• Published 7th Nov 2012
  • 1,967 Views, 54 Comments

Gulliver's Last Travel - Boss_Hoss1

Gulliver's visit to the Land of the Houyhnhms should have been his last trip. Fate said otherwise..

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Setting Sail

Gulliver's Last Travel

Chapter 5; Setting Sail.

By Boss Hoss


Captain's logbook, H.M.S. Alicorn
August 17, 1720 ~Anno Domini

Dawn found me on the beach upon a palm frond mat.
I was leaning against a tree with my wife in my arms. The dawn highlighted her face like the statue of an angel as we lay there, fully clothed under the cool breezes of the morning.

How could I have come to feel miserable flat-nosed gray-skinned Yahoos had any connection to such loveliness?

Idly, I slipped my hand into my haversack nearby to be sure the special rum was there. It had been so long since I had felt so right with the world in my first moments of the day. Since the day I became aware I was ill, in fact. Yes, I owed the old zebra much for this blessing in liquid form. Would that he had the cure…

A gentle kiss woke my wife “Darling, I am afraid its time to get up, before our lambs come searching for us.”

Stretching, Elanore rose from her seat against me and put her hands on her back to work the knots out. “T’was a fine night, Lemuel. Oh, would that you had taken me with you before, when we were younger. This is a paradise on… Earth?” she added a little shakily, remembering last night’s full moon.

The growing romantic moment was cut short by a cheerful, bubbly voice. < Good Morning, Friend Gulliver and Wife! >

Our reactions must have been amusing for the fiery Unicorn mare from last night giggled like tinkling bells. < Oh, I must apologize for my interruption. I am Firedancer. You see, Ol’ Stripy sent me to fetch you. The tide will soon be running high and we can free your ship from the lagoon. There are enough ponies on-hoof this morning to do the task in minutes. >

She trotted down the beach a little ways and turned her head to look back with a smile
< He feels confident we can attend to the matter of a crew for you over breakfast, once the ship is free of the lagoon. Come on slowpokes! Cant’ move the ship without a Captain, now can we? >

Elanore giggled as we followed along “Oh my, enthusiastic darlings aren’t they? After last night, I think I am even beginning to understand them. They are going to move the ship, right?”

I could not help smiling at the infectious optimism of these creatures and the effect they are having on us. “Indeed they are, Dear Heart…”


Soon, I and Alexander stood on the deck of the Alicorn to steer it while the Ponies readied to move the ship. Unicorns waded atop the reef or stood in boats piloted by Earth ponies, strange energies shimmering around their horns while flocks of Pegasi tied ropes to the masts and readied to pull with all their might. Indeed those ponies looked like flocks of birds as they stood or sat on the yardarms, awaiting the signal to take wing.

Below, the Hippocampi swam in a narrowing circle around the ship, drawing the water up in a great swell under the ship itself.

Off to Starboard, Wavedancer blew on a conch shell, signaling everyone to begin.
The Unicorns concentrated and threw their might into lifting the ship, while the Pegasi rose in a thunder of wings to haul forward on the ropes as they grew taut with high pitched twanging sounds.

As we braced in our positions on the ship, Alexander held tight to the ship’s wheel as it plowed forward down the growing dome of water that also rolled forward over the reef.
In moments, the ship had passed safely over the reef and skated forward into deeper water. At my signal, the Pegasi had let loose of the ropes as we bore to Starboard, parallel to the shore. < Bosun! Drop Anchor! >
Grinning eagerly, Rumrunner saluted with one hoof and kicked loose the belaying pin holding the capstan locked in place. < Aye Cap’n! >

He looked every inch a sailor despite being on four hooves as the capstan spun freely, letting the line run out as the anchor dropped to the bottom of the bay.
Working quickly, he dropped the pin back in and slammed it in tight with a forehoof as the line went slack.

Satisfied, he turned back to me and grinned < Anchor is secure, Cap’n! >

I and my son shared a glad look. It spoke volumes of his skill that he allowed just enough line to keep the ship in place while appearing quite casual in doing so. Certainly this pony continues to surprise me, even if he is as crude as a Yahoo…


Soon, Zeram had come out to the ship on my request to help me figure what would be fair pay to the Ponies. To help boost the pot, I and my family had scoured the ship for what valuables of the crew had been left behind in their panic, turning up mostly pouches of copper and some silver.

