• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 3,592 Views, 76 Comments

Black Angel - Zobeid

Nightmare Moon was defeated, but she's determined to fight her way back from the dream world.

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09 - The Blessing

A flash of white outside Spell Nexus’s window alerted him that his expected visitor had arrived. He set down the reports he’d been reviewing, hopped out of his chair, and moved closer to the window of his study. The stately form of Princess Celestia was visible walking down the path, past the fountain, with a pair of pegasus guards following closely.

Rather than rush to greet her, Nexus unhurriedly sorted his papers and put them back into their folders. It was less than a minute before his butler, Proper Etiquette, announced the princess and ushered her in. As per protocol, her guards had stationed themselves outside the front door of his home for the duration of her visit.

Nexus bowed before her august presence. “Your Majesty!”

“It’s good to see you again.” She moved closer and lowered her head to nuzzle him gently. He blushed and fidgeted until she stepped back. She quirked a wry smile and said, “I know… You’re not my eager young student anymore, even though it seems like yesterday to me. I suppose I should allow you the dignity of maturity and station, Headmaster Spell Nexus.”

His blush did not abate. “Thank you! And please, make yourself comfortable.” His horn glowed as he brought forth a large cushion that he kept for just such occasions. He also opened a cabinet. “Would you care for some refreshments? I’ve taken a fancy to fresh orange juice of late. It’s like sunshine in a glass, you know.”

“So I’ve heard. I’m sure somepony in the Citrus Association earned a bonus for that phrase. I’ll pass, but feel free to indulge.” He did so, pouring a glass from a crystal pitcher. Celestia continued, “How are things going at my school? Or should I say your school?”

“Ah, I’m merely a caretaker. It does have your name over the door after all, Princess. And I’m happy to say that all is well. I mean aside from the usual maneuvering among the faculty and requests for more equipment and travel than was budgeted. Nothing surprising. I do have all the most recent reports here for your perusal, if you wish to review any of them.”

“And how are you doing, living here alone in this mansion?”

“Oh, I’m fine. Fit as a fiddle. And Proper Etiquette is highly competent, of course.”

Celestia chuckled softly. “I meant, no special somepony?”

Nexus blushed again. “I… well, uh… I know it’s been a while since Starry Jazz, uh…”

She interrupted his stammering to say, “I didn’t mean to bring up unpleasant memories, but you really should look toward the future.”

“I suppose so.” He turned pensive. “Actually… Now that you mention it, I have been seeing somepony. She’s dark and mysterious, and I don’t know quite what to make of her yet.”

Celestia’s smile was like the sun coming out. “Ooh, how romantic that sounds! I shan’t pry any further, but merely wish you best of luck.”

He smiled and shrugged sheepishly. “Thank you!” He took a sip of his orange juice. Then he asked, “If I might inquire… How are you and Princess Luna doing?”

“Ohh… Luna is having some difficulty catching up with modern times and connecting with today’s ponies, although it’s no worse than I expected. It’s only a matter of waiting for her to come out of her shell, I’m sure. I’m so relieved to have her back and safe, it’s like a great weight was lifted and I can breathe free for the first time in centuries.”

With sincerity he said, “I’m so happy for you. If anypony in this world has earned some peace of mind, surely it’s you.”

Her brow furrowed. “But not complete peace of mind, not yet. Might I bother you for an update on your special research project? The armor…”

He cleared his throat. “Ah, yes. The armor. I have tried scrying it. I’m afraid I don’t have any tangible results yet, nothing I feel comfortable reporting. I have the fragments here, but I do keep them locked up.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Do you think they’re dangerous? Could they cause harm in the wrong hooves?”

“Oh no, I highly doubt that. I’m more worried about contaminating them with my own psychic imprints. I know that may sound unlikely, but it’s best to keep them out of sight, and thus ensure that any future scrying will be clean.”

“Good thinking. Although, I doubt whether any other pony could scry them more effectively than you. If you haven’t come up with anything, maybe there’s really no imprint left to perceive.”

“Perhaps…” He swirled the juice in the bottom of his glass. “I have had a few disturbing dreams involving them.”

Celestia perked up her ears. “Nightmares?”

“No… No, I wouldn’t call them nightmares as such. Strange dreams. Sometimes scrying spells resolve in unexpected ways, and I thought perhaps the dreams were trying to reveal the answers to me. I’d like some more time to find out.”

Celestia nodded. “Of course.”

