• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen May 30th


Blazer is a fanfic author who talks about himself in the third person. What a snob!


Ever wonder what would happen if you were sent to Equestria, and the one thing you could do right is taken from you?

Old self-insert.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 32 )
Comment posted by Blazer deleted Feb 11th, 2017

"What? What's the worst that could happen?"

better prepare for the funeral :pinkiecrazy:

on another note this has been faved and liked please continue this :pinkiehappy:

Could be interesting.
I feel kind of neutral towards this right now, but let's just wait and see.

Hmmm.....potential.... :twilightsmile:

How can you be going 75 in a Prius and not realize that to do that your foot is flat on the floor? :rainbowlaugh:

In all seriousness, this isn't bad. You may have hurt yourself a little by uploading a story that is already on hiatus.

You have caught my attention, friend

Hmm, mysterious end to this chapter, can't wait to see the next one. :twilightsmile:

1557381 Twilight. Let me introduce you to a friend of mine. His name is Murphy. He's a ... well, let's call him a lawmaker....

Wouldja look at that, a ponification story with meat in its bones! Hope nopony bitches about it.

That is one helluvan unprofessional Royal Guard right there.

I just found this story, and I want MOAR!

2516083 Let's punch the guy in a hospital bed! Sounds sensible to me ^u^

2516283 Just re-read the chapter, did that guard just deck a minor?

Barely remember this but yay! It updated!

To be fair, what were you expecting, Jay? After a month, at least tell her there's a chance you'll be late. I was actually surprised when she agreed to at least try after a month blowing her off.

Oh well, at least, you still have that job interview going for you. Oh wait...

I admit, I am fond of the idea of the repeated attempts at teleportation. Probably a bit more realistic and it added a real sense of tension to the events. Nice.

...Wow. That guard decked a paralyzed and blinded minor in an hospital bed.

Honestly, I have trouble imagining a more immediately assholish thing to do for a guard. Maybe steal candy from a child. Push an elderly away from their cane. :facehoof:

Princess, I hope you give him latrine duty for the next two weeks. What the hell.

"I dealt with that greenhorn lieutenant out there personally, ma'am. I hope you'll excuse his rudeness; he's fresh out of officer school, ma'am."


"So, it was some 'accident?'"

Twilight noticed that Jay's hooves were gripping the bedside tightly, but his face remained unchanged.

Okay, let us be calm. Understandable anger coming in three... two... one...

"Yes, and I can assure you that this is a reversible mistake."

Jay's hooves relaxed a little. "Really?"

Huh. Well, that was quick. I mean, let's hope this is not some sort of false hope. But hey, in the meantime, let's have Twilight Sparkle try to deal with her mistake. Responsibly.

So far, nicely done. Just want to see where this goes next. So far, the plot is a bit on the vague side. Now that he's in Equestria and aware, probably something about finding his own worth.

I pulled out my phone to check the time.

You know phones are also useful for calling people and doing things (like rescheduling) long before (like when you get an interview) or as soon as (like when you see the accident ahead on the road) you know time is going to be questionable?


I was going to post something like this, but you posted it. Honestly, ponies like that shouldn't even be in the Guard. (Next chapter edit: Well at least he's gone.)

this unicorn

Strangely distant and impersonal for Celestia referring to Twilight.

Comment posted by Blazer deleted Feb 20th, 2017

Holy FUCK...an actually realistic scenario for a man finding out he's a horse. This over done wake in the everfree and get chased by timberwolves is nonsense.

Finally. A good read.

The introduction of the protagonist is pretty awful and needs to be reworked. Might do a rewrite bc the concept is decent but I also feel like self-inserts are only fun for the author. Its weird to see this fic did so well but I feel like it wouldnt fly with audiences today.


Might do a rewrite bc the concept is decent but I also feel like self-inserts are only fun for the author.

Consider me part of the minority then. A few of my favourite stories are actually loosely based off of self inserts. (Think 'My Life as a Bipedal Quadruped' and 'Trust Once Lost')

I recently discovered your story and read it all in one sitting. I can say that I enjoyed the level of detail your story displayed and do express interest on where this would have gone, had you continued development.

As for concerns of whether or not a self-insert story would be accepted in the current year. I'd say, "go for it". There may be some criticism, but the stories that stuck with it to the end seemed to have done well. I have a feeling that yours would do well due to the intrigue and level of detail (but that may be my personal bias).

If you do not persue, I still thank you for the pleasant read (and some insight into a time I missed out on).

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