I bade the zebra to sit nearby and let him survey the ship’s fortunes. < I must admit I am ignorant of the worth of things on your world. The sales of my books have brought me a decent amount of wealth I must admit. That bag there is Guineas –gold. That one is Pounds Sterling, a smaller coin also in gold, along with a few Spanish Dollars in that pouch. >

I pointed to another set of bags and stacks of coins < Those are silver. By weight we have Spanish Pieces of Eight, English Crowns, Shillings, and actual Pieces of Eight cut into halves, quarters, and eighths…>

Zeram shook his head in wonder as I pointed to the largest set of all, mixed with the “contributions” of the deserted crew. < Copper coins; Pennies, Ha’pennies, Farthings and similar of a dozen countries. >
At last, I pointed to a pouch with the contents spread out on black velvet. < -And this last pouch are gems, every bit as valuable as the gold, if not moreso. >

Ears twitching in thought, the aged zebra tapped his hooves together. < This fortune… You have placed from best to last? What is the average pay for a voyage over an ocean vast? >

I thought a moment, and pulled out appropriate coins to illustrate the amounts < Someone like Rumrunner, an experienced sailor; A Guinea and twenty-seven Shillings, or two Pounds Sterling and change, same for Gunners and Carpenters. >

Pulling out more coins, I set them in the appropriate order < New or inexperienced sailors, two Crowns and change or less, usually in stacks of copper. >

Silent in thought, the zebra sat for a few moments as he looked my modest treasure trove over. < The only coin current of Equestria old, quite frankly, is gold...
However, as things are sold, Silver and copper have more scarcity than gold.
Invert your pay, if I may be so bold, and your sailors will do anything they are told. >

To say I was stunned was an understatement. My modest fortunes in coin have seemingly quadrupled because common copper was now anything but, and silver was now worth more than my gold. All told- I had four times as much copper, and twice as much silver, than my Pounds and Guineas.
Clearing my throat, I dared ask < And what of my gems? Are they fair trade for much here? >

Nodding sagely, he ran his hooves over the small rubies, emeralds and sapphires, a jade the size of a hen’s egg, and a couple of small diamonds.
After a moment he spoke; < These are surprisingly tiny yet handsome. Where you are from… Are these truly considered a royal ransom? >

Coughing politely I nodded < They were cut down and parceled out from what I brought in my pockets from the land of the Houyhnhnms. These are all I have left.

Are they as common here as the ones on that land I seek? I found an entire beach where that was the gravel, as large as my fist and head and sizes between. So common, the average Houyhnhnm saw no value in them at all. When I left the island, I felt foolish stuffing my pockets with these gems as I had before my folly was pointed out by my… keeper. Still, I was being cast back out to my kind and knew I would need such trinkets to live among men. >

At that story, Zeram smiled and shook his head.
< Unlike among your Houyhnhnms cold, these baubles are worth their weight in gold, -which sadly is not that much, all told.
Even we have gem-filled beaches, clearings, and cliffs that draw Dragons bold.
In finished products their value grows.
Un-ripened as they are? Anything goes. >

He dipped his nose into a pouch and laid out a gold coin in my hand, marked with a stylized sun and the picture of a unicorn’s face on the reverse. It was about the size of a Pound Sterling coin.

< This! This my friend is the coin of the realm, a Bit by name.
The face and Cutie Mark are of our ruler of unequaled fame.
Frankly, their value may shock you.
-Does two Bits for an apple mock you? >

After a moment’s calculation, I was stunned, but glad there was ever so much more copper and silver. < Is there any gems you see of value then? -Something rare or not of this world? >

A moment of searching later, he spotted a separate pouch with my amber. One of the cheaper gems I had been advised to stock up on for trade. Several pounds weight in bits and pieces to trade with natives or sell to priests for incense.

< What is this? It smells of pine, it feels of rock... Ouch! Was that an electric shock?! >

Oh how I grinned! This was clearly something new and now hopefully worth more than my ship. < That my friend is Amber. Learned men of science are still scratching their heads over where it comes from other than Divine Providence, much less why some pieces have insects and small animals trapped inside.
As jewelry, it is unique and highly prized! It is valued by the holy men across the Earth, for when you rub one, it makes electric shocks and will even burn with a pleasing smell on altar stones. Such is the fate of much of the amber in antiquity, unfortunately. An expensive and showy tribute to many a heathen idol. >

After a moment, the look of wonder became a sly smile
< Friend Gulliver, please be wary and keep this Amber safe and secure,
When you display this to the Princess of the Sun, your fame will long endure. >

The wrinkled stallion’s ears went up at a thought, and put his charcoal-colored hoof on a modest piece the size of my thumb.

