• Published 29th Nov 2012
  • 9,574 Views, 505 Comments

Coming Back - bats

Peace in the world beyond proves elusive to Rainbow, and she'll never let her friends down when they need her.

  • ...

Chapter 12

A shockwave knocked four of the five mares to the sand. In a brilliant flash of opaque magenta, the dome shield rushed outward, smashing against the three bulls and tossing them through the air. Sand flung in sprays as they impacted, long troughs of shiny glass forming as they slid. Twilight was up on her hooves. A corona of energy clung to her coat, flickering as ethereal fire; a sheath of red magic slowly bleeding to royal purple, then light blue at the tip of ghostly licks of flame. The force of the power held grains of sand in the air around her, bobbing up and down with each pulse of magic. The updraft of her aura caught the unicorn’s mane. Long straight hairs flew and danced, spiking and tangling in windswept chunks around her face. Her tail billowed in the preternatural breeze, neatness replaced by dynamism.

Twilight’s stance was confident, but relaxed; fatigue forgotten, fear replaced by something unfathomable. Her head slowly turned to face her friends. With the magic fire swirling around her features and clinging to her horn, a spark of electricity bent and forked around her right eye. The mare’s neutral face broke into a smirk.

“Stay here,” she said. Her voice had an understated air of strength added to it, an inaudible layer just underneath her normal tone. “We’ll handle this.” The fire rolling across her back tightened, the power growing brighter and more focused. Two spikes of energy coalesced on either side of her barrel, refining and sharpening, they spread wide. Two translucent wings, magenta at the base and sky blue on the tips, extended from her back. Lowering down, Twilight leapt into the air on beating wings, a splash of sand following her upward path. She passed through the protective dome, it’s colors slowly cooling to indigo. A whooping cry of utter elation pealed from her throat as she spun in a barrel roll through the sunbaked sky.

The three beasts of liquid fire followed her flight path with their blank faces. Rearing back on its hindlegs, one swept a forehoof through the air over its head. A head-sized rock, sheathed in amorphous flesh, sailed through space to meet the flying unicorn. A sneer on her face, she somersaulted above the projectile, a blast of purple from her horn stripping the fire and frosting the stone halfway over.

“Is that all you got?!” she taunted, forehooves extending and wings beating faster. Corkscrewing and rolling through the air, howls of joy flowed from her lips. A steady stream of burning rocks were effortlessly evaded in dips and sharp turns, beams of magic striking them down as they passed. With a strong thrust of purple and blue wings Twilight’s speed jumped, her irregular dance of twists and spins evening out to a whirling circle above the three creatures surrounding the shield. The four mares inside watched with wide eyes and hanging mouths as each beat propelled the bookworm faster and faster. Breaking from the circle, she flew straight up, effortlessly dodging and freezing thrown chunks as she went above the dune’s soft peak, higher and higher in the desert sky.

A speck of flickering purple in the distance, the mare plummeted, wings of magical fire pumping, eyes narrowed, teeth clenched, forehooves forward. A cone of air and magic formed in front of Twilight, tightening, narrowing, drawing tears from her violet eyes. With a final beat, the world shook.

Rings of color exploded behind the unicorn, filling the sky in a rolling wave of chromatic magic. A rainbow trail flowed from her hindhooves, crackling magenta electricity lancing up and down its length. With explosive speed, Twilight raced straight towards a fiery bull, raised up on its back hooves, forelegs waving threateningly through the air. The glowing purple mare front flipped in her flight, hindlegs lancing forward in a diving kick, her hooves coated in a sheath of solid energy. She struck the oozing flesh of its chest and shot back into the air on a hairpin turn, arcing up and over her shielded friends back into the sky. The bent point of impact on the creature’s chest expanded.

An earthquake knocked the mares back off their hooves as the bull exploded with a thundering boom. A shower of guttering liquid fire and obliterated stone bounced off the dome and thumped onto sand in the wake of a second chromatic shockwave, surrounding an expanding mass of multicolored smoke rising rapidly into the air. The colorful mushroom cloud hung high above the four mares, their unicorn friend hollering laughter as she soared.

The rainbow trail following Twilight twisted as she lined herself up and dived towards the remaining bulls. Grinning, shots of purple lanced from her horn in machine gun blasts, peppering the front most with flame-spewing wounds. A few seconds into the onslaught and the beast’s roiling flesh ruptured. A grinding howl filled the four nearby ponies’ ears as the liquid coating gave way, lifeless rock tumbling to the sand, oozing yellows and oranges burning away in whining hisses.

Crackling trail still behind her, Twilight’s horn grew brighter, a purple cone of energy mimicking the magic barrier expanding around her head. Diving low and leveling out, the unicorn’s combined personal shield and magical lance struck the beast in the center of its chest. In a thunderclap, Twilight erupted through the back of the creature, sparking rainbow following her through its gaping wound. The force of the impact tore the bull in half, head and upper torso tumbling through the air in sprays of liquid, stone, and fire, its lower legs stumbling dumbly and toppling over.

