." She then sadly sighed as she frowned. "One of which is that we cannot tell the fate of those close to us such as family."

Harry then glanced at her, though he flinched at the sound of gunfire and yells/screams elsewhere in the mansion. He then shook his head to clear it before he turned back to her and asked a question. "So your family has other gifts then?"

She nodded. "We do indeed, little one." A small twinkle entered her eyes as her smile widened a bit. "One of which might well be of interest to you."

Harry cocked his head to the side in askance as did Luna (and unseen, so did Nightmare as well). "Really?"

She smiled and nodded. "Yes." She then looked in Luna's direction which caused the Alicorn to freeze. "We can also peer past this realm of existence and into what many call the spirit realm which overlaps it." She then grinned at all three of the friends. "Which is why I know of your own Guardian spirit and the possessed item within you possession." She let the hurt she felt be shown on her face as Harry leapt away from her, one of his arms crossed protectively over his chest where Nightmare is. Amakirah then held out her hands, palms facing him and sighed. "I am not going to hurt them, Harry. The fact that you have Guardians of your own in such a manner is a fact to be joyful over and to celebrate."

Harry blinked some as he began to relax a little. "Really? Most wouldn't think so..."

Amakirah scowled then. "The more fools they would be then." She then smiled. "The fact that the gods themselves have blessed you in such a way would have meant that you would have been held in high regard amongst my people."

Harry just glanced at Luna who shrugged more then a little helplessly. "I... don't know what to do Harry. I really gave much thought as to what we should do if we ever came across someone who could see me..."

Nightmare then poked her head out of Harry's jacket and glared at the young woman. "I don't care what they say, I don't trust you."

Amakirah just gave her a nod. "Of course Dark One." She then frowned as yet another scream ripped through the building as she ignored Harry's jump. 'There. They are nearly all gone.' She then looked at Harry and clasped his hand in hers. "Come, I know of a way by which we may leave." She then started to run as she pulled along the young boy who's hand she held with her own. Finally, she reached a doorway and opened it which revealed stairs headed downstairs into pitch darkness. "Come."

Harry first looked down the stairs and then back at her. "What!?" He then gestured downward. "Shouldn't we be looking for a way out on the ground floor, not the cellar!?"

She then shook her head. "None of the doors on this level would let us out. All of them are sealed by the magic of the Guardian." Amakirah then smiled. "Have any of you ever heard tell of 'Ra's Journey'?"

Luna blinked as the name tickled a memory. After a moment's thought, she became thoughtful. "Isn't that the Ancient Egyptian sun god?"

Amakirah smiled even larger as she nodded. "Yes." She then became serious. "It is said that at the end of each day that Ra would embark on a journey through the Underworld. He would hold the Sun before him, it's light and his very soul guiding him as he journeyed through the darkness. His passage would bring light to those trapped there and thus hope." She then looked down the stairs, from which a cold, damp breeze wafted up carrying with it the scent of earth and mustiness. "By going through the same journey as Ra after a fashion, it will afford you protection in the ancient ways and the Guardian will allow you passage to safety."

Nightmare gazed at her in some suspicion. "I know a bit more then they do about this journey..." After she noticed the surprised looks on Luna's and Harry's faces, she shrugged. "Legends about the night are... interesting to me." She then turned back to Amakirah. "One thing that you've forgotten to mention was at the end of each day Ra died and that was how he was able to enter the Underworld."

At the expressions of fear that crossed Luna's and Harry's faces, Amakirah chuckled and smiled before she, looked at Harry with an unreadable expression. "There are... reasons as to why that particular bit is not needed in this case." She then turned and reached into her clothing before she pulled out a small torch and handed it to Harry. "This shall be your journey, little one. I, myself, have performed it before." She ignored the slight confusion on Harry's face as she stepped around him and took a spot behind him. "It is time Harry."