< A Healer is needed more than a village Elder, I say.
Let me come along, and this piece here is my pay.

The magic of gems give some potions healing power that is pure.
To experiment with this may bring to me many a miraculous cure! >

Well! That was hopeful news indeed! Gleefully, I took his aged hoof and shook it.
< Please! With my compliments, kind sir! Let us see what wonders you can work with that piece, and I will be glad to have you aboard, my friend! >

Chuckling, Zeram slipped the piece into a pouch. < Thank you, Friend Gulliver! It’s been too long since I have been on a voyage. I could do with the excitement. Now let us see to the crew, yes? >

Laughing, we left the cabin. < With pleasure! I’ve not been so hopeful since the day I left England! >


Much of the remaining morning was spent speaking with the ponies wanting to sign on and setting some of them to repairing the sails and rigging upon hiring. On the recommendations of Rumrunner and Swifthoof, the goal was raised to several dozen ponies, with about a dozen Pegasi to handle the sails and fight any griffons we encounter on equal terms.

In the meantime, Zeram organized gathering the supplies that only equines could eat, as well as long lasting vegetables and fruit that they and the visiting humans could both eat.

As a healer himself, Zeram was quite surprised to hear about humans and our tendency to contract Scurvy and Ricketts without the right foods to eat. No Pony or other creature he knew had such difficulties, so once he learned what was needed, he personally oversaw the loading of local fruits with the same properties as limes, and a number of cheeses produced and stored in a cool sea-grotto on the island.

My mind was brought back to the here and now by a feminine “Ahem!”.
The fiery-colored unicorn, Ember Firedancer, was also applying for a place in the crew. The gender mix of the islands was roughly equal, and I must admit, their insistence in taking as many mares as stallions would keep us from removing many of the island’s stallions for what may be months. < Well sir? I am quite competent in knots and ropework, even making them move like a snake. I can create and control fire like no other in the islands, as well as snuff it out. >

Admittedly I was uncomfortable with the thought of so many, er, women aboard, but Rumrunner and Zeram were quick to tell me it was quite normal here. Ah well, my crew had been just as uncomfortable when I brought my wife and daughter on board...
Now that I think on what she had just said, I did have an idea…
< Just a small test first, Miss Firedancer…>

Quickly I took a small flask from my pocket and poured out six measures of pistol powder on the log I had been using for a seat, each pile just inches apart. < Light these piles as fast as you can. >

Puzzled, the mare nodded and narrowed her eyes. A moment later, her horn glowed red like an ember and all six piles flashed and exploded into smoke and flame simultaneously, making her jump back in surprise.

The ponies around looked at the puffs of smoke rising from the log as I passed the ship’s charter and a quill to the stunned mare. < Fantastic display, Miss Firedancer. I would like to hire you as one of the ship’s gunners…>

Shaking herself out of her surprise, she quickly signed the book in the blocky squiggles of their language. < Y-yes, Captain! I hope I won’t disappoint you, Sir. >


The repairs and loading of supplies proceeded apace throughout the later morning, where I found Rumrunner, currently serving as the Bosun and the Quartermaster until we can shake out the crew into a better order. That I had set to do once we see how they handle a ship built for human hands.

At the moment, he was loading aboard a quantity of crates that looked similar to ones I had seen in the East Indies. Quietly, I had moved close behind him as he directed the winch-load of crates to the hold. < Well, Bosun, what is this we have coming aboard? >

To his credit, he did not jump… much. Instead, he quickly spun around and saluted me. < Cap’n! Ah just the one I was looking for! Well y’see sir! I am taking some of me pay and signing t’be yer first customer shipping a cargo, savvy? My rum consignments have been piling up while shipping is disrupted good sir! I figger’d it’s a good time t’kill two flies with one tail swat, if y’savvy, sir?
Fifty and one cases of me finest rum, bound for Seasaddle Bay and points beyond.>

At that I shook my head and chuckled < Very well, though I ask for future reference that I or Alexander, the new First Mate, be informed of requests for cargo consignments. This has all been properly written in the ships records, yes? >

Sheepishly, Rumrunner scuffed a hoof on the deck. < Not yet, Cap’n Gulliver. I will report to the First Mate right after I finish loading and get the papers written and signed nice and legal-like. >

At that, I nodded < See to it then. Carry on, Bosun, and make sure my two horse friends come on board next. > With that, I left to see the other preparations.


