• Published 6th Nov 2012
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SMG Equestrian Stars: Side Entries - warpd

Short entries from characters from Super Mario Galaxy Equestrian Stars

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Creature Entry: Stratus

Cliff Notes Entry by TS
Creature Entry

Name: Stratus

Scientific Name: Nokonoko cumulus
Note: I’m not entirely sure if subject is an actual species so naming it might be conjecture. Alien species’ names are subject to change until further evidence. Mario called it a Lakitu’s Cloud.

Gender: N/A
Note: Can’t really confirm...

Eye Color: Black

Mane Color: N/A

Coat Color: White
Note: Subject can change color depending on mood.

Blood Type: N/A

Magic: Pegasus (altered)
Note: Unicorns and Earth ponies are capable of interacting with subject unlike with other clouds. Can use subject to form precipitation and lightening like with regular Equestrian cloud.

Subject is equipped with transcendental space pockets. User can switch between spaces to access two different pouches. No known capacity limit. When subject was first found one pouch held a large cluster of spiky eggs that are in actuality spiky snapping turtles. The other pouch held a fishing rod, a camera, and a traffic light.

Physical Capabilities:

Has same texture and composition of a normal cloud, but is hardier and can resist falling apart at high speeds.
Subject supports over 200 kilos of additional weight before strain and detriment to mobility.
Can travel past 90 kilometers per hour at max for a short time.
If pulled apart or flattened subject can reform itself.
Can be forced in a smaller space though the subject shows obvious signs of discomfort.

Mental Capabilities:

Intelligence is the equivalent of a trained pet.
Understands Equestrian speech and writing.
Can communicate with simple gestures and facial expressions.
Is capable of simple mathematics and may be able to be trained to a higher level.
Forms a close bond with subject’s owner Rainbow Dash.


Confirm to be extraterrestrial by subject. It is unknown if subject is an alien species or a weapon construction created by the Koopa race. It is associated with Koopas, but it doesn’t seem to share their aggressive nature. Unknown if this subject is a special case or all Nokonoko cumulus have the same mindset.

Personal Notes:

I believe my first encounter with subject was during the first attack from the Koopa invasion. Outside the castle holding the Elements of Harmony, my friends and I were attacked by a group of Koopas. Some of them were riding clouds just like Stratus. I do not know if Stratus was among those clouds, but he did appear after the invasion force left. He was found and befriended by Rainbow Dash a couple months after that. Mario was able to confirm that it was not a native cloud. Stratus has a simple demeanor and is rather friendly towards everypony. It also has a very strong connection with Rainbow Dash. It usually shares her feelings and is very eager to listen to whatever she has to say. Being nuzzled by it is very nice.