• Published 3rd Nov 2012
  • 2,818 Views, 26 Comments

The Element of Generosity - Seanessy

An indepth look into Rarity's past.

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Curiosity Peaks

“Sweetie Belle, please!”

“No! I can’t take it anymore! This always happens!”

“If you would just try to under–” Rarity’s words were cut short by the clank of her front door slamming shut. A low growl rumbled in her throat before she emitted a deep sigh. No matter what she said, her words fell upon deaf ears to the young sibling.

The phrase ‘It’s just business’, was usually enough to excuse Rarity from their bi-weekly bonding time, but this weekend proved to be the last straw. While in the middle of a sister to sister discussion about school over cupcakes at Sugarcube Corner, Sapphire Shores stormed in frantically begging the unicorn for twelve new designs by the end of the weekend to replace the ones that got backordered in Fillydelphia. Understanding the dilemma, Rarity humbly obliged and also, promised her sister to get done expediently, so that the two could continue enjoying each other’s company, a promise Rarity constantly made but struggled to keep every time a client came desiring assistance.

Rarity opened the door in an attempt to possibly offer a few consoling words but her sister was moving her bags towards an upcoming taxi carriage.

“Sweetie, if you would just let me–”

“No! I’m so sick of it! It’s the same thing every time I come to visit!”

Sweetie Belle grunted as she pushed the stack of luggage forward.

“Sweetie, let me at least help with your things?”

“I got it, thanks.”

The sardonic tone in the filly’s voice stopped Rarity in her tracks. She remained stationary at the doorway as the carriage stopped in front of her house.

The vehicle was occupied by two unicorns, the first, a white pony with a short brown tail and a straw hat that sat atop his brown mane covering his horn. He also sported a royal blue Hawaiian shirt tattooed with blue and yellow flowers to make for an interesting design. Upon his flank sat three footballs. Next to him, a pink pony with a purple mane streaked with light purple highlights styled to what would be referred to as the “bump” look. Upon her head lie a light blue visor, and her outfit consisted of a red shirt with a white laced collar that connected to a shell at the front, and white pants. Sweetie Belle approached the two ponies as they exited the vehicle.

“Well hey, frowny filly! What’s with the sad face?” said the white colt.

“Nothing, dad…”

“Didn’t ya have fun with your big sis?” inquired the pink mare.

“We started to,” Sweetie Belle looked at Rarity who still stood at her front door trying her best to beam an innocent smile toward her sister, “but as ALWAYS, fashion got in the way.”

The two adult ponies looked at each other as their youngest daughter started to neatly load her own things into the trunk of the taxi carriage. They approached Rarity and observed her tousled mane and tail; her baggy eyes doing their best to hide the stress of lack of sleep and endless work as their precious daughter beamed a weak smile.

“’Nother rough weekend, sugarplum?”

Rarity stifled a yawn and nodded. “Yes, father.”

“Hon, I know you work hard on all your dress makin’, but don’t forget, she’s still your lil’ sister. And family comes first.”

“I know mother, I actually had so much planned for us this weekend but,” Rarity lowered her head. “another, unexpected rush order came in. Before I was aware of it, three days had passed in the blink of an eye. I try to at least have her spend time with her friends when this happens so sh–”

“That’s great and all hon, but sometimes there’s nothing quite like quality time with your sis. Just remember that.”

Rarity opened her mouth to further excuse herself with an attempt to discuss the trials and tribulations of the fast paced industry for which she worked, but decided against it. She curled her lips into a warm smile and nodded.

“You’re right mother, thank you.”

“I swear Pearl, she talks more and more like a Canterlot pony every time we see her. I mean how formal can ya get? “Mother?” “Father?””

The colt chuckled at his own joke as he watched his daughter’s cheeks turn bright red.

“Oh Magnum, leave her alone. You know Canterlot is where she really belongs.” the pink mare winked as she played along.

“I know, sometimes I just miss the good ol’ days of “Mommy” and “Daddy”. Especially “Daddy” since, you know, that was her FIRST word.”