He licked his suddenly dried lips before he glanced at first the worried Luna, then at the serious Amakirah, before finished with the intrigued Nightmare. Harry gulped a little as he fidgeted a bit. "Well... not like it's the actual Underworld after all. It's just a basement..." He then blinked and closed his eyes. "Yeah, the basement of a mansion that has a killer stalking it's halls..." He shook it off and began descending downward into the darkness, Amakirah laying a comforting hand on one shoulder as Luna lays her hoof on the other. "Le-let's do this..."

Once they reached the bottom of the stairs, which none outside Amakirah noticed slowly fade into the darkness as the door upstairs closed on it's own, the first thing that struck Harry was despite how brightly the torch burned, it could not illuminate anything more then a small circle around the group within the unnatural darkness that enclosed them. The next thing that he noticed was how the air felt. It was bitter cold and very damp. And the smells... like from upstairs, there was the smell of damp earth, most likely from the Earthen floor, and a musty order that spoke of ages beyond reckoning. But there was also the dry smell of decay underlain by a various other, more unidentifiable perfumes. 'Okay...' Harry glanced from side to side. 'I thought that upstairs was frightening... this though... this is way beyond that...' He started walking, only to stop as he could have sworn that he had heard something, a voice perhaps? He twitched as his voice cracked. "What was that...?"

As he started to turn to look, he was stopped by Amakirah. "Do not look, little one. Stay upon the path that you are now treading."

Harry just swallowed a lump in his throat as his eyes darted from side to side, the sound of his blood as it rushed through his veins pounded in his ears. 'I am so bloody glad that I no longer dream anymore now...'

Luna and Nightmare, however, could hear what exactly was in the oppressive darkness around them, even if like Harry they could not see beyond the small lit circle. A fact that frightened them both. The two Alicorns began to tense up as their very instincts told them to run. Harry then felt as Nightmare's tail tip unexpectedly swished against his neck and jaw, the slight tickle sensation caused yet another thrill of terror to be sent down his his now jaded spine. Luna for her part began to lightly shake as her throat tightened, every muscle in her body tensed from what she was hearing around them and the unnatural wrongness that permeated the very air. 'Oh Mother! Protect us for what have we gotten ourselves into!?'

After a few minutes, Harry glanced at the two and started to break out into a cold sweat at what he saw. Nightmare and Luna, who he had always seen as being unshakable and as steady as a mountain, were trembling. He could see as their ears pressed flatter and flatter against their heads as their nostrils flared and their breaths came quicker and quicker. And in the flickering light of the torch, their eyes, normally large and wide, had widened so much that they looked about ready to fall out of their sockets as they became nearly white as their pupils had shrunk down to nearly nothing as they darted around. Both their jaws were clinched as they allowed no sound to escape, the muscles in Luna's body just under the skin twitched every once in a while as her breath whistled from her nostrils as her coat slowly dampened from sweat. But still, together they continued as they marched through the darkness, as steadfast as they could be as they knew that if their resolve crumbled that it would never return...

Or even get the chance to.

Every once in a while, Amakirah stopped which caused them to do the same even though everything in them screamed for them not to, to head screaming off into the darkness. Every time she did this, as she seemingly seeked for something beyond any of their ken, mortal or Equestrian divinity, it seemed as though it was an eternity spent in the darkness with the malevolence in the air that surrounded them nearly suffocating. No sound escape their lips, Luna and Nightmare for fear of attracting what they could hear in the shadows and what they sometimes glimpsed from the corner of their eyes, Harry for fear of what was driving his best and only friends to terror that was only bound by their indomitable wills. During these times, Amakirah whispered chants in some unknown language as she looked at something only she could see. Each time she gestured that they could continue forward, it came as a relief. Just after one of those times, Harry heard Luna's slowly faltering gait, which caused him to glance at her. He could see from the way her muscles twitched that she was far more terrified of something he didn't know. He reached out with his free arm and wrapped it around her as he pulled her closer, her simultaneously doing the same with her wing as it wrapped around his back and shoulder. As her head leaned against his shoulder, he channeled some magic into her allowing him to take comfort in the feel and scent of her mane, as fear laden as it was. As she took some degree of comfort from the familiar feel of his magic, she channeled some of her own into him to give him some strength as she felt him close to collapse. A moment later she was joined by Nightmare who did the same and the same was done to, unknowingly connecting the three. Amakirah just smiled at this before she turned serious once more.