As the last liquid flesh burned away, the protective shield dropped. On trembling hooves, the four watched Twilight’s rainbow trail flicker as she twisted around to meet them. Feet from the ground, the flaring magic snuffed out in dying wisps around her lavender coat. Eyes sliding shut, the mare dropped to the sand and rolled towards them in a tumbling heap.

“Twilight!” Applejack’s voice wavered as she rushed to her side. The earth pony lifted Twilight’s head to her ear and breathed a sigh of relief. “She’s just out cold.” Held lungfuls of air released in huffs echoed from the others. The farmpony turned an incredulous eye to her friends. “What in the heck just happened?” She was answered with mystified shrugs. “Nevermind. Twi’ll let us know when she comes around, I reckon.”

Rarity wiped at her brow with a hoof, dropping to her haunches. She sniffed and made a face at the acrid sulphurous musk still hanging around the base of the dune. “Goodness, that was close. Why did they come now? And here?”

“Darlin’, ain’t it obvious? Five of us and five of them.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “Oh my. Do you really think they were here for us?”

Applejack straightened the Stetson over her forehead, brows pulled low to match. “Sugarcube, I’d bet every last bit I got.”

Pinkie Pie gathered up the heap of saddlebags, giving Fluttershy and Rarity their own plus Twilight’s and Applejack’s. She then strapped on Rainbow Dash’s in front of her balloon-decorated pack. “Well at least nopony got hurt.”

“Yeah,” Applejack spat darkly, eyes drawn low and mouth in a grimace. “None of us five got hurt. C’mon. Let’s get Twi’ outta the sun and over to the train.” Hefting the unconscious mare onto her orange back, she set off at a steady canter. The five ponies made their way back around the dune.

Two mares sat in the middle of empty void, eyes locked. Rainbow Dash sat in silence, left eye wide and bright, right half-lidded, a contented smile on her lips, the Bodhi’s Leaf perched just above her head. Twilight’s mouth broke out in a grin that grew wider and wider until she leapt to her hooves.

“Rainbow! That was amazing!” She hopped around in a circle, an excited squeal erupting from her throat. “You came and I could feel you in my mind! We shared our magic! That…That was incredible!” She danced back and forth on her hindlegs, clapping her forehooves together. “And your strength of will, Rainbow! I could cast spells all day long if I had your fortitude!” The pegasus watched her friend dance and cheer, her small grin never leaving.

The unicorn continued to bounce. “And flying! Flying was the most wonderful experience of my life! I’ve never felt anything like that before but I could remember all the times you flew like it was me! Oh, that was magnificent. You have to promise to take me flying with you when you’re alive again; I want that feeling! I need it again! Rainbow Dash, I get why you love flying so much now! The rush, the thrill, the wind in my mane!” She squealed, the sky blue mare watching her silently.

Eventually, Twilight’s energy subsided and she sat back on her haunches, grinning at her friend. Her euphoria slowly turned to confusion as the silence stretched out. Before she had a chance to ask if everything was alright, Rainbow spoke.

“You felt it too, didn’t you?” Her tone was low and gentle, a contented happiness Twilight wasn’t sure she ever heard from the daredevil. Her bewilderment grew. “How much of my mind did you see?”

The unicorn’s unease continued to rise. “Well, I could tell what you were thinking…we kind of were thinking together; it was less of a conversation than shared thoughts…And I could see and feel a lot of your memories…and…” a subtle blush broke out on her face, lavender growing pink on her cheeks, “I could feel a lot of your emotions.”

Her tiny smile didn’t waver. “So you felt it too.” She stood, taking a single step forward.

Twilight frowned, tension rising up her spine in waves. “I, uh, I don’t know what you mean, Rainbow.”

“Well, I’ll tell you what I felt.” The small smile was coloring the mare’s voice. It sounded so quiet to Twilight, so understated and pleased. “I saw memories of you thinking about me like they were mine. I felt how you feel when you think about me, as if they were my own feelings. An’ while it was happening…” she took another step, the gap slowly closing between the two ponies, “It made me think about how I thought about you and what I felt…” another step, closer still, her rose-colored eyes bright and dancing, “And both sets of feelings were the same.” The pegasus stayed her advance, half a foot between them. “Did you feel it, too?”

Numbly, the unicorn nodded, her eyes wide. “Y-yes, I felt it…I…I don’t know what it means. I haven’t understood these feelings for weeks.”

Rainbow Dash’s smile widened almost imperceptibly. “I didn’t either; didn’t have time to think about it really…until just now.”

Twilight found herself shaking. She didn’t know why. She hated not knowing something. Despite the tremors, despite the panic she couldn’t comprehend demanding her to flee, she forced strength into her voice. “…What does it mean?” It came out as a whisper. Rainbow was a step closer. ’What’s she doing?’ Another. Magenta orbs arrested her vision. She could feel warm, humid breaths on her muzzle. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to lean back or lean forward. ’Is she?’ Rainbow Dash took the final pace and their lips met.