Shortly after the Noon hour began, the ship and crew was ready and I only had a mild attack in that time. Zeram’s medicine was serving me quite well it seems.

It was with great pride that Alexander and the other ships officers stood with me on the Stern Castle. With us was Wavedancer, laying on a wet blanket and conversing with Swifthoof. –Our Sea Master and Navigator, respectively.

The Hippocampus and Hippogriff finally turned their attention to us, with Wavedancer speaking.
< Friend Gulliver, the ship is ready to sail. I and Swifthoof feel that it is best to stop overnight at our herd’s main trade village at the main island of this chain, Gallopacos Island itself. >

Swifthoof fluttered his wings in agreement < Yes, Captain Gulliver, it will be a short sail to the farthest island of the chain by mid-to-late afternoon.
There, the Sea-herd has built a harbor with a breakwater, and the volcano that is the heart of the island is an easy landmark. It will give us a chance to get familiar with your ship and figure out how to best work the various parts with their rather odd proportions.
-It will also be our last safe harbor before the risk of piracy so we had best plan on staying overnight as part of the shakedown cruse. >

I translated this to my son and thought a moment, then nodded < I agree! Set the course forthwith. We sail immediately! >


Cheers rang out from the shores of the island as a dozen Pegasi, six Unicorns and six Earth ponies, One Hippogriff, One Zebra, and four humans rushed about, readying the ship to sail.
With a creak of the capstan being turned by a burly Earth pony, the anchor was raised. The circling Pegasi landed on the yardarms and unfurled the sails, before dropping down to the deck to catch and set the rigging with the deck ponies.

While this was happening, Navigator Swifthoof was at the ship’s wheel. He shouted commands to one Unicorn pony, who waved signal flags to six of the Pegasi above. -He had already explained this earlier, but I had to see this for myself to believe it as the six sped away, up into the sky.

In moments the Ponies had returned, at the head of a gust of wind pointing the way we needed to go. No need for complicated tacking maneuvers to catch the wind at an inefficient angle when they can just whistle up the wind in any direction like the legend of Ulysses and the Bag of the Winds. “Good lord! What cant’ these Ponies do?”


Our day trip proceeded smoothly, while Jolly the parrot, Zeram, and the stone-horses worked with my family in the hold teaching them to speak equine. Alongside the Alicorn, we were accompanied not only by the Hippocampus herd, but by the flotilla of boats that had arrived for the luau as the ponies headed back to their home islands. I found myself smiling as all the crews suddenly broke out into song, in perfect pitch and unison. This magic of harmony works in mysterious ways…

< Adventure calls to thee,
Out on the shining sea~!

How lucky you are to see,
Friends of Harmonyyy!

Frieeeends out upon the sea,
Adventures for you and me,
Nothing too tough for we,
Friends of Harmonyyy! >

Not to be outdone, the Hippocampi sang the chorus as if it had been written ahead of time;

< Friends forever, upon the sea, Friends forever how lucky are we, Friends in unity we shall be, Friends of Harmony~! >

The song went on for about ten more verses, with even my family joining in on the finale’. Good lord! This is clearly not normal for learning languages, but I shant’ complain. My family would likely be speaking like natives this very week!

Perhaps this strange magic of Harmony is seeping into our very flesh. This... Feeling of belonging.

I sat down heavily in surprise as a thought hit me! It suddenly occurs to me that perhaps the Houyhnhnms were too perfect. I was forever the outsider looking in on their perfect lives and held in mere tolerance like the cattle and donkeys that lived among them, and in disdain and loathing when my unclothed humanity was revealed. Their harmony was only with their own kind.
In contrast, these Ponies shared this sense of belonging with anyone willing. I finally saw my behavior to my own kind as the foolishness it was and wiped the sudden flood of tears with my sleeve.

