• Published 23rd Nov 2012
  • 4,401 Views, 273 Comments

Mare of War - zaponator

A tale of war, secret military groups, weapons of mass destruction, and tea.

  • ...

2 - You Know What This Calls For?

Edited by Pilate. He's one swell zebra.

Twilight was reasonably sure she wasn't going to die. Sure the fire was spreading slowly but surely to consume the entire library, turning a masterwork of magical architecture into nothing but a memory. Sure in her concussed state she was likely to be inside the library when this happened, but she was pretty sure she would be fine, well she’d be alive at least.

What was it those stallions at The Academy liked to say? 'Until proven otherwise, I am immortal.' Yeah, that sounds good right about now.

In any case, she knew Spike would be fine, as a dragon, he was completely immune to fire. In fact, she once saw him completely submerge himself in molten lava. Yeah, he would be fine, he’d miss her a lot, but one of her friends would take him in. Twilight began to wonder if the town would build the new library in the same location, or if they would build a memorial there instead.

I guess they could do both. Twilight decided. The Twilight Sparkle Memorial Library. Kill two birds with one stone.

"Twilight! Spike! Are ya'll in there!"

Applejack? What is she doing here?

Realizing that was probably not the most important thing to be pondering right then, Twilight instead opted to return an answer.

"We're down here! In the basement!" She shouted as loud as she could, hoping it was enough. Spike joined in, his calls weak and raspy from his previous crying. However, it was enough for Applejack to hear them, her own booming reply easily audible.

"Alright. I got a rope ready. I'll toss it down to ya'll."

With that, a rope with a loop in the end came sailing over the edge of the ground above, through the front door. Twilight placed the loop just behind her forelegs and tightened it, telling Spike to climb on her back and hold on. When he had done so, she gave the rope two sharp tugs to signal they were ready. As they were being pulled up Twilight’s mind began to slow down, allowing for complete thoughts.

Well, I’m not going to die now. This is good, in fact this is the best news I’ve had all day. Also, this means I don't have to worry about new librarian being suitable, which is perfect, as I didn’t have time to leave them a note on the most efficient shelving methods.

Twilight smiled slightly, she could always count on her friends when she was in trouble. Just as they were pulled out of the remains of the basement, and she saw weather ponies approaching to put out the fire, she was struck by a thought. I'll need to start analyzing the blast zone as soon as possible. That spell had very interesting results. A small frown replaced her smile. I was really looking forward to instant tea though.


The pegasus ponies had just finished putting out the fire with their rainclouds, and Applejack was recounting how events had played out from her point of view. Twilight listened intently, still in the adrenaline rush of her near death minutes ago. "So I told Dash to go an' get a couple pegasi to put out the fire, and then collect up the rest of the girls." She was sitting on her haunches in front of Twilight on the grass in front of the damaged library. "Next I ran over as fast as I could to check if ya'll were all right." Her tone shifted to a concerned note, "Speaking of, is he gonna be alright sugarcube?" Applejack gestured to the shivering ball of scales still clinging tightly to Twilight's back.

Twilight blinked, then turned her head as if just realizing there was a baby dragon stuck to her. "Oh, Spike will be fine. He's just in shock. I'm not sure why though. Honestly I think he forgets sometimes that he's fireproof." Spike continued shaking and holding onto Twilight with his eyes screwed shut. When Twilight turned back around she saw the rest of her friends approaching, led by Rainbow Dash and looking very worried. Applejack, for some reason looking, dumbfounded at her.

"Twilight! I'm so glad you're okay. Me and the girls came as fas—" Rainbow was cut off by an exclamation by Applejack.

"What d'ya mean you don’t know why he's in shock!" Rainbow glared at the farmer for the interruption, but Applejack didn't notice. She just continued trying to puzzle out Twilight's odd attitude.

"You almost died sugarcube. I'm sure Spike knew plenty that he would be fine, but you are not fireproof!"

The other four ponies had by this point seen what was going on and, after seeing Spike's state, were all equally confused at Twilight's apparent nonchalant behavior. It was Rarity who spoke up first, "I must agree darling, you seem to be taking this rather well. Perhaps you are simply in an even greater state of shock." Rarity's eyes widened, "Should we fetch a doctor? I dare say we should have thought of that sooner."

The others gave various forms of quick agreement, and Rainbow was about to speed off to the hospital, when they were all stopped by Twilight speaking.

"Rainbow wait!" All her friends turned to look at her with yet more confusion etched on their faces. "Girls listen, I'm fine. I don't need a doctor. Right now I just want to examine the blast zone, okay?"

Rainbow flew over to land directly in front of Twilight, kicking up a small cloud of dust. "You are not fine. Nopony could be fine after going through that!"

