• Published 30th Oct 2012
  • 3,149 Views, 16 Comments

Rainbow Dash's Confession - StripyFlash

When Dashie decides to confess something to Pinkie, she soon finds herself confessing a lot more...

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Rainbow Dash's Confession

Rainbow Dash's Confession

Rainbow Dash had been lying in bed, unable to sleep for some time now. She felt dreadful, and she knew exactly why. Just the day before she'd been out playing practical jokes and pulling pranks on unsuspecting ponies with Pinkie, as she often did around this time of year, with Nightmare Night soon approaching. However – one prank had gone too far. Having splattered Rarity with a paint bomb, dyeing the fashion-enthusiast's new dress bright red, they'd ruined her chances at a pageant that night, turning something she could've won into a fashion fiasco.
While Rarity had eventually come round to see the funny side, she was furious initially. However, fortunately for Rainbow Dash, Pinkie stepped in, taking the entirety of the blame on herself. Rarity ranted at her for a while, and, while Pinkie seemed to just shrug it off, Rainbow knew something was wrong – she'd gone quiet, and trudged off to be alone – something Pinkie very rarely ever did. Rainbow figured she'd be okay eventually, but a repeat of what happened last time was something nopony wanted.
Rainbow twisted over, her eyes wide open, still feeling awful. At the time she thought it wouldn't be an issue for Pinkie, but now she wished she'd done nothing but try to step in and calm Rarity down. Scrambling out of bed, she shook her head, batting her dreary eyelids. She decided she had to go and check on Pinkie and make sure she was okay, just in case – guilt had welled up too much within her stomach for her to ignore it any longer.
Stepping outside onto her cloud in the chilled, night air, she spread her wings before diving off, before beating her wings and beginning to soar across the night sky. Ponyville was lit up like a lantern, with warm, welcoming lights on in most houses, making it quite a sight to behold. It didn't take long for the legendary flier to reach Pinkie's house. She came to a grinding halt, standing outside the front door before knocking on it with a single hoof.
For a while, there was silence. But, soon she heard a muffled shuffling coming from inside, before she was greeted by the pink party animal herself, Pinkie. Rainbow immediately noticed red rings around her eyes, as if she had been crying – putting a frown on her face, prompting her to ask; “Are you okay Pinkie?”.
Pinkie looked at her awkwardly for a moment, though, she quickly replied. “Oh, yes! Of course I'm fine, Dashie!” she exclaimed, her usual high-pitched, excitable tone having not faded in the slightest. Rainbow immediately perked up, smiling at her friend's apparent happiness. However, Pinkie looked away for a moment, as if she was hiding something, immediately putting Rainbow into a concerned state once more.
“Are you sure, Pinkie? Eh, you don't look so good...” Rainbow insisted.
“I'm... fine, Rainbow! Really!” Pinkie retorted once more, though, her façade of joy seemed to be waning now, forcing Rainbow to somehow feel responsible.
“Pinkie, I can tell something isn't right. Can I come in?” Rainbow continued, fixing her friend with a serious gaze for a moment. Pinkie frowned slightly, before eventually stepping back, permitting Rainbow entrance. Pinkie's house was warm and cosy, with things surprisingly neat, contradicting Pinkie's hyperactive personality. She led Rainbow upstairs, hopping up onto her bed and sitting down, followed by Rainbow.
Rainbow decided to press further due to a combination of her own guilt and her intrigue as to why Pinkie would've been so upset by Rarity. “Your eyes look sore, Pinks. Have you been crying?” she asked.
“Oh, um, well... no! Uh. Well, maybe a little... okay, I have. I'm not upset though, 'kay? Don't think I'm upset...” Pinkie proceeded to inform Dashie in as unconvincing a way as she could.
Rainbow sighed, looking at Pinkie quizzically, gazing at her eyes. “Why are you upset, Pinkie?” Rainbow immediately questioned, blatantly ignoring Pinkie's previous statement.
“I'm not! Oh, well... alright. Its just... we were having SO much fun! Rarity just spoiled it all by getting so angry. She should take anger management classes! Besides, I didn't MEAN to make her angry. I didn't even know she was going to that pageant thing...!” Pinkie explained to her friend, giving her a weak smile. Rainbow felt assured that Pinkie was okay now, but she decided she'd stay and comfort her nonetheless.
“Heh, nor did I, Pinkie. We should have guessed, I suppose, what with it being Rarity 'n all. I felt really bad for letting you take the blame like that... I was going to do something, but I was sure it wouldn't be an issue for you,” Rainbow told her, hanging her head ashamedly, looking at her hooves dangling over the side of the bed.
“Don't be silly! I'm fine, really, I am! I was more upset that we weren't going to do any more pranks, if anything,” Pinkie admitted, chortling as she put one hoof around Rainbow's side, cuddling her tightly as she beamed at her friend. Rainbow looked up at her, Pinkie's infectious laugh forcing her to grin back at her, suppressing a giggle herself.
“All right then, Pinkie. That's good to know...” Rainbow replied, snickering slightly, unable to stop herself while in the presence of her always cheery friend.
“D'aw, you're so cute when you're concerned, Dashie!” Pinkie said with a giggle. “Actually, you're pretty cute most of the time!”
“Eh, thanks Pinkie. You're pretty cute too, when you're being funny – which is all the time.” Rainbow claimed, grinning at her still, finding herself unknowingly continuing to gaze into her eyes.
“Wow! You really mean that? I'm funny ALL the time? I mean, its like, I try to be funny, but... sometimes I think I might not be the that funny, but I'm still trying to be funny, you know?” Pinkie expressed, talking in a quick, almost incomprehensible way – luckily, Rainbow was used to that.
“Uh... yeah! But you are always funny, Pinkie! At least, you always make me laugh.” Rainbow admitted to her, shrugging lightly as she smiled. Pinkie beamed at her, clearly touched by her friend's kind words.
“And you're always... cool, Dashie!” Pinkie giggled, nuzzling her friend's snout for a moment.
“Uh... well, of course! I am the Dash, eh?” Rainbow said jokingly, knowing Pinkie wouldn't think any less of her for being a little egotistical. Pinkie looked away for a moment, seemingly thinking, before looking back up at Rainbow, still beaming at her.
“You know, Dashie, I really do like you! I mean, I like everypony else too, of course, but you're just special! I can't think of anypony else who can go out and play pranks on ponies with me, yet is also always looking out for me like you do!” Pinkie stated, feeling compelled to be completely honest with her friend. She continued to stare into Rainbow's eyes for a moment as she processed what she'd been told, noticing Rainbow beginning to blush slightly.
“Thanks, Pinkie. I really appreciate that – and, to be honest, I can't really think of anypony myself who I like more than you – you're always great to be around, and you're probably the friendliest pony in Ponyville!” Rainbow admitted, feeling that she too should be entirely honest. Both ponies gazed at each other for a while, feeling rather odd now they'd just opened up and expressed to each other how they truly felt. “Pinkie, I... uh...”
“Yes, Dashie?” Pinkie asked, holding her closely.
“Think I... sort... of... love you?” Rainbow slowly and awkwardly confessed, her cheeks blushing intensely, trembling slightly as she anxiously awaited Pinkie's response.
“What? Eurgh, that's gross, Dashie! I'm a mare too!”
“W-what? You mean you-” Rainbow stuttered, her face immediately dropping, before being cut off by Pinkie.
“Just kidding, Dashie! I've always had a soft spot for you too! A pretty big one, actually.” Pinkie admitted, chuckling loudly. Rainbow perked up instantly, overjoyed that her friend shared her feelings. She slowly moved her head closer to Pinkie's, feeling as if now was an appropriate time to kiss her – before Pinkie suddenly shot forward and pecked her on the lips, giggling as she blushed also.
As they broke their kiss, Rainbow continued to stare deeply into Pinkie's eyes, feeling quite overwhelmed. “Pinkie... uh, mind if I stay here with you tonight? I can't sleep in my own bed,” Rainbow asked quietly.
“Sure you can, Dashie! I'd be more than happy to have you here with me!” Pinkie replied earnestly, going to rest her head on the pillow and invite Rainbow to lie next to her – which she proceeded to do with no hesitation. Pinkie pulled up the cover over the pair as they embraced each other, cuddling. Rainbow pecked Pinkie's cheek, slowly closing her eyes as she felt a truly special warmth within her heart, like nothing else she'd experienced before, as she lied next her favourite pony in the whole world.
“I always thought you were special, Dashie! I was just, uh, a little too embarrassed to admit it,” Pinkie continued, nuzzling her friend further.
“Yeah, so did I. I remember how I used to avoid you when I was friends with Gilda, thinking you were just annoying... but, when I realised how similar our interests were, I couldn't help but feel differently about you from everypony else,” Rainbow explained, moving one hoof to begin softly caressing her friend's bouncy, fluffy mane.
“Heh, yeah! I just thought you were a silly filly back then. Good thing I'm friends with everypony though, eh?” Pinkie continued.
“It sure is... otherwise, I wouldn't have met my special somepony – that being you, of course,” Rainbow whispered, moving her hoof through Pinkie's mane to hold her body tightly, squeezing Pinkie as she yawned, feeling sleepy from her lack of sleep.
“You sure seem tired, Dashie. Let's get some sleep, huh? We can do lots of fun stuff tomorrow!” Pinkie exclaimed, giving a quiet moan from her friend's squeezing.
“Oh... yeah. Let's sleep, Pinkie,” Dashie whispered, resting quietly as the two gradually fell asleep, the moonlight illuminating the pair as they slept throughout the night.