Twilight inhaled sharply, the smell of fresh rain and lightning tingling her snout. Her eyes drifted closed as her lips moved of their own accord. Rainbow Dash was there behind her eyelids. She was there in her mind and there in front of her, blue hooves around her neck and in her mane, warm and soft muzzle pressed close to her lips, thundering chest coat to coat with her own. Waves of euphoria overtaking even the feeling of flight in strength cascaded down her spine. Rainbow Dash was there. Rainbow Dash was kissing her. She was kissing Rainbow Dash. And she never felt so right, so at peace with her life.

And it all made sense now.

The dreams, the worries, the flushed cheeks and trembling hooves. Every time the pegasus had hugged and held her, every time she felt the mare’s touch, smelled her scent, saw her face. It was all clear as crystal while they were pressed close in a burning embrace. Even the allure of the eye-scar was no longer a puzzle; the skeletal spectre had succeeded in giving the pony a permanent bedroom eye.

Twilight wrapped her hooves around Rainbow Dash and pulled her closer. The pegasus squeaked, running her forelimbs through indigo mane, the scent of raspberries drawing her in. The answer to a question she hadn’t asked had been there for the daredevil, dancing just out of reach, waiting for her to come and find it. It was why hugging Twilight was cool. Why Twilight could hold her hooves and she wouldn’t shy away. Why Twilight’s presence brought peace to her thoughts, purpose to her actions. Why it felt like she had lied to Agmundr Vilmar.

It was the reason why, when she desperately needed to cry, it was Twilight who had succeeded in breaking down her barriers. Hidden away, whether for weeks or months, unexamined by a pony unfamiliar with self-analysis and a neophyte to relationships, it had bided its time until she figured it out. And when they had melded minds in a flurry of panic and magic Rainbow had been given the tools she needed for comprehension.

Somewhere along the way, in the years they had known each other, on the adventures they triumphed over and the quiet, pointless times they shared together, Rainbow Dash had fallen head over hooves for Twilight Sparkle. And in touching the bookworm’s consciousness and sharing her thoughts, she knew something about the unicorn, too. Twilight Sparkle had fallen for Rainbow Dash.

The purple mare broke the kiss, panting heatedly. She pressed her forehead up against the sky blue pony’s brow, her horn sliding into chromatic mane. Their eyes locked as they both pulled in heavy lungfuls. She ran her hooves along the pegasus’ face and through her mane, gripping wind-tossed greens and blues, feeling the hairs slide across her coat. She delicately traced the smooth, pink skin of Rainbow’s scar across her brow, the caress light and lingering. Rainbow’s hooves wrapped around her sides, gliding softly along her shoulders and down the small of her back.

Licking her lips, Twilight leaned forward and kissed Rainbow again, the contact brief, a fiery note of acceptance and implicit request for more. Hot exhalations were traded back and forth, dampening the fine hairs of their coats as they sat with muzzles pressed together. She kissed the mare again. And again. Twilight had been completely unaware that she craved this contact, this feeling, in any way mere moments before. Now the unicorn found she wasn’t getting enough of it. A giddy thought flitted through her mind that told her it would never be enough. She pressed forward again, urgently, yearningly, forelimbs flying around Rainbow Dash’s neck and into her shaggy mane. The pegasus pressed back, hugging tightly around Twilight’s middle.

They held each other in the vacuum, trading smoldering kisses. Grins stretched across their mouths between touches, a breathless laughter overtaking the pair. Twilight watched mirth and affection dance in magenta eyes. Rainbow Dash watched the same in violet. Blue wings unfurled and wrapped around lavender sides, the feathers soft and warm, the contact cherished and reciprocated with a tighter squeeze. The unicorn nuzzled the side of Rainbow’s face, burying her head in colorful mane, hugging firm. The pegasus kissed the side of Twilight’s jaw, nestling her face into a purple shoulder.

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight whispered, “You are the most amazing pony I’ve ever met.” The blue mare chuckled, gripping tighter with her wings. “I never want this to end.”

“Me neither.”

“…But it does have to end, doesn’t it? We’ve gotta keep looking for the Elements of Strife.”

“Yeah…” she sighed, running a hoof down Twilight’s sleek, soft back, “But not this minute. We can just…stay like this. For a while.” They embraced in silence, a need neither knew they had being filled at last; they saturated their senses with the other’s scent, their touch, their presence.

“…I’ve never felt as safe as I do right now,” the unicorn whispered. “It all seems so obvious now. I don’t know how I could’ve been so blind.”

Rainbow chuckled. “Just think if I hadn’t figured it out, you could’ve gone on for months confused even after being in my brain.”