A look of realization crossed Fluttershy's face, before she quietly spoke up. "Um, Twilight you can go, uh, examine the blast zone... if you want. I just want to talk to the girls about, um, something else." All five mares looked at Fluttershy, who was now apparently attempting to set a world record for fakest smile. Rainbow gave a faint noise of protest, but at a look from Fluttershy that only one who had known her since childhood could decode, she fell silent.

"Alright girls, I'll be over here, though you don't have to stay if you don't want to." Twilight knew they were planning something, but rather than try to pry it out of them, she simply walked around the corner of the library, out of sight, and cocked an ear to listen. She knew she shouldn't eavesdrop, but she didn't want her friends getting her a psychiatrist or something when she knew she was perfectly fine. She strained to hear Fluttershy's tiny voice, and could just barely make it out.

"Girls, I think I know what's wrong with Twilight." Fluttershy didn't even need to whisper to talk stealthily.

"Well then? Spit it out!" Rainbow Dash's idea of whispering would have been audible even without intentionally eavesdropping.

"Well, um, you see, sometimes I get animals who are in shock after surviving an attack by a predator or something like that." She sounded almost in pain at the idea of a little animal being hurt, but after taking a moment to compose herself, she continued, "Some of them are like Spike, they won't stop shaking, they don't listen to a word I say, and it can take hours of tender love and care for them to get back to normal."

"I hate to interrupt sugarcube, but I think we already established Twi ain't actin' like that at all."

"But that's just it though. Some other animals will come in after an attack, and they'll seem just fine. They'll be perfectly happy, they'll even act as if they were never attacked at all." Fluttershy grimaced at the thought of what came next, "But then at some random time, it all comes crashing down. It's like their poor little mind finally realizes what happened, and they become even worse off than the ones who were in shock from the beginning. Sometimes it can take all night for them to stop shaking and crying. Even if I cuddle them the whole time."

"Oh dear me, that sounds simply dreadful, but whatever are we supposed to do about it?" Rarity looked to each of the other four. None seemed to have any answer, though Pinkie, of all ponies, appeared to be deep in thought. The silence only lasted a couple seconds before it was broken by a shout that could only come from one pony.

"A party!"

All five ponies, even Twilight, were stunned to complete silence. Pinkie took that as her cue to go on. "A slumber party to be exact. You said that it could take all night to help those animals. What better way to be there all night than a slumber party?"

The girls were all surprised by Pinkie's plan, or rather, that it seemed like a good one. From Pinkie. Rarity spoke what was on everypony’s mind.

"How did you come up with such a good plan? No offense dear, but... you know." Rarity gestured vaguely at all of Pinkie.

Pinkie's response was quick. She stood on her hind legs and leaned an elbow on Rarity, "Well, the problem did involve cheering somepony up, in a way. It's kinda my thing." She nonchalantly polished a hoof on her chest in an expression of coolness that made Rainbow Dash jealous. "So you’re all on board with the plan?" Pinkie was met by a chorus of nods. "Great then! What do you think Twilight?" With that, Pinkie turned to face the corner behind which Twilight was currently hiding, still out of sight.

Well, I guess I shouldn't have expected to stay hidden with Pinkie Pie there. What about this idea of hers though? I know I'm fine, but they won't stop worrying about me unless I let them 'help' me. I do also need a place to stay tonight. Without my magic to teleport, I won't be able to cross the massive hole that was once my living room. I guess it couldn't hurt. Plus: Slumber party! Yay!

This entire thought process had only taken about two seconds for Twilight, so she revealed herself just after Pinkie's outburst. She chuckled awkwardly, "Hey girls. Sorry for listening in on you." She smiled sheepishly, but they didn't seem offended. They just looked like they were waiting for her to answer Pinkie's question. "So yeah, I'm good with this slumber party idea. I need somewhere to sleep tonight anyway."

Rainbow looked at Twilight's horn, then back at Twilight. "Why? The rest of the library is fine, it's just the giant hole you have to watch out for. Can't you just, y'know, teleport or levitate some new stairs or something?" Twilight sighed, "I would, but I seem to have a minor concussion. Based on past experience, I probably won't have access to my magic until tomorrow morning."

She noticed all five mares wince at this. They weren't used to seeing their friends hurt, well except Rainbow, but even Rainbow rarely received concussions. On top of that was the fact that Twilight was so casual about a fairly serious head injury, even if it was minor. Twilight assumed that they would attribute this to the shock, and think that it was as Fluttershy had said: her brain hadn't realized what had happened yet. She could correct them on it, but that would require a long explanation. I'll probably have to explain it to them tonight. At least then we'll be comfortable.

"So yeah, slumber party it is then." Twilight stated, causing Pinkie Pie to jump and cheer. "But for now I really do need to examine the blast zone." Twilight paused in turning around. "For real this time."