As they walked, the three could not help but wonder why it was taking so long to reach their destination. Surely the basement was not that large?! Were they going around in circles? How much time had past since they had begun? Less then an hour? Hours? Days? Or weeks...? The chill of fear had sunk deep within their bones, that and the ever present darkness distorting the passage of time around them. All they knew was that the omnipresent breeze always came from ahead, gusts of which pulled sparks from the torch like streams of fireflies and caused it to sputter which sent spikes of terror rippling through them. The light from the sparks as they died allowed the two Alicorns to partially see the things that lurked in the darkness. Nightmare's eyes suddenly jerked to the side after one such event as she caught a glimpse of something familiar, and yet twisted before it vanished. 'We should not be here... we do not belong here...'

While Luna's eyes darted around, and her breaths came quick, she felt some small relief that Harry could not see what she had... could not hear what horrors lay in wait just beyond the light of the flame...

Sense what frightening things that watched them as they laid in wait for the time when the flame might go out...

And, for a brief moment their worst fears came true as a sudden powerful gust of air, carrying with it the cloying scent of death, snuffed out their torch to nothing more then glowing embers as the darkness rushed in as if to strangle the life from them...

And then, just as fast, though to the three it seemed like an eternity, the torch burst into a flame brighter then it had been before from it's own dying embers. For a moment Harry stood there trembling in cold damp... sweat, yes, that was all it was he told himself. Sweat. Nightmare was just cold and that was why she shook and trembled, her eyes wide and unseeing as they sparkled in the torch light like her mane did on the moon. Why had it turned so cold suddenly down here? While his skin didn't feel it, it was as if something made of ice had caressed his liver, heart, stomach, and scar. But that was silly. Just as silly as the idea that in the moment that the light had gone out that Luna had let loose a strangled, high pitched whinny. Or the idea that she had begun near silently chanting her sister's name over and over as her wide eyes moved over every inch of darkness even faster then she had before as if to make up for Nightmare's unnatural stillness. Yup, it was all just imagined. And Luna was definitely not completely soaked with a cold sweat...

And still, under the guidance of Amakirah did they carry on with only the presence of the other two which prevented each of them from running off into the darkness to what seemed like their certain doom...

Finally, after what seemed like ages of terror, they came to the end of their ordeal as the darkness around them seemingly lightened and the oppressive feeling lightened. The scents also faded away except for the smells of damp earth and mustiness, both of which lightened as well, as the temperature rose a bit. Harry then sighed. "I am so glad that, that is over with..." He then jumped along with Luna while Nightmare jerked in his jacket as a loud thump resounded from somewhere nearby. "What the hay was that!?"

He got his answer a moment later as a nearby door for one of the dumbwaiters is busted open and a bloodied Hades crawled through. It did not take him long before he noticed the open mouthed boy or the young woman next to Harry who glared at him. "You... YOU BRAT!"

Once Harry saw him start to pull something from his coat, he threw the torch at him, which distracted Hades enough that his shot went wild, and it ricocheted off the wall next to Harry's head. It then struck a nearby shelf and caused it and the one below it to collapse, the jars they carried smashed against the floor as the contents spilled and flowed across the frozen earthen floor. As his eyes teared up, Harry grabbed Amakirah's hand. "Come on!"

Hades just growled as he took aim through his tears."You fucking little shit! I don't give a fuck anymore, so I am just going to kill you."

Amakirah just snarled as she moved to shield Harry with her own body. "No, you shall not you vile man!"

