• Published 7th Nov 2012
  • 10,534 Views, 160 Comments

Remember me? - Sugar Moon

Spitfire visits ponyville only to find the little mare she had a crush on all those years ago

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Chapter One

The rush of wind through her mane was exhilarating. It was her first time flying away from those high and mighty instructors and it felt great. The little filly had decided that she was through with flight school. It was time to fly how she wanted. She was finally free to fly her way.

And her way was flying faster than anypony had a right to. A satisfied smile split her face.

Taking a quick look behind her she could see the first sparks appearing. HA. I was right. she thought jubilant. She was going to prove them all wrong, that the 'Flying Phoenix' could still be done by any pegasus with the guts to try and she was that pegasus. She had spent weeks studying flight books at her library. Long into the night she poured over tomes till even the librarian had left her alone to read. Well her and a certain purple unicorn filly.

Her wings stiffened slightly at the thought and her face felt like it was the one giving off sparks.

Stop it she chided herself. Focus. We've got to concentrate.After this you can go ask her out or something but for now get your head in the game. We get this wrong and we are toast.

Her body groaning a little relaxed. She couldn't be distracted now. She had a stunt to perform.

Flying at Max speed?Check.
Wings in optimal position? Check.
Begin descent....

She threw herself downwards, going faster and faster as gravity helped pull her to an almost certain demise. Smoke billowing from her rear hooves the ground appeared ever closer.


The thought reverberated through her skull like a warning bell. Pulling up at the last moment her wings felt like they were getting ripped off with the strain of it but they held. She knew that if she could just pull up and transfer the speed from the fall to her ascent that she'd make it.

Her belly scraped the grass threatening to distract her but she was to focused for that

Come on girl you can do it.

A last burst of effort and she broke free of gravity’s grasp and shot into the sky like a flaming rocket complete with a fiery contrail. Burning into the atmosphere a joyful scream escaped the fillys lips. She had done it.

And now all she had to do was complete the trick.

Suddenly she slammed her wings and hooves outwards, spreading them wide as if to accept what was coming the fire that trailed behind her engulfed her. Flames licked over her body and burst into a fiery shape. The shape of a glorious Phoenix.

As quickly as it had appeared the fire had gone leaving only a happy but slightly singed filly. And right there as if it had been blazed onto her flank was her new cutie mark.

“Kid.” A voice called out towards her. It was a stallion in a blue and yellow regalia. Any pegasus would recognise this uniform. “Whats your name?” the wonderbolt asked an almost reverent tone sneaking into his question.

A cocky grin settled onto her face.

“The names Spitfire.”

12 years later.

All in all it was an ordinary sleepy day in the quiet town of Ponyville. The birds chirped merrily, Lyra's music gently wafted on the wind as she practiced in the town square and even the usually workaholic Applejack had put down tools to rest underneath a shady tree.

The rest of the towns inhabitants were equally at peace today. There was no pinkie party threatening to disrupt it, no ursa major had decided to snack on any of the buildings and no upcoming social events that the more savvy ponies knew about.

Yes all in all it was a quiet day.

“BOOM” Of course it doesn't stay like that for very long in Ponyville.

A wave of colours shot across the sky heralding the arrival of Rainbow dash. The only pony in Equestria who thought quiet equals uncool. Don't blame her, they don't teach maths at flight camp.

The rainbow maned pegasus flew through the town like a lightening bolt, disturbing anypony in her way by her manic grin and constant hoots of “YES YES YES”

Finally skidding to a halt outside the home of a certain purple mare she knocked in quick succession with her head.

Waiting for the door to open felt like an eternity to dash as she shifted from hoof to hoof in excitement.

The door creaked slightly opening just a sliver when she couldn't contain it anymore and burst in knocking Twilight to the floor in the process.


Still slightly confused from a pony to the face Twilight simply rubbed her head. “What dash?”

“I said the wonderbolts are coming here. Jeez for an egghead you don't listen so well do you?” Offering a hoof to help her up.

Gratefully accepting it she stood up.
“I listen fine Rainbow. So the Wonderbolts are coming here. That's nice but I don't see why this is such a big deal. They visit Towns all the time. They are a touring flight team after all.”
A shocked expression appeared on the cyan ponys face. “Not a big deal? They've never come to Ponyville before so why are they coming here now huh?”

Despite it being a rhetorical question Twilight began to answer it anyway.

“Well I imagine it has something to do with the recent population explosion here and of course all the recent publicity the town as had. Plus since all the times the princess's have...” A blue hoof was pressed against her lips, cutting her off.