A taloned hand gripped my shoulder as Swifthoof spoke to me < Captain, is it another bout of illness? >

After a moment, I patted his scaled forearm in thanks < Just an epiphany, my good fellow… I may need to buy some of Rumrunner’s wares to deal with my thoughts this night. >

Chuckling, Swifthoof twitched his tufted pony ears < Make it a small bottle, Captain. It is quite potent…>


It was late afternoon when we arrived at Gallopacos Island. The southern shore made a crescent shape, with a sea-wall made up of coral and stone extending out from the point. The sea herd led us to the entrance where a red Pegasus harbor pilot landed and took over for the trip inside.

The view inside was charming, with bamboo and thatch buildings on stilts ringing the shore. Old masts stood up from the water as mooring points for flat-bottomed barges serving as floating docks. Rope bridges soared in elegant arcs from the barges to the buildings on shore. Tied up at the docks were several modest merchantmen, and a larger vessel painted in white and gold, flying a white flag emblazoned with a golden sun.

Seeing this, the crew cheered and waved at the ponies and officials assembled on the docks. Apparently a vessel from their navy was in port.

Longshoreman ponies pulled our lines tight, mooring us just as the sun dipped blow the horizon. I and my family were amazed to see the water below light up with regular streets and rounded, organic-shaped buildings of coral blocks and volcanic stone. All of those underwater buildings had roofs of glass or ship decking, giving the surreal feeling of flying above a European city and looking down from above.

The clear water revealed the mooring mast we were tied to was connected to the peak of the largest building, about 5 stories high, with hatches in the flat top taken from ship decks. The breakwater was their fortress walls, our safe harbor their very town. It was a sight fully as magnificent in its own way as the island-fortress of the air, Laputa.

I was shaken from my revere as Rumrunner trotted up < Beggin’ yer pardon, Cap’n. Both the Harbormaster, an’ the First Mate of Her Majesty’s Naval ship, “Eclipse” ask permission to come aboard. >

Nodding, I started for my cabin < Pipe them aboard while I ready my family and papers. We shall see what they make of us “poor, miserable Yahoos”… > I ended with a laugh.

Author's Note:

My apologies for the delays. aside from the usual IRL problems, I also had to do my homework for portions of this, as well as finish the cover art.

Comments ( 14 )

Heh, and as usual, Gulliver finds his latest voyage the most perfect...

Each of his travels was more amazing than the one before it. I figured his last should be the one to start repairing the damage caused to him and his family by the ones before. :twilightsmile:


I am beginning to think that the Equestria Interdimensional Tourism Agency's slogan is:

"Welcome to Equestria. You won't leave. (That's not a threat.)"

Many is this not featured it's amazing the seamless blending of stories and usage of correct language

1581417 When Gulliver has an audience with the Giant people, the rulers of Brobdingnag (The Land of the Giants), they ask him questions of his government and country, as well as other things.

Johnathan Swift is the author of the Gulliver's Travels series. The encounter with the Lilliputians (who are very small compared to the Giant-sized human) and his adventures in the area (he puts out a fire in town and is hailed a hero).

I've had to read Gulliver's travels over my last brit lit class... I admit, this story is fascinating by that point of view. Instead of a political commentary, it's more a personal travelouge and exploration story, where Gulliver is examining his environs, as much as he examines himself. I hope the author picks this up again one day. the details and world-building so far have been top notch.

Thank you, I've been trying to get back to it since my depression has abated.. Watch for more soon.


Ever coming back to this?

It's been a hell year for me but I will be. I will be making a blog post with details on New Years.

as far as abandoned stories go this is a good place in the story to stop.

Reading this in 2018. Thank you for writing this!

That's a wonderful idea to let him to have a travel, one that will make him see a brighter side of things, to have his broken heart and shattered faith in mankind restored. He must know, that there are not only bad things, but the good ones also, and most of all, It IS POSSIBLE for a man to become better. To be better then yahoos at least.
And this time, he has his family by his side to aid him, support him and comfort him. His loving wonderful wife, his wonderful children.

If there was only one fic I could wish to return from the eternal limbo of the abandoned...well, it'd be a dead-on Jeeves and Wooster parody that seems to have disappeared, but this is an incredibly close second. Aw, heck, there's always The Rummy Business of Old Blooey if I need a fix. This can be first.

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