Pearl rolled her eyes and put a hoof to the side of her mouth as she leaned in to whisper to her daughter. “Your first word was really “Momma”, but we’ll just keep letting him stick with his story. I think it helps him sleep better at night.”

Rarity’s entire face flushed with embarrassment, but she couldn’t help but to emit a slight laugh at her parent’s mood uplifting banter. Pearl stood upright again and rubbed her nose against her husband’s gently and the two exchanged loving smiles. Sweetie Belle approached the three family members dragging her hooves and letting out low grumbles.

“I’m ready to go…”

Magnum ran a hoof across his older daughter’s already disheveled mane. “See ya, in another couple of weeks sugarplum?”

“Of course, and I promise, I will be mindful of what you two have said.”

The two parents embraced their eldest daughter tightly. As the separated, Pearl glazed over at Sweetie Belle whose head was turned to the side, casting a disinterested gaze at the taxi.

“Sweetie, aren’t ya gonna give your big sis a hug goodbye?”

Rarity beamed a warm smile at her sister and extended her forlegs in hopes for some kind of affection that would insist the young filly would soon be able to once again forgive her, but Sweetie didn’t even bother to turn her head. She walked back to the taxi carriage with not even an utterance of words to her sister.

“I’ll be in the taxi.”

Rarity’s arms and shoulders drooped like heavy weights as she watched her sibling stroll away. Before sadness fully consumed her, she was embraced by another hug from her mother. She tightly wrapped her forelegs around her mom tightly as if the embrace was the only thing keeping her from bursting into tears.

“We’ll talk to her.”

“Just don’t tell her th–”

“I know hon, I know.”

The white mare sniffled as a few tears traversed their way down her cheeks. They were soon wiped away by her father who smiled and gently put a hoof under her chin.

“We’re so proud of you, Rarity. You were truly a blessing to us in every way a daughter could be. Just remember to never lose focus on what’s truly important.”

Rarity nodded and sniffed again. She gently rubbed her neck against her father’s shirt as he wrapped his forelegs around her. “Thank you, daddy, and mommy.”

They smiled, Magnum brushed his wife with his elbow. “Don’t know if you’re keepin’ score but…she said daddy first…AGAIN.”

Rarity let out a few chuckles as his father protruded his chest victoriously while her mother simply rolled her eyes. “Oh, you two.”

“We’ll see ya later, hon.”

The two adult ponies turned to walk back to the carriage.

“Mom? Dad?”

Both Pearl and Magnum turned their heads.

“When will you allow me to make you both new outfits so you can throw those dingy old ones away?”

“When they stop being so important to us!” Magnum retorted.

Rarity sighed and shook her head. “So, never.”

“Ya got that right, hon!”

A small smile took over Rarity’s face as she watched the proud parents get into the taxi cart with her younger sibling. The smile slightly faded as she noticed the unnerving glare that focused on her from Sweetie Belle until the carriage pulled out of sight.

“Sweetie Belle...”


Sweetie Belle sat with her hooves folded across her chest. As she stared out of the side of the taxi carriage, she would occasionally mumble to herself. Pearl and Magnum looked at each other and with a simultaneous nod they turned to their young daughter.

“What’s on your mind sport?”

Sweetie continued to mumble under her breath, not even gazing at her father.

“Sweetie Belle.” Magnum’s voice cut through the air with authority. Sweetie sighed and looked at her father.

“I just get tired of always going to Rarity’s, and not getting to do fun things with her. It’s always fashion this and fabric that. Then when we do finally have a chance to do something fun, some stupid designer or somepony else comes in, and complains about needing something. Then I’m left to be bored all day, or I have to go out and find other ponies to spend time with.”

“Well hon, ya know that’s her livelihood.”

“Sometimes I just wish that whole place would burn to the ground or something.” the young filly said looking down at the cushioned seats.

The two adult ponies eyed their daughter, almost stunned silent by her words.

“Sweetie Belle, don’t talk like that! Your sister works very hard.”