Comments ( 16 )

Also, great story! It's very cute, and it does give you the warm fuzzies.
If there was one criticism I could give, it would be to romanticize more. Add more details, make it more wordy.
Even so, a very cute story. 5 mustaches :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

I give you mustaches. :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

I want to read this, but I can't. First off, you didn't indent your paragraphs, you just used the space bar on them. To indent your paragraphs, use the tab key. Second, you have absolutely no space inbetween paragraphs, causing for a big wall of text. I commend you for your effort to make recognisable paragraphs, but it needs a little more work. Double space and indent your paragraphs, and make sure that you make a new paragraph when the speaker changes.:twilightsmile:

i'm a dreadful person
thanks for the tip about the tab key, i write these things on openoffice before uploading them to here though
and i was pretty sure i started a new line every time the speaker changed, but i suppose i might've missed a few places

haha well what do you know you can do it on openoffice too, guess i should try and actually understand the program i'm using before writing on it :|

oh and thanks for all the moustaches. :moustache:

This made me d'awwwwww

i appreciate dem likes
and dem moustaches
'specially the moustaches


uhm... a little too stale for my taste, a more interesting plot (or sub plot) would have fixed some of that... maybe even a twist of some sort.

pinkie secretly desires cupcak-
nope nuh-uh dun want to

MMMMM.... not bad :trixieshiftright:
take a this moustaches :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

you like mustaches, yes? laviere can see it. I came here to get thigns that could improve how much of a mustachio I am. preferably small things that fit inside of pockets that would not be missed :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

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