The evil man just sneered at her. "I'd like to see you try little girl. But I'll let you live a bit longer after I kill him..."

Harry snarls and is about to say something when the fluids contained in the jars finally reached the still lit torch. With a loud "Whoosh!" they ignited and created a small wall of flames from which Hades jumped back from as his gun fired and missed once more. Thankfully, the height of the ceiling was enough that the flames could not reach it and with the earth floor and mostly stone was, there was nothing to catch. Not having given up, Hades shielded his face with one hand as he took aim with the other. "Time to go to hell, brat!" He then stilled and silently shook as he heard familiar heavy footsteps off to the side and he then turned. "Oh no..."

Harry, Luna, and Nightmare all froze as they watched the shape of the "Guardian" as it detached itself from the nearby darkness. The only things that could be seen through the shadows that covered it was it's two eyes which glowed, and the firelight that glinted off otherwise unseen objects. Seconds later, the shadows fully fell away from it as it stepped into the light. At first they mistook it for a dark-skinned man clad only in a brown and off white skirt-like piece of clothing around it's waist... only to realize that he was eight feet tall, had claws instead of nails, and a jackal's head in place of a human's which had a fanciful headdress. Nightmare just stared in more then a little fear and surprise. "Ah hay... Anubis, Egyptian god of mummification and the Guardian of the dead..."

As he growled, Anubis took several strides as Hades scrambled backwards. The god lunged forwards with a punch that instead hit the wall behind his target when he ducked, and shattered a large portion of it which revealed it to have hidden a room. Once he got a good look what was revealed to be inside it from the light coming from the slowly dying flames and Anubis' movements, Harry recoiled in horror. There inside was a fully wrapped mummy which had the face still visible...

The face of the original owner of the house!

Harry swallowed his gorge as it rose with the realization of what the ultimate fate of mansion's owner had been. Oh... hay..." He had push it down again as he spotted a number of other shapes as well, shapes that he well knew what they were of as he started chanting under his breath. "Children of Harmony, blessed be they who are under the Sun and Moon..."

His chant though slowly faded and broke into strangled whimpers as Anubis had then just grabbed Hades before he threw him a dozen feet. He then ignored the stunned and breathless man as he gasped for breath as the god turned and looked Harry in the eyes with an impression of judgement as he somehow froze both Luna and Nightmare in place. A few minutes passed with the three frozen as Anubis seemed to peer into Harry's very soul, though for the boy and Alicorns it might as well been an eternity. Finally, the jackal-headed god seemed to have found what he had been looking for and nodded with a growl as he waved his arm, breaking the spell. Amakirah then laid her hand on Harry's shoulder as she spoke urgently. "Come! We have to leave now as we've been permitted to!"

None of the three needed to be told twice as the group ran for a nearby set of stairs that headed up and through a wall. As she's rushing, Luna took a look back in time to see the mansion's original owner's mummy open it's eyes and then it's mouth in a silent scream.

She bolted and nearly collided with the others as they reached the stairs. Not too long after, they reach the top and flung open the doors as they tumbled into the cold, pre-dawn light. Behind them, the doors slammed shut as a chain wound itself around it and a lock clicked into place. Down in the cellar, Hades took aim with his gun at the jackal headed god before he pulled the trigger...

Only to hear a click. "No..." He tried again and again with the same result. The gun then fell from his suddenly nerveless fingers as he moaned as the fire died. "No... Morgana and Merlin no..." The last thing he saw before being plunged into pitch darkness was the countenance of the Egyptian god as he strode toward him as he pulled out a scale from behind him with one clawed hand, the shadows around him taking other forms as they rose, muzzles and ears growing from them. As they swarmed over him as the torch the boy had had guttered out, the last thing he ever heard was Anubis' dark, mocking laughter...

The last thing of his ever heard in this world were his pleading screams, the echoes of which were washed away by dawn's light...