• Published 5th Nov 2012
  • 1,500 Views, 25 Comments

Surprise! You are Suprise! - drnachos

One day I woke up as surprise. Well this should be interesting.

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Denver Broncos

As I flew over the rocky mountains I looked down at Colorado. It was a quiet state at that with few people but I did know enough about the Denver Broncos which made the state famous for me. I looked below and saw trees. So many fucking trees. Unlike Los Angles with its towering skyscrapers. I watched south park on my iPhone just for the Colorado occasion. I laughed at Cartman's occasional joke. I flew closer to the ground and saw the mountain scenery change to city scenery. Boulder Colorado. 30 Miles To Denver a sign read. I saw a motel and walked to the door. I slowly opened the door and walked into the lobby. They had a Gothic teenage girl tending the counter. I asked her "Hi I'm Surprise can I get a room please for the night?" She stared into space and finnaly gave a reply.

"Yeah sure whatever pony." She gave me a key card and I gave her my money. I realized how easy it became for me to use my hooves to handle materials.

Author's Note:

Unfinished chapter never to be finished