“Yeah, no. Wrong. Don't you see Twilight? It's cause the Dash lives here. They are finally here to offer me a place on the team.” Her face looked like it was going to burst at the seams with the size of the grin that had settled there.

“Um, not to be sceptical but why would they bring the whole team for that? Wouldn't they just send you a letter to appear for a trial at their headquarters. It just isn't logical.”

Rainbow started laughing raucously.

“You crack me up Twilight.”Patting Twilights head the way a mother would do to a cute filly.“They are the wonderbolts. They don't do things by logic. They do it by awesomness.”

“Uh-huh.” Twilight deadpanned. “Well be that as it may I have some important research to do so unless you have any other important news I better head back in.”

Rainbow shook her head. “Nope. What could be more important than the Wonderbolts coming here? And research Twi? Is that what you call reading those sappy romance novels again?”

Twilights face lit up like a hearths warming tree.

“It's very important research.” She said stomping her hoof to punctuate her point.

“Yeah sure it is. Catch you later egghead.” Dash took off laughing all the way home to prepare for the Wonderbolts.

“Captain” a languid voice called “Yo cappy?”

“Soarin how many times? You address me as Captain. Not cappy or cap or any variation. Capisce?” Spitfire said.

“You got it Capster.” Spitfire rolled her eyes “ Anyway just wanted to let you know that me and the rookies are all hitting the town. Apparently the local watering hole around here is pretty good. Berry's or something. You up for a friendly drinks competition? Bet you pass out before I do.”

She smiled. Soarin is a good friend and a hoot to be around but he has the work ethic of a sleepy dragon.

“As much as I'd like to drink your wussy behind under the table I've got to check the town. Make sure there is no low flying clouds or anything else that'll disrupt our show tomorrow. Raincheck okay?” she said beginning to take flight out of her hotel room.

“Uh huh yeah sure.” His tone however implied that wasn't the case.

Rounding on her team mate Spitfire asked “Something the matter lieutenant?”

Loosening the collar of his flight suit with a nervous hoof he said “Well me and the guys have been talking and well. We think, I mean they think that you may be a little overworked recently and that maybe you should come out with us a blow off a little steam.”

Spitfire stared at him angrily before speaking. “You all think that?”

“Yes. You've just been wound up a little tight lately. Come on hang out with us. Hit a few bars, make some friends heck pick up a stallion or two. It's what I do.” After a beat he finally caught what he had said and tried to correct it. “Mares of course not Stallions. I pick up mares cause I'm a real heartbreaker.”

Walking closer to him she jabbed his puffed out chest with a hoof. “First off. Heartbreaker? Really?” her hoof jabbed him again eliciting a quick 'Ow' from Soarin. “Secondly and more importantly you mean tell me that you have been openly discussing my personal life with the team and you all came to the conclusion that I need to get laid?” Any pony with a lick of common sense could tell that this was a question you don't answer. Of course...

“Yeah. Well at least go out and have a little fun.”

Soarin wasn't such a pony.

If looks could kill Spitfires eyes would be classed as dangerous weapons with the unsettling glare aimed at her subordinate.

“Get out. Before I do something I regret.” Not needed to be told twice Soarin proved why he was a Wonderbolt, speeding off to his team mates at the local boozer.

Spitfire left the hotel herself but in the opposite direction. She had work to do and it was up to her to do it.

Flying across Ponyvilles skyline she silently raged at her team.

I can't belive it. She thought. They've all being talking about me behind my back. About my private life. Is there nothing sacred. Celestia, they must think I'm some kind of workaholic. Just because I don't do the bare minimum.

She angrily kicked a cloud before continuing her tirade.

I go out and have fun all the time. Like pausing in her flight she started to think about it. She honestly couldn't remember the last time she went to a bar or a theatre. Just somewhere to relax and enjoy herself.

Did Soarin have a point?

Yeah she decided. While he may not be the most tactful pony his heart was usually in the right place.
Grumbling slightly she knew that her pride was not going to let her go to the bar after what she said to Soarin. She'd apologise tomorrow, privately.

But for now she had to do something other than work because even if she hated to admit it. Soarin was right about needing to blow off some steam and have a little fun. The other things though. Yeah he was way off base. Like she'd ever want to pick up a stallion.

Scanning the town below her she spotted several possible hangouts. Yet one stood out for her.

It was a large building in the centre of town seemingly built in a tree and unless she missed her guess it was a library.

She hadn't been in a library since...

Red tinged her cheeks at the thought of the last time she had been at a library.

Still blushing over that little purple unicorn? Sweet Celestia I had it bad over that little honey.

Laughing a little she zoomed off towards the library.

No chance of running into her anytime soon.