• Published 2nd Nov 2012
  • 2,421 Views, 110 Comments

No Shave November Goes Too Far - BookWyrm

  • ...

Twilight Sparkle beard

here we go next chapter, 2 or 3 left to go.

Spike ran home as fast as his stubby little legs would carry him, breakfast pastries in hand, moustache fluttering in the breeze. A dragon in Ponyville! Okay so Spike was a dragon who lived in Ponyville, but this was totally different unusual. Big Mac had called the dragon in a beard off and rediscovered some sort of ancient arcane beard magic. Spike had to tell Twilight.

The library tree that spike called home came into view as spike rounded a corner. Spike ran up to the door…


Spike smacked right into the door, which was locked. A large white sign hung on the door, reading:


“What the heck?” Spike scratched his head, “when did that get there?” Spike tried the door again, this time opting to turn
the handle.

No luck, locked.

Spike banged on the door.


“Twilight!?” Spike shouted, “Twilight open the door! It’s me Spike!”

Spike listened at the door. He heard the sound of hooves scuttling around.

“Twilight?” Spike called again.

“Go away!” Twilight shouted from behind the door.

“Twilight its Spike, open the door please!”

“No!” Twilight shouted from behind the door.

Spike shrugged, Twilight was obviously having another one of her episodes. Trump card time.

“Come on Twilight, I have cinnamon rolls!”


“Twilight open the door!” Spike shouted.

“Celestia damn it.” Spike muttered to himself.

Spike waddled over to the little red sign to the right of the door. He searched for a moment until he found a small knot in the wood of the sign post. Spike dug his pointer claw into the center of the knot and pulled, revealing a small key that had been hidden there in case of emergencies. Spike took the key and walked back to the door.

“Twilight, I’m coming in!” Spike unlocked the door.

“No wait!” Spike heard the sound of frantic running as he opened the door.


The little closet on the other end of the main room slammed shut just as Spike entered the room.

“Celestia damn it.” Spike muttered putting the box of cinnamon rolls on the table and walked over to the closet door,

“Twilight, come out of the closet!”

“NO!” Twilight shouted.

“Twilight, there is a bunch of crazy ancient magic stuff happening in town.” Spike shouted through the door.

“Mac and Cranky had a beard off and a super bearded dragon showed up and now Cranky’s balled and Mac’s bearding power has doubled.” Spike summed up, “and the cinnamon rolls are getting cold!”

“Come out of the closet Twi.”

Just then Rainbow Dash crashed in through the window, knocking into a bookcase and sending its contents to the floor.

“ow ow ow,” Rainbow said, climbing to her hooves. The cyan mare rubbed her head, that was going to be a bump later.

“Hay Spike, what’s up?”

“Oh hay Rainbow, Twilight won’t come out of the closet.” Spike said.

In the list of thing Rainbow had expected to hear during her visit to get the newest Daring Doo book... well when life gives
you lemons.

“Really?” Rainbow asked giving a big grin.

“Go away!” Twilight shouted from the closet.

“What is that?” Rainbow asked.

“Twilight… In the closet.” Spike replied.

“Wait what?”

A very long Abbot and Costello bit later

“Oooohhh! So Twilight is hiding in the closet for some reason and will not come out of the closet in the physical sense.” Rainbow concluded.

YES! Why is that confusing!” Spike asked, not yet knowing what an innuendo is.

“Oh um, nothing,” Rainbow glanced around nervously, “it’s kind of been a crazy day, and it’s really hot, I kind of go in and out.”

Spike glared for a moment, unaware that his innocents had just been saved.

“Anyways, I can totally help get Twilight out of the closet. That closet… over there... um… yeah.” Rainbow decided to just hurry up and end this entire conversation. “Twilight!” Rainbow shouted.

“What?” Twilight groaned.

“Either you come out of their now, or I’ll force you out in 10 seconds flat!”

“Rainbow please, don’t do it!” Twilight shouted.

“Then come out!” Rainbow repeated.

“I can’t!” Twilight sobbed.

“Why not, Twilight what’s wrong?” Spike pleaded through the door. “Twilight we’re your friends, talk to us.”

“That’s it! Twilight stand back!” Rainbow shouted taking to the air and rearing up to charge the door.

“Rainbow wait don’t…” Spike tried to say, but too late, Rainbow crashed into the door smashing it to splinters in a loud bang.


“Rainbow? Twilight?” spike called into the ruined closet.

“Oh my gosh my head.” Rainbow stumbled out of the closet, her eyes derped as she clutched her head in pain.
Spike decided to throw caution to the wind and check up on his caretaker. “Twilight?” he called as he entered the closet. Spike groped around in the dark for a moment before his claw caught hold of a tuff of hair. Spike pulled, what he assumed was twilights tale from the wreckage and into the light of the library main room by her tail.
But it wasn’t Twilights tale.

Spike let go of the clump of hair and gawked. Rainbow stopped her writhing and shook her head several times to
de-derpify her eyes. Only to have them fix upon her friends face in utter confusion.
Twilights had been knocked out. But on her face was a full purple beard, neatly cropped, with the same pink stripe running it down it. Had Rarity been there, she would have noted that Twilights beard matched her mane perfectly.

“Huh…” Spike said… gawking.

“Yeah…” Rainbow had no idea what to do with this new information.

Twilights eyes fluttered open as she came too. Spike and Rainbow where standing over her, looking down at her with concerned.

“mmm… oh, hi Spike, hi Rainbow Dash.” Twilight stretched, “I had the weirdest dream, I woke up in my lab with a…” Twilights hoof came up to her face. “Oh no.” Twilights eyes began to water and her face went red. “oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no!” Twilight got up and ran for it, her horn glowed with a violate aura as her magic took hold of the large pile of books left over from rainbows entrance. The books floated up and arranged themselves into a small box like structure.
Spike recognized this as one of Twilights oldest freak out defense mechanisms. Twilight had constructed a book fort to hide in. Twilight hadn’t done this in a while; Spike knew he had to talk her down.

“Twilight?” Spike called into the book fort.

“Mmmmm.” Twilight whimpered.

“Twilight I need you to…”

“Oh my gosh why do you have a beard!?” Rainbow shouted uncouthly.

“Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” Twilight began to ball like a filly from inside the book fort.

“Oh crud.” Spike face clawed.

“What? What happened?” Rainbow asked, “Did you see her, she had a beard! Mares don’t have beards!”

Spike grabbed rainbow by the tail and dragged her from the library.

“Hay!” Rainbow protested.

Spike closed the door to the library and turned to the cyan mare.

“Rainbow, listen very carefully.” Spike did his best to keep his voice calm. “I don’t know what happened with Twilight, but whatever it is, it has gotten her worked up enough to lock herself up in a book fort, I’m going to need a while to talk her down. In the mean time I need you to go and gather the girls and bring them here. I am going to need all the help I can get.”

“Okay.” Rainbow gave a mock salute and flew off.

Spike turned to go back inside the library only to find the door had been quietly shut. Spike tried the door… locked.

This Chapter was a bit short, but the kicker hits in the next two... lots of big stuff, and they should be coming out soon... considering that November ends in like two days./b]