He looked up at her, searching her eyes. “Might I ask you a question, Princess?”

“Anything, Nexus. Always.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about your sister? In the years I studied under you, you taught me so much ancient lore, and related such wonderful stories of times past, but you never said a word to me — or to anypony else, as far as I know — about Luna.”

Celestia’s gaze lowered, her smile dissolved. “I never meant to deceive anypony. Try to understand, though, that I never expected to see her again. Even if the prophecy of Nightmare Moon’s return was true — and I had some doubts about that — even then I had only a slim thread of hope that Luna could be restored to the loving sister I remembered from so long ago. What would I tell my little ponies? What could I possibly tell them? Should I gird my nation for war against Nightmare Moon? That would be futile, I was sure. And… I was afraid, Spell Nexus. So I said nothing.”

“Afraid? You?”

Celestia chuckled softly. “Shocking, I know. I always try to project strength and confidence, and I think I’ve gotten pretty good at it. But yes, like every pony, I do know fear from time to time.”

“Well, my princess… I shall do my utmost to allay any fears that yet remain.”

Spell Nexus sipped his tea and nibbled a dreamberry scone. “Delightful!” he proclaimed. He looked to his host and added, “It’s quite an honor to be invited into your dream castle. Even if it is only, you know… a figment of my imagination.”

Nightmare Moon set down her own teacup and said, “Still believe that, do you?”

“Aheh… No offense intended. These nocturnal interludes have given me much to think upon. But really, it’s all a bit absurd, isn’t it?”

“You seemed moved by my song when last we met.”

“Moved? Well, perhaps… One says and does the oddest things in dreams, you know.”

Nightmare smiled. “Quite so. But perhaps you are asking the wrong question. It’s not a matter of whether I’m real. After all, this is the dream world, a world of the unreal. So… Perhaps the real Nightmare Moon was destroyed, but the idea of Nightmare Moon lives on. Ideas, visions, points of view are much harder to kill than ponies. And they matter. You mustn’t simply label them unreal and dismiss them.”

Nuala proffered a plate. “Professor? Would you like some violets?”

He nodded and levitated a few. “Thank you, little miss!” He eyed her and ventured, “What sort of being are you, if you don’t mind me asking? Some relative of, hmm… a minotaur, perhaps?”

Nuala gasped, “A minotaur?” Her face scrunched up in an unwittingly cute pout. “What a horrible thing to say!”

Nexus stammered, “I… I didn’t mean… uh… any insult.”

Nightmare Moon nickered and reminded her, “Nuala, do you remember comparing me to a horse? I’m sure Spell Nexus is suffering from a similar sort of misperception.”

“Oh! Oh, I see. I guess if you never saw a fairy before, you might think that. I really don’t know if there’s anything like us at all in your world.”

Nightmare ventured, “I have a theory that fairies might be distantly related to troggles, though I doubt whether there’s any way to prove it.”

“What’s a troggle?” Nuala asked.

“I thought they were extinct,” Nexus added.

Nightmare frowned. “Are they? They weren’t extinct when I was cast into the moon. I suppose much has changed in a thousand years time.” She looked to Nuala and added, “Troggles walked upright like you, but they were bigger and cruder and more, um… piggy. They did have nimble hands, but they rarely used machines more complex than a blackjack or a luger.”

Nuala crossed her arms. “Some sort of goblin, perhaps. That would be a distant relative, yes, though I’d not be heard saying so anywhere around the Seelie Court.”

Nightmare Moon nodded and sipped her tea. Then, “Nuala, I would like to speak with my guest in privacy for a while.”

“Of course, Ma’am.” She curtsied and then slipped out of the room.

Nexus eyed Nightmare curiously. A hungry, eager grin grew on the muzzle of the dark alicorn. She leaned forward to impart her news. “I can live again!”

Nexus blinked. “You what?”

“I’ve figured it all out. To return to Equestria, I’ll need a new body — a physical, living and breathing body to call my own. I’ll need your help to create it, Spell Nexus. You can cast the spell to conjure it.”

Spell Nexus’s mouth hung open as he was flabbergasted for a few moments. Finally he stammered, “I, uh… that… That’s an extraordinarily difficult spell. I’m not even sure it makes sense. I mean, you were Princess Luna. Isn’t her body yours?”