“Oh, hush.” Twilight lightly nipped at the mare’s neck. “We both would’ve figured it out eventually, I think.” Rainbow adjusted her wings, eliciting a surprised giggle. Grinning, she rustled her feathers over the unicorn’s sides, dragging out more laughs. She stopped as the mare began to squirm, opting to hug her tight again. Chuckles subsiding, Twilight continued softly, “We would’ve figured it out…” she frowned, tracing lines through colorful mane. “…At least I think so.” She pulled away slowly, her forelegs gliding along blue shoulders and back to the hooves around her middle, lingering over the triplet lines of pink racing down Rainbow’s fetlock. Guiding the pegasus’ movements, she untangled herself from their hug, holding two soft hooves in her own just below her face. She kissed them both tenderly, closing her eyes and resting her cheek against them. “…Maybe we wouldn't have figured it out if you hadn’t died. If…if we hadn’t gone through all this…”

Rainbow caressed the mare’s cheek with one of her held forelegs, leaning in to rest her chin on top of Twilight’s head, purple horn sliding gently along her jawline. “What happened, happened,” she whispered, “We’re here now. I don’t understand how it happened, I don’t know where these feelings came from, I don’t know what could’ve gone differently or if it would’ve gone differently at all, and I don’t care.” She nuzzled indigo mane, laying butterfly pecks on fuzzy purple ears, grinning as they flicked in response.

Twilight nestled into soft, warm chest fur, sighing contentedly as strong wings wrapped back around her sides. “I’m sorry. I wish I could stop thinking sometimes. It’s all just, so…scary. It’s scary to not know something, to not notice something so powerful.

“Don’t be sorry. All that matters is what we do now.”

“Well…what do we do now?”

“For starters…” Rainbow flapped her wings, spinning around the sitting unicorn. She snaked her hooves under Twilight’s forelegs, clamping down tightly before kicking off. The pair swept through the blankness of the vacuum in lazy spirals and figure eights, a string of joined laughter following their path. The pegasus eventually set the cheering mare back on her hooves. Twilight’s mane was a mess. Neither of them cared.

Twilight smiled warmly as her giggles subsided, cupping the side of Rainbow’s face with a hoof. Her lids slid shut and she caught blue lips in another gentle kiss. Eyes still closed, she grinned and bit her lip. “I don’t think I’m ever gonna get tired of doing that.”

Smirking, the pegasus ruffled indigo hairs into further disarray. “Which part? The flying or the kissing?”

“I’ll let you know if I ever decide.”

“I’m okay if you never do.” Wide smiles on their faces, they snuggled back into each other, a mess of limbs and wings tangled tight.

“So what do we really do now?”

Rainbow frowned in thought. “…First thing we do, is make it so I can keep that promise and take you flying. We’ve gotta get the Elements of Strife, then we’ve gotta stop those bulls.”

The unicorn sighed. “I know that, I meant…us. What do we do?”

The blue mare shrugged, the action effortlessly carefree. “We’ll take what Equestria throws at us. I know I’m gonna spend the rest of the time that I have tryin’ to be worthy of you.”

Twilight carefully pulled a hoof free to cup Rainbow Dash’s face, her voice quiet and concerned. “Rainbow, of course you’re worthy.”

The mare grinned, light shimmering in her rose eyes. “I know that egghead, I was in your head after all.” She planted a kiss on purple brow. “But I’ll never feel like I am all the way, so I’ll spend the rest of my life tryin’ to be better than I am. Not ‘cause I think something’s wrong with me, but because you deserve it. You deserve me to be the best I can be, and I want to be that pony. Not because you asked me to, just because I want it. And…” she pressed her lips back against Twilight’s forehead, “From what I saw of you, I think you’re gonna do the same thing.”

Twilight smiled, staring back into magenta eyes. “That sounds like a good life.”

“Will you live it with me?”

“For as long as I can.” They shared another kiss, deeper, longer, and slower than the ones before. When it eventually broke, half-lidded eyes meeting, Twilight had only one thing to say.

“I don’t know when or how it happened, but I’ve never been so sure of anything before in my life. I’m in love with you, Rainbow Dash.”

“And I know I’m in love with you.”

A tiny, contented smile on her face, Twilight turned around. The pegasus encircled the unicorn’s middle with her hooves. Words no longer needed, together in silence they sailed on sky blue feathers, dancing freely through the void.

Before Twilight’s eyes even opened, a grin spread across her face. She sprung to her hooves, eliciting several surprised jumps from the four ponies gathered around her form, resting in the shade of a derailed train car. Every muscle fiber burned in her body. Rather than the dull ache of a hard day, it was the peppery, lancing pain of over-taxation. Her head throbbed sharply, keeping time with her heart’s steady pulsation in angry flashes. She was sweaty, dirty, exhausted, and in pain. She was also the happiest mare on the planet.

“Eep,” was all Pinkie managed to get out as the unicorn attempted either a hug or a flying tackle. Neck fully enclosed in a foreleg, Twilight swung around and looped Applejack around the throat. Two earth ponies in head-lock embraces, she charged her captives into the dumbfounded Rarity and Fluttershy’s chests, knocking identical wheezes out of them as she swept her hooves open to trap all four in a crushing hug.

“Aaah!” Twilight cried, hugging tighter.