“Right, too hard. She doesn’t even think about us. When was the last time we all spent real time together? She’s always busy! Even on holidays, we’ll only see her for a few hours before she has to go off and make a bunch of dresses!”

“Hon, holidays are very busy times in the fashion world. She tries her best t–”

“Well her best really sucks!” Sweetie Belle barked now looking directly at her parents. She looked down as her eyes began to water. “Sometimes, I wish I didn’t even have a sister.”

“Now you hold it right there young lady!” Magnum scolded. “There will not be any kind of talk like that! Your sister–.”

“Is a self-centered, fabric freak who only cares about fashion and not her sister, let alone her family.”

The young filly’s glance focused back on the passing scenery. Her mother sighed and lowered her head defeated. Her father’s eyes twitched and his lip quivered. He grit his teeth attempting to hold back his words but they bellowed out as fast as he thought of them.

“If it weren’t for her you wouldn’t have even been in this family!”

Pearl’s head snapped up and she stared at her husband. “Magnum!”

Sweetie Belle’s gaze softened, her bottom lip quivered and her eyes glazed over with slight shock.


“Honey, we agreed not to tell her until a certain time!”

“Well now seems like the time.”

“Tell me what?”

Pearl let out a sigh and looked out at the scenery that sped by as the carriage moved briskly.

“It was quite some time ago, you weren’t even born yet.”

“Magnum, hon! Get in here!”

We were so happy. It was the proudest day in our lives.

“What is it sugarbear?”

The colt’s eyes widened as he observed his wife. Her belly, had a slight protruding bulge. Magnum slowly reached out and placed his hoof on it as if touching precious china. His breath became staggered and tears welled up in his eyes.

“You’re pregnant!”

The two ponies embraced tightly, tears streaming down both of their faces.

“Rarity! Hon, come here!”

A young white filly came drudging down the stairs with small bag around her neck. Her purple mane and tail tousled and clumped with many strands out of hair out of place. The parents giggled noticing the site of their daughter who sighed to herself.

“Looks like you had a rough night, sugar plum.”

“I was trying so so so hard to curl my mane and tail like the fashion ponies do! But I keep messing up! How will I ever be a fashionista if I can’t even curl my own hair?”

“Don’t worry hon, you’ll get it eventually.”

“But what if I can’t?”

“Hey now little lady,” the white colt scolded. “you can do anything you put your mind to dontcha know. You said the same thing about these here hats you made us two weeks ago, and didn’t they turn out great?”

“Not to mention I simply love these white pants, hon! So don’t ever think for a second think you can’t do something. Clear?”

Rarity nodded and sighed before giving her parents a warm smile.“Yes mommy, yes daddy.”

Magnum rubbed his hoof against his daughter’s head as he smiled.

“Oh, I almost forgot!” said the filly. She reached in her bag and pulled out two folded shirts with her magic. “I made these for you!” She proudly presented a royal blue collar shirt decorated with blue and yellow flowers in the stitching and a red shirt with a shell in front of the collar connecting holding together white lace.

The two parents eyes widened as they examined the fine work their daughter created and they smiled at each other as they slipped on the two shirts. They posed in the mirror and Magnum chuckled as his wife’s shirt didn’t quite fit over her now protruding belly. Rarity let out a slight whimper as she viewed her work, befuddled that she didn’t get the right size.

“Oh nooo! I made it too small!”

“No, no hon, it’s fantastic, I love it! It would’ve been the perfect size but… It’s just… well… you’re going to be a big sister.”

The filly’s eyes widened as her brain put together the pieces of the puzzle. Silence filled the air and the two parents eyed their first born’s blank stare. The lack of expression in the dead silent room began to concern the parents. Soon, a scream ripped through the air and the tiny white mare jumped up and down all over the house.


