• Published 7th Nov 2012
  • 1,642 Views, 30 Comments

Enharmonia - Mactinto

A chance encounter between a certain two mares...

  • ...

Movement No. 2

"... and so I say to him, 'Someone will be there early to let you in!" The slightly inebriated mare slammed the stein down onto the table and laughed, tilting her head back as she did so.

Vinyl, however, just smiled nervously. "So, you lied to the guy and left him out in the snow because he was a bassoon player? Low..."

"Well, it's not like bassoons are good for anything besides..." she snickered. "BURNING!" She roared this time, pleased as punch - or in this case whiskey - that she was able to crack not one but two bad jokes, at the expense of double reed players everywhere.

The DJ just looked at her new friend and shook her head, chuckling to herself. "Knew ya shouldn't have had the Applejack Daniel's... com'on, let's get ya home." Helping the cellist out of her seat was easy enough, and Vinyl knew her way around a drunk female or two. It wasn't uncommon for the tabloids to report the mare taking home one or more ponies after a long night of drinking, and tonight would possibly be no different.

But Octavia was quite the exception. Through increasingly insightful and hilarious, yet intriguing dialogue, the cellist revealed her line of work, her upbringing in one of the more affluent neighborhoods of Canterlot, and her goals for the future. Strangely, unlike other ponies that Vinyl had met at the pub before, she never mentioned freely of her personal relationships, nor her goals in said field.

As the unlikely pair left the pub, Vinyl used her magic to drop a rather large tip in the jar near the door, nodding back to the barmare, looking ecstatic that the two finally left. Passing the threshold of the door, Vinyl began to extend her magic to close the door behind her, but was cut off by a loud slam.

The cellist had regained some composure at this point, able to walk on her own once more, albeit with a sway to her gait. What the hay to do now? It's my night off at the club, but I guess I could drop in and lay some sick beats on them. She stopped for a second, then continued. Hah, drop? Get it? Oh wait, she can't hear me...

"So, Ms. Scratch," the calm, collected, somewhat drunk, highbrow Canterlot mare Octavia Philharmonic said, "is this the part where you bring the tipsy, beautiful mare home for a fun night of loving before sending her home in the morning? Or did I read you completely wrong?"

Never was a fan of sunglasses; you can't really see what somepony is thinking... The straight face given by Vinyl was in no way an indicator of any emotion or thought process that she had ever seen. I feel like I'm under a microscope...

The tense moment turned into a minute, neither mare saying a word or even moving a muscle.

"Well, only if you want." With a grin, the DJ continued along the street, throwing over her shoulder, "But I hate to take advantage of a mare as highbrow as yourself. Not to mention good looking..."

Octavia's blush shown through her grey coat, putting Berry Punch to shame. "Not so loud, Vinyl! But... Thanks." Vinyl stopped and turned around, surprised by the ground given by her new acquaintance. "It means a lot to me, even if you were just fishing for a blush and a stern chastising."

Her face fell at this, and she sighed. "I won't take you up on that offer, but maybe... sometime soon..."

Trotting back and putting a hoof around Octavia, Vinyl said, "Sure, I'll pick you up tomorrow at your place, eight thirty. We're goin' CLUB HUNTIN'!" She jumped up on her hind hooves and pumped her forehooves into the air. "It's gonna be SO. AWESOME."

The cellist put her hoof on the excited mare's back, and said, "That's not entirely what I was going to suggest. Maybe instead we could go to, I don't know, say, The Hay and Bale?"

In her clouded head, the scenario worked out perfectly. The two would go to the club, both in their best attire, and would have polite conversation at the dim tables in the back of the room, with Trotzart being played by the four piece ensemble on the stage. Champagne would be drunk, stories told, secrets unveiled...

She's inviting me, DJ Pon-3, to the snottiest of snotbaskets in Canterlot? Yanking the daydreaming - er, nightdreaming - cellist out of her trance, the DJ delivered her ultimatum.

"I'll only go if there's free drinks. Because I can't just-"

"Deal. I'll see you at my place tomorrow evening." With a slight bow, the mare left her soon-to-be-date in the middle of the street, the night still young for her.

"Wait, where do you even live?" Vinyl asked?

Octavia just smiled back at her and kept trotting along. "You'll find it, if you look down the road a little." With a slight giggle, and a hiccup, the mare left.

Looking down, the white unicorn found a business card lying at her feet. She muttered to herself, "Ms. Octavia Philharmonia, 146 Harmony Avenue. Royal Canterlot Symphony, principal cellist and music theory instructor." Lifting her eyes back to the direction the mare had gone, she smiled.

"See you then, Ms. Octavia Philharmonia."

Sunshine broke through the window to awaken the peaceful mare from her slumber. Octavia groaned, twisting and turning to find the comfort of sleep that she had just moments ago. "Sunshine, can you just go away?"

With a tsk, a motherly voice said, "Sorry, but you needed to be at practice an hour ago!"

Octavia turned her head and found a glowing, bright orange pony standing in her window frame. "AGH! Who the BUCK are YOU?"


"AH!" Octavia bolted upright, and immediately regretted it. This time, the sun actually did give her a headache, the protection of her dream no longer present. Her head throbbed as she dragged her hooves out of bed and trotted slowly toward the kitchen, through her studio apartment.

Menial, regular tasks such as grinding and brewing coffee became feats of endurance, the monotony and senses of everything being amplified a thousand fold. After pouring the water into her coffee machine and setting the brewing selection, Octavia shuffled her hooves over into the bathroom.

After pressing the button to start up the shower, she adjusted the temperature to her liking, muttering curses when the water was too hot, or too cold. Finally, it was just right, and Ms. Goldilocks stepped into the shower. As she showered, the feeling of being completely drained and sore was washed from her system, and a feeling of rejuvenation replaced it all. Peacefulness came over her, and she felt all her worries melt away.

The newly young mare stepped out of the shower a minute later, and trotted back to the kitchen, this time with a brisk pace. Humming cheerful tunes of Penny Manger, the cellist dexterously poured a fresh cup of coffee into her mug, adding in sugar and cream to sweeten the deal.

With a sip of the elixir, Octavia began to start her brain up. "Ah, nothing like Coltumbian to wake up in the morning, all ready for rehearsal..." A sidelong glance at the clock, and then another sip. Right on time, only have negative one hour to...

And then spitting out that sip, running to the bedroom area to grab her bow tie, and then fumbling with said accessory as she and her cello spilled out into the hallway.

Vinyl stumbled down the street, thoroughly blasted out of her mind. Vague hints of what had possibly happened just hours ago passed through her mind, but she dismissed them. She'd had so many nights like this that she dismissed it all as just common occurrence.

Her apartment was at the top floor of the Maretonian, a very high-scale, polish place where only the richest and cunning ponies lived. Of course, Vinyl met neither of these prerequisites, the penthouse suite courtesy of one named Pinkie Pie, the eccentric, energetic mare that had landed Vinyl the wedding gig.

I wonder what she meant by having penthouses stashed all over Equestria... Almost shaking her head - but not, because she knew she would fall over - Vinyl trotted cautiously into the elevator, using her magic to hit the button to her suite.

Upstairs, she disembarked the lift and went to her bedroom. There, she flopped onto the bed, face first, and promptly fell asleep.