Applejack struggled to free her face from being buried in Fluttershy’s side. “Twi’!” she groaned, “What’s gotten into you?”

Wide grin on her face, hindlegs hopping rapidly, she shouted, “Rainbow! She—I—We—Aaah!”

Pinkie gasped. Instantly extricating herself from the tangle of body parts, she clamped onto the group and lifted them off the ground in a rib-cracking squeeze. “I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!”

“Pinkie,” Rarity gasped, “Set me down this instant.”

“Knew what?” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Twilight and Dashie!” It was the pink mare’s turn to bounce on her hindlegs, jostling the suspended ponies to lightheadedness.

“Pinkie,” Applejack growled, “Put us down.” Blue eyes blinked, watching her orange face slowly turn puce.

“Oops.” Chagrined chuckles escaping nervously, she lowered them back to the ground where they collapsed to the sand.

“Now,” Applejack coughed, “What was all this about, Twi’?” The unicorn looked away, a faint redness remaining at the top of her cheeks.

“Oh, this is so exciting!” the pink mare chimed, dancing around the heavily breathing four, “I’m gonna throw so many parties once we get back to Ponyville! First Applejack and Rarity, and now Twilight and Dashie! I’m just so thrilled I could explode!”

Rarity’s eyes widened as she turned her gaze on the blushing unicorn. “Twilight, Dear?” Still looking away, Twilight grinned and nodded slowly. “Oh, that’s simply marvelous!”

A yellow hoof pumped in victory. “Yes! Called it!” Fluttershy shouted. They all turned. Even Pinkie stopped her frantic cartwheeling to stare at the smirking pegasus. “What?”

Pinkie turned, smiling widely at Applejack. “So, AJ, I believe you have something of mine?”

Grumbling, Applejack got to her hooves and trudged over to her saddlebags. The white unicorn raised an eyebrow, a small pout of a frown gracing her delicate features. “Erm, Applejack dear, what are you doing?”

“Just a minute, Rares.” She pulled a small pouch from the green bag by her teeth, opening the drawstring and tipping out four gold coins into a hoof. Stomping back over to Pinkie, she reluctantly proffered the bits.

“My dear Applejack,” Rarity said with reproach, crossing her hooves over her chest and shaking her head. The act of admonishment was ruined by unsuccessfully contained chuckles. “Did you have a bet with Pinkie as to whether Twilight and Rainbow Dash would end up courting?”

The earth pony mumbled something about the Crystal Empire, easy money, and a bottle of sparkling cider, burying her face inside her hat.

“Wait…” Twilight muttered, her eyes narrowing on Pinkie. “You knew somehow, didn’t you? That’s what all the ‘good news’ talk in your letter was, wasn’t it? Why in Equestria didn’t you tell me?!”

The bubblegum mare looked absolutely scandalized. “Where the heck’s the fun in that?!” The unicorn groaned, massaging her twitching eyelid.

“What’s important,” Rarity interjected, cutting through the grumbles and giggles, “Is that our friends are happy.”

Shaking her head as she resettled her Stetson, Applejack grimaced. “What’s important, Darlin’, is gettin’ the birdbrain lovebird back into the land of the living.” She paused, expelling a sigh and turning a worried smile on Twilight. “I’m sorry, Twi’. I really am happy for you and that ol’ sack of hot air, but we got some pressin’ business to attend to, I reckon.”

The unicorn’s expression sharpened. “Right, the train crash.” She leapt back to her hooves, the sudden movement sparking her headache back to life. “Ugh.” Wavering, she sat back on her haunches. “Did you and Fluttershy get everypony out?”

A thick silence greeted Twilight’s ears. Four heads bowed to examine hooves. “Well, Twi’…” Applejack began, her voice low, “We made it through without a scratch ‘cause of your magic…nopony else had that.”

The purple mare swallowed thickly, her eyes widening. “How…how many ponies did you find?”

“...Five. An’ one fella was banged up pretty bad. He…he didn’t make it.” Twilight flinched. “The other four were hurt somethin’ fierce, too. I got ‘em bandaged up, but they’re all sorry sights.”

The unicorn got back to her hooves. “I can help, I think.” She wavered dangerously.

The farmpony hurried to her side, throwing a foreleg around her back and guiding her gently back to sitting. “Hold on there, Sugarcube. There’s no fire; they’re hurt but I got ‘em wrapped up. Fed, an’ watered. You look kinda like death warmed over. Just take it easy for now.”

Twilight lowered herself slowly back down on her belly, laying her head in the sand to stop the spinning. “Ooh…” she moaned, “I felt better a minute ago.”

The alabaster unicorn frowned sympathetically. “Can’t say I’d recommend dancing to and fro immediately upon waking after stressful exertion, Twilight.”

The purple mare nodded miserably, squinting out over the sand. “Wow, the sun’s low. How long was I out?”

“Most of the day, Dear. You fell unconscious after dealing with those awful bulls. It’s nearly evening.”