“Not anymore. We’ve been split in twain by the Elements of Harmony, and I do not think we shall be joined again. If I’m to return to Equestria, I must have my own corporeal form — one that is mine alone, uncontested. You hold the key to this. You have the scraps of my armor, the last objects in the world that were mine. You have the talent, the knowledge. You’re the only one who can help me, Spell Nexus.”

He stared down at his plate and muttered, “That’s… That’s necromancy! Raising the dead! But what’s the purpose? What would you do?”

“Must you even ask? I’d do what I was always meant to do. I’d rule over Equestria and bring forth Endless Night.”

“And what of Princess Celestia? What of Princess Luna, for that matter? What will become of them?”

“Feh! They can cool their heels in exile for a few centuries, for all I care. Celestia has had her day in the sun. It’s my turn to rule!”

Spell Nexus scowled and shook his head. “No. You’re asking me to betray my princess, my country. This is madness. Even if I wanted to, the spell you’re asking for is beyond my working. It would require an elaborate ceremony, prepared ground, other talented unicorns assisting…”

“You can recruit them! You have influence!”

They were both silent, staring at one another as if engaged in a test of wills. Eventually Nexus said, “If you were willing to make peace with Celestia instead of trying to overthrow her… If you would give up your mad ambitions, then perhaps I could convey your proposal to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. If I could convince them you’ve changed, and they gave their assent to the attempt, then I’m willing to try. I won’t do it against their will.”

For the first time in the course of their conversation Nightmare Moon’s face broke into outright anger. She snarled, “They’d never agree! You have to know that. It must be done in secret.”

Spell Nexus closed his eyes. “No… They wouldn’t. Even if you were a saint, I doubt they’d approve raising the dead. Yet all I can do for you, in good conscience, is put the idea before them — and risk Celestia’s disfavor even for that.”

“THAT’S NOT GOOD ENOUGH!” Nightmare Moon stood up, her starry mane and tail fluttering with agitation, and she began pacing. “It’s not right! I was born to rule over Equestria — but instead I was shunned, sidelined, slandered, humiliated. And now this… Shall I languish in limbo forever? No, no, no! It’s intolerable, it can’t stand!”

Spell Nexus stood up and began backing away, eyes wide, ears turned low, but Nightmare rounded on him and said, “You’re the only one who can save me. You can’t leave me in this netherworld. I… I order you to save me! I’m your princess! I command you to save me!”

Shaking, Nexus stammered, “I… I think… I, uh… I want to wake up. I don’t want to have these dreams anymore.” His body began to fade, becoming slightly translucent.

Panic flashed in Nightmare Moon’s eyes. “No! Don’t go!” Her horn began to glow, a spell trying to hold him in sleep. “I’m sorry! Please… Don’t go.” Nexus paused, watching her carefully. She sat down on the floor, closed her eyes for a moment, and said again, more calmly, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.” She opened her eyes. “I may not have convinced you of the rightness of my cause, but I’d like to think we can remain… friends. Let us not part on bad terms! May I at least show you something before you wake?”

He eyed her warily, though his dream body had become substantial again as his thoughts of waking subsided. “What is it?”

Her horn glowed, and she floated a small pouch out from her mane. “You might think of it as… a blessing. Yes. A blessing to guide you through your darkest night.” She turned the pouch on its side, and grains of sand began to spill out. She caught the sand in the strands of her etherial mane, the white grains of sand mingling with stars like dust.

Spell Nexus moved closer, fascinated by the sight. White motes swirled in the blackness of space, forming tendrils that moved as though alive. He stretched out his muzzle as if to sniff at it. The dark tendrils seemed to sense his nearness — and they pounced, leapt forward to his mouth and nostrils and invaded, forcing their way in. Nexus recoiled, but it was too late. Hooves pawing desperately at his face were no use in stopping the black mass as it flowed into him, choking him, nauseating him, sending cold chills through his body. Drowning, he flailed and writhed helplessly on the floor while Nightmare Moon watched.

After a minute that felt more like hours, his thrashing stopped. Sprawled awkwardly on the floor, Nexus panted. Nightmare Moon spoke, saying, “Now perhaps you’ll understand my dream and feel the living night as I do. With your help, I will live again, and I will create a new Equestria under the eternal stars.”

Spell Nexus opened his eyes, but they looked different from before. Their natural color of slate gray was gone, replaced by luminous cyan, and the pupils had gone to vertical slits like cat’s eyes or dragon’s eyes. They focused upward on the visage of Nightmare Moon, and Spell Nexus gasped out, “Glorious!”