From that point on, your sister did everything she could to help your father and I as we prepared to bring you into this world. Then, when you were born…

Ear shattering screams sliced through the air coming from a sobbing Sweetie Belle. Magnum did her best to cradle the young foal, while Pearl dangled a set of toy keys in front of her. The distraction of the jingling settled the young pony for a bit, but the peace and quiet lasted only for about a few seconds as she, once again, ripped through the sound barrier with her cries. Eventually, the young foal wept herself to sleep, restoring the serenity of the home and giving its inhabitants ears a rest.

“She sure has some powerful lungs; maybe she’ll be a singer.” the white colt joked.

“I hope so. Rarity didn’t even cry this loud.”

“Which reminds me, we need to get more diapers.”

“How did that remind you of diapers?”

“Because they are two aisles away from the earplugs.”

Pearl shook her head as she daintly adjusted the blanket in her youngest daughter’s crib, tucking the fabric gently so the cold could not seep in and discomfort the young foal. “Oh Magnum, but who’s going to watch Sweetie Belle?”

“I think our lovely Rarity can.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea hon, what if Sweetie wakes up?”

“We won’t be long.” The colt glanced over to his youngest daughter as she slept soundly in the crib, “Plus, I don’t think she’s waking up anytime soon after that little concert she gave us.”

“Did I really cry that loud?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Oh yes hon, you actually made our next door neighbors move.”

“Nu uh!”

“No kidding.”

“So, what happened after that?”

“Mag, hon?”

Magnum cleared his throat and continued the story.

“Well, when we got back to the house we heard you crying again. We rushed out to make sure both you and Rarity were ok, but as we went up the stairs your cries turned to giggles.”

Pearl was the first one to open the door to Sweetie Belle’s room. Magnum was right behind her. Both of them, out of breath, they stared at the two sisters, soon after smiles curled onto their faces. Rarity sat outisde the crib with her sister, holding her forelegs while occasionally lifting her up to give the young foal the sensation of jumping and dancing. All while doing this, she softly sang a familiar tune.

“Hush now, Quiet now,
It's time to lay your sleepy head.
Hush now, Quiet now
It is time to go to bed.
Drift off to sleep,
Leave the exciting day behind you.
Drift off to sleep,
Let the joy of dreamland find you.”

Pearl wiped the oncoming tears from her eyes and rushed to go get the camera. Magnum smiled and approached the two siblings. Rarity looked up at her father and beamed the most joyful smile at him.

“Daddy, I love her more than anything in this world.”

The white colt covered his face with his hoof, doing his best to hold back his tears. He sniffed as they began to soak the sleeve of his shirt. Seconds later, Pearl arrived with the camera and snapped a picture of the two adorable siblings.

“Rarity really said that?” the young filly asked.

Pearl wiped her eyes and sniffed as Magnum nodded. He sighed and smiled at his wife as he planted a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Sweetie Belle cast a slight smile at her parents.

“Then what happened?”

Magnum let out a low sigh and began to look out of the carriage.


Pearl placed a hoof on her husband’s shoulder as she looked at him.

“Mag, hon, if we’re gonna tell her, we gotta tell her everything.”

The white colt closed his eyes and bit his lower lip.


“I can’t sugarbear…”

“Hon, you s–”

“I know, but I started thinking about it and I just… can’t!”

The white colt covered his head with his hooves, grit his teeth and mumbled something to himself. Sweetie Belle leaned towards her father.

“Dad, what’s wrong?”

After a few seconds of silence and gentle caresses from his wife, Magnum sat up and sighed.

“It’s nothing Sweetie Belle.”

“But Dad you ne–”

“Sweetie Belle, enough! I think that story is beyond proof your sister cares about you.”

“Used to care! What changed?”


“How do I know? She left for Ponyville when she was my age! Before she even got her cutie mark! If she cared so much about me, why did she leave?! Why did you let her!?”

“Sweetie Belle! That’s enough!” Pearl exclaimed as tears began to form in her eyes.

The young filly looked at her father’s stern face. She stared him down for about five seconds then pouted and went back to her folded hoof position. A single tear began to find its way from the colt’s left eye and he wiped it away. The taxi carriage remained eerily quiet for the rest of the ride home.