The butter yellow pegasus rubbed her chin. “What happened back there, Twilight?” Sighing, she sat down. “It looked hopeless, but then…”

Twilight smiled, closing her eyes to slow the spinning. “Rainbow Dash came.”

Applejack looked nonplussed. “We figured out that much, Twi’.”

“Well…she entered my mind. We shared our magic, and some of our thoughts and memories.” She scrunched her face, trying to organize her words. “Shared is the wrong word. We…thought and remembered together. Like we were a single pony. I had a bigger pool of magic to work with and I could use Rainbow’s strength of will to focus on spells. She handled the flying and most of the tactics. But…it wasn’t like we were taking turns, or deciding what we would do together. We just…blended? I guess. It’s complicated to explain, but simple in practice.”

Applejack shook her head. “Well whatever it was worked like a charm. The two of you, or one of you, or however you wanna put it, looked amazin’. It’s a right handy trick if we get any more visitors.”

Twilight’s frown deepened. Concentrating through the haze, she turned a critical magical eye on herself, examining her aura. The flowing channels of energy lacing through limbs and organs seemed to be in working order, but the appraisal confirmed her suspicions; she had burned a lot of energy fusing with Rainbow Dash and would face a long recovery. The magic flowed slowly and the brightness had faded. The very act of looking was difficult. Slowed responses, misfiring connections, dimmed pathways. She hadn’t suffered such a power-dampening since she was a filly, still learning to control the flow and direction of magic into proper spell-shaping.

“…I’m not sure how feasible a repeat would be. That took a lot out of me and I’d wager it took a lot out of Rainbow, too. In a pinch we could do it again, but it’s only going to become dangerous. One of us might get hurt from it after too long.”

Fluttershy grimaced, shuffling her forelegs through the loose ground. “So how do we fight these things if they attack us again?”

Twilight smiled mirthlessly, raising her head as her pain began to subside. “I managed to conduct a field test of sorts on one of them. I have some ideas on less strenuous tactics that would probably work.” She struggled back to her hooves. She was a little unsteady, but the nausea had passed. “Hopefully I have the chance to practice before that’s an issue, though. Figuring out how to supercharge a cold spell into something offensive wasn’t too hard, but using it in the middle of a fight was another issue entirely.”

Applejack glanced around the gathered mares. “What about us, Twi’? I’m sure you an’ Rarity can work on some fighting magic, but Pinkie, Fluttershy, and I can’t exactly do that. I don’t feel too right about runnin’ and hidin’.”

The purple unicorn sighed. “I understand. Unfortunately, the only thing we know that can hurt the bulls is magic.” She stepped out of the shade of the car, shielding her eyes from the low light. “But, theoretically they can be hurt by other means. I decapitated one with simple force and that killed it, so it would be reasonable to assume that decapitation through other means would work as well.”

Fluttershy shuddered as she trotted next to the bookworm, the others falling into step as they made their way around the derailed train sections. “I know these things aren’t alive, but that’s still rather unsettling.”

Applejack nodded. “An’ how would we go about decapitating them, Twi’?”

“I’ll see what I can find in my books. Maybe weapons? They’re really hot, but I might be able to enchant metal to withstand extreme temperatures.”

Rarity blinked. “That sounds rather complex, from what I know about enchanting objects. Can you even do that while we’re travelling?”

“I’ve been reading lots of books about battle-magic and there are plenty of sections about making weapons for earth ponies and pegasi, including quick-fixes for in the field emergencies.” She smiled wanly as they rounded the last of the toppled cars; a small camp shaded by a tarp had been set up for the injured crash victims.

Applejack cantered past Rarity and Twilight, her vision directed a ways from the train towards the rolling sand. The purple mare followed slowly. A small lump marred the smooth ground, small indents of hoof-prints attesting to the nature of the mound as recent and ponymade. The unicorn’s breath caught in her throat.

A small, red, stuffed dragon rested atop the tiny hill.

“You…you didn’t say he was a foal,” Twilight whispered.

Applejack took off her hat, holding it to her chest as she lowered her head. “I didn’t think it mattered.”

“…I guess it doesn’t.” She shut her eyes and turned her head away. The small grave conjured images in her head that she desperately wanted to dispel. It was perfectly sized for a certain green and purple dragon.

She turned to the camp-site and picked up her pace.

A large, chestnut earth stallion with a trim grey mane lay in the shade, a foreleg wrapped in a shredded curtain and splinted with a length of metal rod, munching on a chocolate chip cookie. Next to him was a green coated pegasus mare sitting and chatting with a small yellow pegasus filly, their matching purple manes bobbing as they spoke. Both had some minor lacerations that had been bandaged, but looked mostly intact. Bookending the group was a unicorn mare, her coat a dusky midnight blue and mane a startlingly bright white. She held a hoof to a large piece of cloth tied on the side of her head, a grimace across her face.

Rarity smiled, resting a foreleg on Twilight’s shoulder. “Twilight, allow me introduce you to Rumble.”

“Charmed, ma’am,” the stallion said around his cookie, “I saw that ‘splosion from here. I owe you my life.” The lavender mare smiled, looking away from Rumble as her cheeks colored. He chuckled with amusement and took another bite of the treat. Rarity advanced down the line.

“Thunder Cloud and her daughter Raindrop.”

Thunder Cloud opened her mouth to speak, but the little filly jumped to her hooves, small wings buzzing animatedly, and cut her off. “Nice ta meet ya, Twilight!”

“Nice to meet you too, Raindrop. And you as well, Thunder Cloud.”

The green mare chuckled warmly. “Nice to meet you, Twilight. I heard you were the one who saved us. I don’t know how to thank you.” Her eyes lingered over the bouncing little filly. Twilight’s face grew warmer as she looked down at the sand.

“And last but not least, we have Peppermint.”

“Nice to meet you, Peppermint.”

The mare groaned. “I’d shake your hoof, but my head won’t stop spinning.” Twilight frowned in concentration, her pounding head making the act difficult, and gently touched her horn to the large bandage on the side of Peppermint’s head. Lowering her hoof, the injured mare sighed in relief. “Oh, that’s much better, thank you very much miss. I’m afraid I don’t know my way around any sort of medical magic. I think I’ll fix that mistake as soon as possible.” A warm smile spread across her face as she extended a dark blue hoof which Twilight shook. “I feel much better, thank you. A pity we couldn’t set out earlier, but I understand you were in no state after facing those monsters.”

The librarian nodded feebly. “Well, it’s a good thing you waited, anyway. It’s dangerous to travel overland through the desert during the day; a pony should find shelter and sleep through the hottest part and move when it’s cooler.” She paused to knead her forehead with a hoof. A fuzziness had fallen over her thoughts. She turned her attention back to the mother and daughter pair.

Horn glowing softly, she set to work mending their many minor lacerations. Raindrop giggled as the magic worked, dancing away from Twilight’s gentle prods. A mother’s smile of gratitude flushed the unicorn with a mix of pride and guilt even as her thoughts attempted to scatter. She sat down abruptly.

A supporting hoof reached either side of her back from Rarity and Applejack. “Are you alright?” they both asked.

“I’m…I’ll be fine. Can you get me a piece of parchment and a quill?” She focused on her hooves, willing her vision back into focus. “Fixing a broken bone is a lot more difficult than cuts and scrapes. I need to write to the princess before I heal Rumble.”

Fluttershy trotted over from the small distance away she and Pinkie had been talking, carrying Twilight’s saddlebag. Twilight dug through the side of it, pulling her writing implements free. She set to work, paper, quill and ink wavering in front of her. Squinting to focus, she sighed and floated out a book to use as a flat writing surface.

Applejack raised an eyebrow as Pinkie Pie joined them. “What’s this about, Twi’?”


The unicorn fell wordlessly into her work, struggling to maintain focus. Applejack and Rarity fell back to let her write, their eyes meeting. The orange mare’s expression softened. She spoke low, a private conversation injected with warmth and gentleness. “Hey there, Rarity.”

“Hi yourself.”

“We’ve not had much time for just us two, I reckon. How’re you holdin’ up?”

“I’m alright, dear.” The unicorn frowned, looking off across the billowing sandscape. “Thinking about home. I think I might be having sewing withdrawals.”

Applejack chuckled. “I know what ya mean. I might start buckin’ trees in my sleep soon.” They shared a short laugh, purple mane coming to rest on an orange shoulder.

“I must say, I’m not a huge fan of ‘roughing it.’”

The earth pony straightened in surprise. “Darlin’, you haven’t seen half of roughin’ it. We’ve spent a couple nights in tents, but mostly we’ve been on a train or stayin’ as guests. An’ everywhere we’ve been is a stone’s throw from a town.”

Rarity waved a hoof dismissively. “Well, it can’t get that much worse.” Applejack bit her lip.

Twilight sighed heavily. “Okay, done.” In a flash of mulberry light, the scrolled rolled itself up and vanished in a puff of smoke. She shook her head slowly, clutching at her temples with both forehooves.

Applejack frowned with worry as she and her marefriend returned to the shaded camp. “You aren’t lookin’ so great, Twi’. Might want to take a break.”

“Can’t. Need to heal Rumble’s leg before it has a chance to get infected.” She bit down on her lip savagely, almost breaking the skin. The fresh, pulsing flash of pain raced through her mind, sharpening her muddy thoughts. “Listen, I’m not sure I’m going to be in any state to explain things after the next spell. Los Pegasus is less than a night’s hike back along the tracks from here. When Rumble’s healed give them some supplies to make their way back.”

Her brow furrowing over confused eyes, Pinkie asked, “Shouldn’t we wait ‘til you’re okay and go back as a group?”

“We’re not going back.”

Fluttershy’s wings sprung open in surprise. “What? But Twilight…”

“We are at this moment closer to most of Bridleon than we would be leaving from Saddle Arabia. I restocked what I could at the Crystal Empire. We’re missing a few things, but we have everything that’s strictly necessary to survive in the desert. It would be weeks of hoof-travel to Saddle Arabia, or weeks of waiting in Los Pegasus for this mess to be cleared and a new train to take us there.” She expelled a heavy, pained breath, her head thumping with each beat of her heart. “We’re all set to go. We have food, we can generate water, and we have shelter for the day and warm clothing for the night.”

Rarity frowned, turning her cobalt eyes to Pinkie Pie. “You’ve been in charge of our food, Pinkie. Do you think we’re adequately stocked?” The earth pony nodded enthusiastically. “Well, alright then.”

Twilight groaned. “We can discuss this further after I’m done. If I’m in any shape to talk.” She turned back to Rumble’s bandaged leg. Magic collected at her horn, the healing spell directing the chaotic motes of the unicorn’s energy into twisting bands. At its apex, the power leapt from the lavender horn, spiraling around the wound, knitting tissue and realigning bone. As the magenta glow faded, The large stallion gingerly stretched his foreleg before standing with a grin.

“Thank you kindly, ma’am.”

Twilight blinked. With a stunned expression, she checked her head, carefully touching her brow and horn in a few different places, seeking spots of tenderness. She carefully stood, waiting for a wave of vertigo that didn’t come. Her violet eyes were wide and sharp. After a mystified glance around the group, she looked at Rumble and opened her mouth. “…” The mare’s eyes fluttered shut and she keeled over on her side in the sand.

Raindrop gasped. “Is she okay?” A loud, rumbling snore from the unicorn answered her question. Applejack rolled her eyes.

Rarity turned to her marefriend, talking quietly. “What do we do now, dear? I trust Twilight has read a lot on the subject, but you’re the one who has experience living off the land like this.”

“We should manage. Twi’s right; it’s the best option we’ve got.” Turning, the earth pony started making her way back towards the train.

Pinkie waved a hoof, calling out, “What’s up, AJ?”

“We got a bit before Twi’s in any shape to hoof it. I…don’t feel right just layin’ one little colt to rest. I’m goin’ back into the train.”

As she continued her deliberate steps towards the wreck, a set of yellow hooves joined her.

Rainbow Dash opened her magenta eyes as her body slowly lowered back to the stone floor. She was startled. The tunnel was the darkest thing she had ever experienced. Moonless nights, deep forests, windowless rooms, they had nothing on the sheer, overwhelming, absolute blackness of being deep in the heart of a mountain. A small frown on her lips, she pushed out her magical senses. A wavery haze of light came to her mind, doubled up and unreadable. Groaning, she tried to stand.

Fire raced through her muscles. She inhaled sharply, the air a multitude of needles stabbing her insides. The jackhammer rumbling of her heart spread pinpricks of agony racing through her veins and arteries. She stifled a cry, falling to the stone floor. The impact sent waves of nausea through her painfully empty belly. Rainbow wretched dryly.

Her mind attempted to flee and the discomfort immediately lessened. Pausing in her outward sensory rush, she examined her magical aura. There was no discernible difference that she could see on her physical being, but the glowing green Element of Inaction drew her attention. It sparked fitfully, the heart-shaped outline indistinct in wobbling greens. The small filament connections running from the leaf to her body were thin and indistinct, the flow sluggish.

Rainbow Dash hesitantly returned to her fitful body. Fumbling, half-blinded by dizziness and half by her tenuous extrasensory perception, she forced herself back into a meditative position. Her breathing evened out, the shallow inhalations fading from excruciating to merely uncomfortable. As her body slowed its metabolic movements, the pain vanished. Her body slowly lifted from the stone floor, left eye an upturned crescent, right eye a downward slit. In stillness, she watched the spiking green force and waited.

Author's Note:

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day! You guys deserve a chapter about nineteen hours early. Especially this chapter today.

Ahh, the Twidash. This scene was crystallized in my mind as the seeds of Coming Back were taking root. I've been wanting to write it since before Thanksgiving. Actually writing it down and getting it out of my head was one of the most cathartic experiences of my life; I felt like I was exorcising a demon. I hope it landed for you guys. Only a handful more demons to tear out. Thankfully for you guys most are near the end, so if I want to get them out I'm not allowed to quit writing this.

For those of you that follow me and saw my not-so-subtle blog post about having something special planned for today, this is only part of it.

This also brings us to the start of a brief hiatus. I will be skipping the scheduled updates on 2/21 and 2/28 in order to replenish my buffer. Coming Back will resume normal updates on 3/7. I definitely won't be quiet during that down-time though so keep your eyes peeled (especially later today, hint-hint).

I wanna thank you guys again. Some of my other pieces have gotten more views, more upvotes, and more favorites than this story, but I feel like this work has been my most successful. Seeing the same people comment week to week, making guesses, asking questions, asking for the next chapter already...it's really amazing to me. I couldn't ask for anything more. You are all wonderful and I love hearing from you so much.

See you guys in March.